
    Ep. 1172 - It’s Impeachment Day…Again!

    enJanuary 13, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Criminal investigation and security measures for Inauguration DayDemocrats push for impeachment, Republicans debate response. Wide range of crimes committed during Capitol riots. Unprecedented security measures for Inauguration, including 15,000 National Guard troops and layers of fencing. Stay informed and prioritize safety.

      There is ongoing criminal investigation and potential unrest leading up to the inauguration ceremony. Democrats in the House are pushing for impeachment proceedings against President Trump, while Republicans are debating their response. Meanwhile, the acting US attorney, Michael Sherwin, has expressed concerns over the wide range of crimes committed during the Capitol riots, including assault, theft, and potential sedition charges. The federal government is taking unprecedented security measures to protect the inauguration, with the Secret Service leading the efforts and up to 15,000 National Guard troops, thousands of police, and layers of steel fencing involved. It's crucial to stay informed and prioritize safety during these uncertain times. Additionally, consider saving money on your cell phone bill by switching to PureTalk USA, which offers the same coverage as the big carriers but at half the cost.

    • Ongoing concerns about violence and threats to democratic institutions following Capitol riotsLaw enforcement agencies are increasing security measures for the inauguration, military assures continuation of constitutional process, Democrats push for Trump's impeachment for incitement, and the real question is Republican support

      There are ongoing concerns about potential violence and threats to democratic institutions following the Capitol riots on January 6th. Law enforcement agencies are taking these threats seriously and have increased security measures for the inauguration. The military has also made clear that the constitutional process will continue and President-elect Biden will be inaugurated as the 46th commander in chief. Meanwhile, Democrats are pushing for impeachment based on the charge of incitement against President Trump for his role in the riots. The real question now is whether Republicans will support this effort. The text of the impeachment resolution accuses Trump of encouraging and foreseeably resulting in lawless actions at the Capitol. This comes after his prior efforts to subvert the certification of the 2020 presidential election results.

    • President Trump's actions endangered US security and institutionsTrump's actions during Capitol riots betrayed trust, threatened democracy, and were incompatible with self-governance; impeachment considered as political remedy to political breach

      President Trump's actions leading up to and including the Capitol riots gravely endangered the security of the United States and its institutions of government. The impeachment charge alleges that Trump betrayed his trust as president, threatened democracy, and acted in a manner grossly incompatible with self-governance and the rule of law. The question at hand is whether impeachment is warranted and prudent. The argument for impeachment based on high crimes and misdemeanors may be difficult to prove, but if impeachment is viewed as a political remedy to a political breach, it becomes more legitimate. The complicating factor is that there are arguments against impeachment as well, which we will explore. For now, let's focus on the rationales for impeachment. The first is that Trump committed a crime, specifically incitement of insurrection. The second is that he interfered with the peaceful transfer of power. The third is that his actions were a threat to national security and the democratic process. We will also examine the rationales against impeachment, including the potential for political polarization and the need for healing and unity in the country.

    • Discussing Impeachment and Insurrection ChargesThe House can impeach a president for insurrection, but it's an extraordinary stretch to apply this to Trump, Hawley, and Cruz, as their actions don't meet the legal definition of insurrection. The legal standard for incitement requires clear and imminent calls to incite lawless action.

      During the discussion, it was clarified that the article of impeachment against former President Trump focuses on the charge of incitement of insurrection. The Constitution grants the House of Representatives the power to impeach and remove a president for high crimes and misdemeanors, including insurrection. Some argue that this could also apply to Trump under the 14th Amendment, which was enacted after the Civil War to prevent Confederate sympathizers from holding government positions. However, it's an extraordinary stretch to apply this to Trump, Hawley, and Cruz, as their actions do not meet the definition of insurrection. The legal standard for incitement, as set by the Brandenburg test, requires clear and imminent calls to incite lawless action. Speeches that merely advocate illegal action at some indefinite future time are protected. Ironically, some Democrats, like Ilhan Omar, have been inconsistent in their stance on crime and punishment. While advocating for holding Trump accountable, Omar has previously recommended leniency for individuals involved in violent actions due to their social circumstances.

    • President Trump's words at the rally did not meet the legal standard for incitementThe Brandenburg test requires intent to incite imminent lawless action, and Trump's call for peaceful protest did not meet this standard.

      While President Trump's words at the rally before the Capitol riots were highly charged and raised tensions, they did not meet the legal standard for incitement to commit imminent lawless action. The test, known as the Brandenburg test, requires proof that the speaker intended to incite such action. Trump's call for his supporters to "peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard" at the Capitol is not the same as urging them to invade the building and use violence. The standard for incitement has been consistent for Democrats and Republicans, despite the frequent use of passionate and inflammatory rhetoric in politics. It is important to distinguish between raising the temperature and directly inciting violence.

    • A political argument for Trump's impeachmentRep. Liz Cheney and others argue Trump's actions, not criminal, but political, threatened legislative branch, justifying impeachment

      The ongoing impeachment debate centers around two main arguments. The first argument, which is that Trump committed a crime, is challenging to prove. The second argument, however, is more honest and political in nature. This argument asserts that Trump's actions, including his rhetoric leading up to the Capitol attack, represented a challenge to the legislative branch and required a response. Republican Representative Liz Cheney, among others, has made this argument and plans to vote for impeachment based on it. This argument, while not criminal in nature, is valid as it suggests that Trump's actions, which arguably granted him powers that Congress does not have, and his subsequent failure to intervene during the Capitol attack, constituted a significant threat to the legislative branch. This political argument, worth taking seriously, is a departure from the usual dynamic of the executive branch attempting to usurp powers from the legislature.

    • Trump's Impeachment: Legal, Moral, or Political?The impeachment of President Trump raises debates over legal, moral, and political implications. While some see it as a legal or moral issue, others view it as a political power play.

      While some argue that President Trump's words on the day of the Capitol riots constitute legal or moral incitement, others see it as a political move by the Democrats. The legal argument is uncertain, and the moral argument is a stretch. The second argument, challenging the legislative branch's authority, has merit but is not unique to Trump. The third argument, pure politics, is more convincing to some. It's important to note that not all Democrats agree on this third point. Some believe in the first two arguments, but it's hard to ignore the political implications of the impeachment process. Now, let's switch gears and talk about life insurance. If you're concerned about the future, consider taking care of your family's financial security. Policygenius makes it easy to compare and buy life insurance from multiple top insurers. Their experts work for you, not the insurance companies, and they handle all the paperwork. Protect your loved ones and potentially save over 50% by visiting policygenius.com today.

    • Impeachment Proceedings: Balance of Power and Political ManeuveringThe impeachment proceedings against Trump underscore the power struggle between the executive and legislative branches, while raising concerns about partisanship and constitutionality.

      The ongoing impeachment proceedings against former President Trump are a complex issue with multiple perspectives. Some argue that Trump overstepped his bounds by challenging the legislative branch's authority during the Capitol riots. Others see this as a long-standing issue, with presidents like FDR suggesting controversial actions that could have led to similar reactions. The impeachment process also raises concerns about partisanship and politics, as evidenced by the Democrats' earlier attempts to invoke the 25th Amendment against Mike Pence, which was unconstitutional and met with resistance. Ultimately, the impeachment process highlights the delicate balance of power between the executive and legislative branches and the potential for political maneuvering.

    • Political games being played amidst the US divideDespite a divisive political climate, it's crucial for unity and healing during the pandemic and economic hardship. Notable exceptions include Mike Pence's constitutional duty and Biden's call for an orderly transition.

      The political climate in the United States remains divisive, with both parties engaging in actions that could further deepen the divide. The discussion around the 25th Amendment and impeachment of President Trump, as well as the suggestion to expel members of Congress who challenged electoral votes, highlights the political games being played. The behavior of Mike Pence in upholding his constitutional duty, despite pressure from Trump, stands out as a notable exception. The Democrats' actions, such as attempting to expand the definition of the 14th Amendment and pushing for expulsion of members, are seen as heavy-handed and politically motivated. It is crucial for all parties to focus on unity and healing during this challenging time, especially in the midst of a global pandemic and economic hardship. The incoming Biden administration's call for an orderly transition of power is a step in the right direction, and it is essential for all Americans to work together to ensure a peaceful and productive future.

    • The Impeachment Trial of Senator Hawley: A Political ManeuveringThe impeachment trial of Senator Hawley is a highly political, partisan issue with valid arguments for and against it. Some call for expulsion, while others focus on the culture war. McConnell is unlikely to take action, and the focus remains on the legislative branch challenge and incitement charge.

      The impeachment trial of Senator Hawley, instigated by the Democrats, is seen as a purely political move by some. Senator Sherrod Brown suggested expelling Hawley under the 14th amendment for his role in challenging the electoral college results. However, Brown's proposal was criticized as extreme, and some believe Hawley knew the election was not stolen. Despite calls for action, McConnell is unlikely to take any steps towards expulsion. This political maneuvering overshadows the legitimate concerns regarding the challenge to the legislative branch and the incitement charge, which are seen as less compelling reasons for impeachment. Ultimately, the impeachment trial is viewed as a highly charged, partisan issue. Moving on, there are also arguments against impeachment. The Daily Wire is entering the entertainment industry with its first feature film, "Run Hide Fight," premiering tomorrow night. Some believe that Republicans and conservatives need to focus on the culture war to make a real impact, rather than solely relying on politics. This debate highlights the complexities of the situation and the differing opinions within the political landscape. In summary, the impeachment trial of Senator Hawley is a highly contentious issue, with valid arguments both for and against it. The political nature of the situation complicates matters, and the focus on culture as a means of influencing change is a topic of ongoing discussion.

    • Impeaching a Former President: Practical and Legal ChallengesDespite Democratic efforts, it's unlikely for Trump to be impeached after leaving office due to practical and legal constraints, as the primary purpose of impeachment is to remove an incumbent official.

      The Run Hide Fight movie, which will be available exclusively to Daily Wire members after its live premiere, is an intense, rated R film about a high school student fighting back against school shooters. Meanwhile, regarding the impeachment process, there are practical and legal reasons why it may not be feasible to impeach President Trump after he leaves office. The primary purpose of impeachment is to remove an incumbent official, and since Trump will no longer be in office, he cannot be removed. Furthermore, even if Democrats were to initiate impeachment proceedings against him, there wouldn't be enough time to complete the process before Biden's inauguration. Additionally, Michael Luttig, a former judge on the US Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit, argues that the impeachment power is designed to remove a president from office, and a former president cannot be removed. Therefore, the impeachment process against Trump after he leaves office is unlikely to happen due to practical and legal constraints.

    • Avoiding divisive language crucial for healing and unityDemocrats' rhetoric risking further polarization and infringing on free speech, calls for Truth and Reconciliation Commission or labeling states 'suppressed' not helpful.

      The argument against impeaching former President Trump based on the narrative that it's an attempt to smear all his supporters with the events at the Capitol building has some credibility due to repeated statements from some Democrats suggesting they view all Republicans as responsible for the violence. This perception is dangerous as it risks further polarizing the country and infringing on free speech. The call for a Truth and Reconciliation Commission or labeling certain states as "suppressed" adds fuel to this fire. It's crucial for all parties to avoid such divisive language and focus on healing and unity.

    • Is impeachment about Trump or his supporters?The impeachment process raises debates about accountability, free speech, and political motivation, with some arguing that supporters of Trump should also be held accountable, while others see it as an attempt to silence opposing viewpoints.

      The ongoing political discourse surrounding the impeachment of former President Trump has led to accusations and counter-accusations, with some arguing that impeachment is about more than just Trump's actions leading up to the Capitol riots, but also about targeting his supporters. Some have suggested that those who have supported Trump or worked in his administration are complicit in the events at the Capitol and should be held accountable. On the other hand, critics argue that this is an unfair characterization and an attempt to silence opposing viewpoints. Forbes Magazine, for instance, has suggested holding those who lied for Trump accountable, but the line between lying and political rhetoric can be blurry. The suspension of Trump's YouTube account and the potential blacklisting of those who worked with him add fuel to the fire, with some on the right feeling that their free speech is being threatened. Ultimately, the debate raises important questions about the role of accountability, free speech, and political motivation in a democratic society.

    • Democrats should show magnanimity for national unityDemocrats should focus on clear grounds for impeachment and avoid divisive actions for national unity.

      For the country to heal and reunite after the contentious election, Democrats need to show magnanimity in victory and avoid divisive actions like impeachment. This approach could lead to more support for unity and recognition of common American values. However, if Democrats continue with impeachment, they risk creating a backlash in favor of Trump and further dividing the nation. Instead, they should focus on clear grounds for impeachment and explain why it's necessary, rather than lumping people together. Unity requires sacrifice and agreement on fundamental principles from both sides. The current political climate, with backlash against the right on tech platforms, makes it crucial to avoid actions that appear as political tools.

    • Balancing Public Safety and Free SpeechCareful consideration is needed for Republican leaders, alternatives to impeachment, censorship concerns, and balancing public safety and free speech.

      The ongoing political discourse surrounding the events at the Capitol building and the role of social media in shaping public opinion warrants careful consideration. While some argue for Republican leaders to follow their conscience and avoid top-down direction, others propose measures like congressional censure as an alternative to impeachment. The push for censorship of dissenting speech on social media platforms is a concern for many, as it raises questions about freedom of speech and the potential for selective enforcement. It's important to acknowledge that not all Trump supporters condoned the violence at the Capitol and that social media companies should be held accountable for removing harmful content, but not at the expense of silencing all controversial speech. Ultimately, finding a balance between public safety and free speech will be crucial in moving forward.

    • Inconsistent enforcement of hate speech and violent rhetoric policies on social mediaSocial media platforms have inconsistent policies regarding hate speech and violent rhetoric, raising concerns about free speech and the reliability of these platforms as a public square for open discourse.

      There is a lack of consistency in how social media platforms enforce their policies regarding hate speech and violent rhetoric. During the recent events, while Facebook's Sheryl Sandberg insists that no harmful content was allowed on their platform, there have been concerns about the role of other platforms, like Parler, in organizing violent protests. Some argue that the inconsistent application of standards and the perceived targeting of conservative voices on these platforms is a threat to free speech. The tech industry's dominance by the left and its ambiguous handling of account suspensions and standards have raised concerns about the reliability of these platforms as a public square for open discourse.

    • Tech companies' political influence and alignment with the Democratic PartyThe growing political influence of tech companies and their alignment with the Democratic Party raises concerns about potential bias and inconsistent free speech standards, potentially undermining the American Republic.

      The increasing political influence of tech companies and their alignment with the Democratic Party raises concerns about potential bias and inconsistent free speech standards. Following Joe Biden's election and the Democrats' victory in the Georgia senate races, there has been growing pressure on tech companies to adhere to Democratic senators' demands, which some argue could pose a threat to the republic. The concentration of donations from tech companies and their employees to the Democratic Party further highlights this trend. The double standard in applying these standards, particularly when it comes to political figures, is the most dangerous form of misinformation and could undermine the American Republic.

    • Inconsistent responses to Capitol riots and previous protestsThe Capitol riots received unprecedented law enforcement response and political consequences compared to previous protests, fueling resentment and mistrust.

      There's a glaring inconsistency in the way law enforcement and the justice system have responded to the Capitol riots compared to previous incidents of civil unrest, such as those instigated by BLM and Antifa. This inconsistency fuels resentment and mistrust, potentially contributing to further unrest. Additionally, on today's episode of The Matt Walsh Show, topics include a discussion on the hypocrisy surrounding the handling of various protests and the second impeachment of President Trump. Furthermore, there are five headlines covered, including a unique love story involving a woman, a troll, and a leprechaun. Lastly, the daily cancellation segment explores the implications and potential consequences of impeaching the president a second time. Tune in for a thought-provoking and engaging conversation on these topics and more.

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    Ep. 1991 - Is It Too Late To Stop World War III?

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