
    TPP315: Painful lessons and expensive mistakes: stories from our first development

    enMarch 28, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Tenants can sue landlords for unfit rental properties under the Holmes Fitness ActTenants can take legal action against landlords for uninhabitable rentals, but it's a lengthy and costly process. Education and communication are key to addressing issues and maintaining properties for both parties.

      Being a landlord comes with responsibilities, and tenants now have the ability to hold them accountable for maintaining properties that are fit for human habitation. The Holmes Fitness Act allows tenants to sue landlords directly if they believe their rental property is unfit for habitation. However, this isn't a cause for panic as the bar for being fit for habitation is relatively low, and tenants are unlikely to pursue legal action unless they have no other options. The lack of protection from retaliatory eviction and the cost and time involved in suing are also deterrents. The root issue is the lack of awareness and education about responsibilities and rights for both landlords and tenants, which allows bad landlords to persist. Our own experience as developers serves as a reminder to always stay informed and prioritize maintaining properties to meet the necessary standards.

    • Challenges in Developing 14 Houses in CreweThorough planning, partnerships, and adaptability are crucial for successful real estate development projects.

      While the new construction development of 14 houses in Crewe resulted in beautiful and stunning homes, the process was not without its challenges. The location was carefully chosen due to its strong employment market and growing demand, making it an attractive investment opportunity. The project started with finding the land through off-market channels and securing it with the help of architects. The team decided to manage the project themselves and bring in various trades, but encountered obstacles early on. Despite these setbacks, the team persevered and the end result was a successful development of high-quality homes. This experience highlights the importance of thorough planning, partnerships, and adaptability in real estate development projects.

    • Unexpected planning conditions and groundworker issues cause delays and added costsSeek referrals and clear communication to avoid unexpected delays, costs, and subpar work in development projects.

      Proper planning and clear communication are crucial in development projects to avoid unexpected delays, costs, and subpar work. The speakers in this discussion experienced unexpected planning conditions that required significant changes, causing initial delays and added costs. They also encountered issues with groundworkers, including poor work quality and sudden disappearance, leading to the need for replacement and further expenses. Reflecting on these challenges, the speakers emphasized the importance of seeking referrals from individuals with construction industry experience and ensuring clear and comprehensive contracts. These lessons learned can help future projects run more smoothly and efficiently.

    • Admin tasks add to development timeUnderestimating administrative tasks can cause significant project delays, emphasizing the importance of anticipating and planning for them in development projects.

      Developments involve not just construction, but also a significant amount of administrative work. This can include obtaining approvals from utilities companies, complying with regulations like HS2, and dealing with various reports and paperwork. Delays in this administrative process can cause significant delays in the overall project timeline. This was a hard-learned lesson for us when we underestimated the time required for these administrative tasks and missed both our communicated completion date and the long stop date in our contracts. This experience taught us the importance of anticipating and planning for the administrative aspects of development projects, and adding a healthy margin of time to account for potential delays.

    • Overestimating project completion times and underestimating costs can lead to problemsRealistic planning and cost monitoring from the start, along with contingencies, can prevent lost deposits, disappointed clients, and financial losses.

      While optimism is important in starting new projects, it should not extend to long stop dates or cost projections. Overestimating completion times and underestimating costs can lead to lost deposits, disappointed clients, and even financial losses. Proper cost monitoring and realistic planning from the beginning can help prevent these issues. Additionally, it's important to have contingencies in place for unexpected delays or expenses. The consequences of failing to deliver on commitments can be significant, including lost business, damage to reputation, and financial losses.

    • Effective planning prevents potential issuesProper planning can save time, money, and stress by avoiding expired mortgage offers, lender backouts, and unnecessary solicitor confusion.

      Proper planning and execution from the beginning can save time, money, and potential headaches down the line. In the discussed situation, delays in completing a property development project led to mortgage offers expiring, lenders backing out, and a solicitor causing unnecessary panic and confusion. If the project had been completed on time and with more careful consideration given to solicitor selection, many of these issues could have been avoided. Ultimately, the responsibility for the project's outcomes lies with the person in charge, even when things go wrong, as they inevitably will. It's essential to learn from mistakes and improve for future projects, rather than placing blame on external factors.

    • Learning from a project outside of comfort zoneAssess experience level before taking on a project. Bring in experienced leadership if necessary. Develop problem-solving skills to handle challenges.

      Taking on a project that is completely outside of your comfort zone without sufficient experience can lead to significant challenges and ultimately, failure. This was a valuable lesson learned from a project where the head honcho, despite having experienced team members, lacked the necessary experience to lead effectively. This experience was unrelenting, with constant obstacles and pressures from various sources. Personally, the individual in charge found it devastating to let down clients, team members, and the business as a whole. However, they were able to snap out of the situation and turn it into a problem-solving opportunity, recognizing the importance of this skill for handling future challenges. The key takeaway is to assess your experience level before taking on a project and consider bringing in experienced leadership if necessary. Additionally, developing the ability to snap out of negative situations and approach them as problem-solving opportunities can be invaluable.

    • Handling problems in real estate projectsWhen faced with problems in real estate projects, stay calm, assess the situation, come up with solutions, and work through them efficiently to shorten the time spent in a self-pitying state and learn from the experience.

      No matter what project you undertake, whether it's a buy to let, HMO, refurb, or development, problems will inevitably arise. It's how you handle those problems that makes a difference. When faced with setbacks, it's natural to feel overwhelmed and slip into a self-pitying state. However, finding a trigger to snap out of it and enter a problem-solving mindset is crucial for fixing issues efficiently. This process may involve going for walks, meditating, or engaging in other activities that clear the mind. By practicing this skill and putting yourself in uncomfortable situations, you can shorten the time it takes to transition from feeling sorry for yourself to problem-solving mode. Remember, life is essentially a series of problems to be solved. So, when faced with a challenge, assess the situation, come up with solutions, and work through them. It's all part of the learning and growth process.

    • Learning from setbacks and challengesExperiencing setbacks and challenges can lead to valuable lessons and opportunities for growth. Bringing in experienced teams and pushing oneself out of comfort zones can help achieve greater rewards.

      Setbacks and challenges in development projects, or in life, can provide valuable lessons and opportunities for growth. The speakers in this discussion have experienced their fair share of difficulties in their property development ventures, but they are committed to learning from these experiences and applying the lessons to future projects. They plan to bring in experienced teams to help run things more effectively and ensure that mistakes are caught early. They view these experiences as an expensive but worthwhile education, and they encourage pushing oneself out of comfort zones to achieve greater rewards. As Walt Disney once said, "If you can dream it, you can do it." The speakers believe that this quote applies not only to their property development endeavors but also to life in general. They encourage taking risks, feeling uncomfortable, and climbing the tough mountains to reach the incredible feeling of success at the top.

    • Having a big vision is crucial for achieving great thingsDreaming big and taking action towards your goals, even if you don't reach them, will help you achieve more than staying in your current situation.

      Having a big vision and ambition is crucial for achieving great things. Walt Disney started as a man with an idea, and through his determination and vision, he built a global brand. The book "The Magic of Thinking Big" emphasizes that the extent of one's vision is a limiting factor to what one can achieve. So, if you don't dream big, you'll never go beyond your current situation. Moreover, attempting something ambitious, even if you don't reach your goal, will get you further than if you hadn't tried at all. Learning from failures and setbacks is an essential part of the journey towards success. In summary, having a big vision, taking action towards it, and learning from failures are key elements to achieving significant accomplishments.

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    The Property Podcast
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    Thank you for joining me for this episode of The People and Projects Podcast!

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    What you're learn in this inteview:-

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    Don't miss this opportunity to tap into your inner creative entrepreneur.
    Watch this interview and like, share & subscribe to our YouTube channel for more interviews in the future.

    Always in your growth, success and evolution,


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    If you are producing an event or project, bringing on sponsors in so many ways, including helping raise funds, awareness, and support for your vision. 🤓

    There are so many ways to bring sponsorship opportunities to your project, including logo branding loot, videos, literature, communication pieces and more! I want to encourage you to look at working with sponsors that have the same market niche or market target. 📌

    How can you be helpful to their goals? 😘🎯

    Think outside of the box! What can you bring to the table that is unique, exciting and brings visibility? 📦

    Listen to the full podcast 🎧https://www.spreaker.com/episode/22050618

    #howtofindsponsors #eventmarketing #elizabethmarasco #BEAM
    #eventplanningtips #b2b #eventplanning #marketingrelationships #sponsors

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    [02:15s] Tip #1: Connect with mutual contacts to learn more about your stakeholder.

    [02:35s] Tip #2: Consciously work on expanding your network.

    [03:00s] Tip #3: Step back, create a stakeholder map.

    [03:35s] Tip #4: Outline your ask very clearly beforehand.

    [04:32s] Tip #5: Outline their need from you, your proposal: What’s in it for them? 

    [05:54s] Tip #6: Brainstorm on possible stumbling blocks from stakeholder’s perspective.  

    [07:00s] Tip #7: Initiate the conversation with an open and flexible mind. 

    [07:46s] Tip #8: Keep the focus of the conversation on your and their desired outcomes. 

    [08:45s] Tip #9: Communicate extensively on what's relevant to them.  

    [09:37s] Tip #10: Keep all lines of communication open. 

    Was this relevant for you? Which other topics would you like about? Drop us a line at podcast@c2cod.com

    Connect with Vinay on Twitter, LinkedIn or on email vinay@c2cod.com 

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    This podcast is sponsored by C2C-OD, your Organizational Development consulting partner ‘Bringing People and Strategy Together’. Follow @c2cod on Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook

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