
    Through Hell, with Andy Frisella - MFCEO133

    enMarch 21, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Take action and apply what you've learnedDon't wait for answers or complicated solutions, focus on taking action and implementing the basics to succeed in business.

      The key to success in business is not waiting for someone else to provide the answers or the next level of content. The information and resources needed to succeed are readily available, and it's up to each individual to take action and apply what they've learned. The speaker emphasizes that business is simple, not easy, and that mastering the basics is the key to success. He encourages listeners to stop looking for secrets or complicated solutions and instead focus on taking action and implementing what they know. The speaker also emphasizes that he and others like him are not there to hold hands and guide every step of the way, but rather to provide information and inspiration. The ultimate responsibility for success lies with the individual.

    • Andy's Approach: Encouraging Questions and Mastering BasicsAndy focuses on business building, encourages short and sweet emails, emphasizes mastering basics, and differentiates repetition from reinforcement.

      Andy is not a stock trader or an investor in other people's ideas, but rather a business builder. He encourages those with questions or topic ideas to submit them through email, keeping it short and sweet for a quick response. He emphasizes the importance of mastering the basics and the difference between repetition and reinforcement. Andy believes that there isn't new information to discover, but rather the need to deeply understand the concepts already presented. He also clarifies that he doesn't have the resources to read lengthy emails and will ignore them if they are overly long.

    • Stop waiting for permission, take actionInitiate and act on goals instead of seeking validation or information from others, resources are readily available, be authentic in actions and intentions

      Instead of relying on others for validation or information, individuals should take initiative and action to achieve their goals. The speaker expresses frustration with people who constantly seek attention and information, rather than taking steps to learn and grow on their own. He emphasizes that the information and resources needed to build something are readily available, and it's up to each person to make use of them. The speaker also highlights the importance of being authentic and not pretending to be something one is not, such as an entrepreneur, when one is not actively working towards building a business. Overall, the message is to stop waiting for permission or external validation and start taking action to make things happen.

    • The importance of taking actionActing on information and pursuing goals requires hard work, dedication, and perseverance. Identify your true passion and take action towards it for successful outcomes.

      Action is key to success. The speaker laments about how people today have an abundance of information at their fingertips but fail to act on it. He shares his own experience of starting a business in the past when there was limited information available and the importance of taking action despite the challenges. He also shares a story about Whoopi Goldberg and the importance of identifying one's true passion and taking action towards it. The speaker emphasizes that there is no shortcut to success and that it requires hard work, dedication, and perseverance. He advises against the pursuit of passive income and encourages individuals to take action towards their goals.

    • Beware of false promises of passive incomeFocus on learning from those with a solid reputation and proven track record, rather than empty promises or flashy ads.

      Passive income is not a get-rich-quick scheme and those who claim to offer it may be deceiving you. Building a successful business requires hard work, ethics, and a proven track record. If someone promises you passive income without showing evidence of their accomplishments, they may be selling you a lie. Instead, focus on learning from those who have built real businesses and have a solid reputation. Don't be fooled by empty promises or flashy ads. Remember, hope is not a strategy, and it's important to invest in people and opportunities that have a solid foundation.

    • The normalcy of challenges in entrepreneurshipEntrepreneurship involves facing numerous challenges, but persevering leads to significant milestones and personal/professional growth.

      Entrepreneurship is a challenging and stressful journey filled with ups and downs, and it's important to understand that the hardships experienced are a normal part of the process. The allure of easy money and quick success can lead people to make poor decisions, such as investing in scams or buying unnecessary courses. But those things don't guarantee success and often just add to the financial burden. The real reward comes from persevering through the hardships and eventually achieving significant milestones. Additionally, once entrepreneurs reach a certain level of success, they take on the responsibility of not just their own lives but also the lives of their employees, adding to the stress. Overall, the road to entrepreneurship is difficult, but the personal and professional growth that comes with it can be incredibly rewarding.

    • Accepting uncertainty and discomfort as part of entrepreneurial journeyEmbrace uncertainty and discomfort to build resilience and bounce back from setbacks in entrepreneurship

      Embracing uncertainty and discomfort is essential for entrepreneurial success. The speaker emphasizes that feeling anxious, stressed, or unhappy are natural responses to the challenges that come with building something new. Rather than trying to avoid these emotions, it's crucial to accept them as part of the journey. Tony Robbins' quote, "The success you'll see is in direct proportion to the uncertainty that you can live with," highlights the importance of mental fortitude in navigating the ups and downs of entrepreneurship. The speaker encourages entrepreneurs to view these emotions as indicators of growth rather than reasons to give up. By learning to manage and accept uncertainty, entrepreneurs can build resilience and bounce back from setbacks more quickly. In essence, the more comfortable we are with the messiness and uncertainty of life, the more successful we can be.

    • Entrepreneurial setbacks and feelings of isolation are naturalRecognize setbacks and feelings of isolation as part of the entrepreneurial journey, don't let them hinder productivity, and embrace the experience as common among entrepreneurs.

      Experiencing setbacks, feelings of frustration, and even isolation are natural parts of the entrepreneurial journey. As the speaker emphasized, it's essential to recognize these feelings as indicators that you're in the game and not let them ruin your productivity and overall outlook on life. Comparing this experience to old G.I. Joe public service announcements, the speaker encourages listeners to "now you know," acknowledging that understanding the challenges is half the battle. Furthermore, the speaker emphasizes that feeling alone or isolated is a common experience among entrepreneurs due to the rarity of the path taken. Instead of apologizing for these feelings, entrepreneurs should embrace them as part of the process and keep pushing forward.

    • Feeling isolated during entrepreneurship is a sign of growthIsolation during entrepreneurship is a normal part of the process, indicating a move towards exceptionalism, growth, and commitment to success.

      Feeling isolated and alone during the entrepreneurial journey is a normal part of the process. It signifies detachment from the average crowd and a move towards exceptionalism. This transition can be uncomfortable, as it involves breaking free from familiar routines and social circles. However, it's essential to view this period as a positive sign, indicating growth and commitment to success. Remember, laziness, mediocrity, and complacency can be likened to drugs, and withdrawing from them can result in temporary discomfort. But, once you get through it, you'll emerge stronger and more focused. Embrace the process and remember that your unique perspective sets you apart on the path to entrepreneurial success.

    • Respecting individual perspectives and experiencesRecognize unique perspectives, have an entrepreneurial mindset, and set ambitious goals for personal growth, while respecting others' choices and happiness.

      Everyone has unique perspectives and experiences, and it's important to recognize and respect that. Some people may struggle with feelings of inadequacy or depression, while others may be content with their current situation. Regardless, it's essential to have an entrepreneurial mindset, whether as an employee or a business owner, to reach new heights. Society's standards for success are often too low, and setting ambitious goals can lead to greater achievements. It's essential to remember that everyone's journey is different, and there's no shame in striving for more. Additionally, being content with mediocrity is just as valid as aiming for greatness, and it's crucial to respect others' choices and happiness.

    • Depression is a complex disease that affects successful people tooSuccess doesn't protect from depression, and it's essential to prioritize mental health and seek professional help when needed.

      Depression is a disease that requires treatment, regardless of one's level of success. It's a common misconception that successful people don't experience depression or that they can simply "will" themselves out of it. Depression is a complex issue related to brain chemistry, and it's important to distinguish it from feelings of discouragement or frustration. People often let their emotions dictate their actions, but in the case of depression, it's crucial to seek professional help instead of letting negative feelings hinder progress. Emotions are temporary, but depression is a chronic condition that needs attention and treatment. Success doesn't make one immune to depression, and it's essential to recognize that and prioritize mental health.

    • Push through challenges with a winner's mindsetSuccess demands initiative, even during hardships. Don't make excuses, confidently make decisions, and keep moving forward to achieve your goals.

      Success in business and life requires taking initiative, even during difficult emotions and circumstances. The speaker emphasizes the importance of pushing through and not making excuses, no matter what. He shares examples of successful entrepreneurs who have faced challenges such as depression, but still managed to achieve great success. He also mentions the need to make decisions confidently and not get bogged down in second-guessing. Overall, the message is to have a winner's mindset, take responsibility for your actions, and keep moving forward despite challenges.

    • Commit fully to decisions and learn from mistakesSuccessful entrepreneurs fully commit to their decisions and learn from their mistakes, rather than constantly second-guessing or trying things half-heartedly.

      Successful entrepreneurs commit fully to their decisions and learn from their mistakes, rather than constantly second-guessing and trying things half-heartedly. They understand that making wrong decisions is a natural part of the process and that the best way to learn and improve is to go all in and experience the consequences. As the speaker emphasized, nothing worthwhile can be achieved by merely trying it a little bit. Instead, one must be fully committed, learn the lesson, and adjust accordingly. This mindset cures indecision and helps entrepreneurs navigate the unpredictable nature of their endeavors.

    • Focus on making God or values proud for successSuccess requires hard work, ethical principles, and a willingness to adapt. Don't be discouraged by others' portrayal of success, embrace the process and learn from mistakes.

      Success, whether it's in business or personal life, is a journey that requires hard work, ethical principles, and a willingness to adapt. It's important not to be discouraged by the perceived ease of success portrayed by others, and instead focus on making God (or one's own values) proud by striving for success. Swinging for the fences with big plans is admirable, but it's essential to remember that success is built over time and requires embracing the messiness and evolution of the process. Don't let fear of making the wrong decision hold you back – instead, use the freedom given to explore what you're meant to do in life. And if you make mistakes, learn from them and keep moving forward.

    • Believe in the process and put in consistent effortSuccess requires time and effort, trust the process, and believe in yourself to achieve your goals

      Building something meaningful, whether it's a body, a business, or a career, requires time and consistent effort. Instant gratification is a myth, and those who understand this and put in the work day after day will eventually see results and build unwavering belief in their ability to achieve their goals. People often find excuses not to act, but trusting the action and doing the work is the key to success. As Andy Frisella says, "Success is math," and if you do your critical tasks every day, you'll win. It's important to remember that the journey may be long and hard, but the view from the top is worth the climb. Trust the process and believe in yourself, even when faced with doubts or setbacks.

    • Questions, mistakes, and setbacks are part of the journey to successEmbrace questions, mistakes, and setbacks as natural parts of the messy process to achieving success. Join the MFCEO Project community for resources and support.

      It's important to ask questions and not be afraid of making mistakes or feeling stupid. The speaker encourages listeners to keep pushing forward despite feelings of frustration, loneliness, or self-doubt. He emphasizes that success is a messy process and that everyone experiences setbacks. Additionally, the MFCEO Project is a community for those who are tired of societal norms that prioritize feelings over progress. The project offers resources such as full YouTube episodes and children's books to help shape the next generation. Thursday Thunder is an upcoming event, and the speakers will be back soon.

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    In today's episode, Andy and DJ are joined in the studio by comedian Tim Young. They discuss the Supreme Court's dismissal of the Social Media Censorship case, the congressional report that showed interference in 2020, and what we know about the 2 Venezuelan men accused of killing 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray.

    732. Andy, Vaughn Kohler & DJ CTI: Trump-Biden Debates, Julian Assange Avoids Setting Foot On US Mainland & Alex Jones' Bankruptcy

    732. Andy, Vaughn Kohler & DJ CTI: Trump-Biden Debates, Julian Assange Avoids Setting Foot On US Mainland & Alex Jones' Bankruptcy

    In today's episode, Andy & DJ are joined in the studio by the translucent Pastor of Disaster, Vaughn Kohler. They discuss the upcoming Trump and Biden debates, Julian Assange dropping $500k for a flight to a remote island to avoid setting foot on the US mainland, and a bankruptcy court trustee filing a motion to liquidate Alex Jones' Infowars.

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    What We Discuss With Glenn Lundy in this Episode

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    • What entrepreneurs can learn from the car sales industry
    • The great leaders’ equation

    Episode Show Notes: https://tinyurl.com/2a2mz33s 

    Check out our complete library of episodes and other leadership resources here: https://leadersoftransformation.com


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    "I work super hard from the minute I wake up till I go to bed."

    "It ain't until you actually get a loss of something you can't replace, like a kid, that you sit there and think, f****** hell, this other stuff's nothing."

    "I'm scared of not reaching my full potential. That's my main thing."

    "I'm bored of the maintaining part of it. The book's becoming shit."

    "If someone else is doing it, why the f*** can't I do it?"






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    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “The Disruptive Entrepreneur”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”



    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/ 

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979


    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com

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