
    Podcast Summary

    • Insights on current events and cultural issuesListen to The Dan Bongino Show for commentary on current events and cultural issues. Remember key names and events in ongoing investigations. Read David Brooks' opinion piece in The New York Times about the left's dominance in culture vs. political power. Use iTarget for improved shooting accuracy in various situations.

      The Dan Bongino Show, which has seen significant growth since episode 628, provides insightful commentary on current events. The host encourages listeners to remember key names and events in ongoing investigations, such as the one involving Alexander Downer. He also recommends reading an opinion piece in The New York Times by conservative commentator David Brooks, despite his criticisms of the publication. The piece discusses the left's dominance in cultural issues but losses in political power, a topic Bongino and his producer, Joe, have frequently explored. Additionally, Bongino promotes iTarget, a product that uses laser rounds and targets to help shooters improve their accuracy. This technology is particularly useful for those in self-defense, law enforcement, military, or hunting situations.

    • Dry Fire Training and iTargetPro for Marksmanship ImprovementDry fire training with iTargetPro enhances marksmanship skills, providing a cost-effective and convenient alternative to live-fire practice.

      The speaker emphasizes the importance of dry fire training for improving marksmanship and suggests using the iTargetPro system for enhanced practice. He also shares an investigative story about Australian diplomat Alexander Downer's involvement in the Trump-Russia investigation, which he believes was a setup, and how Downer's connections to the Clintons add to the convoluted nature of the situation. The speaker argues that the coincidental meetings and financial dealings between key players in the investigation and the Clintons are not coincidental but rather evidence of a planned sting. He encourages listeners to read John Solomon's article on the topic and subscribe to his email list for updates.

    • FBI used four sources with Clinton ties to investigate Trump teamThe FBI's justification for investigating the Trump team included sources with financial or political connections to the Clintons, raising questions about impartiality and potential politicization.

      During the investigation into the Trump team, the FBI used four sources to establish probable cause to spy on them. These sources, Christopher Steele, Downer, Michael Isikoff, and Sidney Blumenthal, all have connections to the Clintons. Steele was hired by the Clinton campaign to gather information against Trump, Downer had a financial relationship with the Clintons through the Australian government, Isikoff was working closely with a DNC operative, and Blumenthal is a known Clinton associate. The fact that these sources, whose information was used to justify the investigation, have ties to the Clintons raises questions about the impartiality of the investigation and the potential politicization of the process.

    • Political Double Standards and HypocrisyConsider the implications of political double standards and hypocrisy, regardless of affiliation. Stay informed and engaged, accountability will come.

      Double standards and hypocrisy in politics can be troubling and undermine principles. The speaker urges listeners to consider the implications if the roles were reversed in the context of allegations against the Obama team during the 2012 election. The speaker expresses concern over potential misuse of power and false information, regardless of political affiliation. The discussion also touches on the FBI's handling of investigations involving Hillary Clinton and the Trump campaign, with allegations of compromised agents and breaches of sensitive information. The speaker expresses confidence that accountability will come, and encourages listeners to remain engaged and informed despite potential disappointments.

    • Delay in action during Hillary Clinton's email investigationFailure to conduct a damage assessment after potential foreign hacking could have impacted the election and revealed national security vulnerabilities. Thorough investigations and transparency are crucial.

      During the 2016 presidential election, there were serious concerns about potential foreign hacking of Hillary Clinton's email server. However, no damage assessment was conducted after this was discovered, which could have acknowledged the likelihood of classified information being breached. This delay in action could have potentially impacted Clinton's campaign, as it may have revealed national security vulnerabilities. Furthermore, there were efforts to exonerate Hillary Clinton and frame then-candidate Donald Trump throughout the investigation process. These revelations came to light recently and highlight the importance of thorough investigations and transparency in government. Additionally, a simple yet effective reminder: changing your home's air filter regularly can significantly improve the air quality you breathe.

    • Conservatives losing cultural battlesCompanies hire controversial left-leaning spokespeople, silencing conservative voices through economic means, causing concern for potential economic consequences for conservatives.

      While conservatives hold significant political power, they are losing ground in cultural battles. Companies, once hesitant to associate with conservative talk radio, now hire spokespeople with controversial views as long as they align with the left. This cultural shift is a concern for many, as it can lead to economic consequences for those on the conservative side of the ideological divide. The left's efforts to silence dissent through economic means is a growing concern, as it restricts the ability of conservatives to express their views freely. The disconnect between political and cultural power is a complex issue that requires ongoing dialogue and attention.

    • Hyper-polarization of issues by the leftThe left's hyper-polarization of certain issues can create a backlash and make it difficult for both sides to find common ground, potentially leading to a separatist subculture. A more nuanced approach, like finding solutions to the opioid crisis together, may be more effective in creating positive change.

      The hyper-polarization of certain issues, such as gun control, by the left can lead to a backlash from conservatives and create a separatist subculture. According to David Brooks, this approach, driven by critical theory and fueled by social media intimidation, can be counterproductive and make it difficult for both sides to find common ground. A more nuanced approach, like the one taken with the opioid crisis, where both sides come together to find solutions, may be more effective in creating positive change. However, the left's deep entrenchment in critical theory may make it challenging for them to change their approach.

    • Pressure to conform to cultural narrativesStand up for beliefs, remain politically engaged to protect rights, prevent cultural dominance by opposing viewpoints.

      The pressure to conform to certain cultural narratives, as discussed in relation to the Stockholm Syndrome and the gun control debate, can lead individuals to self-censor and feel intimidated into silence. This phenomenon, referred to as "cultural Marxism," involves the theft of cultural power and prestige through persistent attempts to stigmatize certain groups. The speakers emphasized the importance of standing up for one's beliefs, even in the face of opposition, and encouraged listeners to remain politically engaged to protect their rights and prevent cultural dominance by opposing viewpoints.

    • Cultural Marxism and IntimidationUsing power to silence conservatives can lead to a backlash, and even those facing challenges can make a difference.

      Cultural Marxism and the use of intimidation to silence conservative voices have led to a situation where conservatives are seen as intellectually inferior and not worthy of respect in public discourse. This has been effective in marginalizing conservatives in various spheres, including entertainment and politics. However, the author of the article being discussed warns progressives to be careful in their victories, as using elite power to silence opponents can lead to a backlash. The author also mentions the email they received from a fan, who brought up the example of Hank Williams Sr., a musician who struggled with personal issues but left a lasting impact on music despite his troubles. The fan's message serves as a reminder that even those who face challenges can make a difference. In essence, the cultural war being waged against conservatives may seem effective in the short term, but it risks creating a backlash and alienating a significant portion of the population.

    • Recognizing Propaganda's Power and Isolation TacticsStaying informed and sharing truth counteracts propaganda's effects. Confidence, community, and open dialogue are powerful tools against isolation and manipulation.

      Understanding and recognizing propaganda is crucial in combating its effects. The speaker emphasizes that gaslighting, a form of propaganda, only works when people are isolated from the truth. However, in today's information age, this is becoming increasingly difficult. The speaker encourages the audience to remain confident in sharing the truth and to remember that propaganda only holds power if it remains unchallenged. Additionally, the speaker encourages those who feel silenced to recognize that they are not alone and that there is a larger community that shares their views. Despite feeling overwhelmed by negative messaging, there is hope and a growing awareness of the importance of truth and open dialogue.

    • Exposing Propaganda and Changing the NarrativeRecognizing and challenging propaganda is crucial in a pluralistic society to win the culture war and empower individuals to stand up against intimidation.

      Understanding the propaganda and recognizing it for what it is can help change the narrative. During a recent Fox News segment, Mark Stein exposed a gun control advocate's true intentions by getting him to admit that he supports compulsory gun buybacks. The advocate's radical position was put into perspective when it was revealed that his organization has far fewer members than the NRA. By confronting the propaganda and exposing the absurdity of the fringe position, Stein effectively challenged the narrative and empowered viewers to stand up against intimidation. In a deeply pluralistic society, recognizing and challenging propaganda is essential to winning the culture war.

    • Standing in solidarity mattersIndividuals have the power to start cultural movements by standing up for their beliefs, even if they're in the minority, and it's important to recognize and resist propaganda from the far-left.

      The power of persuasion lies not just in the first person speaking out against an issue, but also in the first person who stands in solidarity with them. This concept was illustrated in a YouTube video of a man dancing alone in a park, who was later joined by others, leading to a cultural movement. Similarly, in the political landscape, it's important for individuals to stand up for their beliefs, even if they're in the minority, as this can lead to a cultural backlash against oppressive policies. The current trend towards acquiescence to liberal ideologies is unsustainable, and there will be a reaction from the conservative community. This reaction will manifest in various ways, including political activism, boycotts, and cultural resistance. It's essential for individuals to recognize the propaganda being pushed by the far-left and stand up for their rights, rather than being labeled as the "crazy" ones. The second guy in the park is dancing, and it's time for others to join him.

    • Staying informed and standing up for beliefsJoe and the speaker emphasized the importance of staying informed, standing up for one's beliefs, and taking care of one's health through consuming fruits and vegetables.

      Despite facing uncomfortable situations and potential backlash, Joe and the speaker are committed to fighting back and standing by their beliefs. They encourage their audience to do the same. The speaker also highlighted the importance of consuming fruits and vegetables, whether through whole foods or supplements like Brickhouse Nutrition's Field of Greens. In a related story, the Minnesota Voters Alliance is challenging a Minnesota law that bans political apparel at polling places, raising questions about freedom of speech and expression. The speaker expressed his intention to cover this case further on NRATV. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of staying informed, standing up for one's beliefs, and taking care of one's health.

    • Minnesota's Polling Places: Biased Definition of PoliticalMinnesota's polling places have inconsistent rules for what's considered political apparel or symbols, favoring liberal views over conservative ones, raising concerns about free speech.

      During a recent Supreme Court hearing, it was revealed that polling places in Minnesota do not allow political apparel or symbols, but the definition of what constitutes as "political" is subjective and seemingly biased. For instance, a rainbow flag, a symbol of gay rights, is permitted unless there's a related gay rights issue on the ballot. On the other hand, a shirt with the text of the Second Amendment, a symbol of constitutional rights, is considered political and not allowed. This inconsistency highlights the left's effort to silence conservative speech, as liberal views are considered the default acceptable position. The questioning during the hearing further emphasized this bias, as the defender of the law struggled to define what is and isn't political.

    • Political inconsistencies in free speech protectionThe Supreme Court's inconsistent application of free speech protections based on political leanings is a concerning trend, potentially silencing conservative voices and undermining the principles of equality and fairness in a free society.

      During a Supreme Court discussion, it was revealed that while the First Amendment, which protects free speech, is generally accepted by both sides, the Second Amendment, which protects the right to bear arms, is seen as a political issue. A Colin Kaepernick jersey was ruled not to be political speech, despite Kaepernick's association with the Black Lives Matter movement. However, an "All Lives Matter" shirt was deemed potentially political and therefore not protected. This inconsistency highlights the liberal tendency towards a discretionary government where rules can be selectively enforced, and conservative political speech is often silenced. This is a concerning trend, as it undermines the principles of equality and fairness that underpin a free and democratic society. It's important to remember that all political speech, regardless of one's political leanings, should be protected to ensure a vibrant and open public discourse.

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    show notes:

    Tim's article on Red Dog Democrats
    Trump ad, with his head blocking out the sun