
    TPP362: What would this property expert do if they started again?

    enFebruary 20, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Caution against misleading headlines in property marketInaccurate headlines can lead to misinformed decisions in property market. Always fact-check and consider reliable sources.

      It's important to be cautious of sensational headlines and ensure accurate information is being considered before making decisions in the property market. During this week's episode of the property podcast, Rob and Rob discussed the misleading headline claiming that 500,000 rental homes have been lost to short-term lettings like Airbnb. However, upon further investigation, it was revealed that this figure was greatly exaggerated, as it was based on a survey of landlords who were only considering a switch to short-term lets. The actual number of landlords who have made the switch is likely to be much lower. This example highlights the importance of fact-checking and not being swayed by alarming headlines. Additionally, Mark Morris, a property expert who has retired, shared his insights and experiences on his property journey during a previous episode. Overall, it's crucial to approach the property market with accurate information and a clear understanding of the situation.

    • The Importance of Goal Setting and Forming Good Habits in Property InvestingSetting both short-term and long-term goals, writing them down, learning from past mistakes, and forming good habits through books like 'Getting Things Done' are essential practices for successful property investing.

      Key takeaway from the discussion between Rob and Mark is the importance of goal setting and forming good habits in property investing. Mark shared that he wished he had focused more on setting both short-term and long-term goals and writing them down, as this practice can significantly increase investment and help measure progress. Additionally, Mark recommended the book "Getting Things Done" by David Allen to help form good habits. Mark also emphasized the value of learning from past mistakes, as painful experiences can provide valuable lessons for others to avoid. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of education, goal setting, and good habits in property investing.

    • The Importance of Financial EducationInvesting in financial education is vital for making informed decisions and maximizing returns. Continuous learning through various resources can enhance mindset and knowledge beyond what's taught in schools.

      Investing in property and personal finance education is crucial before starting out. The speaker shares how they wished they had prioritized learning financial metrics, understanding good and bad debt, and the power of return on investment earlier in their journey. They emphasized that education is key to making informed decisions and maximizing returns. The speaker also highlighted the importance of continuous personal development through various resources like podcasts, books, and audiobooks to enhance mindset and gain knowledge beyond what is taught in schools.

    • Personal development is key to successful investingUnderstand concepts, learn on the job, leverage time, delegate tasks, and continuously adapt for successful real estate investing

      Personal development is a crucial aspect of successful investing, particularly in real estate. The speaker emphasizes the importance of both foundational knowledge and on-the-job learning. Understanding concepts like the 18-year property cycle can provide significant confidence and reduce perceived risk. Leveraging time effectively through passive learning and part-time investing is also essential. Delegating tasks that are not your strengths, such as property management and bookkeeping, can lead to a more balanced and efficient approach. Remember, personal development is a continuous process, and it's never too late to learn and adapt.

    • Leverage your money and make it work for youAdopt a growth mindset towards finance, understand cost per hour, invest, outsource tasks, and treat rental property as a business for long-term success.

      To build wealth and become financially independent, it's essential to leverage your money and have it work for you instead of keeping it idle. This can be achieved through various means, such as investing, peer-to-peer lending, or outsourcing tasks to save time and focus on income-generating activities. Another important point is to adopt a growth mindset towards finance and recognize that there's a limit to how much you can save but no limit to how much you can earn through investments. Additionally, it's crucial to understand your cost per hour and outsource tasks that don't make the best use of your time. Lastly, treating your rental property business as a business and staying organized are essential for long-term success. This includes keeping accurate records, checking management statements, and documenting processes for potential delegation.

    • Effective organization and systemization for property investingRegularly document info, use maintenance contracts, focus on good fundamentals, and practice delayed gratification for long-term success in property investing.

      Effective organization and systemization are crucial for success in property investing. This includes documenting information regularly and having it easily accessible online, making use of maintenance contracts, and practicing delayed gratification by reinvesting early on. In the early stages, it's essential to focus on good fundamentals, such as transport links and proximity to shops and schools, and not just on cash flow. These habits can make a significant difference in the long run, making life easier and enabling compound growth. As Mark mentioned, this might be challenging at first, but the benefits will become apparent as your income grows. Overall, these strategies can help streamline your investing process and set you up for long-term success.

    • Learning from experience and taking consistent actionSuccess in property investing comes from finding a model that works and sticking to it, while learning from mistakes and course-correcting is essential.

      Learning from experience and taking consistent action are key to success in property investing. Mark, a successful property investor, emphasized the importance of being genuine and generous with knowledge and time. He shared his journey of making mistakes and persevering, which inspired listeners to keep going despite their own setbacks. Mark's success didn't come from inventing new ways of investing but rather from finding a model that works and sticking to it. The combination of knowledge and action is essential, and learning from mistakes and course-correcting is an inevitable part of the process. The Property Hub UK team encourages listeners to share their own success stories and continue learning from each other. Ultimately, with dedication, education, and action, anyone can achieve their property investment goals.

    • Seeking advice from experts and learning from mistakesExperts' advice can lead to positive outcomes. Reflecting on past mistakes and learning from them is crucial for growth and success.

      Even in seemingly impossible situations, seeking advice from experts can lead to positive outcomes. John's experience of securing tenants who offered full price rent and a lower mortgage despite initial doubts is a testament to this. Furthermore, learning from mistakes is crucial in property investing and life in general. As CS Lewis once said, "Experience is the most brutal of teachers, but you learn." It's essential to reflect on past experiences, identify what went wrong, and make necessary adjustments to prevent repeating the same mistakes. Ultimately, owning up to our mistakes and learning from them is the key to growth and success.

    Recent Episodes from The Property Podcast

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    Happy Tuesday! We’re back with two more listener questions! 

    • (0:43) Paul currently has three buy-to-let properties and intends to grow his portfolio to ten in the future. Each property is currently held in a separate SPV, and he's trying to decide if he should continue putting his new properties in their own SPVs or combine them all into one. Aware of the pros and cons of each method, Paul seeks advice from Rob & Rob on what to do. What will they suggest? 
    • (5:09) Lee’s been searching for the best deal for his mortgage renewal and wonders if he should stick with the advice of one mortgage broker or talk to a few to get a better range of options. 

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    The Property Podcast
    enJuly 02, 2024

    TPP589: The 5 surprising areas where property is booming

    TPP589: The 5 surprising areas where property is booming

    Location is everything in property investing, and this week Rob & Rob reveal the UK’s top 5 areas for property growth. Forget the usual city hotspots - these under-the-radar locations are stealing the show. Tune in as the guys share their theories on what's driving these areas' success and learn how you can leverage this information to shape your own investment strategy. Can you guess which ones made the list? Hit play to find out! 

    • (0:49) News story of the week 
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    • (7:25) Kicking off with city hotspots  
    • (8:25) The top 5 performing areas revealed 
    • (15:30) Other notable areas 
    • (17:15) What’s driving these locations success 
    • (19:43) Hub Extra 

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    The Property Podcast
    enJune 27, 2024

    ASK434: Is now the right time to sell this property? PLUS: What do I do about this arrangement fee?

    ASK434: Is now the right time to sell this property? PLUS: What do I do about this arrangement fee?

    It’s time for your weekly dose of Ask Rob & Rob! 

    • (0:42) Gary’s recently inherited a flat in Notting Hill that he plans to sell and use the proceeds to invest in a cheaper property with better growth potential. But the current value is about 20% less than its original purchase price, leaving him unsure whether to hold off for better market conditions or sell now for the best possible price. 
    • (3:28) Ryan’s wondering if he should add his arrangement fees to his mortgage or pay them off in full, so he turns to Rob & Rob for their advice. 

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    The Property Podcast
    enJune 25, 2024

    TPP588: June Market Update

    TPP588: June Market Update

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    • (0:55) The latest data on house prices 
    • (2:20) Some interesting news on rents 
    • (5:40) What’s happening with build to rents 
    • (7:57) Let’s talk politics 
    • (14:40) Hub Extra 

    Links mentioned: 

    House prices: 


    Build to rent: 


    Hub Extra:  

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    The Property Podcast
    enJune 20, 2024

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    ASK433: How do I value new build properties? PLUS: Are flats with cladding an opportunity?

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    • (0:45) Mussa is curious to know if flats with cladding still face a negative perception, even with EWS1 certificates. He seeks Rob & Rob’s advice on whether these properties offer good capital growth potential or should be avoided as property investments. 
    • (3:48) Thomas is at a loss on how to properly value new build properties since there are no comparable ones in the area. He turns to the guys for their expertise and guidance. 

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    The Property Podcast
    enJune 18, 2024

    TPP587: How to avoid a leasehold nightmare

    TPP587: How to avoid a leasehold nightmare

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    • (0:58) News story of the week 
    • (3:27) Let’s talk about leaseholds… 
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    • (6:06) The pros and cons of leasehold vs freehold 
    • (7:01) How about ground rent? 
    • (9:50) Details on the Leasehold Reform Bill 
    • (12:40) What about service charges? 
    • (21:37) Hub Extra 

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    The Property Podcast
    enJune 13, 2024

    ASK432: Who should I vote for? PLUS: Do I really need to pay this fee?

    ASK432: Who should I vote for? PLUS: Do I really need to pay this fee?

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    • (2:44) Jalon received a payment request from the Information Commissioner's Office and wants to know if the fee is something he’s required to pay as a small property investor. 

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    The Property Podcast
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    • (0:40) News story of the week 
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    • (8:40) What will happen if Labour win? 
    • (16:30) What do we make of it all? 
    • (22:18) Hub Extra 

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    The Property Podcast
    enJune 06, 2024

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    ASK431: Would you rent to someone with a CCJ? PLUS: What type of company should I set up?

    Let's dive into your questions and get some answers on this week's Ask Rob & Rob! 

    • (0:38) A potential tenant with a CCJ has applied to rent Chris's property. The tenant has a guarantor, and the lettings agent offers a protected rent scheme. He wonders if this provides enough protection or be cautious and asks Rob & Rob for their advice. 
    • (3:10) Ashley’s at the start of her property journey and unsure whether to set up an SPV or a limited company. She wants to know the difference between the two and which option would be best for her situation. 

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    The Property Podcast
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    2950 Spin It Your Way!

    Do failures and successes really define you as a person? Or is it the act of how you overcome? Don't let the cards you are dealt determine your direction. Spin it your way!

    So how are you today? Are you in recovery mode from your Super Bowl party?

    Desire to be supported and encouraged by other like-minded women? Join us at Women of IMPACT. https://createyournow.mn.co

    Oh, and did your team win?

    Today, we will take a play out of the playbook and do a little Monday quarterbacking.

    The K.I.S.S. ~ Spin it your way! 

    Now, you have many choices, rather you win or lose, fail or succeed.

    But how you continue to move forward sets the tone for your journey!

    You can choose to get stuck in your own patterns and habits, and make excuses for why you fell short and didn't make it to the finish line. 

    Or you can choose to do it differently without excuses, no matter the result.

    1. Play through the highs and lows. And in this, you are giving your best! You have to stay focused. You can't give up regardless of where you land. "When you take action, you make traction. Take A.I.M.!" ~ Kristianne Wargo
    2. Keep it fresh and be creative. You can play in the game of life however you want. You get to come up with innovative ideas. You get to play to your strengths, so you can tighten your weaknesses. Think outside the box. "Patterns only keep you anchored to what worked in the moment. A new moment requires new actions to anchor." ~ Kristianne Wargo
    3. Be teachable throughout life. You can't do what God designed you to do if you aren't willing to become who He created you to be. You have got to be teachable. You must be willing to learn more even when you're at your best.

    Life isn't about proving who you are. What matters is whose you are. When you consider how to overcome your circumstances or challenges, you are leading your life well.

    PRAYER: May your journey continue to be steps of greatness that lead you closer to God and what He has designed for your life. 

    "Be present. Be incredible. Be YOU!!!"


    #MindsetMonday #CreateYourNow #PersonalDevelopment

    TAKE A.I.M. ~ Action Ignites Motivation  - This is a complimentary (FREE) coaching call with me. You will discuss your specific situation while gaining tools and strategies to move you forward.

    Live. Love. IMPACT! 

    "One step at a time leads to miles of greatness!"

    Wanting help with goals, setting your schedule, or needing someone to talk to (even if you don't know what you need)? It's time you TAKE A.I.M. ~ Action Ignites Motivation. This is FREE for you. Please stop trying to do life by yourself. Put YOU first! Become your best selfie so you can live your life's purpose.


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    Read more from Kristianne, a contributor to The Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen, Thrive Global, Addicted2Success, Entrepreneur, LifeHack, and She Owns It.







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    Cover Art by Jenny Hamson

    Photo by Canva.com


    Music by Mandisa - Overcomer


    Song ID: 68209
    Song Title: Overcomer
    Writer(s): Ben Glover, Chris Stevens, David Garcia
    Copyright © 2013 Meaux Mercy (BMI) Moody Producer Music (BMI)
    One Songs (ASCAP) Ariose Music (ASCAP) Universal Music - 
    Brentwood Benson Publ. (ASCAP) D Soul Music (ASCAP) (adm. at CapitolCMGPublishing.com) All rights reserved. Used by permission.

    #74: How To Have an Unstoppable, Goal-orientated Mindset (Lessons From My Stolen Car)

    #74: How To Have an Unstoppable, Goal-orientated Mindset (Lessons From My Stolen Car)

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    We want to stop this from happening as much as possible.


    That is what I am going to share with you today!


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    • How to view the stressor as a lesson and WHY these times are actually blessings


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    Listen to episode 48 to learn about the link between stress and weight gain

    Listen to episode 35 to learn about the link between sleep and weight gain (or read the blog - click here)

    Start your weight loss journey now with my 3 Week Body Reset

    Continue your weight loss journey and figuring out YOUR own balance in the Health with Bec Tribe

    Explore my other eBooks, free recipes and more on my website: Click here 

    Follow me on instagram! @health_with_bec


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    Visualization Techniques For Beginners-CCR071
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    2764 Get Back to What Matters
    Amelia Earhart said, "The most difficult thing is the decision to act. The rest is merely tenacity." Get back to what matters. Don't you think it's time to start your engines? Desire to be supported and encouraged by other like-minded women? Join us at http://bit.ly/WomenofIMPACT. http://bit.ly/WomenofIMPACT You can't race on the track if your engine is not running. Yet, that's how most of us are living our lives.  We sit back, putting out the fires, trying to minimize the damage of the day. But if you are always living in scarcity mode, when will you be ready to flip the switch to abundance mode? Get back to what matters. Stop the distractions by keeping your actions real and always in motion. If you are wanting to master today to impact tomorrow, you've got to get in the game of life. Sitting on the sidelines or having off and on pity parties only slows down the progression of your goals and dreams. The K.I.S.S. ~ Get back to what matters! If the most challenging thing is making that decision to act, then keeping the momentum going by intentionally moving forward. Even though you may experience insurmountable odds, that doesn't mean you give up and quit.  Make a pivot. Shift the direction you are headed. Don't be swallowed by failures, but ride the waves of lessons learned to gain momentum. Struggles are real. Life is real. So take A.I.M.! Get back to what matters. "Be present. Be incredible. Be YOU!!!"   #Inspiration #CreateYourNow #DailyMotivation https://form.jotform.com/62988215824163  - This is a complimentary (FREE) coaching call with me. You will discuss your specific situation while gaining tools and strategies to move you forward. Live. Love. IMPACT!  "One step at a time leads to miles of greatness!" Subscribe to https://youtube.com/createyournow on YouTube. Wanting help with goals, setting your schedule, or needing someone to talk to (even if you don't know what you need)? It's time you https://form.jotform.com/62988215824163. This is FREE for you. Please stop trying to do life by yourself. Put YOU first! Become your best selfie so you can live your life's purpose.   ANNOUNCEMENT: Ready to shine your light and tell your story. Please click on https://goo.gl/forms/uqjN0rBZ3PZwCbft2. Here you can submit yourself to be on the podcast or make recommendations for who you would like to hear. This is going to be a beautiful series!   Subscribe to https://youtube.com/createyournow on YouTube. Listen to Create Your Now on Spotify. Listen to http://www.iheart.com/show/263-Create-Your-Now-Your-Best/ The http://bit.ly/CYNarchive1 are LIVE!! You can subscribe and listen to all the previous episodes here. http://bit.ly/CYNarchive1 andhttp://bit.ly/CYNarchive2 and http://bit.ly/CYNarchive3 and http://bit.ly/CYNarchive4 and http://bit.ly/CYNarchive5 and http://bit.ly/CYNarchive6 and https://bit.ly/CYNarchive7 Contact me at https://createyournow.com http://createyournow.com/fuss-meal-plan/ Instagram
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    The ONE Reason youre NOT Achieving Your Goals

    The ONE Reason youre NOT Achieving Your Goals

    Are you feeling stuck in your personal or professional life? Do you often question your abilities and hold yourself back from achieving your goals?

    If yes, then you're not alone. Our mind is a powerful tool that can either propel us toward success or hold us back.

    In this video, we will delve into why your mindset is the only thing stopping you from achieving success and how to change that to learn 10X faster.

    We will explore how negative thoughts and limiting beliefs can impact your mindset and hold you back from achieving your full potential.

    We will also discuss proven techniques to overcome these mental barriers and reprogram your mind for success. You'll learn practical tips to cultivate a growth mindset, build self-confidence, and develop resilience in the face of setbacks.

    We'll cover topics such as habits, motivation, mindfulness, and focus, and provide guidance on goal setting.

    You'll clearly understand how your mind can be your greatest ally or worst enemy, and the tools to transform your mindset and accelerate your learning and success.

    Whether you're a student, entrepreneur, or anyone looking to improve their mindset, this video is for you.

    While you're there, subscribe to my YouTube channel for additional short videos that will go live three times a week.




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