
    Three Hiring Mistakes Businesses Commonly Make

    enOctober 29, 2019

    About this Episode

    Dr. Michael Neal and Frank Tuffy are joined this week by Dr. Jeremy Weisz to turn the tables on them and interview the hosts. Join them as they talk about the Build My Team process, the pitfalls of hiring based on emotion, and why resumes are not as reliable as they used to be.



    [2:14] Hiring based upon a resume is not as reliable as it used to be

    [5:38] How the Build My Team system evaluates skill sets

    [8:35] Hiring bad talent costs a company a lot of money

    [10:57] Build My Team uses scientific assesment tools from the field of psychology 

    [14:20] The interview process does not provide an accurate picture of who the applicant is

    [17:15] The client experience at Build My Team

    [21:35] Hiring based on emotion can create problems

    For show notes and links, visit: https://buildmyteam.com/podcast-ep1/ 

    Resources Mentioned on this episode

    Build My Team Website

    About Build My Team

    Lakeside Vision

    Connect with Dr Michael Neal

    LinkedIn for Dr. Michael Neal


    Thanks to our sponsor 

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