
    TPP175: Alternative ways to finance a property investment

    enJuly 21, 2016

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring Alternative Ways to Finance Property InvestmentsInvestors can reduce their cash requirement for property deals by exploring alternative financing methods, as discussed in episode 175 of the podcast. The UK meetups in Leamington Spa and Leeds were successful, and the upcoming Summit event location will be chosen by the audience. The UK pound is currently experiencing a significant hit.

      There are various ways to finance property investments beyond the traditional no money down methods. These alternatives can help investors reduce the amount of their own cash required for deals. The podcast, episode 175, explores these concepts, along with news and resources. The hosts also shared their experiences from recent meetups in the UK, highlighting the ones in Leamington Spa and Leeds, emphasizing their success and community-building. The podcast also announced the upcoming Summit event, which will be held in a location chosen by the audience. Lastly, they discussed the current state of the UK pound, which is taking a significant hit.

    • Brexit and UK Property: Opportunities and ChallengesDespite political uncertainty, Brexit could attract overseas investors to UK property market due to weaker pound, but commercial property funds' suspension hinders investment.

      The weaker pound as a result of Brexit could lead to increased interest from overseas investors in UK property, despite potential price drops. This trend was observed after the 2008 financial crisis as well. However, it's still early days, and there's been initial hesitation due to political uncertainty. Another key point is the suspension of trading in 66 commercial property funds, making it difficult for investors to withdraw their money. This is due to both economic reasons and investor confidence issues. Commercial property tends to be more vulnerable to economic downturns. It's an interesting time for the UK property market, and it will be worth monitoring developments closely.

    • Understanding the Impact of Investment Vehicle Structure on Liquidity and RiskInvestment vehicle structure influences liquidity and risk. Commercial property funds' open-ended nature can lead to unfavorable selling conditions, while alternative finance options offer ways to secure funding but come with varying levels of risk. It's crucial to assess each option's pros and cons before investing.

      The structure of investment vehicles plays a significant role in determining their liquidity and potential risks. Commercial property funds, for instance, are open-ended, allowing an unlimited inflow of capital. This can lead to a situation where property must be sold to return funds to those looking to exit, potentially resulting in unfavorable selling conditions. On the other hand, alternative finance options, such as those we'll discuss, can provide investors with ways to secure funding for their investment properties when traditional mortgages may not be an option. These alternatives come with varying levels of risk, and it's essential to understand the pros and cons of each before making a decision. So, stay tuned as we explore different alternative finance routes, starting with credit cards, and remember, it's crucial to consider the unique aspects of each investment vehicle before diving in.

    • Credit cards in property investment: Proceed with cautionCredit cards offer interest-free periods, but failure to repay on time can lead to high interest rates and damaging credit ratings. Consider alternative financing options for property investments.

      While credit cards can be used in property investment for funding refurb costs or managing personal spending, they come with significant risks. Although interest-free periods can make borrowing seem attractive, failure to repay in full within the specified timeframe can result in high interest rates. Additionally, using credit cards as a property investment strategy, especially for new investors, can lead to damaging credit ratings due to multiple applications and high borrowing limits. It's essential to be aware of these risks and consider alternative financing options like mortgages or bridging finance for larger investments.

    • Exploring Alternative Financing Strategies for Property InvestmentCredit card strategies for property investment come with risks and require close monitoring. Bridging finance offers quick approvals and flexibility, but only covers around 70% of the purchase price.

      While some people have successfully used creative strategies like using credit cards for property investment or auction purchases, it comes with significant risks and should be approached with extreme caution. It's essential to keep a close eye on credit files and ratings using tools like Clearscore.com. Another topic discussed was bridging finance, which can be a viable solution for certain situations, such as auction properties or major refurb projects, due to its speed and flexibility. Bridging finance allows for quick approvals and can be rolled up into one lump sum payment at the end, making it an attractive option for those who may not qualify for traditional mortgages or have less than ideal credit ratings. However, it's important to note that bridging finance is not a complete cash solution and typically only covers around 70% of the purchase price. As always, it's crucial to weigh the pros and cons carefully before making any financial decisions.

    • Bridging Finance vs Private Finance for Property ProjectsBoth have their advantages and risks: Bridging finance offers quick access to large funds but requires significant upfront cash and high costs. Private finance offers flexibility and lower fees, but requires strong negotiation skills and convincing potential investors of project merit.

      Both bridging finance and private finance are options for securing funds for property projects, but they come with different advantages and risks. Bridging finance allows for quick access to large sums, but requires a significant amount of your own cash upfront and can be expensive with high interest rates and fees. Private finance, on the other hand, offers more flexibility with negotiable terms, lower fees, and a potential for a lower interest rate. However, securing private finance requires strong negotiation skills and the ability to convince an individual investor of the project's merit and low risk. Ultimately, the choice between bridging finance and private finance depends on the specific circumstances of the project and the borrower's ability to navigate the unique challenges of each financing method.

    • Private Financing from Friends or Family: Risks and AlternativesWhile private financing offers flexible terms, it risks damaging relationships and requires formal agreements. Consider joint ventures for shared risk and benefits.

      While private financing from friends or family members can offer attractive financing options with potentially more lenient terms than traditional lenders, it comes with significant risks. These risks include damaging relationships if expectations aren't met, the need for formal legal agreements, and limitations on use with mortgages. An alternative to private financing is a joint venture, where both parties share in the upside and downside of a project, offering unique benefits such as combining skill sets and sharing risk. However, clear and comprehensive agreements are crucial in both cases to avoid potential issues if things go wrong.

    • Clear communication and agreement are vital in real estate joint venturesEffective communication and agreement are crucial in joint real estate ventures to avoid problems during property sales or refinancing. Consider potential profit loss and long-term implications before joint venturing, and explore alternative financing options like second charge lending.

      Clear communication and agreement are crucial in any real estate project, especially when joint venturing with another person. Failing to do so can lead to significant problems when it comes to selling or refinancing the property. Additionally, while a joint venture may seem like an attractive option due to the lack of initial investment required, it's essential to consider the potential profit loss and the importance of having a strong working relationship with your partner. Another point to consider is the long-term implications of joint venturing, such as linked credit files and potential joint mortgage agreements. Lastly, second charge lending can be an alternative to remortgaging, but it comes with its own pros and cons, which should be carefully considered before making a decision. Overall, thorough planning, communication, and agreement are key to a successful real estate project.

    • Exploring Alternatives to Remortgaging for Property FinancingProperty investors can consider second charge loans or requesting a further advance from their current mortgage provider when seeking additional equity in a property, offering alternative financing methods to remortgaging for a higher amount.

      When looking to access additional equity in a property, homeowners have options beyond remortgaging for a higher amount. One such option is taking out a second charge loan, which allows you to keep your original mortgage in place and take out a smaller loan against the remaining equity. Although second charge loans tend to be more expensive, the overall cost may be lower than getting a new mortgage for the entire property value. However, it's essential to remember that your original lender must agree to this arrangement. Another option is requesting a further advance from your current mortgage provider. While not all banks will entertain this, it's worth exploring this avenue before considering a second charge loan. Ultimately, having a variety of financing options is crucial for property investors, especially for short-term projects like flips or initial refurbishments. While a traditional mortgage is ideal for long-term holding, understanding these alternative financing methods can help investors secure more deals.

    • Advanced property investment funding methodsUnderstand risks and pros of advanced funding methods like bridging loans, private finance, joint ventures, and credit cards. For beginners, consider traditional methods like saving up or using personal loans.

      While there are various advanced funding methods for property investment like bridging loans, private finance, joint ventures, and credit cards, they come with risks and should be used wisely, especially by experienced investors. It's crucial to understand the pros and cons and know when to use each method. For beginners, sticking to traditional methods like saving up or using personal loans may be safer. Additionally, the review from "Purple Johnny" highlights the value of the podcast and the importance of time management in property investment. To help answer a common question about time management, the resource of the week is Toggl, a free time tracking tool that can help investors keep track of how much time they spend on different projects.

    • Understanding Time Management with TogglManually tracking time with Toggl and categorizing tasks in browsers like Chrome can help identify where time is being spent, providing valuable insights for those feeling overwhelmed.

      Using a time tracking tool like Toggl can provide valuable insights into how you spend your time. By manually categorizing tasks and integrating it with your browser, you can gain a better understanding of where your time goes. Although it requires effort, it can be particularly helpful for those who feel overwhelmed and unsure of where their time is being spent. Toggl integrates with browsers like Chrome, making it easier to use, and although it won't track time automatically like RescueTime, it allows for more control and flexibility. Next week, the topic will shift to hiring and building a team, sharing the systems and processes that have led to successful hires in the past. This episode is sure to be beneficial for business owners and investors in property, as having a strong team is crucial for success. Stay tuned for practical advice and a Trello board template to help you get started.

    • Exploring Alternative Finance Options for Property InvestorsThere are various alternative finance options for property investors, including peer-to-peer lending, bridging loans, and crowdfunding. Each option has its pros and cons, and thorough research is necessary to make an informed decision based on investment goals and risk tolerance.

      Key takeaway from this episode of Ask Rob and Rob is that there are various alternative finance options available for property investors. These include peer-to-peer lending, bridging loans, and crowdfunding. Each option has its pros and cons, and it's essential to do thorough research and consider your investment goals and risk tolerance before making a decision. Additionally, the hosts reminded listeners that they can find all the links and resources discussed in this episode in the show notes, which are available at thepropertyhub.net/alternativefinance. As always, the hosts signed off with a friendly farewell and encouraged listeners to enjoy their day and tune in for the next episode soon. So, whether you're a seasoned investor or just starting out, remember that there are alternative finance options available to help you achieve your property investment goals. Stay informed, do your research, and happy investing!

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    Rob & Rob are back once again to answer two more listener questions. 

    Our first question this week is from Alex from Reading.  

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    But what Alex wants to know is if The Robs have any tips on how he can speed up the savings process so he can purchase properties two and three quicker and start building his portfolio.  

    Next up we’ve got Sam from Bedford.  

    Sam has been listening to the podcast for a while and now she’s ready to take the plunge.  

    She’s really keen to get into the property investment world and she’s wondering if joint ventures are a good way to get started? 

    Would Rob & Rob recommend joint ventures?  

    Tune in to find out. 


    Do you have a buy to let or property investment related question for Rob & Rob? You could feature on the next episode by giving us a call on 013 808 00035 and leaving a message with your name and question (normal UK call rates apply).  

    Or if you prefer, click here to leave a recording via your computer instead

    The next question on Ask Rob & Rob could be yours.  

    Have you joined us over on the Property Hub Forum yet? Our online community is friendly, informative, and the members are waiting to welcome you with open arms. So get yourself over and introduce yourself.

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    TPP226 The recipe for successful joint ventures

    TPP226 The recipe for successful joint ventures

    This week we are excited to bring you a brad new, totally free course called 'Which Strategy Is Right For You?'. If you're yet to discover all of our free training content then you're missing out - you can find it all here (including the brand new course).

    In this week's episode we're talking about joint ventures for the first time in three years.

    They’re still a hot topic in property so we wanted to revisit and go into more detail. It’s the cover story in the next magazine...more on that later

    What is a joint venture?

    Often one person with skills/knowledge and one with money, but by no means always.

    Why do it?

    Generally you would embark on a JV to access skills/resources that you don’t have, e.g.

    • You have the skills to do a flip, and JV with someone who has cash
    • You’re a builder looking for a project, and partner with a local investor who has access to deals
    • You JV with someone who owns land for a development project

    What types of JV are there?

    • Profit share: At the end of the project, you split any profit in pre-agreed shares
    • Fixed interest: The partner putting in the money gets an agreed rate of interest, whatever the success of the project
    • Which is best depends on who’s putting in what, the sophistication of the investor, etc

    In the podcast The Robs take a look at why you might not want to joint venture, when could it be property investment disaster, and when is it just not worth the hassle.

    But if if it is for you then we also discuss how to find a good JV partner.

    News story of the week: More buy to let lending in UK going to limited companies

    Limited company is now the dominant model in investment with over half of BTL lending by value now going to limited companies. Take a look at the story in full here

    Join the conversation over in the forum

    Have you had a good or bad JV experience, and what have you learned along the way? Join the conversation on the forum.

    If you enjoyed The Property Podcast, please leave a review on iTunes

    Reviews are really important in helping other people to find the show, so by way of thanks we read out every single review we receive on air.

    If you’d like to hear your name on the show, leave us a review on iTunes here.

    Not sure how to leave a review? This video shows you how to review and subscribe on iTunes.

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    TPP313: Brexit and how to handle the mid-cycle wobble

    TPP313: Brexit and how to handle the mid-cycle wobble

    Everyone has gone a bit Brexit mad this week, so Rob & Rob are here to discuss what’s going on, how they feel about it and what you should be doing.

    If you tuned into The Property Podcast last week, you’ll have heard some of our Hubbers giving their views on Brexit.But today, it’s Rob & Robs turn to tell it like it is.

    Before they dig in, it’s worth taking a look at the media hype we’re dealing with right now: 

    UK property market at weakest since 2012 as Brexit takes toll

    UK property market at its weakest for six years, says Rics

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    UK house prices make surprise 5.9% rise in February, Halifax says

    If you’re familiar with the 18-year property cycle (if not, you can learn more here) then you’ll know that we’re heading into the mid-cycle dip. And today The Robs will be sharing exactly where they think the market will head post-dip.

    So, if you fancy a bit more Brexit madness - tune into this week’s Property Podcast. We promise, it’s a good one!

    In the news this week, and sticking with the Brexit theme, the BBC have released an article explaining what the 7 possible outcomeswould be if the government was to get an extension on Brexit. What would each potential scenario mean?

    And whilst we’ve got you, make sure you sign up to become one of our Hubbers and receive our valuable (weekly) Hub Extra emails. Create your free account here.

    We’d love to hear what you think of this week’s Property Podcast over on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. You might even have a topic you’d like us to cover in the future - if so, pop us a message on social and we’ll see what we can do.

    If that wasn’t enough, you can also join our friendly property community on the Property Hub forum.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    APN Headlines - Read by Todd Sloan 05/01/2024

    APN Headlines - Read by Todd Sloan 05/01/2024

    What's happening in property investing news this week in Australia?

    It's time to find out!

    We remove all the fluff to bring a neatly packaged news show, designed to keep you on the ball as an Australian Property Investor.

    Let's see what's making property news headlines this week in Australia.


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    If you'd like to be flown into the Pizza & Property Studio, put up for a night's accommodation, have dinner with Todd Sloan, and have a team of carefully chosen property investing experts help you get unstuck, click the link below and tell us why you're stuck, and you could be our next UN-Stuck Yourself winner!
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    Story 1:
    WA government introduces $300,000 interest-free loans to help builders finish homes

    By Claire Moodie from ABCNews:

    Link: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-01-04/wa-building-companies-300000-loans-finish-homes/103284942

    Story 2:
    Clean up continues in Far North Queensland after heavy flooding destroys homes

    by SBS News:

    Link: https://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/clean-up-continues-in-far-north-queensland-after-heavy-flooding-destroys-homes/cinqafwyl

    Story 3:
    Australian property values rose 8.1 per cent in 2023.

    By Hanan Dervisevic from the ABC writes:

    Link: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-01-03/housing-market-year-in-review-2023/103224452



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