
    This Is What's Stopping You From Becoming Rich

    en-usJanuary 11, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Approaching financial decisions with family respectfullyCommunicate financial decisions respectfully to preserve family relationships, even if investment beliefs differ.

      When it comes to financial decisions and family relationships, it's important to approach conversations with kindness and respect. In the discussed situation, a couple was considering an investment in a whole life insurance policy suggested by their father-in-law. However, the husband had reservations due to his own beliefs about the investment. Instead of arguing or damaging their relationship, the couple should communicate their decision respectfully and avoid confrontation. While it's important to stand by your financial beliefs, it's equally important to prioritize relationships and avoid arguments that could cause unnecessary tension. Whole life insurance may not be the best investment for everyone, but the relationship with family members is worth preserving.

    • Navigating Financial Differences in MarriageHave open conversations, find common ground based on facts, acknowledge feelings and perspectives, respect autonomy, and work towards shared goals.

      Communication and understanding are key in navigating financial differences in a marriage. The speaker emphasizes the importance of having open conversations and finding a common ground based on facts. It's important to acknowledge each other's feelings and perspectives, and to remember that control over another person's actions is not possible. Instead, focus on addressing the underlying fears and finding ways to work together towards a shared goal. Additionally, it's important to respect each other's autonomy and allow for individual growth and decision-making.

    • Emotional concerns causing financial stressAddress underlying emotional issues through open communication and counseling, while respecting individual decisions in gift-giving situations.

      Financial issues in a marriage can often stem from deeper emotional concerns. In the discussed situation, the lack of respect and personal growth in a spouse may be causing tension and dissatisfaction, leading to financial stress. It's important for couples to address these underlying issues through open communication and marriage counseling. Additionally, in the context of the gift discussion, while it may cause uncomfortable feelings among family members, it's ultimately the grandmother's decision to make and the couple's decision to accept. Preparation and open communication can help mitigate potential conflicts.

    • Understanding Behavioral Aspects of Personal FinanceConsidering family dynamics and emotions when managing money is essential for building wealth. Term life insurance provides financial security and peace of mind.

      Personal finance goes beyond just numbers and mathematics. While it's important to understand the mathematical concepts, the behavioral aspects of finance, such as relationships, emotions, and psychology, play a significant role in building wealth. A secret gift from a grandmother, for instance, can lead to complex family dynamics and potential financial implications. It's crucial to consider these relational aspects when dealing with personal finance matters. Additionally, having term life insurance can provide peace of mind and financial security for families, making it an essential part of one's financial plan. Overall, understanding the behavioral aspects of personal finance can help individuals navigate the challenges and complexities of managing their money.

    • Mindset, behaviors, and environment impact financesDevelop a positive attitude, learn new ways to handle money, and surround yourself with supportive environments for financial success

      Money touches every aspect of our lives and it's not just about the numbers. Our mindset, behaviors, and environment play significant roles in our financial success or lack thereof. We are responsible for our financial situation, and blaming external factors or spreading hopelessness is detrimental. Instead, focusing on developing a positive attitude, learning new ways to handle money, and surrounding ourselves with supportive environments can lead to financial success. The power to build wealth lies within us, and ignoring personal character, toxic relationships, or toxic work environments will hinder progress.

    • Quality of relationships and personal behaviors matter for financial successFocus on emotional and psychological health, setting boundaries, and having a shared vision for financial success, even if it means making sacrifices.

      While tools like investing and managing debt are important, the quality of relationships and personal behaviors play a crucial role in financial success. The speaker shares an example of a man who lost 110 pounds and divorced his wife, emphasizing the importance of unity and working together towards common goals. Behaviors such as emotional and psychological health, setting boundaries, and having a shared vision are essential elements that cannot be replaced by financial products or techniques. The speaker encourages listeners to prioritize these behaviors, even if it means making sacrifices in their financial plans. Additionally, the speaker challenges the listener to consider the emotional impact of debt and the value of paying off mortgages, emphasizing that these feelings are not quantifiable through math alone.

    • Appreciating Financial Freedom from DebtPaying off debt early can lead to financial freedom and long-term benefits, but it requires discipline and financial education.

      Having debt, even if it seems manageable, can limit your financial freedom and lead to unexpected realizations about your financial situation. A friend of the speaker shared his experience of paying off his car mortgage with cash, which led him to appreciate the feeling of being debt-free and the long-term benefits it brought. For someone like John, who is 42 years old, earns around $80,000 a year, and has $12,000 worth of debt, focusing on paying off debt and saving for a house in cash could be a wise decision. However, it's essential to consider the timeframe and potential additional expenses that may arise. The speaker emphasized the importance of financial education and discipline in making informed decisions about one's money.

    • Balancing Family and FinancesIndividuals should prioritize family goals and explore options to maintain financial stability, such as career conversations or finding ways to make up for lost income.

      It's important for individuals to prioritize their family goals and not put undue pressure on themselves when it comes to debt repayment. A woman named Nicole, who is an attorney and the breadwinner in her family, was concerned about taking an extended maternity leave with her second child and the potential harm it could cause to their financial future. However, John from Ramsey Solutions reassured her that it's not a cause for long-term harm and suggested exploring options such as having a conversation about shifting careers or finding ways to make up for the lost income. It's crucial to remember that money is a tool to create a life you love, and family should be a priority.

    • Exploring alternative ways to earn income while prioritizing personal needsConsider a hybrid approach to balance parenting and career, prioritize savings, and avoid societal guilt for not fulfilling expectations.

      It's important to explore alternative ways to use your skills and experience to bring in income while also addressing personal needs and responsibilities. Rachel Cruz's story illustrates this, as she shifted her focus and adapted her career to prioritize being a mother while still earning money through various means. It's essential to consider the financial responsibilities that come with student loans and debt, but it's also important to avoid feeling guilty about not fulfilling societal expectations of being either a full-time parent or a full-time professional. Instead, finding a balance and a hybrid approach may be the best solution. Additionally, the discussion highlighted the importance of having savings, with over half of Americans having less than $1,000 saved. Breaking the cycle of financial instability requires a burst of energy and a commitment to making changes.

    • Discussing money anxiety, bad habits, and practical tips for financial change during 'Break the Cycle' eventSave up to pay off debts as soon as possible to avoid being tied down to a job for long periods and take control of finances

      During a live stream event called "Break the Cycle," experts will discuss money anxiety, bad money habits, and practical tips for financial change. The event, which is free to attend and has over 400,000 registrants, will also give away $10,000 to 10 viewers. Budgeting, using tools like EveryDollar, was mentioned as a key tactic for financial change. A listener named Dalton called in with a question about paying off student debt while incurring more debt from school. The experts advised him to save up the money to pay off the debt as soon as possible to avoid being tied down to a job for an extended period for debt repayment. The experts encouraged listeners to take control of their finances and not rely on external factors for debt repayment.

    • Using Employer Debt Repayment as a Financial StrategyA written agreement with an employer to help pay off debt can accelerate debt repayment, but individuals should ensure financial stability and a clear agreement before relying on it. Older individuals may prefer low-risk investments to avoid market volatility.

      Having a clear and written agreement with an employer to have them help pay off debt can be a great financial strategy, especially when the employment situation is stable and the employer is willing to make such an arrangement. This can help individuals pay off their debts faster and provide peace of mind. However, it can't be relied upon blindly, and individuals should ensure they have a solid financial cushion and a clear agreement in writing before relying on this arrangement. Additionally, older individuals who are risk-averse may prefer to keep their savings in low-risk investments like CDs, even if the returns are not high, to avoid losing sleep over potential market volatility.

    • Prioritizing peace of mind and security in your financesConsidering financial security, trust, comfort with institutions, low-risk investments, long-term impact, and passing on financial knowledge to future generations.

      When it comes to managing your finances, especially as you age, prioritizing peace of mind and security can be more important than chasing after the highest returns. The speaker emphasized the importance of trust and comfort with your financial institutions, such as a credit union, and the security they offer. For those with significant savings, like $250,000, investing in a CD or other low-risk options may be the best choice, especially if you're not relying on that money for living expenses. Additionally, considering the long-term impact of your investments on future generations can help guide your financial decisions. The speaker shared his own experience of investing for his children and the legacy effect it can have. Ultimately, focusing on financial security and passing on financial knowledge to the next generation can lead to a snowball effect of financial stability and growth.

    • Financial planning, budgeting, and informed decisionsEffective budgeting and smart investing are crucial for financial success. Prioritize housing expenses, understand your budget, and avoid unnecessary expenses. Join a virtual event for investing insights and consider selling before potential disruptions.

      Effective budgeting and smart investing are key to financial success. The speaker shared his experience of investing earned income into a Roth IRA and encouraged listeners to prioritize their housing expenses over other debts. He also emphasized the importance of understanding your budget and avoiding unnecessary expenses. Additionally, he announced an upcoming virtual event focused on investing, offering attendees the opportunity to learn and ask questions. Rachel Cruz, a Ramsey Solutions author, also shared her excitement about a book signing event. Another listener, Rachel from Sacramento, expressed concerns about potential imminent domain and the impact it could have on her home. The speaker acknowledged the potential disruption to quality of life and suggested considering selling the property before such a situation arises. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of financial planning, budgeting, and making informed decisions to secure a better financial future.

    • 8 Important factors in major financial decisionsConsider the long-term consequences, avoid financial strain, and prioritize essential expenses and investments.

      When considering a major financial decision, it's essential to carefully weigh the pros and cons and consider the long-term consequences. In the first part of the discussion, a homeowner was preparing to sell their house before their neighborhood undergoes significant development, which would increase property values but require a larger mortgage. They emphasized the importance of keeping mortgage payments below a fourth of take-home pay and avoiding financial strain. In the second part, a young man named Jacob, who recently inherited a substantial amount of money, was advised to avoid using it for non-essential expenses and instead focus on paying for college and growing it as an investment for the future. Both situations highlight the importance of financial discipline and long-term planning.

    • Managing a significant increase in income with a spouseBoth partners should share the same values and goals regarding money, and make a plan to pay off debts as soon as possible to build wealth and create a strong financial foundation.

      Managing a significant increase in income requires careful planning and teamwork, especially when combining finances with a spouse. A key step is ensuring both partners share the same values and goals regarding money. Another important step is making a plan to pay off debts, such as a car loan and student loans, as soon as possible. With a combined income of nearly $300,000, Chase and his fiancé can work together to pay off their debts and potentially become millionaires in the next few years. By focusing on their shared financial goals and working as a team, they can build wealth and create a strong foundation for their future.

    • Communicating Finances for Marriage SuccessStart off with same financial mindset, take a financial course, practice generosity, and work with a trusted real estate agent.

      Effective communication and agreement on financial responsibilities are crucial for a successful marriage. The speaker emphasizes the importance of starting off on the same financial mindset and not paying each other's debts before marriage. They recommend taking a financial course together, such as Financial Peace University, to learn budgeting and money management skills. The speaker also encourages generosity, including tithing, but emphasizes that it's a personal decision and not a requirement for God's love or blessings. Additionally, they mention the importance of having a trusted real estate agent to help navigate the housing market.

    • Developing a healthy financial habit through tithes and offeringsConsistently giving 10% of income can establish a rhythm of generosity, leading to joy and contentment. Avoid extremes and maintain the habit even during tough times.

      Tithes and offerings, as a form of generosity, are not just about obeying a commandment or showing faith, but rather, they are about developing a healthy financial habit. Starting with a consistent 10% contribution can help establish a rhythm of giving, leading to joy and contentment. It's important to avoid being too legalistic or too lenient with this practice, as both extremes can hinder its benefits. The habit of giving, even during difficult financial times, can bring joy and help individuals avoid the trap of believing that they need more money to start giving. JP Morgan's story illustrates the power of starting small and maintaining the habit throughout one's life. Ultimately, giving is a personal choice that allows individuals to experience the joy of generosity and contribute to something greater than themselves.

    • Incorporating generosity into your financial planAdopting generosity as a character quality leads to financial freedom and the ability to make a greater impact on others

      Incorporating generosity into your financial plan, no matter your budget size, brings longer-lasting joy and positively impacts both you and the recipient. Generosity is not just an act, but a character quality that can be adopted and chosen. It's a human quality that can lead to acts of kindness and integrity. The Ramsay Show emphasizes the importance of this principle in their financial plan, encouraging individuals to live and give like no one else. This can lead to financial freedom and the ability to make a greater impact on others. Rachel Cruz Ramsey and her husband Armand, who paid off over $130,000 in debt in just 20 months, shared their experience of adopting this principle during a difficult time in their lives. Despite facing unexpected challenges, they were able to prioritize generosity and see the positive impact it had on their lives and those around them.

    • Overcoming Challenges to Pay Off DebtMaintain discipline, have a strong reason why, and work together to accomplish financial goals even during difficult times.

      Even during challenging times, such as a global pandemic, losing jobs, and unexpected life events, it's possible to pay off significant debt by maintaining discipline, having a strong reason why, and working together as a team. This couple, despite being laid off and quarantining in a full house, managed to pick up multiple jobs, sell products, and attend online classes to save up a down payment for their future home. Their determination was fueled by the realization that they could accomplish even more by eliminating their debt. This inspiring story demonstrates the power of perseverance, hard work, and a strong commitment to financial goals.

    • Staying disciplined and committed to financial goalsEvaluate financial decisions carefully and stay committed to goals despite temptations or challenges, being accountable to others can also help.

      Having a clear reason why and finding motivation can help individuals stay disciplined and committed to their financial goals, even when faced with temptations or challenges. The speaker shared her experience of wanting to eat out frequently but eventually going back to following the financial principles taught by Dave Ramsey. She also emphasized the importance of not being hypocrites and being accountable to others, which motivated her to pay off her debts quickly. Another key takeaway is the importance of evaluating financial decisions carefully. A listener named Kyle called in to ask for advice on whether to sell his paid-off rental property and use the funds to pay off his mortgage faster or keep the rental and continue earning passive income. The speaker encouraged Kyle to consider his personal preferences, financial situation, and long-term goals before making a decision. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of staying committed to financial goals and making informed decisions based on individual circumstances.

    • Prioritize paying off your home mortgage over rental propertyFocus on paying off home mortgage and avoid having more than half income tied in vehicles. Build an emergency fund and pay off debts quickly for financial peace.

      If you have a rental property and a mortgage on your primary residence, it's important to prioritize paying off your home mortgage to avoid being burdened with debt in the long run. If you're not making significant progress on paying off your mortgage, it might be worth considering selling the rental property and focusing on building an emergency fund and paying off debts instead. Additionally, it's recommended not to have more than half of your annual income tied up in vehicles, as they depreciate in value over time. To achieve financial peace, focus on building an emergency fund and paying off debts as quickly as possible.

    • Evaluate your vehicle expenses and prioritize getting out of debtConsider selling your truck if vehicle expenses are causing significant financial losses, prioritize debt repayment, and use tools like the Every Dollar app to manage your budget

      If you're losing significant money every month on vehicle expenses and are unable to afford those losses, it may be necessary to sell your truck and focus on getting your finances under control. Dave Ramsey, during his radio show, emphasized that while having a nice car is not a problem, being able to afford the associated losses is crucial. With so much money tied up in depreciating assets like vehicles, it's essential to evaluate your financial situation and prioritize getting out of debt. The Every Dollar app, recommended by Ramsey, can help you manage your budget and take the stress out of planning and managing your money. Remember, the ultimate path to financial peace is through a daily relationship with Christ Jesus.

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    💵 Start your free budget today. Download the EveryDollar app! Dave Ramsey & Ken Coleman answer your questions and discuss: "Is it ever okay to spend $50k on a trip?" "My dad wants me to pay for his life insurance..." "Should we buy a house if we're going to move in 4 years?" "We disagree about paying off our cars," "We make $400K but can't pay extra on debt," "I co-own a house with my girlfriend's parents..." "My employer wants me to stop my side hustle" Support Our Sponsors: Zander: Go to zander.com or call 800-356-4282 for a fast and easy quote today. Health Trust Financial BetterHelp: betterhelp.com/Delony to get 10% off your first month Next Steps 🏠 Selling Your House? Check out one of our Ramsey Trusted Real Estate Agents 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 🎟️ Reserve your seat for Summit 2025 today! 🚢 The Live Like No One Else Cruise is booking fast!  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
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    All About Family Money Drama!
    💵 Start your free budget today. Download the EveryDollar app! Dave Ramsey & Rachel Cruze answer your questions and discuss: "I did a bad deal with my parents and now I'm not getting paid," "Is it possible to build wealth while renting?" Why you don't need to build your credit score if you don't plan on borrowing money, "I'm tired of paying so much in taxes..." "My husband gambled away our HELOC," "My wife is a compulsive shopper" "What can I do to stop overdrafting my account?" Support Our Sponsors: BetterHelp NetSuite Zander Insurance Next Steps 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 🚢 The Live Like No One Else Cruise is booking fast!  📚 Teach Kids About Money!  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
    The Ramsey Show
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    Dave Ramsey & Jade Warshaw answer your questions and discuss: "Should we sell our house?" "I don't want to wait to start investing," "Should we buy a smaller house?" "How can I get out of debt?" "My ex-wife isn't contributing to our kids' education," "Should I pay off my fiance's debt?" "Should I wait to sell my car?" "How do I navigate life without credit?" "Should I take out a HELOC to do a remodel?" "What should I do with my whole life insurance policy?" "My husband wants to buy a new side-by-side," "My student loans are going into collections," "Financially preparing for divorce," "Should I buy a Camaro?" Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET Support Our Sponsors: Balance of Nature BetterHelp Zander Insurance Neighborly Have more money and less stress with George Kamel's NEW book, Breaking Free From Broke! Need help with your taxes? See who we trust: Click Here Protect yourself with the right coverage—take our coverage quiz! Want a plan for your money? Find out where to start: Click Here Listen to all The Ramsey Network podcasts: Click Here Interested in advertising on The Ramsey Show? Click Here Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy

    You Can’t Complain Your Way to a Better Life

    You Can’t Complain Your Way to a Better Life
    💵 Sign-up for EveryDollar today - The simplest way to budget for your life! Jade Warshaw & Ken Coleman answer your questions and discuss: "Should I pay off my house?" "Is it greedy to have a monthly income goal?" "Which debt should I pay off first?" Why you can't blame your way to a better life, "I've got a pile of debt and don't know what to do," "What's the best way to build wealth?" 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! Support Our Sponsors: Zander Insurance BetterHelp USCCA Neighborly Next Steps 👍 Help us make the show better! Please fill out this quick survey! 🎟️It's game on! Get your ticket for Total Money Makeover Weekend.  📄 Need help with your taxes? See who we trust. Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy

    Battling Giants

    Battling Giants
    What's it like competing against a business that's 1,000 times bigger than your own? (0:21) Emily Flippen discusses: - Salesforce co-CEO Bret Taylor leaving his job exactly one year after he got it - Whether the market is overreacting to Taylor and underreacting to a strong 3rd-quarter report from Salesforce - Kroger's strong profits and prospects for expanding its grocery empire with a proposed acquisition of Albertson's (12:10) Jeff Santoro and Jamie Louko engage in "bull vs. bear" debate over cloud infrastructure company DigitalOcean. Stocks mentioned: CRM, CMG, TEAM, KR, ACI, DOCN, MSFT, AMZN, GOOG, GOOGL Holiday Music: Silent Night by Ska-J, Hey Skinny Santa by JD McPherson Host: Chris Hill Guests: Emily Flippen, Jeff Santoro, Jamie Louko Producer: Ricky Mulvey Engineers: Dan Boyd, Tim Sparks, Rick Engdahl Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Conversation with Julie Rice & Elizabeth Cutler — From SoulCycle to Peoplehood

    Conversation with Julie Rice & Elizabeth Cutler — From SoulCycle to Peoplehood
    Julie Rice and Elizabeth Cutler, the co-founders of SoulCycle, join Scott to discuss their new business, Peoplehood — a guided group conversation practice designed to help people connect. We hear about everything from the entrepreneurial journey of building SoulCycle to how they’re facilitating “relational” wellness.   Scott opens with his thoughts on the role of activist investors.  Algebra of Happiness: be more mammal. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    $100,000+ Private Student Loans, Yet Borrows For A Stupid Tesla

    $100,000+ Private Student Loans, Yet Borrows For A Stupid Tesla

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    Timestamps: 00:00 Job and income 05:39 Student Loan Consolidation 06:51 Your degree is useless 10:02 What a mess... 15:41 Spend Spend Spend 17:39 There's MORE?! 21:30 More BS spending 26:36 You need to budget! 29:38 CLEAN UP THIS MESS 35:15 This is WILD 40:28 Please just do this... 44:13 Hammer Financial Score

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