
    TIP520: Investing Through Post-bubble Markets w/ Jamie Catherwood

    enFebruary 03, 2023
    What parallels does Jamie Catherwood draw between the 1920s and today?
    How did the 1929 market crash lead to regulatory changes?
    What role does regulation play in protecting retail investors?
    How has market access evolved from carrier pigeons to digital analysis?
    What historical lessons can inform the current crypto market landscape?

    • Parallels between the 1920s and TodayHistory can inform our understanding of the markets today. Understanding market regulations and the parallels between the 1920s and today will help us prepare for a post-COVID economy.

      Financial historian Jamie Catherwood draws parallels between the 1920s and today, with similarities in progression and timeline laid out from the Spanish flu, summer protests around race, surging demand after reopening, sharp and severe recession and then the roaring twenties. However, the question remains if we are going to keep following the path laid out by the 1920s or experience something different with a longer time to rebuild the economy and reach pre-COVID levels. Catherwood also highlights the importance of understanding history to inform our understanding of the markets today, how market regulations were developed in the US and how the crypto market resembles the early days of the stock market.

    • Factors that impact stock performance in inflationary regimesIn high inflation, momentum and energy sectors perform best while size factor and consumer staples underperform. Consistent due diligence is necessary and shareholder yield, momentum, and value hold up well in inflation periods. Crypto is speculative with lax regulation.

      Factors tend to hold up well in inflationary regimes. Inflation does not always correlate with the performance of stocks. In high inflation regimes, momentum and energy sectors have historically performed the best, while the size factor and consumer staples sectors have underperformed. The fraud cycle lags the market cycle, and bad business models tend to suffer during downturns. Investors need to consistently perform due diligence, even during bull markets. Crypto, like equities in the 1920s, is a largely unregulated asset class and is subject to speculation. Inflation does not always mean lower equity returns, and shareholder yield, momentum, and value historically hold up well in moderate to high inflation periods.

    • The Importance of Due Diligence in a Bear MarketA bear market can expose fraudulent business models, making it critical for companies and investors to conduct thorough research on their offerings to avoid potential losses. Don't rely solely on hype and momentum in a volatile market.

      In a bull market, companies can skate on hype and momentum, but in a bear market, questionable business models and frauds get exposed. A stock price is the best prosecutor and defense you can have, making you untouchable in a good market, but susceptible to questions when the market is bad. Companies need facts and statistics to gain market favor when people are losing money. Even private startups with questionable business models get found out in a bear market. The downfall of Bernie Madoff and FTX are great examples. Therefore, companies and investors need to be cautious and understand the realities of their business models, employee count, and offerings before making tough decisions in a bear market.

    • Learning from History: Safeguarding Investments in Financial MarketsRegulations are crucial to safeguard investments from frauds and scams, as history has shown. We need to take action and learn from past mistakes to protect people's hard-earned money.

      The term bankruptcy comes from the broken bench of Venetian bankers who went insolvent in the 14th century. Similarly, the equity markets in the 18th and early 19th centuries were also a cesspool of frauds and scams before getting regulated finally in 1929. Today, cryptocurrency is facing similar issues, but they are happening at a faster pace due to technology and social media. Insider trading was legal before 1909 and court cases hardly led to any regulations. Stenographer at a mining company used insider knowledge to short her company's stock, which was legal at that time. So, we must learn from the history of financial markets and take regulatory actions to safeguard people's money from frauds and scams.

    • The Importance of Regulation in Democratised MarketsRetail investors in the past have fallen victim to frauds and manipulations due to the absence of regulations. The crypto community must recognize the importance of regulation to protect investors in the decentralised and democratic market of today.

      The democratization of financial markets in the 19th and 20th centuries led to the participation of retail investors through bucket shops, but lack of regulation left them vulnerable to market manipulations and frauds by speculators and robber barons, resulting in the devastating 1929 market crash. The crash led to the establishment of regulatory bodies such as the SEC to protect retail investors. Today, the crypto community is against government intervention and regulation, but history has shown that regulation is necessary for the protection of investors in democratized markets.

    • The Need for Regulation in the Crypto IndustryWhile regulation may not align with the decentralized nature of cryptocurrency, some level of regulation is necessary to protect investors from scams and frauds. Implementing a framework for digital assets can make the investment process safer and improve the legitimacy of the asset class as a whole.

      The lack of regulation in the crypto industry is a major concern as it leaves investors vulnerable to scams and frauds. Although regulation and crypto do not go hand in hand, some level of regulation is necessary. It will be beneficial in the long run to have a framework in place for digital assets, which will make it safer for investors to make their first investment, and the asset class as a whole will become less sketchy and dangerous. Decentralized Bitcoin is different from other coins like FTT, which are just made out of thin air from FTX. The dynamic of Wall Street has not changed a lot for retailers, and despite moving from bucket shops to exchanges, the same wash sale idea persists.

    • The Impact of Regulation on Bucket Shops and Cryptocurrency Sketchy ActivitiesRegulation helps to eliminate fraudulent and sketchy companies from the trading market, creating a higher level of trust and quality for investors. The Securities Act is an example of successful regulation in the past.

      Bucket shops in the past manipulated stock prices by placing sell orders at a lower price to avoid paying out winnings to their customers. This fictitious trading provided a link to the real stock exchange, where the real market was being moved by sketchy speculative activity in these bucket shops. Similarly, in the crypto world, sketchy activities affect the entire system and move Bitcoin because it is the main asset that companies use. To cut this link, more regulation is needed, as it ensures a higher level of company on average in the market, catching more of the frauds and sketchy companies that would have gone public before regulation. The Securities Act had a significant impact on the quality of companies trading on stock exchanges.

    • The Regulation's impact on Non-NYSE IPOsRegulations can bring a much-needed quality to the market, discouraging companies from launching shady IPOs and improving average returns. Lack of regulation in crypto investments is concerning and blind investments are not recommended.

      The Security Act of 1933 brought significant change in IPOs on non-New York Stock Exchanges, where the average five year return for IPOs before the Act was negative 52%, but after the Act, it changed to a positive 5.7%. This was due to the fact that prior to the regulation, there were no rules around prospectuses and anything like that, and thus there was nothing discouraging companies from launching sketchy or shady IPOs, which contributed to terrible average returns. The introduction of regulation brought much-needed quality to the market, where the worst 25% of companies like straight scams and frauds have already been removed. This lack of regulation in the crypto landscape is worrisome, where blind investments are not recommended due to uncertainties.

    • The 1906 San Francisco Earthquake and its Impact on Monetary SystemsThe earthquake highlighted the fragility of relying on gold and the need for a central bank as a lender of last resort. It led to JP Morgan acting as the Federal Reserve and the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913 to prevent future crises.

      The 1906 San Francisco earthquake highlighted the downsides of relying on gold as the base of a monetary system and the need for a central bank as a lender of last resort to prevent financial crises. The earthquake caused over 50% of the fire insurance companies in San Francisco to be British, leading to a lot of gold needing to be moved and causing financial markets to become more fragile. Britain ended up sending 13% of their gold supply to San Francisco to pay out insurance claims, tightening up markets and causing knock-on effects for global markets, specifically in New York. JP Morgan acted as the Federal Reserve during the crisis, leading to the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913 to prevent relying on a single person in future crises.

    • Historical Insights on Liquidity, Central Banks and Competitive AdvantagesIn the age of information, analysis is the primary competitive advantage as methods for faster access to market information get arbitraged away over time. The democratization of information is changing the landscape for businesses.

      The founder of FTX provided liquidity and saved struggling crypto companies similar to how JP Morgan bailed out struggling companies. The Bank of Amsterdam is believed to be the first central bank and it influenced the way other countries structured their own central banks. Throughout history, there has been a cyclical pattern of three stages for competitive advantages in markets: access, speed, and analysis. Carrier pigeons were once used as a method for faster access to market information. However, over time, these methods get arbitraged away. Today, information has become democratized and analysis has become the primary competitive advantage in the age of information.

    • The Three Stages of Competitive Advantage in InvestingTo gain an edge in investing, stay ahead of the competition by utilizing information faster, democratizing technology, and using analysis to gain better insights. Remember, the cycle resets with new data or technology advancements.

      In investing, competitive advantage goes through three stages: speed, receiving information faster; technology democratizes information so everyone gets it at the same time; analysis, using information more effectively than competitors. Once a cycle completes, a new data set or technology resets it. For example, curb traders in the mid-1800s drilled a hole in the New York Stock Exchange building to spy on the wealthy elite's trading sessions. This access was an edge until the ticker was introduced, and everyone got the same information at the same time. The investing world then moved to the speed component, and eventually, the cycle reset. Today, the analysis phase is key, and investors must use the widely available information to gain better insights and outperform the competition.

    • The Ticker: Revolutionizing the Way Investors Analyze Market InformationThe ticker, invented in the 19th century, changed the game for investors by providing real-time price information and enabling analysis of trends instead of just focusing on gathering data. Today, modern tools like de Lupa continue to automate processes, allowing for deeper insights and analysis.

      The ticker, a recorded history of the market, revolutionized the way investors gathered and analyzed information in the 19th century. It provided everyone access to real-time price information and helped investors spend more time analyzing trends instead of just trying to gather information faster. Today, tools like de Lupa automate data gathering and synthesizing processes so that investors and analysts can spend more time analyzing and generating insights. Companies are dedicated to helping investors do more analyzing than just gathering data or gathering it faster. The optical telegraph, used before the ticker, communicated price information using different shapes. The ticker through Telegraph cables technology distributed the information, making it easier for investors to access and analyze. This was a revolutionary way to get real-time information without being physically present near the New York Stock Exchange.

    • Custom Indexing - A Competitive Advantage for Financial AdvisorsWith the power of custom indexing, financial advisors can personalize individual accounts for higher investor returns through single stocks and tax optimization. Platforms like Osam's canvas make it necessary for the industry to evolve.

      Custom indexing is becoming a great competitive advantage for financial advisors. The ability to personalize each individual account, to boost investor returns is unique. This technology may eventually be available to the retail investor. With the power of custom indexing, advisors are able to personalize each client's individual account for things like taxes. The impact of personalized investment through single stocks and personalization is much higher than that through commingled funds. Using the canvas platform, advisors can deliver custom solutions to their clients, making it necessary for the industry to evolve. Osam's canvas platform and custom indexing, offering personalized solutions to individual investors are great examples of how the industry is evolving.

    • Canvas Custom Indexes for Tax Optimization and Higher After-Tax ReturnsCreating customized indexes with Canvas allows investors to offset tax bills and achieve tax alpha, leading to potentially higher after-tax returns. Additionally, customization at scale provides other benefits beyond tax optimization. Explore financial history courses on Investor Amnesia's website.

      Custom Indexes allow investors to sell stocks at a loss, which offsets tax bills on other stocks in the index that went up. This can lead to tax alpha and higher after-tax returns. In the first half of 2022, harvesting losses across Canvas accounts generated a hundred million in net losses and added 170 basis points in tax alpha. While tax optimization can make a big impact on investor returns, there are also other benefits of customization at scale. To learn more about financial history, the Investor Amnesia website has financial history courses with renowned experts like Jim Chanos and Neil Ferguson. Canvas allows investors to create customized indexes, leading to tax optimization, and other potential advantages.

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    TIP657: Morgan Housel's Lessons to Build Wealth w/ Clay Finck

    TIP657: Morgan Housel's Lessons to Build Wealth w/ Clay Finck
    On today’s episode, Clay shares the most important lessons he’s learned from Morgan Housel. Morgan Housel is a partner at The Collaborative Fund. He's the New York Times Bestselling author of The Psychology of Money and Same As Ever. His books have sold over 4.5 million copies and have been translated into more than 50 languages. He also serves on the board of directors at Markel. IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL LEARN: 00:00 - Intro 01:24 - Why the best story wins. 09:35 - Why the biggest risk is the one nobody sees coming.  23:03 - The seduction of pessimism and why it pays to be an optimist. 27:18 - The importance of understanding ‘enough’. 44:42 - The importance of patience and investing with a long time horizon. 52:34 - The impact of debt.  And so much more! Disclaimer: Slight discrepancies in the timestamps may occur due to podcast platform differences. BOOKS AND RESOURCES Join the exclusive TIP Mastermind Community to engage in meaningful stock investing discussions with Stig, Clay, Kyle, and the other community members. Morgan’s books: The Psychology of Money & Same as Ever. Morgan's podcast on debt with Howard Mark. Related Episode: Listen to TIP602: Same as Ever w/ Morgan Housel, or watch the video. Related Episode: Listen to TIP351: The Psychology of Money w/ Morgan Housel, or watch the video. Mentioned Episode: RWH016: The Best of the Best w/ Francois Rochon. Mentioned Episode: RWH013: Move Slow, Win Big w/ Thomas Russo. Mentioned Episode: TIP559: Mastering the Market Cycle w/ Howard Marks. Follow Clay on Twitter. Check out all the books mentioned and discussed in our podcast episodes here. Enjoy ad-free episodes when you subscribe to our Premium Feed. NEW TO THE SHOW? Follow our official social media accounts: X (Twitter) | LinkedIn | Instagram | Facebook | TikTok. Check out our We Study Billionaires Starter Packs. Browse through all our episodes (complete with transcripts) here. Try our tool for picking stock winners and managing our portfolios: TIP Finance Tool. Enjoy exclusive perks from our favorite Apps and Services. Stay up-to-date on financial markets and investing strategies through our daily newsletter, We Study Markets. Learn how to better start, manage, and grow your business with the best business podcasts. SPONSORS Support our free podcast by supporting our sponsors: River Toyota Range Rover Sound Advisory American Express The Bitcoin Way Vacasa USPS Onramp SimpleMining Public Fundrise BAM Capital Shopify HELP US OUT! Help us reach new listeners by leaving us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts! It takes less than 30 seconds, and really helps our show grow, which allows us to bring on even better guests for you all! Thank you – we really appreciate it! Support our show by becoming a premium member! https://theinvestorspodcastnetwork.supportingcast.fm Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices Support our show by becoming a premium member! https://theinvestorspodcastnetwork.supportingcast.fm

    BTC198: Institutions Adopting Bitcoin w/ Max Kei and Pascal Hugli (Bitcoin Podcast)

    BTC198: Institutions Adopting Bitcoin w/ Max Kei and Pascal Hugli  (Bitcoin Podcast)
    In this episode, Preston interviews Max Kei and Pascal Hugli, diving deep into how Bitcoin's unique characteristics position it as the ultimate collateral for institutional lending. The discussion covers key topics such as risk management, the role of stablecoins, peer-to-peer lending versus traditional finance, and the future of Bitcoin in institutional portfolios. Max and Pascal share their perspectives on the barriers to institutional adoption, the evolving regulatory environment, and the innovations shaping the future of Bitcoin lending and borrowing platforms. In this episode, William Green chats with Harold J. (“Jay”) Bowen III, President & CIO of Bowen, Hanes & Company. Jay & his late father generated dazzling returns for their biggest client, the Tampa Firefighters’ & Police Officers’ Pension Fund. The fund’s stock portfolio has achieved an annualized return of 14.4% over 50 years & a cumulative return of more than 81,000%. Here, Jay explains how they pulled this off, sharing one of the great untold stories of the investment world.  IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL LEARN: 00:00 - Intro 09:47 - How Bitcoin’s 24/7 liquidity and decentralized nature make it the most pristine collateral for lending and borrowing. 16:59 - The impact of Bitcoin’s deep liquidity on risk management strategies for institutions. 20:45 - The challenges and opportunities for institutions in adopting Bitcoin compared to traditional assets. 24:45 - Insights into Bitcoin’s performance in institutional portfolios and how it shapes future portfolio management. 32:13 - The future of Bitcoin lending and borrowing platforms and the innovations on the horizon. Disclaimer: Slight discrepancies in the timestamps may occur due to podcast platform differences. BOOKS AND RESOURCES Max Kei’s Institutional Borrowing and Lending platform: Debifi. Max and Preston: The Future of Bitcoin Borrowing and Lending w/ Max Kei (BTC177). Max Kei's X Account and Nostr. Pascal Hugli’s X Account and Nostr. Check out all the books mentioned and discussed in our podcast episodes here. Enjoy ad-free episodes when you subscribe to our Premium Feed. NEW TO THE SHOW? Join the exclusive TIP Mastermind Community to engage in meaningful stock investing discussions with Stig, Clay, Kyle, and the other community members. Follow our official social media accounts: X (Twitter) | LinkedIn | Instagram | Facebook | TikTok. Check out our We Study Billionaires Starter Packs. Browse through all our episodes (complete with transcripts) here. Try our tool for picking stock winners and managing our portfolios: TIP Finance Tool. Enjoy exclusive perks from our favorite Apps and Services. Stay up-to-date on financial markets and investing strategies through our daily newsletter, We Study Markets. Learn how to better start, manage, and grow your business with the best business podcasts. SPONSORS Support our free podcast by supporting our sponsors: River Toyota Range Rover Sound Advisory American Express The Bitcoin Way Vacasa USPS Onramp SimpleMining Public Fundrise BAM Capital Shopify Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices Support our show by becoming a premium member! https://theinvestorspodcastnetwork.supportingcast.fm

    RWH049: Crushing The Market Over 50 Years w/ Jay Bowen

    RWH049: Crushing The Market Over 50 Years w/ Jay Bowen
    In this episode, William Green chats with Harold J. (“Jay”) Bowen III, President & CIO of Bowen, Hanes & Company. Jay & his late father generated dazzling returns for their biggest client, the Tampa Firefighters’ & Police Officers’ Pension Fund. The fund’s stock portfolio has achieved an annualized return of 14.4% over 50 years & a cumulative return of more than 81,000%. Here, Jay explains how they pulled this off, sharing one of the great untold stories of the investment world.  IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL LEARN: 00:00 - Intro 08:37 - What makes the Tampa Firefighters’ & Police Officers’ Pension Fund special. 17:54 - How Jay Bowen’s father came to run the fund half a century ago. 29:09 - How to thrive by slashing fees, shunning consultants, & thinking long term. 38:54 - Why Jay takes a top-down thematic investment approach. 43:03 - How the fund made a fortune buying Coca-Cola before Buffett. 47:15 - Why it pays to bet on extraordinary CEOs. 51:09 - Why truly long-term investors shouldn’t bother with bonds. 1:05:31 - How Jay is positioned to profit from the Fourth Industrial Revolution. 1:10:27 - How he thinks about pricey stocks like Nvidia & Costco. 1:14:29 - How he invests in smaller companies he sees as future blue chips. 1:18:06 - Why he’s obsessed with the Federal Reserve. 1:22:16 - How to invest successfully in times of market mayhem. 1:37:58 - How being an endurance athlete has helped Jay as an investor. 1:53:58 - How he structures his days to optimize performance. Disclaimer: Slight discrepancies in the timestamps may occur due to podcast platform differences. BOOKS AND RESOURCES Jay Bowen’s investment firm, Bowen, Hanes & Company.  Links to Jay Bowen’s media appearances. William Green’s podcast episode with Fred Martin | YouTube Video. William Green’s podcast episode with Bob Robotti | YouTube Video. William Green’s book, “Richer, Wiser, Happier” – read the reviews. Follow William Green on X. Check out all the books mentioned and discussed in our podcast episodes here. Enjoy ad-free episodes when you subscribe to our Premium Feed. NEW TO THE SHOW? Join the exclusive TIP Mastermind Community to engage in meaningful stock investing discussions with Stig, Clay, Kyle, and the other community members. Follow our official social media accounts: X (Twitter) | LinkedIn | | Instagram | Facebook | TikTok. Browse through all our episodes (complete with transcripts) here. Try our tool for picking stock winners and managing our portfolios: TIP Finance Tool. Enjoy exclusive perks from our favorite Apps and Services. Stay up-to-date on financial markets and investing strategies through our daily newsletter, We Study Markets. Learn how to better start, manage, and grow your business with the best business podcasts.  SPONSORS Support our free podcast by supporting our sponsors: River Toyota Range Rover Vacasa AT&T The Bitcoin Way USPS American Express Onramp Found SimpleMining Public Shopify HELP US OUT! Help us reach new listeners by leaving us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts! It takes less than 30 seconds, and really helps our show grow, which allows us to bring on even better guests for you all! Thank you – we really appreciate it! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices Support our show by becoming a premium member! https://theinvestorspodcastnetwork.supportingcast.fm

    TIP656: Mastering Stock Selection with an Investment Checklist w/ Clay Finck

    TIP656: Mastering Stock Selection with an Investment Checklist w/ Clay Finck
    On today’s episode, Clay offers a detailed guide on creating an investment checklist to help you avoid picking losing stocks. An investment checklist, paired with thorough fundamental analysis, is crucial for making informed and intelligent decisions in the investing world. Great investment opportunities are rare, and a well-crafted checklist is key to distinguishing exceptional companies from mediocre ones. IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL LEARN: 00:00 - Intro 01:44 - Why fundamental research is essential to invest successfully. 04:47 - How to generate new investment ideas. 06:47 - How to understand the basics of a business. 08:31 - How to understand the customer base. 10:32 - How to determine the primary risk factors of a business. 19:19 - How to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of a company. 28:25 - Which financial and operating ratios investors should monitor? 32:53 - How to determine the quality of a company’s earnings and management team. 01:06:51 - How to evaluate growth opportunities. And so much more! Disclaimer: Slight discrepancies in the timestamps may occur due to podcast platform differences. BOOKS AND RESOURCES Join the exclusive TIP Mastermind Community to engage in meaningful stock investing discussions with Stig, Clay, Kyle, and the other community members. Books mentioned: The Investment Checklist, 7 Powers, Investment Intelligence from Insider Trading. Mentioned Episode: TIP652: Best Quality Idea Q3 2024 w/ Clay Finck & Kyle Grieve. Mentioned Episode: TIP600: Business Durability and Strategy Masterclass w/ Hamilton Helmer. Mentioned Episode: TIP604: Best Quality Idea Q1 2024 w/ Clay Finck & Kyle Grieve. Mentioned Episode: TIP602: Same as Ever w/ Morgan Housel. Mentioned Episode: TIP492: The Best Investor You've Never Heard Of — Nick Sleep. Follow Clay on Twitter. Check out all the books mentioned and discussed in our podcast episodes here. Enjoy ad-free episodes when you subscribe to our Premium Feed. NEW TO THE SHOW? Follow our official social media accounts: X (Twitter) | LinkedIn | Instagram | Facebook | TikTok. Check out our We Study Billionaires Starter Packs. Browse through all our episodes (complete with transcripts) here. Try our tool for picking stock winners and managing our portfolios: TIP Finance Tool. Enjoy exclusive perks from our favorite Apps and Services. Stay up-to-date on financial markets and investing strategies through our daily newsletter, We Study Markets. Learn how to better start, manage, and grow your business with the best business podcasts. SPONSORS Support our free podcast by supporting our sponsors: River Toyota Range Rover Vacasa AT&T The Bitcoin Way USPS American Express Onramp Found SimpleMining Public Shopify HELP US OUT! Help us reach new listeners by leaving us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts! It takes less than 30 seconds, and really helps our show grow, which allows us to bring on even better guests for you all! Thank you – we really appreciate it! Support our show by becoming a premium member! https://theinvestorspodcastnetwork.supportingcast.fm Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices Support our show by becoming a premium member! https://theinvestorspodcastnetwork.supportingcast.fm

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    BTC078: Bitcoin Mastermind Discussion w/ Joe Carlasare, Jay Gould, & Jeff Ross (Bitcoin Podcast)
    IN THIS EPISODE, YOU’LL LEARN: 01:42 - The FED's Soft Landing. 09:10 - The Luna Stable Coin melt-down. 23:20 - What's happening in the bond market? 49:26 - Whether the stock market is due for a correction or not. 53:56 - What's happening in China? 01:00:50 - Regulation coming out of the Luna situation. 01:16:09 - What it will take for the SEC to approve a Spot ETF. *Disclaimer: Slight timestamp discrepancies may occur due to podcast platform differences. BOOKS AND RESOURCES Join the exclusive TIP Mastermind Community to engage in meaningful stock investing discussions with Stig, Clay, and the other community members. Joe Carlasare's Twitter. Jay Gould's Twitter. Jeff Ross's Twitter. New to the show? Check out our We Study Billionaires Starter Packs. Are you looking to start investing? Check out our article on How to Invest in Stocks: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners. SPONSORS Support our free podcast by supporting our sponsors: River Toyota Linkedin Marketing Solutions Fidelity Efani Shopify NDTCO Fundrise Wise NetSuite TurboTax Vacasa NerdWallet Babbel Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Prof G Markets: Airbnb’s Record Revenue, Buying Football Teams, and Testing Bing’s AI Search

    Prof G Markets: Airbnb’s Record Revenue, Buying Football Teams, and Testing Bing’s AI Search
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    Mentioned in this podcast:

    He said, they said: Sam Bankman-Fried jury weighs duelling accounts of FTX’s downfall

    Eurozone inflation falls more than expected to 2.9%

    Odey Asset Management to close after sexual assault allegations against founder

    How Sunak’s Bletchley Park summit aims to shape global AI safety

    The FT News Briefing is produced by Fiona Symon, Sonja Hutson, Kasia Broussalian and Marc Filippino. Additional help by Monica Lopez, Peter Barber, Michael Lello, David da Silva and Gavin Kallmann. Topher Forhecz is the FT’s executive producer. The FT’s global head of audio is Cheryl Brumley. The show’s theme song is by Metaphor Music. 

    Read a transcript of this episode on FT.com

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Fed Fight Not Over and Inflation still not tamed

    Fed Fight Not Over and Inflation still not tamed

    The Massive Impact on Realtors and Lenders!

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