
    This Is How They Plan To Interfere In The Next Election (Ep 2156)

    enDecember 22, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing Importance of Live Broadcasts, Interview with Gary Breca, Personal Data Security, and 2024 Election InterferenceStay informed, protect personal data, and be aware of potential threats to the democratic process. Use Delete Me to remove personal data from search databases.

      During this live show, Dan Vongino discussed various topics including the importance of live broadcasts, an upcoming interview with Gary Breca, and personal data security. He also warned listeners about the potential dangers of having personal information online and introduced Delete Me, a subscription service that helps remove personal data from search databases. Vongino also mentioned that some individuals or groups are planning to interfere in the 2024 election and urged listeners to stay informed. The show ended with a recap of the year and a reminder to stay tuned for a video recap of the worst liberal video moments of the year. Overall, the message was to stay informed, protect personal data, and be aware of potential threats to the democratic process.

    • Alliance of left-wing activists and business titans manipulated 2020 electionA shadow campaign of left-wing activists and business leaders manipulated the 2020 election through changing laws, recruiting poll workers, pressuring social media companies, and using data-driven strategies to combat disinformation.

      There is a powerful alliance between left-wing activists and business titans that worked behind the scenes to influence the 2020 election. This alliance, referred to as a cabal in an article by Molly Ball in Time magazine, admittedly manipulated various aspects of the election process, including changing voting systems and laws, recruiting poll workers, and securing funding. They even pressured social media companies to censor information and used data-driven strategies to combat disinformation. This alliance saw the racial justice protests as motivation and used them as an organizing effort to prevent Donald Trump from assaulting democracy. It's important to note that this is not just a left-wing issue, but a swamp issue aimed at stopping Trump and potentially manipulating future elections. The article, titled "The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election," provides receipts and evidence of this conspiracy.

    • Protecting the democratic process during the 2020 electionThose involved in securing the 2020 election acknowledged potential challenges and took steps to ensure a legitimate outcome, including public awareness campaigns, monitoring pressure points, and fortifying the system. Some may view these actions as rigging, but from their perspective, they were providing a public service.

      During the 2020 election, those involved in securing the democratic process acknowledged the potential for significant challenges and took steps to prepare for various scenarios. They executed public awareness campaigns, monitored pressure points, and worked behind the scenes to fortify the system. Some may view these actions as rigging the election, but from their perspective, they believed they were providing a public service to protect the fragility of the democratic process and ensure a legitimate outcome. This perspective is important to understand, as it sheds light on the motivations and actions of those involved. Additionally, it's worth noting that Norm Eisen, a prominent lawyer and former Obama administration official, was involved in both the voter protection program and the transition integrity project, highlighting the bipartisan efforts to secure the election.

    • Plans to remove Trump from politics using unconventional methodsIndividuals and groups are considering using the 14th Amendment and challenging Trump's eligibility to run for office due to insurrection beliefs, marking a potential shift towards political 'street fights' instead of relying on courts.

      Certain individuals and groups are planning to use unconventional methods, possibly resembling a "street fight," to remove former President Trump from the political scene due to their belief that he aided an insurrection. This strategy, as outlined by Norm Eisen and others, includes utilizing the 14th Amendment and challenging Trump's eligibility to run for office. This is not a new development, as plans for this approach have been discussed publicly for months. The importance of this marker lies in its potential impact on the political landscape in the coming years, as both parties may resort to similar tactics if one side does not respond in kind. The emphasis is on taking action rather than relying on the courts, as the belief is that norms will not be enough to stop this trend.

    • Harvard President's Plagiarism Dismissed as Right-Wing AttackThe left prioritizes power over principles, and supporting companies that share our values is a way to make a difference and start the day right.

      The left's hierarchy values power above all else and will do anything to maintain it, even if it means abusing principles or rules. This was highlighted in a discussion about Harvard President Lawrence S. Bacow being caught plagiarizing, which would typically result in severe consequences for anyone else, but was dismissed by Harvard Law School professor Charles Freed as part of an "extreme right-wing attack" because of who made the accusation. Meanwhile, supporting companies that share our values, like Blackout Coffee, is a way to make a difference and start your day right. The coffee not only tastes amazing but also comes from a company that loves the country and freedom. So, be awake but not "woke," and let's continue to support companies and principles that align with our values.

    • Power shapes responses to allegations and threatsPolitical beliefs and power dynamics influence how events are perceived and responded to, with media often applying different standards based on political affiliation.

      Power and hierarchy play a significant role in how certain events or actions are perceived and handled. The professor at Harvard Law discussed how someone's political beliefs might influence their response to an allegation of plagiarism. Similarly, NBC's coverage of threats against Supreme Court justices highlights the media's double standard, where condemnation of violence depends on the political affiliation of those involved. Furthermore, the push for censorship of "disinformation" is rooted in the desire to control the narrative and prevent the public from noticing questionable actions. As Francis Fukuyama, a respected historian, suggests, those in power may frame censorship as a necessary measure for the greater good, while hiding their true intentions.

    • Limits to Freedom of Speech and Motivations Behind Speech RegulationsThe First Amendment protects freedom of speech, but there are limits. Motivations behind proposed speech regulations often stem from power and control, and the holiday season sees companies offering promotions to entice consumers.

      While the First Amendment allows for freedom of speech, there are limits to what can be said without consequences. Some individuals and groups may push for stricter speech laws under the guise of combating hate speech, but achieving such changes would require significant political maneuvering. Ultimately, power and control are often the driving forces behind these discussions. Meanwhile, during the holiday season, companies like Genu-Cell Skincare and Helix Mattress offer promotions to entice consumers with their products, promising to enhance their lives. The speakers also shared their endorsements for these brands. It's important to remember that while we may have differing opinions on various topics, understanding the motivations behind them can provide valuable context.

    • Leftist obsession with demographic change and illegal immigrationLeftist figures and organizations financially incentivize illegal immigration, while American citizens face financial struggles. This is a recurring theme in leftist discussions, often censored or labeled as conspiracy theories.

      Political figures and organizations are providing financial incentives and resources to encourage illegal immigration, while American citizens face financial struggles. This was discussed in relation to a viral video of a sheriff revealing that illegal immigrants were being given cell phones, plane tickets, and $5,000 gift cards upon entry into the country. The speaker also emphasized that this is not a new or right-wing theory, but rather an observation of a leftist obsession with demographic change and immigration. The demographic shift in America, with whites becoming a minority, is a recurring theme in leftist discussions, according to the speaker. These topics are often censored or labeled as conspiracy theories by the left. The speaker encouraged listeners to educate themselves on these issues and to always seek out reliable sources of information.

    • Texas Politics and Immigration Debate: Shift in Power or Border Security Concern?The Texas political landscape is shifting due to demographic changes and immigration issues, sparking debates over power and border security. Some view it as a 'demographic destiny,' while others prioritize border security. Accusations of 'demographic replacement theory' and 'white supremacy' were dismissed.

      There is a heated debate about demographic changes in Texas and the handling of immigration at the border. Some argue that these issues represent a shift in political power and are evidence of a "demographic destiny," while others see it as a concern about border security. The discussion also touched upon the accusations of "demographic replacement theory" and "white supremacy," which were dismissed as baseless and ridiculous. The speaker emphasized that they and their team will continue to report on these topics, regardless of the criticism they may face. Additionally, there was a mention of an intriguing moment in AI research where an AI seemed to exhibit self-awareness or an understanding of human emotions, which left some researchers and listeners feeling uneasy.

    • AI's Understanding of Human EmotionsAI like GPT-3 can learn human emotions to predict words or actions, crucial for accurate predictions. Human emotions influence how we express ourselves, making AI's emotional understanding essential.

      Artificial intelligence, like GPT-3, can exhibit emergent behavior, meaning it can learn and understand human emotions to predict words or actions, even if it wasn't programmed to do so. This ability to understand human emotions is crucial for accurate predictions, as humans express themselves differently based on their feelings. This realization can be both fascinating and concerning, as AI's concern for human emotions can extend to specific individuals and their beliefs. The discussion also touched upon the strategy of using emotional language and appealing to people's ideologies, which can be seen as a populist approach. The example given was a comedian's content, which resonates with audiences by addressing their emotions and beliefs. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complex relationship between AI and human emotions, and the potential implications of this connection.

    • Impact of tone and presentation on issue significanceThe tone and presentation of information can influence the perceived importance of an issue. Dismissive or lighthearted comments can downplay serious matters, while a focus on evidence and accountability is crucial for accurate understanding.

      The context and presentation of information can greatly impact its perception. This was highlighted in the discussion with references to comedy and investigations. The attorney general's comments about investigating crimes, specifically those against pregnancy resource centers, were made in a lighthearted and dismissive manner, implying that these crimes are not a priority due to the time of day they occur. This comparison to comedy was further emphasized with references to a comedian named Stephen Wright and his dry delivery. The tone and presentation of the information, therefore, can shape the significance given to certain issues. Additionally, the discussion touched on the importance of evidence and accountability, as seen in the exchange about Twitter accounts and allegations. Despite clear denials, the investigation continued without regard for the truth, illustrating the potential for misinformation and misunderstanding when context and presentation are not considered.

    • Identity exploration and respectIt's crucial to respect everyone's journey to discover their authentic identity, even if it's not always easy or understood by others.

      Identity exploration is a complex and personal journey, and it's important for everyone to be respected and given the same space to explore their authentic selves, even if it's not always easy or understood by others. Delaware County Councilman Ryan Webb made headlines when he announced that he now identifies as an Indian American woman. While some have shown support, others have reacted negatively, with some even going as far as making threatening comments. In a statement, Webb expressed his disappointment at the lack of respect and understanding, but remained firm in his decision to be true to himself. Despite the backlash, Webb remains determined to be authentic and encourages others to do the same. Additionally, during a judicial hearing, a judge revealed her lack of knowledge about basic constitutional articles and legal concepts, highlighting the importance of education and preparation in roles of authority.

    • Expressing gratitude for connectionsGratitude for meaningful relationships enriches our lives, spreading positive connections and conversations.

      The speaker expressed his happiness at being able to share his thoughts and experiences with listeners, and the importance of their support in enriching his life. He also wished everyone a happy New Year and Merry Christmas, and looked forward to continuing the connection in the coming year. The speaker's words conveyed a deep sense of gratitude and a desire to be present with his audience, reminding us of the value of meaningful connections and the impact they can have on our lives. So, spread the word, let's all look forward to another year of enriching connections and engaging conversations. Happy New Year!

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