
    TPP136: How to get s*** done

    enOctober 22, 2015

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Productivity Tools and TechniquesUpgrade productivity tools like Trello, take breaks to boost creativity, and find what works best for individual productivity.

      Staying productive and getting things done is essential for all of us, especially with the many responsibilities we juggle. Rob B shared his recent focus on Trello as a productivity tool, upgrading it for his business and using it as a main platform. Rob D discussed the importance of taking a break and changing scenery to boost creativity and productivity. They encouraged listeners to explore these methods and find what works best for them. Overall, the episode emphasized the importance of staying focused and efficient to maximize productivity.

    • Starting the day early for increased productivityWake up early, set clear goals, and be consistent in your habits for increased productivity. Check out findproperly.co.uk for potential investment opportunities.

      Being productive involves making the most of your time, and waking up early is an effective way to do so. Rob and Rob, the hosts of the Real Estate Podcast, shared their personal habits, including their early morning routine of recording their podcast at 7 AM every Friday. By starting the day early, they're able to accomplish a significant amount of work before most people have even begun their day. However, it's not just about waking up early; it's also about going to bed earlier to ensure you're getting enough rest. This simple habit can lead to increased productivity and the ability to take on new projects despite already having busy schedules. Additionally, they mentioned a resource they shared earlier in the episode, an infographic from findproperly.co.uk, which maps out the average cost of a 1 bedroom property within a mile of each tube station in London. While it may not be groundbreaking news, it can provide insight into potential investment opportunities. Overall, the key takeaway is to make the most of your time by waking up early, setting clear goals, and being consistent in your habits.

    • Optimize your schedule based on energy levelsWake up early and recognize energy peaks to maximize productivity and goal achievement. Use tools like checklists and routines to minimize decision fatigue and mental energy expenditure.

      Making the most of your time and energy can significantly impact your productivity and goal achievement. Waking up early is one effective strategy, but it's essential to recognize when your energy levels peak and adjust your schedule accordingly. Additionally, utilizing tools like checklists and routines can help minimize decision fatigue and mental energy expenditure, allowing you to focus on what truly matters. Successful individuals, such as Steve Jobs, have employed these strategies to maximize their productivity and achieve their goals. Ultimately, being aware of your personal energy patterns and optimizing your schedule accordingly can lead to increased efficiency and success.

    • Delegate tasks to focus on strengths and improve productivityFocus on strengths, delegate tasks, build a great team, and ask 'Does this need to be done?' and 'Could someone else do it?' to increase productivity and effectiveness.

      To increase productivity and effectiveness, focus on your strengths and delegate tasks that are not your forte. This can be achieved by outsourcing or hiring an assistant. By doing so, you'll not only free up time and energy to focus on what you do best, but also improve the quality of your work and overall performance. Don't underestimate the power of delegation and building a great team around you. Remember, you don't have to do everything on your own. Additionally, consider the concept of being "strategically lazy" by asking two questions for every task that comes your way: "Does this need to be done at all?" and "Could someone else do it?" These questions can help you save time and resources while ensuring that important tasks are still addressed.

    • Delegate and prioritize tasksAsk 'Does it have to be done?' and 'Could someone else do it?' to eliminate unnecessary work. Use tools like Trello to organize tasks, break down quarterly plans into weekly and daily to-do lists, and set realistic deadlines to streamline workload, increase productivity, and reduce stress.

      Questioning the necessity and delegating tasks can help prioritize your energy and focus on what truly matters. The speaker emphasizes the importance of asking "Does it have to be done?" and "Could someone else do it?" to eliminate unnecessary work and build a team. He also recommends using a tool like Trello for organizing tasks within a larger project framework, breaking down quarterly plans into weekly and daily to-do lists, and setting realistic deadlines. By implementing these practices, you can streamline your workload, increase productivity, and reduce stress.

    • Stay focused on priorities and minimize distractionsUse a tool like Trello to visualize tasks, prioritize, and align with goals. Put high-impact tasks first and eliminate digital distractions for uninterrupted focus.

      Staying focused on your priorities and minimizing distractions are key to maximizing productivity and making progress towards your goals. Robin and I both use Trello to help us visualize our tasks and keep them aligned with our quarterly and life goals. We also recommend putting the most impactful task at the top of your to-do list and removing digital distractions, such as apps and notifications, to help you stay focused and in the zone. By taking control of these distractions, we can create uninterrupted blocks of time to make meaningful progress on our most important projects.

    • Effective email management for maximum energy and productivitySet specific email checking times, remove notifications, prioritize tasks, and focus on personal agenda

      Effective email management is crucial for maximizing energy and productivity. Constantly checking emails can lead to distractions and being sidetracked from your own agenda. The solution is to set specific times of the day to check emails and only act on them during those times. Additionally, removing email notifications from your phone can help eliminate the temptation to constantly check your inbox. Exercise and meditation are also effective ways to boost energy and increase productivity throughout the day. Remember, emails are often dictated by other people's agendas, so it's essential to prioritize your own tasks and focus on what's important for you.

    • Practice mindfulness, effective time management, and use tools for productivityMindfulness, time management, tools like to-do lists, setting priorities, and coffee can boost productivity and reduce energy waste. Implementing these habits consistently leads to getting more done.

      Practicing mindfulness through meditation and effective time management, along with the use of tools like to-do lists and setting priorities, can help increase productivity and reduce energy waste. Coffee can also be a useful energy booster, but it's important to be mindful of consumption limits. These practices, while not unique to property investing, can be applied to all areas of life to become more effective and get more done. It's not about being particularly talented, but rather about implementing these habits consistently. Start with one or two new practices and see how they work for you. For more tips and resources, visit the Property Hub website at propertyhub.net/get-stuff-done.

    • Using apps to block distractionsApps like Cold Turkey and Self Control can help eliminate distractions by blocking access to distracting websites for set periods of time, improving focus and productivity.

      Technology can be a distraction, but it can also be used as a tool to help eliminate distractions. The speakers discussed using apps like Cold Turkey for Mac and Self Control for PC to block distracting websites for set periods of time. This can help remove the need for willpower and make it easier to focus on tasks. The speakers also encouraged listeners to leave reviews on iTunes as a way of showing appreciation for the podcast and helping new people discover it. Next week's episode will answer the common question of how much money is needed to get started in property. Even if you don't leave a review this week, make sure to join us for that informative episode.

    • Revisiting Foundational Knowledge for Property Investment GrowthDon't overlook the importance of revisiting foundational knowledge in property investment, even for established portfolios. Upcoming podcast episodes will provide valuable reminders of core lessons. Stay engaged and continue learning.

      Key takeaway from this episode of The Prophecy Podcast is the importance of revisiting foundational knowledge. Even if you have an established property portfolio, there's always room for growth and improvement. The upcoming podcast episode is guaranteed to provide valuable nuggets of information, reminding listeners of core key lessons. So, don't miss out next week! Additionally, the hosts expressed their gratitude for the audience's support through leaving reviews and joining their mailing list at theprophecypodcast.com. They also mentioned that there will be two more podcasts coming up on a Tuesday and a Thursday, so listeners can look forward to twice the goodness. The hosts have kept their focus on delivering value throughout the episode, and they encourage everyone to stay engaged and continue learning. So, until next time, farewell and thank you for tuning into The Prophecy Podcast!

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    Video from today’s episode:  youtube.com/calnewportmedia 


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