
    This Is The Only Way To Stop The Police State (Ep 2082)

    enSeptember 06, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Surround Yourself with Positivity, Disconnect from NegativityLearn to prioritize positivity, disconnect from negative influences, focus on success, manage finances wisely, and stay informed of political changes.

      It's important to surround yourself with positive influences and distance yourself from negative ones. Dan Vongino emphasizes that taking a stand and being a hero can be intimidating for those who lack courage, and being around such individuals can hinder personal growth. He encourages listeners to learn the "subtle art of not giving a f\*ck" and disconnect from social media "losers" to avoid negative energy and focus on success. Additionally, Vongino highlights the importance of taking control of finances and using the power of home equity to improve financial situations. The American Financing offer, which can save customers an average of $700 per month, is a valuable resource for those struggling with debt. Furthermore, Vongino expresses concern over the increasing police state sentences and the government's lack of support for citizens, urging listeners to be aware of the changing political climate.

    • Emphasizing Personal Connections and Self-Reliance, Criticizing the GovernmentEncourage personal connections, promote self-reliance, and challenge inconsistent government actions, advocating for firm stances against terror groups and proposing solutions to representatives.

      The speaker emphasizes the importance of personal connections and self-reliance, while expressing skepticism towards the government. He shares his experience of encouraging Joe to join their church band and highlights the need for individuals to help each other, rather than relying on the government. Simultaneously, he criticizes the government's handling of criminal cases, pointing out inconsistencies in sentencing and expressing concern about the rise of the police state. He urges the next GOP President to take a firm stance against groups like Antifa and BLM, labeling them terror groups, and advocates for Rico and terrorism investigations against them. He encourages his audience to take action by proposing solutions to their representatives.

    • Calling for mass pardons and an end to targeted investigationsThe speaker advocates for pardoning those charged and sentenced in the Capitol riots, and criticizes ongoing investigations targeting specific groups as a threat to civil liberties, urging mass firings and public awareness to prevent a police state.

      The current justice system has failed those who have been charged and sentenced under it, particularly those related to the Capitol riots. The speaker argues that these individuals should be pardoned as a corrective mechanism, and that the ongoing investigations and targeting of certain groups, such as the Proud Boys and Antifa, constitute a police state. The speaker calls for mass firings of those involved in these investigations and for the public to heed warnings about the dangers of living in a police state. The ultimate goal, according to the speaker, is to unload everyone involved and send a message that such actions will not be tolerated.

    • The Threat of Communism in EducationThe disengagement of the public from societal issues allows communist ideologies to infiltrate education, instilling contradictory values and separating children from their parents, with the government becoming a significant threat to their upbringing

      The apathy and disengagement of the general population towards politics and societal issues has created a problem, allowing ideologies like communism to gain a foothold, particularly in the education system. The communist tools, including division and fear, aim to separate children from their parents and instill ideologies that contradict traditional values. The government, rather than parents, has become a significant threat to children's upbringing, as seen in California's Attorney General suing a school district for wanting to be notified about students' gender identity. It's crucial for engaged individuals to remain vigilant and aware of these threats to freedom and liberty.

    • Leftist ideologies influencing children's gender identitiesLeftist ideologies exploit children's confusion about gender to push their agenda, dividing them from parents and promoting censorship against conservatives

      The discussion emphasizes the concern over the influence of leftist ideologies on children, particularly in schools, leading them to question their gender identities under peer and social pressure. The speaker recalls his own childhood confusion about sexuality and emphasizes that children are not capable of fully understanding such complex concepts. The left, according to the speaker, exploits this confusion to divide children from their parents and push their agenda. The speaker also mentions the increasing censorship efforts by organizations like the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), which collude with social media companies to silence conservatives. The speaker urges listeners to be aware of these tactics and resist them.

    • Living in a Dangerous Time: Fear and DivisionStay informed, stay vigilant, and prioritize self-care. Don't let fear control you and don't let the chaos of the world distract you from prioritizing your health and wellbeing. Try Bone Charge's infrared sauna blanket for stress relief, pain alleviation, and overall wellness.

      We are living in a dangerous time where fear and division are being used as tools to control and manipulate society. This was evident in the discussion about the current political climate and the use of censorship, prisons, and COVID hysteria to instill fear and division. However, it's important to remember that fear only empowers those in control, and they will continue to use it to their advantage unless we remain vigilant and refuse to give up our civil liberties. On a lighter note, another takeaway from the discussion was the importance of self-care and holistic wellness. Dan introduced Bone Charge, a wellness brand that offers a range of evidence-based products to optimize health and wellbeing. The infrared sauna blanket, in particular, was highlighted for its ability to ease stress, unwind, and alleviate pain. It's a simple yet effective way to recharge and refresh in the midst of the chaos. So, remember to stay informed, stay vigilant, and take care of yourself. Don't let fear control you, and don't let the chaos of the world distract you from prioritizing your health and wellbeing.

    • Alarming crime rates leave residents feeling helplessResidents in high-crime areas feel powerless and may consider moving, while effective law enforcement and political leadership offer hope

      Crime rates in certain areas of the United States have reached alarming levels, leaving residents feeling helpless and victimized. The speaker shares a personal experience of travelers having their belongings stolen, emphasizing the harsh reality for those affected. He criticizes the lack of action from left-wing politicians and law enforcement, attributing it to their apathy or even support for criminal activities. The speaker suggests that individuals may need to consider moving to safer areas as a solution, as some places seem beyond redemption due to the entrenched issues. He also shares a cautionary tale of New York City in the 1980s, where crime was rampant and daily life was a struggle, emphasizing that the current situation in some places is not yet as dire but may be heading that way. The speaker offers hope for those living in areas with effective law enforcement and supportive political leadership.

    • Manipulating Fear for ControlFear is used as a tool to manipulate people into giving up their rights and resources. Be aware of fear campaigns and make informed decisions based on facts.

      Fear is being used as a tool to manipulate people into giving up their rights and resources. The discussion touched on the fear campaign surrounding COVID-19, masks, and vaccines, and how this fear is being used to push for changes in healthcare and other areas. The speakers emphasized that this is not an accident and that fear is the currency on the left, used to sell ideas and solutions. They also highlighted the importance of getting a good night's sleep, mentioning Helix Sleep and their mattresses, and the effectiveness of Jenny Cell Skincare's dark spot corrector. Overall, the message was to be aware of the manipulation tactics being used and to focus on making informed decisions based on facts rather than fear.

    • Senator JD Vance's Bill Exposes Democrats' Stance on Mask MandatesSenator JD Vance's bill aims to force Democrats to publicly support or oppose mask mandates, revealing their stance on individual freedom and civil liberties.

      Senator JD Vance's bill to ban federal mask mandates is a strategic move to force Democrats to publicly support or oppose mask mandates. The speaker believes that Democrats use mask mandates as a fear mechanism and wants to expose their stance on the issue. The debate around mask mandates is not about their effectiveness, but about individual freedom and civil liberties. The speaker encourages everyone to support the bill and contact their representatives to express their views. The speaker also mentions that former President Trump's prediction of a return of mask mandates has come true, despite Democratic denials. The speaker concludes by emphasizing the importance of holding politicians accountable for their actions and beliefs.

    • Political Climate: Mask Mandates and Biden's Public AppearancesThe political climate is filled with debates over mask mandates and concerns about President Biden's forgetfulness and handling of public events, potentially impacting his approval ratings.

      The current political climate involves ongoing debates over mask mandates and the capabilities of President Biden. Some believe Democrats are trying to instill fear by reinstating mask mandates, while others argue that President Biden's forgetfulness during public events is a concern. The discussion also touched upon the unusual incident of Biden leaving a Medal of Honor ceremony before it was completed. The consensus seems to be that Biden's handling of public events has become a source of confusion and concern, potentially impacting his approval ratings. It's important to remember that these are complex issues with various perspectives, and it's essential to consider multiple viewpoints for a well-rounded understanding.

    • Perception of President Biden's cognitive abilitiesSurrounding oneself with intellectually superior individuals is the best way to grow, as shown by President Biden's experience and accomplishments, despite criticisms of his perceived cognitive challenges.

      According to the speaker, President Biden is perceived as being cognitively challenged and defensive about it, yet he believes he is the smartest person in the room. The speaker suggests that being around intellectually superior individuals is the best way to become smarter. The White House staff's treatment of Biden, as depicted in a book excerpt, is criticized as babyish and embarrassing, but the speaker also acknowledges that there will always be varying perspectives in political literature. The speaker also mentions that Biden's experience and wisdom have led to significant accomplishments in foreign policy. The speaker invites listeners to a studio event and expresses enthusiasm for future interactions. Despite the criticism, the speaker maintains a light-hearted tone and uses colloquial language throughout the conversation.

    • Economic Reality Check: GDP Down, Jobs Declining, Deficit SurgingDespite government claims, US economy is struggling with decreasing GDP, declining jobs, and soaring deficit. Credit card and car loan defaults are high, economic growth is being outpaced by spending and lower tax revenue, and rising interest rates worsen the situation.

      The economic situation in the United States is not good and is getting worse, despite government claims to the contrary. The GDP is decreasing, jobs are declining, and the deficit is exploding, all while the country is not at war. Additionally, credit card and car loan defaults are at a 10-year high, and economic growth is being overwhelmed by higher spending and lower tax revenue. These issues are not being addressed, and the deficit continues to surge. Rising interest rates only make the fiscal situation worse. It is important to recognize these realities and take action to address them before the situation becomes even more dire.

    • Bidenomics and Continuous Deficit SpendingThe Biden administration's economic progress is accompanied by a projected 3% primary deficit, leading to continuous debt accumulation, and concerns about servicing the debt persist. Biden's economic advisor defends the administration's policies, while Obama's involvement in the Biden family's foreign business dealings remains under investigation.

      Despite the economic progress under the Biden administration, the CBO projection shows a 3% primary deficit over the next few decades, meaning the government is still adding to its existing debt. This is not just an issue of servicing the debt, but a continuous cycle of deficit spending. However, Biden's economic advisor, Jared Bernstein, maintains that Bidenomics is successful and dismisses any negative narratives. Meanwhile, speculation continues about Barack Obama's involvement in the Biden family's foreign business dealings, which some consider to be a significant scandal. The timeline of Obama's knowledge and potential involvement remains a topic of investigation. The economic situation, along with the ongoing scandal allegations, highlight the complexities and challenges facing the Biden administration.

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    0:44 – Intro to Great Minds Think Data and Lanny Davis

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    Referenced in the podcast:

    Trump and Biden in Virtual Dead Heat, According to The Premise Poll

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