
    To Prenup or Not to Prenup? with the Fiscal Feminist, Kim Davis

    enJune 01, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • The Importance of Prenups in Equal MarriagesEven in seemingly equal marriages, individuals should consider a prenup to protect their financial future, especially if they have potential income-generating assets.

      It's essential for individuals, especially women, to consider the financial implications of a prenup, even in seemingly equal marriages. The speaker shares her personal experience of not having a prenup when she and her husband had roughly equal assets but failed to protect her growing business. She admits that she was "dumb" about the situation and encourages individuals, particularly those with potential income-generating assets, to consider a prenup as a way to protect their financial future. Despite the potential negative connotations of divorce, the current divorce rate in the US is around 41%, making the importance of financial protection in marriage all the more relevant.

    • Protecting Financial Interests in MarriageA prenup is a financial safety net for couples, ensuring neither party is left in a disadvantaged position during a divorce.

      Having a prenup is like having insurance for your marriage. It's not a sign that you're expecting the marriage to fail, but rather a way to protect both parties financially in case the marriage does end. A prenup can help ensure that neither spouse is left in a financially disadvantaged position, especially if one spouse stays at home to raise children. The story shared about a female executive whose prenup ended up protecting her during a divorce highlights the importance of this financial safety net. While some may argue that discussing the possibility of divorce before marriage is anti-love, the reality is that not having these conversations and arrangements in place doesn't guarantee a successful marriage. It only increases the chances of both parties suffering financially if the marriage ends. Ultimately, a prenup can provide peace of mind and financial security for both partners.

    • The Reality of Marriage in the 1950s vs. TodayWomen's economic independence today necessitates considering prenups for financial security during divorce, as laws vary by state regarding property and debt distribution.

      The romanticized view of marriages in the 1950s, where women stayed at home and had fewer financial options, may not have been as happy or healthy as it seems. Nowadays, women have more economic independence, but this also means they need to consider protecting their assets in case of divorce. Prenups have become more common due to later marriage ages, increased assets and debts, and the different ways states handle property and debt in divorce. In community property states, everything acquired during the marriage is split equally, including debt, while in equitable distribution states, things are divided equitably but not necessarily equally. It's crucial to consult a lawyer for specific advice, but having a prenup can provide peace of mind and financial security.

    • Open communication and fair representation are vital in financial matters, especially during prenup negotiations.Ensure open communication, self-advocacy, and fair representation during prenup negotiations to protect your financial future.

      Open communication and fair representation are crucial in financial matters, especially in legally binding relationships. This includes discussing financial assets and debts, and ensuring both parties have their own legal representation during prenup negotiations. Kimberly Davis, a wealth manager and divorce financial analyst, emphasized the importance of being financially independent and self-advocating in relationships. She also highlighted the potential invalidity of a prenup if one party is forced into signing it under duress or without proper representation. By having open conversations and taking control of your finances, you can protect yourself and secure a stronger financial future.

    • Understanding each other's financial situationsOpen communication and transparency are essential for maintaining a healthy financial relationship. Disclose financial histories, create a budget together, and secure personal financial autonomy to ensure clarity and peace of mind.

      Open communication and transparency are crucial in maintaining a healthy financial relationship. Before entering into any commitment, it's essential to understand each other's financial situations, including debts, obligations, and assets. Both parties should be open about their financial histories and avoid keeping secrets. Creating a realistic budget together is an effective way to promote transparency and ensure both individuals have a clear understanding of their financial goals and limitations. Additionally, for those considering becoming a stay-at-home parent, securing personal financial autonomy through separate trusts or other financial instruments can provide crucial protection and peace of mind. Ultimately, open communication and transparency are key to navigating the financial complexities of any relationship.

    • Protecting Individual Assets Before Marriage or CohabitationSetting up separate trusts and agreements before marriage or long-term cohabitation can help protect individual assets and ensure fair distribution in case of a divorce or separation.

      Before entering into a marriage or long-term cohabitation, it's crucial to consider setting up separate trusts for assets and investments owned prior to the relationship. This allows individuals to protect their separate property and determine their own beneficiaries. A prenuptial agreement (prenup) can be used in conjunction with separate trusts to outline how property and assets will be divided in case of a divorce. It's essential to have these discussions and agreements in place before emotions run high during a divorce proceeding. Additionally, for unmarried couples living together, a cohabitation agreement is recommended to outline ownership and distribution of assets before they become commingled. In summary, setting up separate trusts and agreements before marriage or long-term cohabitation can help protect individual assets and ensure fair distribution in case of a divorce or separation.

    • Financial Implications for Stay-at-Home Parents in DivorceStay-at-home parents face significant financial consequences during divorce due to lost income, professional development, and retirement savings. Lawyers must consider these unique challenges and advocate for fair solutions.

      During divorce negotiations, the financial implications for stay-at-home parents are often overlooked. These individuals, who make a conscious choice to leave the workforce to care for their family, can face significant consequences if the marriage ends in divorce. Retirement accounts, such as 401ks and Social Security benefits, are typically individual accounts and can be divided in divorce proceedings through a Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO). However, for stay-at-home parents who have been out of the workforce for an extended period, the distribution of these assets may not be sufficient to compensate for their lost professional development, income, and potential retirement savings. While there are options like spousal benefits and IRAs, the transition back into the workforce can be challenging, especially if the former breadwinner has a high-paying role. It is crucial for divorce and family lawyers to consider these unique challenges and advocate for fair and equitable solutions for stay-at-home parents during divorce proceedings.

    • Quantifying the worth of stay-at-home spouses in prenupsPrenups should include a formula to calculate the value of a spouse's contributions to the household during their time out of the workforce, including the cost of hiring replacements for invisible labor and further education, adjusting for years spent outside the workforce, to prevent unfair splits and maintain financial stability during a divorce.

      Prenups should include a formula to calculate the value of a spouse's contributions to the household during their time out of the workforce. This includes the cost of hiring a replacement for invisible labor like childcare and housework, as well as the cost of further education or skill development to reenter the workforce. This calculation should be adjusted for the number of years spent outside the workforce and serve as a base case for spousal support during a divorce. By quantifying the worth of stay-at-home spouses, prenups can prevent unfair and inequitable splits, allowing both parties to maintain their financial stability after a divorce. It's essential to discuss and agree on these matters before marriage to ensure a fair distribution of assets and responsibilities.

    • Impact of debt and credit management during marriage on divorceIn equitable distribution states, keeping separate credit during marriage is crucial to avoid spouse's debts. Laws vary, so prepare prenups with separate lawyers to ensure enforceability. Costs range from $2,000 to $6,000 but seen as investment for future financial security.

      Debt and credit management during marriage can significantly impact individuals, particularly in the context of divorce. In equitable distribution states, keeping separate credit is crucial to avoid being held responsible for your spouse's debts. However, it's essential to understand that laws vary by state, and the most enforceable prenups are those prepared and reviewed by separate lawyers. The cost of a prenup can range from $2,000 to $6,000 or more depending on complexity. Viewing the upfront cost as an investment for potential future financial security is advisable. Neglecting credit separation during marriage can result in long-term negative consequences, such as difficulty establishing credit after a divorce.

    • Protecting Assets and Interests in MarriagePrenups and postnups are essential insurance policies, preventing disputes and hidden assets during a divorce. Find a competent lawyer, have open conversations, and ensure thorough financial review.

      Having a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement is an essential insurance policy for protecting your assets and interests in a marriage. These agreements can help prevent disputes and hidden assets during a divorce. It's crucial to find a competent lawyer and have open conversations about potential assets, including family businesses and tax returns. Even though no one enters a marriage expecting issues, it's better to be safe than sorry. Kim, a divorce attorney, shared stories of hidden assets and fraud, emphasizing the importance of thorough financial review and transparency. Overall, having a prenup or postnup agreement can provide peace of mind and protect your financial future.

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    • Just because your spouse brings it up doesn't mean that they don't trust you.

    “Don’t be blissfully ignorant” — Atty. David Watson


    Resources Mentioned:

    Atty. David Watson

    Estate Planning Attorney

    500 W. Silver Spring Drive, Suite K-200

    Glendale, WI 53217|414-491-3283

    Email: David.Watson@watsonatlaw.com

    Website: The Law Office of David Watson, LCC


    Visit The Women's Financial Wellness Center for a full directory listing of experts.


    Be sure to reach out if you would like to connect personally with The Women’s Financial Wellness Center. You can visit our website at https://www.womensfinancialwellnesscenter.comor grab a complimentary 30-minute consult at http://bit.ly/dashboardwfwc.

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    Kelly reveals all that and so much more in another episode you can’t afford to miss!  


    Be sure to follow the Trading Secrets Podcast on Instagram & join the Facebook group.


    Host: Jason Tartick

    Voice of Viewer: David Arduin

    Executive Producer: Evan Sahr


    Produced by Dear Media.


    Please note that this episode may contain paid endorsements and advertisements for products and services. Individuals on the show may have a direct or indirect financial interest in products or services referred to in this episode.

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    “You get out what you put in.” 

    The process is not always easy but if you put in the work, educate yourself and connect with the right people, things will work out.


    Resources Mentioned:

    Credit Karma - a tool to manage your credit 

    Divorce is not a DIY Project

    Josh Bucio

    Mortgage Originator




    Visit The Women's Financial Wellness Center for a full directory listing of experts.


    Be sure to reach out if you would like to connect personally with The Women’s Financial Wellness Center. You can visit our website at https://www.womensfinancialwellnesscenter.comor grab a complimentary 30-minute consult at http://bit.ly/dashboardwfwc.

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