
    Thought Leader Series: Marianne Williamson

    enFebruary 08, 2021
    What is the main focus of Dr. Mindy Pelz's Reset Academy?
    How have tax laws affected community welfare since the 1980s?
    What role does love play in health care, according to Williamson?
    What are the potential benefits of a wealth tax?
    How did Oprah Winfrey and Jackie Kennedy impact personal growth?

    Podcast Summary

    • Shift from sickness care to health careAddress root causes of chronic disease and make healthcare accessible to all for a healthier population.

      Learning from this podcast episode is the need for a shift from a sickness care system to a health care system, as discussed by Dr. Mindy Pelz and thought leader Marianne Williamson. They believe that by addressing the root causes of chronic disease and making healthcare accessible to all, we can create a healthier population. Williamson, a deep thinker and author of 14 books including "Return to Love," offers unique insights into creating an even playing field for health care and lifting our vibration through daily routines and love. Dr. Pelz's Reset Academy, a transformative journey for those seeking to kickstart their fasting and health journey, provides a supportive community for individuals on this path. Overall, this podcast episode encourages listeners to take personal action towards better health and a more loving world.

    • The healthcare industry's focus on sickness treatment vs wellness and preventionCorporate influence hinders stricter regulations for chronic disease prevention, emphasizing the need for a healthcare system prioritizing wellness and prevention, join the Reset Academy for resources and support in embracing a healthier lifestyle.

      The current healthcare system focuses more on treating sickness rather than promoting wellness and preventing chronic diseases. This is due to the influence of various corporations in the industry, including health insurance, pharmaceutical, food, agricultural, chemical, and fossil fuel companies. These entities have significant power and often hinder the implementation of stricter regulations that could help reduce chronic diseases. The speaker, Mindy, emphasizes the importance of shifting the focus towards a healthcare system that prioritizes wellness and prevention. She invites listeners to join her Reset Academy to gain access to resources and support in embracing a healthier lifestyle and working towards health goals. The academy provides a community where individuals can learn, ask questions, and be guided towards achieving their health objectives. By investing in the academy, members are investing in themselves and setting themselves up for success.

    • Corporate influence in politics and economic inequalityThe Supreme Court's Citizens United decision allows corporations to buy political influence, worsening economic inequality and hindering public health and sustainability. We need legislation like HR 1 and a constitutional amendment to address this.

      The interconnected issues of corporate dominance in politics and economic inequality are major obstacles to public health and sustainability. The Supreme Court decision in Citizens United has allowed corporations to wield excessive influence, leading to a system of legalized bribery that prioritizes profits over people. This issue is not lost on the public, but the political establishment often fails to address it. Furthermore, economic inequality creates barriers to accessing essential resources like healthy food and quality healthcare. Until we address the root causes of these issues through legislation like HR 1 and a constitutional amendment for public funding of campaigns, we will continue to struggle with these challenges. It's crucial that we prioritize economic justice to ensure everyone has equal access to the foundations of a healthy life.

    • Focused on treating symptoms instead of root causesCurrent health approach prioritizes external solutions over internal practices, ignores economic disparities, and requires a shift towards preventative measures and empathy

      Our current approach to health and wellness is focused on treating symptoms rather than addressing the root causes. This is evident in the way we prioritize external solutions like medication and vaccines over internal practices like fasting and self-care. The conversation also highlighted the economic disparities that prevent many people from accessing these internal solutions. The current paradigm is broken and requires a shift towards a deeper understanding of the complex interplay between physical, emotional, and spiritual health. This new approach would prioritize preventative measures and empathy, rather than profiting from people's suffering. The system's disregard for people's health and wellbeing extends to other areas of life, leaving many without access to basic needs. It's crucial that we acknowledge and address this horrifying reality.

    • Recognize and reconnect with inner strength to make a differenceFocus on individual actions, like local advocacy and supporting change-makers, to create a healthier, more equitable society.

      Individual actions are crucial in addressing societal issues, including the current health crisis and political corruption. The conversation around the law of attraction and personal power highlights the importance of recognizing and reconnecting with our inner strength. However, it's essential not to slip into hopelessness but instead focus on making a difference at the individual and community levels. This includes getting involved in local elections, advocating for policies that prioritize people's needs over corporate interests, and supporting individuals like Erin Brockovich who fight for environmental justice. The current political climate demonstrates that change is possible, but it requires collective effort and engagement from the American people. By acknowledging our power and taking action, we can create a healthier, more equitable society for all.

    • Getting involved in politics and making a differenceIndividuals can impact their communities and politics by advocating for issues, but addressing money's influence requires collective action and support for initiatives like HR 1. Find reps, educate them, engage in discourse, and keep the bigger picture of democracy in mind.

      Individuals can make a difference in their communities and in politics by getting involved and advocating for issues that matter to them, such as health and environmental concerns. However, it's important to remember that money and politics can be a significant barrier to progress, and addressing this underlying issue requires collective action and support for initiatives like HR 1. To get started, individuals can find out who their representatives are, educate them on important issues, and consider their stand on relevant committees. It's crucial to engage in thoughtful discourse and keep the bigger picture of democracy in mind while advocating for specific issues.

    • Defending open conversations against censorshipIndividuals should defend colleagues, challenge censorship, and prioritize ethics over profits to foster open health and political discussions.

      Open conversations about health and politics are essential, but the system can be brutal in shutting down inconvenient discussions. The American people are open to conversations, but the ability and willingness of the system to silence voices, particularly those challenging established narratives, is a significant issue. To change this, individuals should defend colleagues and colleagues attempting to expand the conversation, speak out against censorship, and not prioritize profits over ethics. The corruption of capitalism comes into play when profits are put before ethics. Social media can be a powerful tool for having these conversations, but if it's shut down, alternative platforms and methods should be explored. It's important to call out racism, antisemitism, misogyny, and homophobia, among other issues, as needed, even if not everyone will applaud the effort. The disease of people-pleasing writ large must be addressed to foster a healthier dialogue.

    • Acknowledging societal issues for a healthier societyPersonal growth is crucial, but ignoring societal issues limits impact. Addressing systemic challenges, like resources and opportunities for underprivileged communities, leads to a more equitable and healthier society.

      Focusing solely on personal growth and ignoring larger societal issues can limit one's impact on making a meaningful difference in the lives of millions. The speaker emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and addressing systemic issues, such as lack of resources and opportunities for underprivileged communities, in order to create a more equitable and healthier society. The conversation around health and wellness cannot be separated from larger political and societal issues. Ignoring these issues and only catering to privileged individuals may bring personal success, but it does not contribute to a meaningful and well-lived life for all. The last 4 years have shown that disconnecting from societal issues can lead to significant consequences for the nation. It is essential to tend to the needs of the multitude and not just those in the privileged club.

    • Join Dr. Pelz and Tony Horton in their PowerSync 60 program for hormonal balance, meal plans, and fasting.Individuals can improve their own lives and contribute to positive change in America by focusing on personal growth and supporting political candidates aligned with their values.

      Dr. Mindy Pelz, in collaboration with Tony Horton, has created a revolutionary 60-day fitness program called PowerSync 60, which focuses on hormonal balance, meal plans, and fasting. She encourages individuals to make a difference in their own lives and in America by focusing on personal growth and being the best version of themselves in their respective fields. Dr. Pelz believes that Americans share a desire for a healthy environment, good food, and better access to healthcare, but the political system is the obstacle. She emphasizes the power of small groups of concerned citizens to make a difference, as Margaret Mead once said. Dr. Pelz's call to action is for individuals to join her and Tony in their PowerSync 60 program and use the code PS60Pels for a discount. She also encourages everyone to find and support political candidates who align with their values.

    • Effective communication and understanding are crucial in addressing differences in opinionRecognize the whole person, approach conversations with empathy, respect, and an open mind, avoid contempt and personal attacks, and focus on finding common ground for meaningful, honorable debates.

      Effective communication and understanding are crucial in addressing differences in opinion, especially when it comes to sensitive and divisive topics. Mary Anne's experience in politics highlights the importance of recognizing the whole person and considering their perspective, even when it differs greatly from our own. In dealing with those who hold opposing beliefs, it's essential to approach conversations with empathy, respect, and an open mind, avoiding contempt and personal attacks. As MLK Jr. said, we have limited persuasive power when others sense our underlying contempt. Instead, focus on finding common ground and engaging in meaningful, honorable debates. Remember, there's a lot to discuss in life that is significant, and personal breakdowns and attacks are not worth the effort if the other party is not open to respectful dialogue.

    • A spiritual conversation challenges perspectives on police brutalityDuring a spiritual gathering, an open-minded conversation between a speaker and ministers led to mutual understanding and learning about police brutality and the importance of addressing both biological and economic aspects of the pandemic.

      Meaningful conversations and shared experiences, even in the context of a spiritual community, can lead to mutual understanding and learning. During an Easter service, the speaker had a profound conversation with some ministers, challenging their perspectives on police brutality and the concept of a police state. The speaker's open-mindedness and humility, as well as their shared spiritual practices, facilitated a productive dialogue. In the larger context, the speaker advocated for addressing both the biological and economic aspects of the pandemic, emphasizing the importance of providing financial relief to prevent economic desperation and enabling people to stay home. The speaker also highlighted the historical significance of activism and the need for collective action to bring about change.

    • The Prioritization of Stockholder Value Over Worker and Community WelfareThe 1980s tax laws and economic priorities led to wealth inequality and a lack of funding for essential services, but policies like a wealth tax can help address the gap without significantly impacting the wealthy.

      The shift in tax laws and economic priorities in the 1980s led to corporations prioritizing stockholder value over worker and community welfare, resulting in wealth inequality and a lack of funding for essential services like healthcare and education. The Defense Production Act, which gives the president the power to prioritize manufacturing of essential items, has been activated but it will take time to address the current crisis. The wealth gap can be addressed through policies like a wealth tax, which would enable funding for necessary services without significantly impacting the lifestyles of the wealthy. Unregulated capitalism, when disconnected from ethical and moral responsibility, can become a dark force, causing harm to individuals and communities.

    • Finding peace in a chaotic world through daily practices and trust in loveRegulations protect safety and health, while daily practices like meditation and prayer help counteract stress and fear, contributing to a positive impact on ourselves and others, ultimately trusting in love's prevailing power

      Regulations are essential for ensuring safety and health, preventing harm to people and the environment. Our thoughts and daily practices, such as meditation and prayer, can help us counteract the negative effects of fear and stress in today's chaotic world. By preparing ourselves and focusing on love, giving, and connection, we can contribute to a positive impact on ourselves and others, ultimately trusting that love will prevail. Mary Anne's "Mornings with Mary Anne: Course in Miracles" is a valuable resource for daily guidance and inspiration in this journey.

    • The power of meaningful connections: Oprah, Jackie, and inspiring booksMeaningful connections and insightful books contribute to personal growth and development, changing lives for the better.

      Meaningful connections, whether in person or recorded, have the power to positively impact our lives. This was emphasized during a discussion about the impact of Oprah Winfrey and Jackie Kennedy Onassis. Oprah opened doors for personal growth, while Jackie made one feel like a real conversation was possible, regardless of fame or status. Regarding books, James Doty's book stood out this year for its inspiring story of transformation and the discovery of heart intelligence. The book resonated with the idea that one person can change the trajectory of another's life, and that the heart holds wisdom beyond what our conscious mind understands. In essence, both human connections and insightful books contribute to personal growth and development, making them essential components of our lives.

    • The Power of Authentic Conversations and KindnessEvery action and conversation has the potential to positively impact millions, especially children. Engage in deep, authentic conversations and spread kindness to make a difference in the world.

      Every action we take, no matter how small, has the potential to positively impact the lives of millions, including children who desperately need support and guidance. Mindy, the podcast host, emphasizes the importance of deep conversations and sharing wisdom with each other. She shares her regrets about not being kinder to herself in her youth and encourages everyone to love and be kinder to one another. The world could benefit greatly from more authentic, meaningful conversations and acts of kindness. Mindy's podcast, "The Resetter," aims to facilitate these conversations and provide a platform for insightful discussions on health, life, and mindset. The conversations are so impactful that listeners feel like they're soaking up knowledge like a sponge. Mindy's guests include notable figures like Richard Rohr, Erin Brockovich, and Deepak Chopra, and she encourages listeners to reach out with suggestions for future guests. Overall, the message is to appreciate the power of our actions and words, and to engage in deep, authentic conversations that can make a difference in the world.

    • Expressing gratitude and commitment to audienceHosts pledge to deliver valuable conversations and unique content for better health and well-being

      Commitment to delivering valuable conversations and mindset shifts through this health-focused platform. The hosts express their gratitude to their audience for being a part of this journey towards better health and well-being. This season, they aim to bring unique content that cannot be found elsewhere, and they are excited to continue growing and learning together.

    Recent Episodes from The Resetter Podcast with Dr. Mindy Pelz

    Beyond Labels: The Power of Plants in Your Diet with Chef Leslie Durso

    Beyond Labels: The Power of Plants in Your Diet with Chef Leslie Durso

    Chef Leslie Durso advocates for nutrient-dense, plant-based diets, debunk myths, and emphasize experimenting with cooking methods. This episode focuses on gut health, the importance of quality ingredients in salads, and balanced nutrition. Mindy and Leslie share simple, plant-based recipes geared towards empowering individuals to make informed dietary choices.

    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep251

    Leslie Durso is not just a chef; she is a culinary artist who has dedicated her life to the art of creating exquisite plant-based dishes that not only delight the palate but also promote a sustainable and healthy lifestyle. Wish a culinary career spanning over 10 years, Leslie Durso has achieved recognition and acclaim for her innovative approach to vegan cuisine.

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    The Rise of Thyroid Disorders: Causes, Symptoms & Solutions with Dr. Amie Hornaman

    The Rise of Thyroid Disorders: Causes, Symptoms & Solutions with Dr. Amie Hornaman

    Dr. Amie Hornaman does a deep dive into thyroid health to explore why so many women experience thyroid problems during perimenopause, understand the role of toxins, genetics, and stress, and discover effective lifestyle changes and medical strategies for managing thyroid health. This fascinating conversation unpacks both conventional and holistic approaches, highlighting the necessity of personalized treatment and the critical interplay between lifestyle and medication. Whether you're battling thyroid symptoms or simply curious, this episode offers a balanced, informative, and hopeful guide to optimizing your thyroid function and well-being!

    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep250

    Dr. Amie Hornaman, known as “The Thyroid Fixer,” is the host of the top rated podcast in medicine and alternative health: The Thyroid Fixer™. She founded The Better Thyroid and Hormone Institute, offering personalized care for thyroid and hormone health across the U.S. and Canada. Dr. Amie also created The Fixxr™ Supplement line, targeting weight loss, fatigue, low libido, and hormone imbalances. Inspired by her own thyroid and hormone struggles, she is dedicated to helping others navigate thyroid and hormone issues with empathy and comprehensive care. Dr. Amie's mission is to optimize your health and restore your life.

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    Top Lifestyle Habits to Beat Inflammation

    Top Lifestyle Habits to Beat Inflammation

    Dr. Mindy addresses the your frequently asked questions about inflammation, Alzheimer's, visceral fat, and more. The episode delves into the root causes and symptoms of chronic inflammation, emphasizing its role in chronic diseases and discussing how it manifests at the cellular level. Key factors contributing to inflammation, such as poor nutrition, negative thoughts, and lack of rhythm in daily life, are explored in-depth. Practical health tips include avoiding bad oils and refined sugars, fostering positive relationships to boost oxytocin, understanding the body's hormonal and circadian rhythms, and avoiding toxic environments.

    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep249

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    The Movement Diet: Redefining Fitness at Every Age with Katy Bowman

    The Movement Diet: Redefining Fitness at Every Age with Katy Bowman

    Biomechanist Katy Bowman shares insights on the importance of diverse movement and the holistic approach to physical health. She delves into the concept of movement macros and micros, emphasizing the significance of incorporating various movements like walking, crawling, climbing and everyday activities for strength and longevity. Reflecting on personal experiences, Katy and Dr. Mindy discuss the role of movement in promoting mobility and strength training, especially in older individuals. This episode expands to explore movement, menopause, aging, and health, challenging traditional beliefs and advocating for a nuanced approach to staying active and healthy. Ultimately, Katy highlights the intrinsic motivation in health and movement, encouraging you to embrace movement in a way that aligns with their personal values and aspirations.

    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep248

    Katy Bowman, M.S. is a biomechanist, bestselling author, and founder of Nutritious Movement. She has written many books on the importance of a diverse movement diet including Move Your DNA, Rethink Your Position, Dynamic Aging, and her latest My Perfect Movement Plan coming out July 30. Named one of Maria Shriver’s “Architects of Change,” Bowman is changing the way we move and think about our need for movement. She has been featured by national media like The New York Times, NPR, and The TODAY Show and has worked with companies like Patagonia, Nike, and Google as well as a wide range of non-profits and other communities, sharing her “move more, move better” message. She is the host of the Move Your DNA podcast and lives in Washington State.

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    Strength Training to Cardio: A Comprehensive Movement Plan with Dr. Stacy Sims

    Strength Training to Cardio: A Comprehensive Movement Plan with Dr. Stacy Sims

    Dr. Stacy Sims shares her insights on menopause, exercise, and nutrition for women. She underscores the importance of strength training, high-intensity workouts, and balancing cardio for women in perimenopause and postmenopause. Dr. Sims also elaborates on the key factors like sleep, circadian rhythm, and proper nutrition for optimal health. The discussion also touches on the nuances of plant-based diets, the significance of proper pre- and post-workout nutrition, the role of supplements like creatine, and how her differing view on fasting requires a nuanced interpretation. 

    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep247

    STACY T. SIMS, MSC, PHD, is a forward-thinking international exercise physiologist and nutrition scientist who aims to revolutionize exercise nutrition and performance for women. She has directed research programs at Stanford, AUT University, and the University of Waikato, focusing on female athlete health and performance and pushing the dogma to improve research on all women.

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    Foods Every Woman Should Eat with Dr. William Li

    Foods Every Woman Should Eat with Dr. William Li

    Dr. William Li delves into his research on how certain foods can impact cancer, especially breast cancer, by cutting off blood supply and supporting the immune system. He emphasizes the importance of considering food as a tool for health, discussing studies that show the effectiveness of foods like soy, matcha, and various fruits and vegetables. They also explore the significance of proper clinical trial designs that include diverse demographics and genders to yield reliable results. Additionally, Dr. Li highlights fascinating findings on gut health, the microbiome, and the role certain bacteria play in health, urging a more holistic approach to treating and preventing diseases through diet.

    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep247

    William W. Li, MD, is an internationally renowned physician, scientist and author of the New York Times bestsellers “Eat to Beat Disease: The New Science of How Your Body Can Heal Itself” and “Eat to Beat Your Diet: Burn Fat, Heal Your Metabolism, and Live Longer.” His groundbreaking research has  led to the development of more than 40 new medical treatments that impact care for more than 70 diseases including diabetes, blindness, heart disease and obesity. His TED Talk, “Can We Eat to Starve Cancer?” has garnered more than 11 million views. Dr. Li has appeared on Good Morning America, CNN, CNBC, Rachael Ray and Live with Kelly & Mark, and he has been featured in USA Today, Time Magazine, The Atlantic, O Magazine and more. He is President and Medical Director of the Angiogenesis Foundation, and he is leading global initiatives on food as medicine. For the latest cutting-edge food as medicine science, check out Dr. Li's YouTube Channel.

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    A Guide to Taking Back Women's Health & Fasting Like a Girl

    A Guide to Taking Back Women's Health & Fasting Like a Girl

    In this special live episode, captured from the Keynote at the ICDI conference, Dr. Mindy delves into women's health, particularly addressing metabolic health, hormones, and lifestyle adjustments. She highlights the necessity of tailored approaches to health and the significance of community and oxytocin in fostering well-being. In this episode, Dr. Mindy also offers practical advice on supplement cycling based on menstrual phases, the benefits of fasting snacks, and the crucial role of minerals and amino acids during fasting. This is a must for any woman seeking to transform her health and well-being.

    * Warning: Dr. Mindy uses some explicit language, so listener beware ;)

    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep245

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    Protecting Your Peace: A Guide to Releasing Negativity with Trent Shelton

    Protecting Your Peace: A Guide to Releasing Negativity with Trent Shelton

    Trent Shelton is former NFL wide receiver turned motivational speaker and author. Join Dr. Mindy as she dives into Trent's powerful insights on "Protecting Your Peace" and releasing negativity. Discover practical advice on how to unwind the people pleaser within, manage stress, and create a balanced life that works for you. In this episode, Trent shares compelling stories and analogies, making his guidance both relatable and actionable. Whether you're struggling with overdoing, seeking more rest, or learning to set boundaries, this conversation offers invaluable wisdom to help you live a peaceful, inspired life.

    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep244

    Considered one of the most impactful speakers of his generation, he reaches over 60 million people weekly through hard-hitting videos and unprecedented engagement. He started creating YouTube videos with his words of wisdom and courage, pushing others to find their inner strength.

    While Trent seemingly achieved his childhood dream, his NFL career ended prematurely, inevitably giving him the space and determination to re-evaluate his values and life’s purpose. As a way to hold himself accountable, Trent picked up his mobile phone and began recording two-minute video segments of his daily progress and posting them onto social media. The engaging, hard-hitting, yet always uplifting messages resonated with millions around the globe.

    In the years that followed, Trent founded the RehabTime Organization, a nonprofit with a mission to serve a worldwide community by demonstrating that change starts from within— through the development of faith, mindset, self-care, relationship building, and leadership.

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    The Essential Menopausal Toolbox with Dr. Mary Claire Haver

    The Essential Menopausal Toolbox with Dr. Mary Claire Haver

    Dr. Mary Claire Haver discusses the importance of education and empowerment for women during menopause. The conversation covers debunking myths about cognitive decline, embracing menopause as a period of strength, and making gradual lifestyle changes. This episode advocates for improved menopause education in medical training and better support for women's unique health needs as they age.

    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep243

    Dr. Mary Claire Haver is board-certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology and is a Certified Culinary Medicine Specialist from Tulane University. She is also a Certified Menopause Specialist through The Menopause Society. In 2021 Dr. Haver left traditional practice and opened Mary Claire Wellness, a clinic dedicated to caring for the menopausal patient. Dr. Haver has amassed over 5 million followers across social media by posting advice for women going through menopause.  Dr. Haver is the author of the New York Times #1 Bestselling Book, The New Menopause and the national bestselling book The Galveston Diet.

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

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    Are Minerals the Building Blocks of Our Cells? Caroline Alan the Mineral Geek

    Are Minerals the Building Blocks of Our Cells? Caroline Alan the Mineral Geek

    Caroline Alan delves into the crucial role of minerals in human health, shedding light on the impact of soil depletion on our diets. In this episode, Caroline stresses the changing mineral content of food over time and the benefits of incorporating quality mineral supplements into our health routines. Exploring the potential Herxheimer responses to mineral intake, especially in individuals with high toxic loads, she addresses various aspects of mineral deficiencies, from their links to dysfunctional relationships with food, obesity, and chronic diseases. The conversation also underscores the significance of regenerative farming practices and mycelium in delivering essential nutrients to plant roots. Tune in to gain valuable insights into optimizing your health through a deeper understanding of mineral consumption and its impact on overall well-being.

    Go to https://www.beamminerals.com/resetter and use code RESETTER for a special discount.

    To view full show notes, more information on our guests, resources mentioned in the episode, discount codes, transcripts, and more, visit https://drmindypelz.com/ep242

    Caroline Alan is a health survivor and mineral enthusiast. Coming from a career in the corporate world, like many, Caroline found herself struggling physically, mentally and energetically.  As a result of her journey back to health, and years of deep research, Caroline has become devoted to educating people about how minerals operate in the body, why we need to supplement our mineral intake and the benefits of natural humic and fulvic, plant-based mineral substances for replenishment in the body.  
    Caroline is a regular contributor to Podcasts and health-focused events and programs around the world. She is also the Co-Founder and CEO of BEAM Minerals Inc.

    Check out our fasting membership at resetacademy.drmindypelz.com.

    Please note our medical disclaimer.

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