
    Podcast Summary

    • SNP Leader Takes Aim at Labour on Child Poverty, By-Elections TomorrowSNP leader criticizes Labour on child poverty, Rishi Sunak enjoys good week with lower inflation and international investments, Keir Starmer's week improves with potential by-election wins, Scottish SNP faces embezzlement claims, political landscape remains dynamic with ongoing challenges and opportunities.

      The political landscape in the UK is experiencing significant shifts, with unexpected developments coming from unexpected sources. During the last PMQs, Stephen Flynn, the leader of the SNP in Westminster, delivered a zinger aimed at the Labour Party regarding child poverty support. Meanwhile, Rishi Sunak had a relatively good week with good inflation news and international investments, but could potentially face the loss of three by-elections tomorrow. Keir Starmer's week started off poorly but could end better if the by-elections go his way. Sunak's positive developments this week include lower than expected inflation, which is reducing the expectation of interest rate hikes and yielding into a small reduction in government borrowing costs. However, inflation is still significantly higher than the target, causing ongoing concerns. Additionally, the Scottish branch of the SNP is facing potential embezzlement claims, widening the party finance inquiry. Overall, the political scene is dynamic, with unexpected challenges and opportunities for various political figures.

    • UK inflation drops to 8% but still higher than targetDespite a decrease in UK inflation to 8%, it's above the target, causing real price increases and requiring significant financial assistance for new investments.

      The UK government received some positive economic news with inflation dropping to 8%, although it's still higher than the target and leading to real price increases for citizens. This news comes as other countries, like the US and Eurozone, have lower inflation rates. The government also received a boost with Tata's announcement to build a new battery plant in Britain, which will create jobs and add to the economy but will likely require significant financial assistance from the government. The timing of the announcement before a by-election was also notable. While these developments are positive, the potential cost to taxpayers for attracting such investments remains a concern.

    • UK shifts economic policy with £500m subsidy packageThe UK government is changing its economic approach, offering subsidies to secure investments, reflecting global trends towards more interventionism and competition for new industries and jobs.

      The UK government's decision to offer a £500,000,000 subsidy package to secure a factory investment marks a shift in economic policy after decades of promoting free market principles. This interventionist approach reflects global economic trends towards more subsidies, onshoring, and secure supply chains. The British government, despite its historical stance against picking winners, is responding to the need to compete in the race for new industries and jobs. However, the question remains about how much public funding will be required to pivot towards these emerging sectors. This discussion comes amidst the context of three by-elections in different regions, each with unique local issues, which might reveal patterns in voter sentiment towards economic interventionism.

    • By-elections on by election eve: A rare and significant eventHistorically infrequent, key races in Uxbridge, Selby and Aynsley, strategic placement, potential impact on political landscape, ULEZ issue in Uxbridge could be a challenge for Labour.

      The upcoming by-elections on by election eve can be compared to Christmas Eve due to their unusual occurrence and significance. Historically, there have been more by elections in a day, especially during the 1600s when MPs died frequently, leading to multiple by-elections. This time, there are several key races, including Uxbridge, where Boris Johnson's seat is up for grabs, and Selby and Aynsley, where a young Labour candidate, Keir, is challenging the conservative majority. The elections are strategically placed for the parties involved, with Uxbridge being a London seat trending towards Labour and Selby and Aynsley a race between the Tories and Lib Dems in the southwest. The elections' outcomes could shift the political landscape, especially in London, where demographics have changed and the Labour Party has gained ground. However, the Ultra-Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) issue in Uxbridge could be a challenge for Labour. Overall, these by-elections are a significant event for the parties involved and could impact the political landscape in various ways.

    • By-elections in Uxbridge and Selby and Aynsworth: Local contests with varying prospects for LabourThe outcomes of Uxbridge and Selby and Aynsworth by-elections depend more on local issues and candidates than on national trends, with Uxbridge showing a larger potential for Labour gains but still a significant swing needed, and Selby and Aynsworth's Conservative majority being much larger.

      The upcoming by-elections in Uxbridge and Selby and Aynsworth are significant local contests with varying prospects for the Labour Party. In Uxbridge, despite Labour's strong performance in national polling and the mayor of London's congestion charge expansion, the required swing to win the seat is substantial and beyond what's needed for an overall Labour majority in the next general election. In Selby and Aynsworth, the Conservative majority is much larger, and recent events, such as Nigel Adams' resignation, have not significantly shifted the polling landscape. Overall, the outcome of these by-elections will depend more on local issues and candidates than on national trends. Additionally, pollster Andrew Cooper believes that specific events during the campaign week have minimal impact on voters' decisions.

    • Cost of living crisis continues despite inflation decreaseDespite inflation decreasing, the cost of living crisis remains a major concern, potentially impacting election outcomes and leading to losses for the Conservatives, particularly in historically significant constituencies.

      Despite inflation decreasing, the cost of living crisis continues to be a significant concern for many people, and this worry may not change the election outcome on Thursday. The Conservatives are expected to lose at least 2 seats, with Selby and Ainsty being a particularly concerning loss due to its historical significance and the large number of Tory MPs with smaller majorities than in that constituency. Rational advice suggests calling an early election to minimize damage, but Prime Minister Sunak's personal preference for a longer tenure may prevent this decision.

    • UK's Political Climate Suggests Change from Conservative GovernmentThe UK's political climate indicates a likely change from the Conservative government, with the public expressing a desire for a shift and the current prime minister potentially preparing for a short tenure due to upcoming elections. The Conservative Party may face a prolonged period in opposition to regroup, but some still hold onto hope for a turnaround.

      The current political climate in the UK suggests a change from the Conservative government is imminent, with a large majority of the population expressing a desire for a change. Rishi Sunak, the current prime minister, may have factored this into his decision to take the role despite the likelihood of a short tenure due to upcoming elections. The Conservative Party may be facing a prolonged period in opposition to recharge and regroup, as has happened in the past during similar political climates. However, there is still a lingering hope among some in the party that the situation could change and they could turn things around. The poll numbers indicate that the public has made up its mind, but the internal psychology of those within the government may keep them hanging on to hope.

    • Labour Party Faces Tough Election, Barbie Makes a ComebackDespite negative campaigning and past disappointments, the Labour Party faces a tough election. Meanwhile, Barbie, once criticized for promoting unrealistic beauty standards, has transformed into a symbol of femininity and power, with a resurgence in popularity.

      The upcoming election is expected to be a tough fight for the Labour Party due to the negative campaigning from other parties and their own past disappointments. Meanwhile, the cultural phenomenon of Barbie, which started as a cartoon character and evolved into various forms, is experiencing a resurgence in popularity, with a highly anticipated film and various tie-ins in fashion and art. The Barbie doll, which was once criticized for promoting unrealistic beauty standards, has transformed into a symbol of femininity and power, as evidenced by the interest of high-profile actors in the upcoming film.

    • A Surprising and Subversive Take on the Iconic Barbie DollGreta Gerwig's 'Barbie' film explores the complex history and societal expectations of the iconic doll, presenting a darker, more nuanced portrayal and sparking conversation with its unique commentary on the cultural impact of Barbie.

      The new Barbie film, "Barbie" directed by Greta Gerwig, is taking the iconic doll in a surprising and subversive direction. The film's cultural dominance and buzz can be attributed to its unique incarnation as a Greta Gerwig project, as well as Barbie's complex history and cultural significance. Gerwig's take on the character explores the conflicted nature of Barbie's idealized image and the societal expectations it represents. The film challenges these expectations and presents a darker, more nuanced portrayal of the Barbie universe. The male characters are depicted as unenlightened, while the Barbie characters, such as president and lawyer Barbies, embody strong, powerful roles. Gerwig's film is not a celebration of Barbie's idealized image but rather a commentary on the cultural impact and history of the iconic doll. The film's success in subverting expectations and sparking conversation is a testament to Gerwig's unique vision and the enduring relevance of the Barbie brand.

    • A wry take on Barbie's history and issues for older audiencesThe new Barbie movie resonates with older audiences, bringing them back to cinemas after a tough year, and highlights the importance of creating engaging experiences for audiences.

      The new Barbie movie is not just for young children playing with Barbie toys now, but primarily for older audiences who grew up with the iconic doll. The film is a wry take on the history and issues surrounding Barbie, and despite some disagreement, it's believed that Mattel comes out of the movie in a positive light. The film's unexpected success, along with other big releases like "Mission Impossible," is helping to bring people back to cinemas after a tough year. The Eurovision-like excitement around the film shows that audiences want to be part of the experience rather than just passive viewers. Steven Spielberg's recent comments about Tom Cruise saving cinema with Top Gun: Maverick and Mission Impossible further highlight the importance of making movies that people want to see in theaters.

    • Impact of Voter ID Requirements in May ElectionsDespite concerns, most people returned to vote with correct ID in May elections. Impact on general elections with higher turnout remains uncertain.

      The implementation of voter ID requirements in elections, particularly at the parliamentary level, is a relatively new concept and uncharted territory. While there were concerns about voter apathy and people not returning with the correct ID, the May elections showed that most people did come back to vote. However, the impact of voter ID requirements on general elections, where turnout is typically higher, remains to be seen. The convenience factor could play a role in determining whether people who might be semi-politically motivated will return to vote if it's an inconvenience. The importance of having a valid voter ID was emphasized, and it's a public health warning to ensure you have it before heading to the polls.

    Recent Episodes from The News Agents

    Biden's TV debate disaster - will he now be replaced? - The News Agents - USA

    Biden's TV debate disaster - will he now be replaced? - The News Agents - USA

    This was a TV debate unlike any other. Excruciating doesn’t even cover it.

    Whilst Trump confidently lied his way through the facts, Biden barely reached the end of his sentences without meandering off into a far distant phrase.

    It was painful to watch and it will raise serious questions now amongst senior Democrats. Can they, must they replace Joe Biden as their presidential candidate?

    And if so who will be the first top figure to say it out loud?

    We take you through the most painful moments of the night and the conversations after the debate and ask if the voters will forgive this more easily - or if it’s time to take drastic action to save the Democratic Party from disaster in November.

    Editor: Gabriel Radus

    Video Production: Shane Fennelly

    The News Agents USA is brought to you by HSBC UK - https://www.hsbc.co.uk/

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    The News Agents
    enJune 28, 2024

    Starmer vs. Sunak vs. Trump vs. Biden- two TV debates, a world apart

    Starmer vs. Sunak vs. Trump vs. Biden- two TV debates, a world apart

    A week today your Twitter feed will be filing up with dogs at polling station memes.

    Yes dear listeners the marathon is almost done.

    On today's episode we will be looking at two TV debates - last night we saw the prime ministerial candidates on stage for the last time.

    Tonight it’s the turn of the US presidential candidates in Atlanta, Georgia. Do these debates ever change minds or just let audiences get things off their chest?

    We will hear from the Trump campaign team and ask if the stakes are higher for Biden or Trump, or Sunak or Starmer?

    Editor: Tom Hughes

    Senior Producer: Gabriel Radus

    Producer: Zeynel Can Yuce

    Social Media: Jacob Paul

    Video Production: : Rory Symon, Shane Fennelly & Arvind Badewal

    You can listen to this episode on Alexa - just say "Alexa, ask Global Player to play The News Agents"!

    The News Agents is brought to you by HSBC UK - https://www.hsbc.co.uk/


    The News Agents
    enJune 27, 2024

    Is Farage's Reform bounce over?

    Is Farage's Reform bounce over?

    The latest numbers from More in Common suggest that Nigel Farage may come to regret his comments over Putin and the Ukraine war.

    Reform has slipped back in the polls - and one in four voters believe that Farage is sympathetic to Putin.

    How will any of this play into the way people vote for his party next week?

    But we start with the gambling scandal.

    Keir Starmer has become the latest party leader to dispatch a candidate for betting - after Ipswich candidate Kevin Craig was found to have placed a bet on himself losing. North of the border, the Conservatives Scottish Secretary has come under fire for his own political flutter - even though it was not done with any inside knowledge. Are we in danger of descending into moral panic over any gambling?

    Editor: Tom Hughes

    Senior Producer: Gabriel Radus

    Producer: Zeynel Can Yuce

    Social Media Editor: Georgia Foxwell

    Video Production: : Rory Symon, Shane Fennelly & Arvind Badewal

    You can listen to this episode on Alexa - just say "Alexa, ask Global Player to play The News Agents"!

    The News Agents is brought to you by HSBC UK - https://www.hsbc.co.uk/


    The News Agents
    enJune 26, 2024

    Why did it take Rishi Sunak so long to suspend the gambling Tories?

    Why did it take Rishi Sunak so long to suspend the gambling Tories?

    We will be telling the extraordinary story of Julian Assange in this episode - how he gained such legendary status - and whether he was more saint or sinner - as he leaves Belmarsh prison and heads to his new life in Australia.

    But we have to start with the latest twist in the gambleshambles as, you’ve guessed it, Rishi Sunak has now bowed to the inevitable pressure and pulled his support from two candidates who admitted to making an ill advised bet on the date of the election.

    Why could the whole country see this coming except the PM?

    Editor: Tom Hughes

    Senior Producer: Gabriel Radus

    Producer: Zeynel Can Yuce

    Social Media Editor: Georgia Foxwell

    Video Production: : Rory Symon, Shane Fennelly & Arvind Badewal

    You can listen to this episode on Alexa - just say "Alexa, ask Global Player to play The News Agents"!

    The News Agents is brought to you by HSBC UK - https://www.hsbc.co.uk/


    The News Agents
    enJune 25, 2024

    Nigel Farage, Boris Johnson and the Daily Mail

    Nigel Farage, Boris Johnson and the Daily Mail

    Why is the Mail having a go at Nigel Farage and why is Nigel Farage having a go at Boris Johnson? These three are now firm 'frenemies' - calling each other 'morally repugnant' and calling in the lawyers...

    What does it tell us about the power on the right of British politics? And is Farage now regretting his 'Putin friendly' comments?

    Later, the Gambleshambles has reached the dizzy heights of second most damaging gaff for the election campaign amongst members of the public.

    Why has the cut through been so strong?

    And why hasn't anyone in Tory HQ managed this scandal better?

    Editor: Tom Hughes

    Senior Producer: Gabriel Radus

    Social Media Editor: Georgia Foxwell

    Video Production: : Rory Symon, Shane Fennelly & Arvind Badewal

    You can listen to this episode on Alexa - just say "Alexa, ask Global Player to play The News Agents"!

    The News Agents is brought to you by HSBC UK - https://www.hsbc.co.uk/


    The News Agents
    enJune 24, 2024

    How high in the Tory party does 'Gamblegate' go?

    How high in the Tory party does 'Gamblegate' go?

    The Sunday Times report that Nick Mason, the party's chief data officer, is the fourth Conservative being looked into over bets allegedly placed on the date of the general election. But still, no one has been suspended by Rishi Sunak. Why not? And, how far and how high does Gamblegate go? Could even someone as high up as a cabinet member be allegedly implicated?

    And later, we talk Brexit 8 years on and Lewis is at a focus group in the crucial voting area and demographic of Whitby.

    Editor: Tom Hughes

    Senior Producer: Gabriel Radus

    Social Media Editor: Georgia Foxwell

    Video Production: : Rory Symon, Shane Fennelly & Arvind Badewal

    You can listen to this episode on Alexa - just say "Alexa, ask Global Player to play The News Agents"!

    The News Agents is brought to you by HSBC UK - https://www.hsbc.co.uk/


    The News Agents
    enJune 23, 2024

    Weekend Edition - The Sports Agents

    Weekend Edition - The Sports Agents

    This week on The Sports Agents,

    After Rory McIlroy's dramatic decision to take a break from Golf, following his collapse at the US Open, Gabby & Mark were joined by 2010 Ryder Cup winning captain and five-time major runner up Colin Montgomerie, to debate whether golf is the most mentally-challenging sport out there and to re-live the US Open he himself 'threw away' back in 2006. 

    Later in the week, as Scotland kept their hopes a place in the knock-out stages of Euro 2024 alive, David Moyes joined Gabby for a morning coffee in Berlin, to discuss Tartan Army spirit, his own managerial future and player welfare as the number of games they're expected to play each season, continues to grow.

    Plus, with the new season's Premier League fixtures announced, we explored how the televised calendar really comes together with Sky Sports Director of Football Gary Hughes

    Don't forget to rate, follow or subscribe so you never miss a show.

    Send your questions (or voicenotes) for our upcoming Euro 2024 Q&A to us at thesportsagents@global.com or via our socials.

    New episodes every Tuesday and Thursday.

    The News Agents
    enJune 23, 2024

    The Tory betting scandal, and 'venal' campaigners

    The Tory betting scandal, and 'venal' campaigners

    In a move that I think we can safely say no-one saw coming , the Conservative campaign director has announced his own leave of absence two weeks out from polling day.

    His wife is a candidate. They are both being investigated for allegedly placing a bet on the date of the election before it was publicly announced.

    Another close protection officer has been arrested for misconduct. What is happening at the heart of his campaign and what is this doing to the state of the race.

    Later we see in a key Lab/Tory marginal talking to former Tory leader Iain Duncan Smith who’s been the MP here for 32 years … - and to his newly selected Labour opponent Shama Tatler.

    Editor: Tom Hughes

    Senior Producer: Gabriel Radus

    Producer: Zeynel Can Yuce

    Social Media Editor: Georgia Foxwell

    Video Production: Rory Symon, Shane Fennelly & Arvind Badewal

    You can listen to this episode on Alexa - just say "Alexa, ask Global Player to play The News Agents"!

    The News Agents is brought to you by HSBC UK - https://www.hsbc.co.uk/


    The News Agents
    enJune 20, 2024

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    3) South Korea’s early trade data show exports are likely to maintain their growth momentum this month, continuing their rebound from a year-long slump and helping brighten the outlook for global commerce.

    4) Republican ultra-conservatives are running out of patience less than four weeks after installing one their own, Mike Johnson, as House speaker, signaling turmoil ahead and heightened risk of a government shutdown in the new year.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Tax Tensions, Water Bills To Soar & Bill Ackman Courts Elon Musk

    Tax Tensions, Water Bills To Soar & Bill Ackman Courts Elon Musk

    On today's podcast:

    (1) Jeremy Hunt will today say he's increasing the National Living Wage to at least £11 an hour amid growing party discontent over Britain's tax burden.

    (2) A stop-gap spending bill passed by the US Congress over the weekend will keep the government open until the 17th of November.

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    (4) The billionaire Bill Ackman is said to be interested in pursuing a deal with Elon Musk's X Corporation, as part of a new investment vehicle.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Stonking Starmer told to be bold – plus why can’t we be friends?

    Stonking Starmer told to be bold – plus why can’t we be friends?
    We read the papers so you don’t have to. Today: Swing into gear! Labour trounce the SNP in by-election victory – but Starmer’s still being scrutinised. Plus, mate expectations – The average brit is down to only 3.7 true friends. And Eton Mess! The Papers reflect on the infamous public school. In the extra bit, exclusive to those in the Paper Cuts Supporters Club: Presidential Impoochment! Joe Biden’s dog has been evicted from the White House for biting staff. Alex von Tunzelmann is joined by The Bunker podcast host Jacob Jarvis and comedian Jason Hazeley. Support Paper Cuts and get mugs, t-shirts and extended ad-free editions: back.papercutsshow.com Follow Paper Cuts: • Twitter: https://twitter.com/papercutsshow • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/papercutsshow • TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@papercutsshow • Threads: https://www.threads.net/@papercutsshow Illustrations by Modern Toss https://moderntoss.com  Written and presented by Alex von Tunzelmann. Audio production: Robin Leeburn. Production: Liam Tait. Assistant Production: Adam Wright. Design: James Parrett. Music: Simon Williams. Socials: Jess Harpin. Managing Editor: Jacob Jarvis. Exec Producer: Martin Bojtos. Group Editor: Andrew Harrison. PAPER CUTS is a Podmasters Production Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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