
    TPP282: How to find a good builder – and set your project up for success: Part One

    enAugust 09, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Insights for property refurbishers and developersBank of England base rate increase may impact mortgage payments, and evicting problem tenants could take 17 weeks, highlighting the significance of insurance.

      This week's episode of The Property Podcast brings valuable insights for those involved in refurbishing properties or doing developments. The episode features an expert guest who shares knowledge, and there are two news stories discussed. The first news story revolves around the Bank of England raising the base rate, which might impact investors' mortgage payments and predictions. The second news story warns landlords of a potential 17-week wait to evict problem tenants, emphasizing the importance of rent guarantee insurance. If you're an investor, make sure to listen to Tuesday's Ask Robin Rob episode for further context and advice on handling these situations. Additionally, the Hub Extra segment offers food for thought on life perspectives.

    • Finding the Right Builder for Property RefurbishmentsAsk for recent references, visit completed projects, and communicate effectively to find a reputable builder for successful property refurbishments.

      Rent guarantee insurance can not only provide peace of mind but also lead to financial gains for property investors. Every few years, it's likely that an investor will encounter a tenant who causes financial hardship, making the insurance a worthwhile investment. The main topic of the discussion focused on finding the right builder for property refurbishments, especially for those investing in areas where they don't have a trusted network. Ian, an experienced investor and builder, shared his insights on the process. To find a reputable builder, investors should ask for recent references, visit completed projects, and communicate effectively. Building a strong relationship based on clear communication is essential for a successful project. Remember, the key to a successful investment lies in thorough research and due diligence.

    • Finding the right builder for your projectClear understanding of project outcome, controlling process, evaluating quotes based on price and builder's reputation, availability, and ability to deliver on time, thorough research is crucial for a successful project

      When working with builders, meeting them in person and regularly communicating with them is crucial for a successful project. However, finding the right builder for your specific needs and priorities can be challenging, as good builders are often busy and may not be able to start immediately. Before getting quotes, it's essential to have a clear understanding of the desired outcome of the project and to control the process by providing specific details to the builder. Comparing quotes involves evaluating not only the price but also the builder's reputation, availability, and ability to deliver on time. Ultimately, doing thorough research is vital to ensure a successful project, and it's important to weigh the different factors, such as price and timeline, to find the right builder for your specific needs.

    • Communicate effectively with builders for a successful home renovationBe specific and detailed in your communication with builders, create a template for each room, compare quotes beyond inclusions, clarify potential exclusions, and coordinate tasks efficiently for accurate quotes and a high-quality end result.

      To ensure a successful home renovation project, you must take control of the process by being specific and detailed in your communication with builders. This means creating a template for each room, outlining exactly what work needs to be done, from the number of sockets and light fixtures to the type of kitchen and oven desired. By providing this level of detail, you'll receive more accurate and comparable quotes from builders. Additionally, it's important to understand that comparing quotes isn't just about what's included, but also what's not. Be sure to clarify any potential exclusions, such as the cost of removing old fixtures or disposing of waste. Furthermore, consider the overlap between different trades, as coordinating these tasks efficiently can save time and money. Ultimately, by taking control of the renovation process and providing clear, detailed instructions, you'll not only receive more accurate quotes but also ensure a higher quality end result.

    • Effective communication and clear scope are key to managing handoffs between trades in constructionUnderstand what's included/excluded in quotes, negotiate with clear goals, use a comprehensive quote template to ensure all tasks are accounted for, and be informed and proactive to achieve the best outcome.

      Effective communication and clear definition of scope are crucial in managing the handoff between different trades during a construction project. The speaker emphasized the importance of understanding what is included and excluded in quotes from builders and other contractors. He also suggested that negotiation can be a useful tool for securing better terms, but that it requires a clear understanding of the project's goals and the builder's constraints. The use of a comprehensive quote template can help ensure that all necessary tasks are accounted for and that there are no unexpected costs or delays due to overlapping trades. Overall, the key is to be informed and proactive in managing the construction process to achieve the best possible outcome.

    • Building connections and finding mutually beneficial solutionsUnderstanding the other party's challenges and working together to find a solution is key to successful negotiations. Good communication is valuable, but the decision to use a contract depends on the situation and level of trust.

      Successful negotiations in business aren't just about getting the best price, but building a connection and finding a mutually beneficial solution. Ian's perspective emphasizes the importance of understanding the other party's challenges and working together to find a solution. He also warns against cutting corners, as it may lead to additional costs in the long run. Regarding contracts, Ian believes that good communication is more valuable than a written agreement, but acknowledges that some investors may prefer the security of a contract. Ultimately, the decision to use a contract depends on the specific situation and the level of trust between the parties involved. Builders do not work for free, and contracts come with their own set of challenges, such as potential delays. As a general rule, it's essential to maintain open communication throughout the project to ensure its success.

    • Clear communication is vital for investors and buildersMaintain open and consistent communication throughout the renovation process to ensure peace of mind for investors and efficient task prioritization for builders. Retain a portion of payment for snagging work, clarify project timeline and roles, and ensure proper insurance coverage.

      Effective communication is crucial throughout the entire home renovation process for investors and builders alike. Ian, an expert in the field, emphasizes the importance of staged payments and keeping a retention amount to ensure that builders are motivated to complete any necessary snagging work after the project is finished. Clear communication about the project timeline, who will be working on the site, and the progress being made is essential for investors to have peace of mind and for builders to prioritize their tasks efficiently. Additionally, ensuring that the contractor has adequate insurance coverage is vital for protecting the investment property. Overall, maintaining open and consistent communication throughout the renovation process is key to a successful project.

    • Clear communication is vital for home renovation successRegular updates help ensure progress and address issues in a timely manner. Builders who hesitate to communicate should raise concerns.

      Effective communication is essential for a successful home renovation project. The builder and the client should keep each other informed regularly, whether through in-person meetings, WhatsApp videos, or phone calls. Regular updates help ensure progress is being made and issues are addressed in a timely manner. A builder who is hesitant to communicate or have updates with you should raise a red flag. Additionally, asking about the biggest challenges or setbacks each week can help keep both parties informed and prepared for potential issues. Overall, the importance of clear and consistent communication cannot be overstated when it comes to renovation projects.

    • Effective communication in building projects prevents small issues from becoming major problemsEncourage discussions about potential delays and ask questions to understand their implications to maintain progress and learning in property investment

      Effective communication is crucial in every stage of a building project to prevent small issues from escalating into major problems. Encourage discussions about potential delays and ask questions to understand their implications. Next week, we'll dive deeper into dealing with unexpected issues, building regulations, safety, and certificates. Remember, progress and learning are key to success in property investment. We've received inspiring reviews from our listeners, sharing their progress and gratitude for our podcast. M and C Bournemouth transformed from accidental landlords to property investors, while JB8902 saved time and money with our practical advice. This week's Hub Extra offers a quote to inspire and shift perspectives: "The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it." - Steve Jobs. Let this quote motivate you to find your passion in property investment and communicate effectively to build a successful portfolio.

    • Embrace discomfort for growthPush boundaries for progress, growth isn't comfortable, it's essential to challenge oneself to reach full potential.

      Feeling uncomfortable and pushing the limits can lead to growth and progress, whether in racing or in life. Mario Andretti's quote, "If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough," emphasizes the importance of challenging oneself and striving for more. If things seem too easy or comfortable, it might be a sign that one is not maximizing opportunities or reaching full potential. This can apply to various aspects of life, including property investment. It's essential to ask oneself if enough progress has been made towards goals set, and if not, it might be time to push boundaries and take action. Overall, this quote serves as a reminder to continually strive for growth and progress, even when things get uncomfortable.

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    • (19:43) Hub Extra 

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    The Property Podcast
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    • (14:40) Hub Extra 

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    • (12:40) What about service charges? 
    • (21:37) Hub Extra 

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    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast!

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    The following music was used for this episode:

    Music: One Small Rover by Alexander Nakarada
    Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/5107-one-small-rover
    License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

    Music: Tuesday by Sascha Ende
    Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/2992-tuesday/a>
    License (CC BY 4.0):

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    Instagram@ donnalynn.riley

    Website: roadmaptomorejoy.com

    If you’re looking to up-level your negotiation skills, I have everything from online to group to my signature one-on-one mastermind & VIP experiences available to help you better leverage your innate power to get more of what you want and deserve in life.

    Check out our website at www.ArtOfFeminineNegotiation.com if that sounds interesting to you.

    Grab my book: The Art of Feminine Negotiation: How to Get What You Want from the Boardroom to the Bedroom





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