
    TPP108: Rent to Rent – the truth behind the hype

    enApril 09, 2015

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing Rent to Rent and Egypt's new capital city planRob and Rob debunk Rent to Rent hype and discuss Egypt's ambitious plan to build a new capital city

      This week on The Property Podcast, Rob B. and Rob D. discussed the topic of Rent to Rent, debunking the hype surrounding it. Before diving into the main topic, they expressed their gratitude towards the growing number of subscribers to their new magazine, Property Hub dot net magazine, encouraging listeners to join and get the first edition. The news story of the week was about Egypt's ambitious plan to build a new capital city, east of Cairo, with a capacity to house 5 million people. The hosts found the news amusing, considering the ongoing debate in the UK about expanding existing cities or building on green belt lands. Despite not having personal experience with Rent to Rent, they promised to deliver valuable insights on the topic. So, stay tuned for an informative and motivating episode on Rent to Rent. Don't forget to subscribe to the Property Hub dot net magazine for exciting content and the first edition.

    • Major property developments take timeHS2 railway and rent to rent strategies demonstrate the lengthy construction periods and complexities of major property developments, with HS2 taking 5-7 years and rent to rent providing long-term income for landlords

      HS2, a new railway line in the UK, is planned to be built across 270 square miles with 2,000 schools, but it's predicted to take 5 to 7 years to complete. This lengthy construction time is also a common theme for the rent to rent property strategy, which involves renting a house long-term from a landlord and subletting individual rooms to tenants at a higher price. Rent to rent is a niche strategy where the rent difference is the profit for the manager. The landlord benefits from a long-term, secure income and reduced hassle. Despite the differences in scale, both projects highlight the complexities and timeframes involved in major property developments.

    • Rent to Rent: A Property Investment Strategy for Limited FundsRent to rent allows individuals to sublet properties without owning them, requiring minimal upfront capital. It functions as a letting agency job, but offers no capital growth potential.

      Rent to rent is a property investment strategy where an individual rents a property from a landlord with the intention of subletting it to tenants. This approach requires minimal upfront capital, as only the first month's rent and a deposit are needed. It can be an attractive option for those with limited funds or those who cannot obtain a mortgage. However, it is essential to note that rent to rent does not offer the potential for capital growth since the investor does not own the property. Instead, it functions as a letting agency job, with the investor responsible for managing the property and collecting rent. While it may not be considered true property investment, it can be a viable solution for certain individuals, particularly those with limited resources or unique circumstances.

    • Convincing Landlords to Agree to Rent-to-Rent AgreementsTo succeed in rent-to-rent, find open-minded landlords, be transparent, and ensure a clear, legal agreement. Persistence and networking are key.

      Renting out a property through a rent-to-rent agreement can be an attractive option for generating a steady income without the responsibility of capital growth, but it comes with challenges. The primary challenge is convincing landlords to agree to the arrangement, as some may not be open to the idea or may not fully understand it. To get started, finding landlors who are open to the idea is crucial, and it's essential to be upfront and transparent about the arrangement. Letting agents can be a potential source, but they may need persuasion to present the offer to their clients. Networking and leafleting are other methods to find potential landlords. Once a landlord is on board, a clear and detailed agreement is necessary to avoid legal issues. Finding tenants and managing the property are the final steps, but ensuring everything is done legally is essential to avoid pitfalls. Overall, while rent-to-rent can be a profitable venture, it requires persistence, transparency, and a solid understanding of the legal requirements.

    • Navigating Legal, Financial, and Management Challenges in Rent to RentTo succeed in rent to rent, ensure legally binding agreements, disclose mortgage arrangements, comply with licensing, and effectively manage properties.

      While rent to rent can be a viable investment strategy, it comes with significant legal, financial, and management challenges that require careful planning and execution. Here are some key considerations: 1. Legal protection: Make sure all agreements with the landlord are legally binding and clearly outline the terms of the arrangement to be sure neither party can terminate the lease unexpectedly, leaving tenants in limbo. 2. Mortgage disclosures: The landlord must inform their lender about the rent to rent arrangement to avoid any potential repercussions, such as mortgage default or property repossession. 3. Licensing requirements: Be aware of any local licensing restrictions and requirements for multi-letting properties, especially HMOs, to ensure compliance and avoid legal issues. 4. Effective management: Establishing robust systems for marketing, tenant communication, and property maintenance is crucial to maintaining occupancy and profitability. Ultimately, rent to rent can be a lucrative investment strategy, but it demands a significant time investment and a strong understanding of the legal, financial, and management aspects involved.

    • Understanding Rent to Rent: Low Capital but High Time InvestmentRent to Rent is a strategy for generating income using someone else's property, but it requires significant time investment and carries risks. Suitable for experienced investors or newbies with dedication.

      While Rent to Rent (R2R) can be an appealing option for new real estate investors due to its low capital requirement, it's important to remember that it involves significant time investment and carries risks, especially for those without experience. R2R is not a form of property investment but rather a way to generate income using someone else's property. Successful R2R deals often rely on an investor's existing networks and management systems. However, newbies can also make it work with dedication and hard work. Ultimately, R2R is most suitable for experienced investors looking to expand their portfolio or for those starting with limited funds but willing to put in the necessary time and effort. As a reminder, "what involves less money tends to involve more time." For more information, check out the Property Hub's Rent to Rent episode 108 show notes at propertyhub.netforward/rent-to-rent.

    • Expert travel advice from the wife of the podcast hostThe 'Travel Like a Pro' book offers valuable insights on planning, packing, and booking for stress-free travel. Check it out for travel resources and product recommendations.

      The book "Travel Like a Pro" by the wife of the podcast host can be a valuable resource for frequent travelers or those looking to make their travel experiences less stressful. The book covers various aspects of travel planning, including packing, booking flights, finding accommodation, and dealing with insurance and visas. It also includes a wealth of travel resources and product recommendations. Even if you only take one trip a year, this book could help make the logistics easier and less overwhelming. The host, who is biased but confident in the book's value, recommends checking it out through the show notes or directly on Amazon. Additionally, the host shares his positive experience of traveling to Centerparcs without children, which he highly recommends.

    • Newfound Love for Centerparcs and Affiliate SchemeListeners' iTunes reviews are appreciated, next week's topic is '10 things property investors should never say', sign up for the magazine, and new episodes every Thursday.

      The hosts of the podcast, who had never been to Centerparcs as adults, have become big fans after their recent visit and plan to start an affiliate scheme. They expressed gratitude towards listeners who leave reviews on iTunes, which they find is a significant effort due to the interface. Next week's episode will feature the "10 things property investors should never be heard saying." The hosts encourage listeners to sign up for their magazine and appreciate 5-star reviews. Overall, the podcast provides valuable resources for property investors and aims to continue putting out new episodes every Thursday morning.

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    🌱 Valores de vida: Ser tú mismo

    🗣️ Frase/Mantra: "“Cuida tus pensamientos, porque se convertirán en tus palabras. Cuida tus palabras, porque se convertirán en tus actos. Cuida tus actos, porque convertirán en tus hábitos. Cuida tus hábitos, porque se convertirán en tu destino.” - Mahatma Gandhi

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    Athena's mission is to be able share as many tips as possible from her own experience, to empower others to navigate the complex realms of business & property with confidence! 🌟

    Girls in Property is recorded at Absolute Music Studios in Poole.




    Email: girlsinpropertypod@gmail.com

    Disclaimer: None of...

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