
    Thy Word Is Settled Forever

    enJuly 19, 2024
    What is the central theme of Psalm 119?
    How does the Bible contrast with perishable things?
    What did Jesus say about the law's permanence?
    Why is God's word considered reliable in a changing world?
    What should readers consider supporting, according to the text?

    Podcast Summary

    • Biblical EternityThe Bible's promises and testimonies are eternal and unchanging, providing a foundation of stability and reliability in an ever-changing world.

      The Word of God, as expressed in the Bible, is eternal and unchanging. This central theme is emphasized throughout the longest chapter in the Bible, Psalm 119, with verses such as "Thy word is settled forever" and "Your word is true from the beginning." The Bible's promises and testimonies are not subject to decay or change, as contrasted with perishable things like grass and flowers. Jesus Christ himself reinforced this truth with his statement that not even the smallest letters in the law will pass away until all is fulfilled. This eternal nature of God's word provides a foundation of stability and reliability in an ever-changing world. If you find this message meaningful, please consider supporting the Institute for Creation Research and subscribing to the Days of Praise podcast for daily inspiration.

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