
    Todd Herman || The Alter Ego Effect

    enFebruary 07, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Unlocking Creativity with Alter EgosEmbrace alter egos to tap into unique capabilities, unlock creativity, and improve performance in various aspects of life. Invest in natural supplements for enhanced well-being and productivity.

      Exploring new experiences, whether through travel or personal growth, can lead to transformative change. Todd Herman, a performance adviser, emphasizes the importance of activating the mind, heart, and body to unlock our creative imagination. His book, "The Alter Ego Effect," explores the concept of creating secret identities to help individuals tap into their unique capabilities. Herman, who has worked with athletes, public figures, and entrepreneurs for over 16 years, believes that our imagination is a powerful tool that gets lost in the hustle of everyday life. By embracing alter egos, we can unlock our creativity and improve our performance in various aspects of life. Additionally, investing in high-quality, natural supplements, like those offered by Symbionica, can enhance our overall well-being and productivity. So, whether you're looking to boost your physical or mental health or unlock your creative potential, remember to try new things, go back to the basics, and embrace the power of alter egos.

    • Embracing Our Alter Egos for Authenticity and SuccessUsing creative personas can help us navigate challenges, succeed in entrepreneurship, and tap into our core creative potential. Remember, authenticity matters, so avoid deceit or trickery. Address past traumas and seek help when needed to fully embrace your alter ego.

      Our alter egos or creative personas are a natural and essential part of the human psyche. They are not childish, but rather childlike, and they can help us navigate challenges and succeed in life. The speaker shares his personal experience of using an alter ego to cope with dyslexia and the advantages that individuals with learning disabilities have in entrepreneurship due to their creative problem-solving skills. However, it's important to remember that using an alter ego should not involve deceit or trickery. Instead, it's about understanding and tapping into our core creative potential to be more intentional about who we want to be and show up as in various aspects of our lives. The speaker also highlights the importance of addressing past traumas and seeking help when needed, as high performers sometimes identify their traumas as their edge and may resist letting go of them. Overall, embracing our alter egos can lead to greater authenticity and success.

    • Understanding the impact of context on our identities and behaviorsAcknowledging the multiple selves that emerge in different contexts and recognizing their influence on our values and actions can lead to improved performance and better results in various aspects of life.

      Our identities and behaviors are shaped by the context and roles we play in life. The psychology world has shifted from single self theory to multiple self theory, recognizing that we have multiple selves that emerge in different situations. For instance, a person may behave differently at work compared to at home. Context matters because it influences our values and actions, sometimes unconsciously. A case in point is a tennis player who, due to her strong value of fairness, would unconsciously let her opponents gain momentum, hindering her performance. Understanding and acknowledging these contextual influences can help us optimize our behavior and achieve better results in various aspects of life.

    • Exploring Different Selves: Heroic, Trapped, and CoreUnderstanding our heroic, trapped, and core selves can help us access our pure potentiality and creativity, overcome obstacles, and bring out our best selves.

      Our different selves, including the heroic self, the trapped self, and the core self, play important roles in shaping who we are. Fairness doesn't matter in certain situations, like sports, and giving less than our best can prevent others from realizing their potential. The core self represents our pure potentiality and creativity, but it can be obscured by the trapped self, which is influenced by external factors like judgments and criticisms. To access our core self and bring out our best, we need to intentionally act from an inside-out approach and embrace challenges in the extraordinary world. The enemy, or the trapped self, can hold us back in the ordinary world, but recognizing and honoring our core self gives us hope and the motivation to overcome obstacles and truly show up as our heroic selves.

    • Labels can limit usLabels, whether self-imposed or imposed by others, can confine us to limiting beliefs and behaviors. Instead, focus on your internal perspective and how you want to present yourself authentically.

      Labeling ourselves or being labeled by others can trap us in limiting beliefs and behaviors. The speaker shared his personal experience of struggling with dyslexia undiagnosed throughout school, leading him to act out as a class clown as a coping mechanism. He felt trapped by the label and the expectations that came with it. However, once he was diagnosed, he gained a new understanding of himself and was able to compartmentalize his identity in different contexts, such as in business or on a resume. This allowed him to present himself authentically while avoiding the trap of revealing too much irrelevant information. The key takeaway is that we should strive to operate from an internal perspective, focusing on how we want to show up, rather than being trapped by external labels and expectations.

    • Using an alter ego to unlock potentialAdopting a persona can help individuals boost confidence, focus, and perform at their best, merging the insecure self with the desired persona over time.

      Using an alter ego or a persona can help individuals overcome insecurities and limitations, allowing them to tap into their full potential and perform at their best. This was the experience of the speaker, who adopted the persona of Geronimo during football games to boost his confidence and focus. Later, in his business career, he used non-prescription glasses as a symbolic trigger for his alter ego, which he called "reverse Superman." By embodying this persona, he was able to bridge the gap between his insecure self and the confident, decisive businessman he wanted to be. Cary Grant's quote, "I pretended to be somebody I wanted to be, and I finally became that person, or he became me, or we met at some point," encapsulates this idea of the gradual merging of the two circles of self-definition. The use of an alter ego is not about pretending but rather about bringing out the best version of oneself to serve others.

    • Unleash your inner hero with an alter egoCreating an alter ego can help individuals overcome self-limiting thoughts, access their full potential, and improve confidence and effectiveness.

      Activating an alter ego or trusted friend within can help individuals align their inner selves with their external actions and performances, leading to improved confidence and effectiveness. This concept, which has been used throughout history, can be seen as a way to bring out the heroic part of who we are and navigate life's challenges. Cicero, an ancient philosopher, first introduced the term "alter ego" as the "other I" or "trusted friend." By developing this inner ally, individuals can break free from self-limiting thoughts and access their full potential. The process of building an alter ego involves introspection, uncovering past experiences, and creating a persona that embodies the best version of oneself. This shift in perspective can lead to a more positive and productive mindset, allowing individuals to confidently bring their creative possibilities out into the world.

    • Identifying Owl and Wow Mindsets in Hockey PlayersFocusing on growth towards something, rather than pain or escaping danger, is crucial for long-term success in hockey and other areas of life.

      Out of the 200 top hockey players at the age of 13 and 14, only 24 were still playing the sport three years later. The primary reason for this significant drop-off was due to coaching and parental pressures, injury, and playing multiple sports. However, upon further investigation, it was discovered that a large portion of these reasons were circumstantial and not based on skill. This led to the identification of two mindsets: owl and wow. An owl mindset individual is motivated by pain and the desire to escape danger, while a wow mindset person is motivated by growth, possibility, and intrinsic qualities. The subtle difference between the two is how they perceive their progress. An owl mindset person focuses on how far they have left to go, creating a sense of despair, while a wow mindset person focuses on how far they have come, building confidence. To help individuals adopt a growth mindset, it's essential to record and celebrate wins and achievements. While pain can be a powerful motivator, focusing on growth towards something is crucial for long-term success.

    • Focus on gains and growth after painShifting focus from pain to gains can lead to long-term growth and success. Seek professional help when needed to move past traumatic experiences.

      While pain can be a powerful motivator to make a change, it's essential to shift focus towards the gains and growth that come with it within a few weeks. Personal experiences, such as trauma, can significantly impact individuals and shape them into empathetic and compassionate individuals. However, holding onto that pain and trauma can hinder growth and progress. It's crucial to seek professional help when needed to move past these experiences and live a fulfilling life. In essence, while pain can motivate, focusing on the gains and seeking help when needed can lead to long-term growth and success.

    • Reflecting on personal growth and past traumasWriting down goals and facing past traumas can lead to personal growth and motivation, inspiring others and making a difference in the world. Vulnerability and imperfect action are key to making a positive impact.

      Personal growth and self-reflection are essential for becoming a better coach and a better person. The speaker shared how writing down her goals and facing her past traumas helped her gain more grace and motivation to be the best version of herself, not just for herself but also for her family. Visualization is a powerful tool, but it requires intentional effort and practice. The speaker's vulnerability in sharing her experience led to a positive impact on others, inspiring high achievers and even preventing suicidal thoughts in some cases. Ultimately, taking imperfect action and embracing vulnerability are key to making a difference in the world.

    • Common and hidden forces hindering personal growthUnderstanding and recognizing common forces like doubt, worry, imposter syndrome, and hidden forces like tribal narratives and personal trauma can help individuals overcome resistance and achieve personal growth.

      There are common and hidden forces that can hinder personal growth and success. The common forces include doubt, worry, judgment, and imposter syndrome. Imposter syndrome is the belief that one's accomplishments are due to external factors and not their own abilities. Hidden forces, such as tribal narratives and personal trauma, can operate below the surface and be more difficult to identify. Tribal narratives are limiting beliefs based on family background, race, or other factors that can prevent individuals from pursuing their goals. Personal trauma can create feelings of shame, guilt, and self-doubt that can be debilitating. However, recognizing these forces and understanding their origins can help individuals self-diagnose and work through them. Using an alter ego or creative imagination can also help individuals tap into their inner strengths and overcome resistance.

    • Using an alter ego to bypass resistanceIdentify a desired self, create an alter ego, and use it to overcome unconscious resistances in specific areas of life

      Willpower alone is not enough to overcome deep-rooted unconscious resistances. Instead, harnessing the power of our creative imagination and assuming an alter ego can help us bypass resistance and act in alignment with our desired self. This approach was illustrated through the speaker's personal experience as a parent, where adopting the gentle self inspired by Mister Rogers led to a more effective resolution compared to using adult force. To apply this concept in your own life, identify the specific field of play where you most need to improve and consider the qualities you wish to embody in that context. Develop an alter ego based on those qualities and use it as a tool to help you act and perform at your best.

    • Using a totem or artifact to embody desired traitsIncorporating a personal totem or artifact can enhance performance and confidence by allowing us to embody desired traits and mindsets.

      We all have inherent qualities and traits that we can tap into and embody to help us show up as our best selves. This can be achieved through the use of a totem or artifact, which we ascribe meaning to and wear or carry with us. This practice, known as enclothed cognition, can help us adopt the traits and mindset associated with the object, leading to improved performance and confidence. The Kellogg School of Management conducted a study on enclothed cognition, where they found that people wearing a lab coat performed better on a cognitive test compared to those wearing a painter's coat or no coat at all. By finding and using a personal totem or artifact, we can create a version of ourselves that embodies our desired qualities and help us show up as our most authentic and capable selves. Whether it's a pair of glasses that represent confidence and decisiveness or a pebble from your family farm that symbolizes values and character, the key is to find what resonates with you and use it to tap into your inner strengths.

    • Embrace personal growth and developmentDiscover new aspects of yourself through experiences and actions, focus on impact rather than intentions, and never stop learning and growing.

      Personal growth and development are ongoing processes. As individuals, we have the capacity to discover new aspects of ourselves by actively exploring ideas and experiences that already exist within us. This isn't about deceit or trickery, but rather an opportunity to unfold and evolve as human beings. At the end of our lives, we won't remember our thoughts or intentions, but rather the actions we took and the impact we made. So, let us be inspired by the words of Todd and Richard, and strive to perform at our best in all stages of life. Remember, it's never too late to try new things, go back to old ones, and forge new paths while discovering old ones. This is the essence of personal growth and development.

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    Thank you for listening. Please consider giving the Music Production Podcast a review on your favorite podcast provider. And don’t forget to visit my site BrianFunk.com for music production tutorials, videos, and sound packs.

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    Save 25% on Ableton Live Packs at the My Store with the code: PODCAST

    Thank you for listening. Please consider giving the Music Production Podcast a review on your favorite podcast provider. And don’t forget to visit my site BrianFunk.com for music production tutorials, videos, and sound packs.

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    Save 25% on Ableton Live Packs at the My Store with the code: PODCAST

    Thank you for listening. Please consider giving the Music Production Podcast a review on your favorite podcast provider. And don’t forget to visit my site BrianFunk.com for music production tutorials, videos, and sound packs.

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    Listen on iTunes or Stitcher or Google Play or Spotify; watch on YouTube

    Show Notes:

    Mayhills - Official Page of Drew's work.

    Mayhills on Apple Music

    Mayhills on Spotify

    Mayhills on Soundcloud

    Mayhills "In Shadows" - Music video for a recent Mayhills track.

    Instagram - Keep up with Drew on the Gram.

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    Save 25% on Ableton Live Packs at the My Store with the code: PODCAST

    Thank you for listening. Please consider giving the Music Production Podcast a review on your favorite podcast provider. And don’t forget to visit my site BrianFunk.com for music production tutorials, videos, and sound packs.

    Brian Funk

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    Listen on iTunes or Stitcher or Google Play or Spotify; watch on YouTube

    Show Notes:

    Official Site - The home of David's work.

    Bandcamp - Listen to some of David's music.

    Instagram - Keep track of David's work and musical jams.

    Presets by Stefan Goldman

    Eventide's Physion

    Mosaic by Echo Bit

    Save 25% on Ableton Live Packs at the My Store with the code: PODCAST

    Thank you for listening. Please consider giving the Music Production Podcast a review on your favorite podcast provider. And don’t forget to visit my site BrianFunk.com for music production tutorials, videos, and sound packs.

    Brian Funk