
    This Neuroscientist's Solution for Stress Will Surprise You | Andrew Huberman (Replay)

    enFebruary 07, 2024
    What role does the nervous system play in perception?
    How can adopting a growth mindset influence our thoughts?
    What is the impact of light exposure on brain chemistry?
    How do negative thoughts affect our behavior and emotions?
    What strategies can build resilience during challenging times?

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding the role of the nervous system in shaping our perceptions, emotions, and thoughtsThe nervous system converts sensations into perceptions, influenced by emotions and thoughts, leading to behaviors or actions. Our thoughts have a lot to do with what we're perceiving and can be changed to adopt a growth mindset.

      Our thoughts are a choice, and understanding the role of the nervous system in shaping our perceptions, emotions, and thoughts can help us adopt a growth mindset. Neuroscientist Dr. Andrew Huberman explains that the nervous system is responsible for all of our life experiences, from sensations to actions. It converts sensations into perceptions, which are influenced by emotions and thoughts, and ultimately leads to behaviors or actions. The nervous system also plays a crucial role in regulating the immune system. Dr. Huberman emphasizes that our thoughts have a lot to do with what we're perceiving and how we're organizing those perceptions based on our memories. Adopting a growth mindset means recognizing that our thoughts are not fixed and can be changed, allowing us to approach challenges with a more positive and productive mindset.

    • Our perception of the world is an abstract representation created by the brainThe brain interprets sensory information to create our perception of the world, affecting our energy levels, sleep patterns, and overall functioning.

      Our perception of the world is an abstract representation created by the brain using information from our senses. This is true even for the sense of sight, as the neural retina in our eyes is the only part of the brain that exists outside of the skull. This retina interprets light and dark information, which in turn affects the production of cortisol and melatonin in our bodies, regulating our energy levels and sleep patterns. The brain and nervous system function as a complex machine, with different parts working together and communicating to ensure proper functioning. Despite being a collection of cells, the brain's ability to interpret and create meaning from sensory information is a profound feature of life, allowing for common understanding and meaning among individuals.

    • Light's impact on brain chemistry and well-beingMorning and evening sunlight stimulate reward systems, while bright light during sleep hours disrupts dopamine and blood sugar regulation, potentially leading to depressive states. Growth mindset amplifies the dopamine reward pathway during goal achievement.

      Our exposure to light, particularly during specific hours, significantly impacts our brain chemistry and overall well-being. Morning and evening sunlight stimulate reward systems, promoting alertness and sleep, while bright light during the hours of 11 p.m. to 4 a.m. triggers a "punishment" circuit, suppressing dopamine and disrupting blood sugar regulation. This disruption can lead to depressive states. Growth mindset, which encourages the pursuit of goals despite challenges, is linked to the dopamine reward system, amplifying the pathway of reward during the process of goal achievement. Understanding this connection between light exposure, brain chemistry, and growth mindset can provide valuable insights for optimizing our daily routines and overall well-being.

    • Rewarding the effort processAttaching rewards to effort process boosts dopamine production, strengthens neural circuits, and helps frame challenges as part of a larger purpose, enabling us to tackle them effectively over extended periods.

      Our brain's reward system, specifically dopamine, plays a crucial role in our ability to push through challenges and achieve growth. By attaching rewards to the effort process itself, rather than just the end goal, we can increase dopamine production and strengthen neural circuits. This subjective insertion of meaning can help us frame difficult situations as part of a larger purpose, allowing us to buffer the draining effects of adrenaline and continue making progress. The key to effectively leveraging this concept is to focus on rewarding specific behaviors that move us in the right direction, rather than just the end result. High-performing communities, such as special forces, have mastered this skill by attaching rewards to the effort process itself, enabling them to tackle challenges over extended periods.

    • Using dopamine to build resilienceReward yourself after reaching small goals to build resilience and stay motivated, inspired by marathon training.

      Harnessing the power of dopamine and creating small, achievable goals can help individuals push through stress and adversity, building resilience and staying motivated. By rewarding ourselves after reaching each milestone, we can replenish our neural bank account and avoid depletion. This process, inspired by the example of training for a marathon, allows us to make progress towards our goals without being overwhelmed. It's essential to keep the end goal in mind while focusing on the small steps, and not getting delusional about our progress. Additionally, utilizing the best technology and platforms, like Shopify, can give businesses a competitive edge in today's market.

    • Taking Control: Shopify for Businesses and DeleteMe for Personal DataShopify empowers businesses to grow with customer service, high converting checkout pages, and AI tools. DeleteMe helps individuals protect their personal data by eliminating it from data brokers and continuously monitoring for reposting. Both prioritize control and intentional choices.

      Shopify and DeleteMe offer solutions to help businesses grow and individuals protect their personal data respectively. Shopify, an all-in-one global commerce platform, empowers businesses with award-winning customer service, high converting checkout pages, and integrated AI tools to efficiently grow at any stage. On the other hand, DeleteMe helps individuals take control of their personal data by eliminating it from over 40 data brokers and people search sites and continuously monitoring to prevent reposting. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the neurochemical acetylcholine and its role in neuroplasticity, particularly attention and high attentional states. Acetylcholine acts as a spotlight in the brain, making certain synapses more active and likely to be active again. This can be applied to both learning new things and unlearning traumatic experiences. To overcome negative associations, one must bring themselves into a state of heightened alertness and focus their attention on the traumatic event to facilitate the process of neuroplasticity. Overall, these topics may seem unrelated at first, but they all revolve around taking control and making intentional choices to improve aspects of our lives – be it our businesses or our personal privacy.

    • Moving Forward to Suppress FearMaking forward effort in the face of fear activates the dopamine reward pathway, making it a more robust sense of bravery, and suppresses the fear center in the brain, the amygdala.

      Forward movement, whether it's physical action or therapeutic techniques like Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), can help suppress the activity of the fear center in the brain, the amygdala. This ancient mechanism, not a hack, is linked to the dopamine reward pathway, making forward effort in the face of stress or threat rewarding. This concept, rooted in both human and animal research, suggests that overcoming fear isn't about diminishing fear responses but rather making a more robust sense of bravery in the face of fear. The amygdala, which doesn't connect to limbs, uses reflexive eye movements as a cue for movement and thus, knowing if one is moving forward. This knowledge can be empowering for individuals who have become paralyzed by fear.

    • Circuits for Winning and QuittingOur brains have innate circuits that drive us to either win or quit in competitive situations, linked to our stress response system, and can be harnessed to focus and take action, rather than suppressing them.

      Our brain has inherent circuits that drive us to win or quit in competitive situations. These circuits are linked to our stress response system and are designed to motivate us to take action in the face of challenges. The winning circuit, located in the frontal cortex, drives up agitation or stress to promote movement, while the quitting circuit, located in the brainstem, shuts down motor control when we're in constant effort. These circuits have been observed in animals and humans, and they have evolutionary significance as they likely helped our ancestors survive and thrive. However, trying to suppress these circuits too much can be problematic and may hinder our ability to move forward in life. Instead, embracing the natural agitation and stress response and using it to focus and take action can lead to positive outcomes.

    • Understanding the Power of Our Thoughts and EmotionsOur thoughts and emotions are not passive experiences, but active choices influenced by our actions and reward systems like dopamine and serotonin. Introducing positive thoughts and focusing on small wins can help replace negative ones and build resilience.

      Our thoughts and emotions are not passive experiences, but rather active choices that can be influenced by our actions. Our brains have reward systems, such as dopamine and serotonin, that can be activated through pursuing external goals or focusing on internal gratifications, like gratitude and touch. Negative thoughts can be challenging to suppress, but introducing positive thoughts can help replace them and provide small dopamine rewards. It's essential to understand that our thoughts and actions are interconnected and that we have the power to make deliberate choices about both. When faced with adversity, focusing on small wins and celebrating them can help build resilience and improve overall well-being.

    • Focusing on small wins for personal growthRewarding incremental steps builds neural circuits for self-reward, buffers against negative thoughts, and helps achieve long-term success.

      Rewarding incremental steps, whether it's writing an email or running around the block, is crucial for personal growth and achieving long-term success. By focusing on these small wins, we can build neural circuits for self-reward and push through challenging times. Additionally, introducing positive thoughts and rewarding them internally can help buffer against negative thought patterns and the quitting circuit. Hypnosis is another tool that can be useful in achieving these goals. It involves relaxing the nervous system and narrowing our focus to a particular path, which can be effective for stress reduction, smoking cessation, or confronting traumas. Remember, the struggle is real, but if we can get excited about the learning process and associate progress with trying and learning, we can stack small wins and turn failures into opportunities for growth.

    • Using breath work and relaxation to trigger neuroplasticityFocused attention, deep relaxation, and deliberate breathing can signal the brain to rewire itself, enhancing mental and physical well-being.

      Our focus and attention, along with deep relaxation, are key factors in triggering neuroplasticity and rewiring our brains. This can be achieved through various methods, including hypnosis and breath work. The diaphragm, as a skeletal muscle that sends signals to the brain about the body's status, plays an essential role in this process. Rapid, deliberate breathing can elevate our sense of alertness, while slow, rhythmic breathing can promote relaxation. Research is ongoing to explore the specific patterns of breathing that can calm us down or enhance focus, similar to entering a hypnotic state. By tapping into the body's ability to communicate with the brain through the phrenic nerve, we can harness the power of breath work to optimize our mental and physical well-being.

    • Understanding the connection between breath and nervous systemBreathing techniques can activate the parasympathetic nervous system for calm or shift neurochemicals for focus and learning.

      Our breath plays a significant role in regulating our nervous system and influencing our cognitive functions, including focus, relaxation, and learning. The discussion highlights the importance of understanding the connection between our respiration and the autonomic nervous system. When we inhale twice through the nose and exhale long through the mouth, we activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which triggers the calming reflex. This technique, known as "super oxygenated breathing," can help us access a state of calm and reset our autonomic nervous system. However, when we want to enter heightened states of plasticity, such as during learning or physical training, we should breathe differently. We should inhale more than we exhale, leading to an increase in oxygen intake and a shift in neurochemicals like acetylcholine and noradrenaline. This breathing pattern, common in practices like Tummo breathing, Wim Hof breathing, and Kundalini breathing, can help us enter a state of heightened learning and focus. To summarize, understanding the power of our breath and learning how to control it can significantly impact our cognitive functions and overall well-being. To learn more about these techniques and related neuroscience research, follow Dr. Andrew Huberman on Instagram (@hubermanlab) or visit his lab's website (hubermanlab.com). They are currently recruiting participants for a respiration breath work study.

    • Start your day with 2-10 minutes of bright light exposure for health benefitsIncorporating 2-10 minutes of natural sunlight or bright light daily can help organize the nervous system, boost mental and physical health, and improve digestion and immune function.

      Dr. Andrew Huberman, a neuroscientist and tenured professor at Stanford University, emphasizes the importance of getting 2-10 minutes of bright light exposure first thing in the morning for numerous health benefits. This simple daily practice, ideally done with natural sunlight, can help organize the nervous system and improve mental, physical, digestive, and immune health. Huberman, who aims to respond to most requests, is collaborating with tech companies to gather data on the effectiveness of various tools and practices. If you're interested in learning more, you can reach out to the Huberman Lab or the Instagram Huberman Lab. While this is just one step, it's a powerful one that sets the foundation for other healthy habits.

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    Will This Debt Crisis Collapse The US Economy? | Arthur Hayes Mashup PT 2
    Welcome to Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu. In this riveting episode, Tom sits down with Arthur Hayes, co-founder of BitMEX, to dive deep into the intricacies of our evolving financial landscape. Together, they explore why people are willing to sacrifice privacy for convenience, the challenges of financial independence, and the implications of impending inflation. Arthur and Tom dissect the potential collapse of the fiat financial system, cryptocurrency as an alternative, and the role of large asset managers. They discuss economic strategies, including government policies, the risks and rewards of various investments, and the impact of geopolitical events on financial stability. From the nuances of Bitcoin and Ethereum to the global trend of de-dollarization and Japan’s economic capacity, this conversation covers it all. Join us as we navigate the uncertainties of the financial markets, the future of digital money, and strategies for navigating high volatility. Whether you're an investor, a crypto enthusiast, or just curious about the future of the global economy, this episode is packed with insights you won't want to miss. FOLLOW ARTHUR Newsletter - https://cryptohayes.substack.com/ X - https://x.com/CryptoHayes IG - https://www.instagram.com/arthur__hayes/ Website - https://maelstrom.fund CHECK OUT OUR SPONSORS Range Rover: Explore the Range Rover Sport at https://impacttheory.co/landroverpodAugust24 Oracle: Take a free test drive of OCI at https://impacttheory.co/oraclepodAugust24  Shopify: Sign up for a $1/month trial period at https://impacttheory.co/shopifyAugust24pod Found Banking: Sign up for Found for FREE today at https://impacttheory.co/FoundITAugustpod AG1: Get 5 free AG1 Travel Packs and a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D with your first purchase at https://impacttheory.co/AG1pod. Aura: Secure your digital life with proactive protection for your assets, identity, family, and tech – Go to https://aura.com/impact to start your free two-week trial. Quickbooks: Go to Quickbooks Payroll to get 50% off 3 months HubSpot: Check out HubSpot’s Starter CRM Suite for FREE and get all of the essential tools, education, and support your business needs to grow efficiently! FOLLOW TOM: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tombilyeu/ Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tombilyeu?lang=en Twitter: https://twitter.com/tombilyeu YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TomBilyeu What's up, everybody? It's Tom Bilyeu here. If you're serious about leveling up your life, I urge you to check out my new podcast, Tom Bilyeu’s Mindset Playbook —a goldmine of my most impactful episodes on mindset, business, and health. Trust me, your future self will thank you. LISTEN AD FREE + BONUS EPISODES on APPLE PODCASTS: apple.co/impacttheory Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Will This Debt Crisis Collapse The US Economy? | Arthur Hayes Mashup PT 1

    Will This Debt Crisis Collapse The US Economy? | Arthur Hayes Mashup PT 1
    Welcome to Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu. In this riveting episode, Tom sits down with Arthur Hayes, co-founder of BitMEX, to dive deep into the intricacies of our evolving financial landscape. Together, they explore why people are willing to sacrifice privacy for convenience, the challenges of financial independence, and the implications of impending inflation. Arthur and Tom dissect the potential collapse of the fiat financial system, cryptocurrency as an alternative, and the role of large asset managers. They discuss economic strategies, including government policies, the risks and rewards of various investments, and the impact of geopolitical events on financial stability. From the nuances of Bitcoin and Ethereum to the global trend of de-dollarization and Japan’s economic capacity, this conversation covers it all. Join us as we navigate the uncertainties of the financial markets, the future of digital money, and strategies for navigating high volatility. Whether you're an investor, a crypto enthusiast, or just curious about the future of the global economy, this episode is packed with insights you won't want to miss. FOLLOW ARTHUR Newsletter - https://cryptohayes.substack.com/ X - https://x.com/CryptoHayes IG - https://www.instagram.com/arthur__hayes/ Website - https://maelstrom.fund CHECK OUT OUR SPONSORS Range Rover: Explore the Range Rover Sport at https://impacttheory.co/landroverpodAugust24 Oracle: Take a free test drive of OCI at https://impacttheory.co/oraclepodAugust24  Shopify: Sign up for a $1/month trial period at https://impacttheory.co/shopifyAugust24pod Found Banking: Sign up for Found for FREE today at https://impacttheory.co/FoundITAugustpod AG1: Get 5 free AG1 Travel Packs and a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D with your first purchase at https://impacttheory.co/AG1pod. Aura: Secure your digital life with proactive protection for your assets, identity, family, and tech – Go to https://aura.com/impact to start your free two-week trial. Quickbooks: Go to Quickbooks Payroll to get 50% off 3 months HubSpot: Check out HubSpot’s Starter CRM Suite for FREE and get all of the essential tools, education, and support your business needs to grow efficiently! FOLLOW TOM: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tombilyeu/ Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tombilyeu?lang=en Twitter: https://twitter.com/tombilyeu YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TomBilyeu What's up, everybody? It's Tom Bilyeu here. If you're serious about leveling up your life, I urge you to check out my new podcast, Tom Bilyeu’s Mindset Playbook —a goldmine of my most impactful episodes on mindset, business, and health. Trust me, your future self will thank you. LISTEN AD FREE + BONUS EPISODES on APPLE PODCASTS: apple.co/impacttheory Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Why Modern Men Are Lost: The Disturbing Truth | Chris Williamson (Replay)

    Why Modern Men Are Lost: The Disturbing Truth | Chris Williamson (Replay)
    Gender roles and equality continue to be a hot topic of discussion. As women make progress in the workplace, gender pay gaps improve, educational opportunities are getting better as women break glass ceilings. Every action has a reaction and now we’re starting to see unintended problems arise for men. There is a mating crisis stemming from the masculinity crisis that has men and women questioning what it means to be a man. Chris Williamson is a podcaster, YouTuber, and former professional party boy. His podcast Modern Wisdom is the inside journey of him learning out loud from some of the most interesting people on the planet. He’s working on his first book about the mating crisis and joining Tom in this thought provoking conversation about masculinity that doesn’t diminish femininity. With women outperforming men in education and earning more than men in 2023 while also being the gatekeepers of sex men are turning to porn and video games, while women struggle to find male partners that complement their success. Chris is very clear that this important conversation is not about putting the breaks of women, but rather solving how to put the gas on men to become worthy partners that add value, protect and preserve his relationship and family. [Original air date: 2-2-23]. Follow Chris Williamson: Website: https://chriswillx.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChrisWillx Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chriswilliamsonlife/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriswillx/ Podcast: https://chriswillx.com/podcast/ FOLLOW TOM: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tombilyeu/ Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tombilyeu?lang=en Twitter: https://twitter.com/tombilyeu YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TomBilyeu CHECK OUT OUR SPONSORS Range Rover: Explore the Range Rover Sport at https://impacttheory.co/landroverpodAugust24 Oracle: Take a free test drive of OCI at https://impacttheory.co/oraclepodAugust24  Shopify: Sign up for a $1/month trial period at https://impacttheory.co/shopifyAugust24pod Found Banking: Sign up for Found for FREE today at https://impacttheory.co/FoundITAugustpod AG1: Get 5 free AG1 Travel Packs and a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D with your first purchase at https://impacttheory.co/AG1pod. Aura: Secure your digital life with proactive protection for your assets, identity, family, and tech – Go to https://aura.com/impact to start your free two-week trial. Quickbooks: Go to Quickbooks Payroll to get 50% off 3 months HubSpot: Check out HubSpot’s Starter CRM Suite for FREE and get all of the essential tools, education, and support your business needs to grow efficiently! What's up, everybody? It's Tom Bilyeu here. If you're serious about leveling up your life, I urge you to check out my new podcast, Tom Bilyeu’s Mindset Playbook —a goldmine of my most impactful episodes on mindset, business, and health. Trust me, your future self will thank you. LISTEN AD FREE + BONUS EPISODES on APPLE PODCASTS: apple.co/impacttheory Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Everything Wrong with the West | Jordan Peterson PT 2

    Everything Wrong with the West | Jordan Peterson PT 2
    Welcome back to Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu! Today, we dive into Part 2 of our enlightening conversation with the renowned psychologist and philosopher, Jordan Peterson. In this episode, Tom and Jordan explore the complexities of emerging as a genuine individual and the delicate dance between order and chaos in shaping our identities. They critique the oversimplified notion of self-defined identity and discuss the profound impact of beliefs on emotions and behavior. We delve into some weighty concepts, from the definition of God and the reality of evil to the negotiation of identity through childhood and social structures. Jordan shares thought-provoking insights on the transformative power of narratives, the importance of confronting suffering with courage, and the timeless battle against entropy. SHOWNOTES 00:00 Guidance on life's journey, find inner spirit. 18:00 Alternative truth embedded in tradition and consensus. 28:07 Identity is practical, like a dramatic role. 40:11 Child and adolescent socialization, peer influence importance. 48:33 Book discusses psychoanalysis, reframing self-narrative for success. 54:44 Identity politics based on unalterable, arbitrary characteristics. 01:12:54 Transition from internet dad to theologian analyzed. 01:18:39 Spontaneous speech captures living spirit of exploration. 01:26:17 Church distorts Christ's message to fit society. 01:35:33 Understanding stories shapes our internal incarnation. 01:49:50 Story of Tiamat and Marduk in historical context. 01:55:53 Encourage evolutionary perspective, conquer internal demons heroically. CHECK OUT OUR SPONSORS Range Rover: Explore the Range Rover Sport at https://impacttheory.co/landroverpodAugust24 Oracle: Take a free test drive of OCI at https://impacttheory.co/oraclepodAugust24  Shopify: Sign up for a $1/month trial period at https://impacttheory.co/shopifyAugust24pod Found Banking: Sign up for Found for FREE today at https://impacttheory.co/FoundITAugustpod AG1: Get 5 free AG1 Travel Packs and a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D with your first purchase at https://impacttheory.co/AG1pod. Aura: Secure your digital life with proactive protection for your assets, identity, family, and tech – Go to https://aura.com/impact to start your free two-week trial. Quickbooks: Go to Quickbooks Payroll to get 50% off 3 months HubSpot: Check out HubSpot’s Starter CRM Suite for FREE and get all of the essential tools, education, and support your business needs to grow efficiently! FOLLOW TOM: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tombilyeu/ Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tombilyeu?lang=en Twitter: https://twitter.com/tombilyeu YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TomBilyeu What's up, everybody? It's Tom Bilyeu here. If you're serious about leveling up your life, I urge you to check out my new podcast, Tom Bilyeu’s Mindset Playbook —a goldmine of my most impactful episodes on mindset, business, and health. Trust me, your future self will thank you. LISTEN AD FREE + BONUS EPISODES on APPLE PODCASTS: apple.co/impacttheory Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Replay: Tom Bilyeu Q&A: Future Tech, Singularity, and Swearing Explained

    Replay: Tom Bilyeu Q&A: Future Tech, Singularity, and Swearing Explained
    Tom Bilyeu and Cindy field questions from the Impact Theory Community including: *Have you considered creating an Impact Theory University Master's Degree Program? *Perhaps along the lines of Singularity University, but online and aiming at a much larger global audience… *What is your number one tool for building rapport with your guests? *When setting up Impact Theory, what was the hardest hurdle that you had to overcome? *In Steven Johnson's book, Where Good Ideas Come From, he speaks about the commonplace book. *Do you journal or write when you read? What it would look like to find the next 1000 Elon Musks. And more. CHECK OUT OUR SPONSORS EightSleep: Head to https://impacttheory.co/EightSleeppodAugust24 and use code IMPACT to get $350 off your Pod 4 Ultra. Netsuite: Head to https://impacttheory.co/NetsuitepodAugust24 for Netsuite’s one-of-a-kind flexible financing program for a few more weeks! Range Rover: Explore the Range Rover Sport at https://impacttheory.co/landroverpodAugust24 Betterhelp: Visit https://impacttheory.co/betterhelppodAugust24 today to get 10% off your first month. AG1: Get 5 free AG1 Travel Packs and a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D with your first purchase at https://impacttheory.co/AG1pod. Aura: Secure your digital life with proactive protection for your assets, identity, family, and tech – Go to https://aura.com/impact to start your free two-week trial. Quickbooks: Go to https://impacttheory.co/quickbooksJuly24 to get 50% off 3 months of Quickbooks Payroll! HubSpot: Go to https://impacttheory.co/hubspotpod and use HubSpot’s Starter CRM Suite  for FREE and get all of the essential tools, education, and support your business needs to grow efficiently!  FOLLOW TOM: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tombilyeu/ Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tombilyeu?lang=en Twitter: https://twitter.com/tombilyeu YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TomBilyeu What's up, everybody? It's Tom Bilyeu here. If you're serious about leveling up your life, I urge you to check out my new podcast, Tom Bilyeu’s Mindset Playbook —a goldmine of my most impactful episodes on mindset, business, and health. Trust me, your future self will thank you. LISTEN AD FREE + BONUS EPISODES on APPLE PODCASTS: apple.co/impacttheory Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    This Neuroscientist Shows You the Secrets to Obtaining A Growth Mindset | Andrew Huberman (Replay)

    This Neuroscientist Shows You the Secrets to Obtaining A Growth Mindset | Andrew Huberman (Replay)
    [Original air date: November 12, 2020]. On this episode of Health Theory with Tom Bilyeu, recognized neuroscientist Andrew Huberman details the science behind successful strategies for life change. FOLLOW ANDREW: WEBSITE: https://hubermanlab.com  INSTAGRAM: https://bit.ly/2AEiQZr TWITTER: https://bit.ly/2yg1NMy SPONSORS: Visit https://bit.ly/WildHealthImpact to apply for membership for a better alternative to traditional healthcare. Get 5 free AG1 Travel Packs and a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D with your first purchase at https://bit.ly/AG1Impact. Right now, Kajabi is offering a 30-day free trial to start your own business if you go to https://bit.ly/Kajabi-Impact. Head to www.insidetracker.com and use code “IMPACTTHEORY” to get 20% off! Learn a new language and get 55% off at https://bit.ly/BabbelImpact. Try NordVPN risk-free with a 30-day money-back guarantee by going to https://bit.ly/NordVPNImpact Give online therapy a try at https://bit.ly/BetterhelpImpact and get on your way to being your best self. Go to https://bit.ly/PlungeImpact and use code IMPACT to get $150 off your incredible cold plunge tub today. ***Are You Ready for EXTRA Impact?*** If you’re ready to find true fulfillment, strengthen your focus, and ignite your true potential, the Impact Theory subscription was created just for you. Want to transform your health, sharpen your mindset, improve your relationship, or conquer the business world? This is your epicenter of greatness.  This is not for the faint of heart. This is for those who dare to learn obsessively, every day, day after day. * New episodes delivered ad-free * Unlock the gates to a treasure trove of wisdom from inspiring guests like Andrew Huberman, Mel Robbins, Hal Elrod, Matthew McConaughey, and many, many, more * Exclusive access to Tom’s AMAs, keynote speeches, and suggestions from his personal reading list * You’ll also get access to an 5 additional podcasts with hundreds of archived Impact Theory episodes, meticulously curated into themed playlists covering health, mindset, business, relationships, and more: *Legendary Mindset: Mindset & Self-Improvement *Money Mindset: Business & Finance *Relationship Theory: Relationships *Health Theory: Mental & Physical Health *Power Ups: Weekly Doses of Short Motivational Quotes  *****Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3PCvJaz***** Subscribe on all other platforms (Google Podcasts, Spotify, Castro, Downcast, Overcast, Pocket Casts, Podcast Addict, Podcast Republic, Podkicker, and more) : https://impacttheorynetwork.supercast.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    122 – Stop Intellectualizing Everything!  Knowledge Doesn’t Lead to Change – Here’s What Does

    When it comes to change and growth, knowledge is inferior to embodiment. *gasp!* 


    It’s true - most of the information we tend to consume focuses on quick fixes and the thrill that comes from acquiring information. But science has shown that knowledge alone rarely leads to true transformation. 


    The necessary component to lasting change is embodiment.   In today’s episode, I coach on what it means to be embodied, how you know once you’ve actually embodied something new, and how to be aware of the signs that you're simply intellectualizing new information. 


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    Dr. David Berson: Understanding Your Brain's Logic & Function

    Dr. David Berson: Understanding Your Brain's Logic & Function
    In this episode, my guest is Dr. David Berson, Professor & Chairman of Neuroscience at Brown University. Dr. Berson discovered the neurons in your eye that set your biological rhythms for sleep, wakefulness, mood and appetite. He is also a world-renowned teacher of basic and advanced neuroscience, having taught thousands of university lectures on this topic. Many of his students have become world-leading neuroscientists and teachers themselves.  Here Dr. Berson takes us on a structured journey into and around the nervous system, explaining: how we perceive the world and our internal landscape, how we balance, see, and remember. Also, how we learn and perform reflexive and deliberate actions, how we visualize and imagine in our mind, and how the various circuits of the brain coordinate all these incredible feats.  We discuss practical and real-life examples of neural circuit function across the lifespan. Dr. Berson gives us a masterclass in the nervous system—one that, in just less than two hours, will teach you an entire course's worth about the brain and how yours works. For the full show notes, visit hubermanlab.com. Thank you to our sponsors AG1 (Athletic Greens): https://athleticgreens.com/huberman LMNT: https://drinklmnt.com/huberman Supplements from Momentous https://www.livemomentous.com/huberman Timestamps (00:00:00) Dr. David Berson  (00:03:11) Sponsors: AG1, LMNT (00:08:02) How We See  (00:10:02) Color Vision  (00:13:47) “Strange” Vision (00:16:56) How You Orient In Time (00:25:45) Body Rhythms, Pineal function, Light & Melatonin, Blueblockers (00:34:45) Spending Times Outdoors Improves Eyesight  (00:36:20) Sensation, Mood, & Self-Image (00:41:03) Sense of Balance (00:50:43) Why Pigeons Bob Their Heads, Motion Sickness  (01:00:03) Popping Ears (01:02:35) Midbrain & Blindsight  (01:10:44) Why Tilted Motion Feels Good  (01:13:24) Reflexes vs. Deliberate Actions (01:16:35) Basal Ganglia & the “2 Marshmallow Test” (01:24:40) Suppressing Reflexes: Cortex  (01:33:33) Neuroplasticity  (01:36:27) What is a Connectome? (01:45:20) How to Learn (More About the Brain) (01:49:04) Book Suggestion, my Berson Appreciation (01:50:20) Zero-Cost ways to Support the HLP, Guest Suggestions, Sponsors, Supplements Title Card Photo Credit: Mike Blabac Disclaimer

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    How to Believe in Yourself

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