
    Podcast Summary

    • Positive signs in property market with increased buyer inquiries and seller requests for valuationsDevelopers show increased confidence with a 17% rise in new buyer inquiries for land, seller requests for valuations more than doubled, and new listings indicate potential market improvement

      There are positive signs in the property market based on recent news stories and personal observations. Developers are showing increased confidence with a 17% increase in new buyer inquiries for land, indicating they believe the next couple of years will be stable. Additionally, the number of potential sellers requesting valuations from estate agents more than doubled between December and January, and local property markets are showing signs of significant increase in new listings. These developments, while not guaranteeing a boom, are positive indicators that the market may be improving and that the next part of the property cycle is underway. Tickets for Property Hub Live, an event for property investors, are now available, but supplies are limited.

    • Property Hub Live Event: A Day of Learning and NetworkingJoin the Property Hub for an affordable live event with inspiring speakers, networking opportunities, and practical knowledge sharing at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium. Don't miss out, get your ticket now.

      The Property Hub is hosting a live event for property investors, featuring inspiring speakers, networking opportunities, and a live podcast. This is not just about the basics of property investment but a celebration of real experiences and practical knowledge. The event will take place at the new Tottenham Hotspur Stadium and the tickets are affordable, covering only the costs. The speakers include Tom Blockson, founder of Urban Splash, and various other investors sharing their stories and strategies. The Economist published a special report on housing which is recommended for those who are interested in deeper insights into the property market. The event is not for profit and the main goal is to bring together the property community for a day of learning and networking. Don't miss out, get your ticket at propertyhub.net/events.

    • Barriers to Building Homes in the UKThe planning system, particularly the green belt and discretionary nature of planning applications, hinders housing supply and drives up prices in the UK and other Western Advanced Economies. A more rules-based planning system could help address the housing shortage and reduce inequality.

      Learning from the discussion and the article is that the lack of housing supply is a major factor driving up property prices in the UK and other Western Advanced Economies. The article emphasizes that the planning system, particularly the green belt and the discretionary nature of planning applications, is a significant barrier to building more homes. The article compares different planning systems from around the world, such as Singapore's autocratic approach and Germany's rules-based approach, and suggests that a more rules-based system could help address the housing shortage. The article also touches on broader issues around housing inequality and government intervention. Overall, the main theme is the importance of addressing the housing supply issue to keep property prices stable and reduce inequality.

    • Balancing the economy for a more effective housing solutionCreating a more balanced economy with stronger regions and cities, improving transport infrastructure, and offering incentives to businesses can help alleviate housing crisis pressure in overburdened areas.

      Focusing solely on building more homes in areas with strict planning rules, like the southeast of England, is too simplistic a solution to the housing crisis. Instead, efforts should be made to create a more balanced economy with stronger regions and cities across the country. This would reduce the pressure on certain areas and make it easier to build homes where they are most needed. Additionally, improving transport infrastructure and offering incentives to businesses to locate in less economically developed areas are crucial steps towards achieving this goal. It's important to remember that the availability of land in desirable areas is limited, and even if planning restrictions were relaxed, there are physical constraints to how much London, for example, can expand. Thus, a more balanced economy and better transport connections between cities are essential to address the housing crisis effectively.

    • Transport infrastructure and credit availability impact real estate marketImproving transport links between cities and loosening credit regulations can fuel real estate development and price surges, while stricter regulations keep prices stable. Keep an eye on these factors for investment opportunities.

      The rate of transportation improvement between cities and the easing of credit availability significantly impact the real estate market. The discussion highlighted that transport infrastructure between important cities, like Manchester and Liverpool in the northwest, needs improvement to unlock potential for development in underutilized areas. Furthermore, the article emphasized that credit, particularly in the US where non-traditional banks are loosening lending criteria, is a major driver of property price surges and subsequent crashes. In contrast, the UK's stricter lending regulations have kept property prices more stable. However, when credit is eventually loosened in the UK, the size of the resulting boom will depend on the degree of credit easing. As investors, it's crucial to keep an eye on these factors as they can significantly influence the real estate market landscape.

    • Regulations and Politics Influence UK Housing MarketRegulations limiting housing market growth can impact homeownership rates, but the decline in UK ownership isn't solely negative, and cultures and societal structures influence homeownership trends.

      The regulations in place to control housing market growth in the UK may limit the rate of growth, but their relaxation or removal is a temptation governments face due to the perceived political benefits of rising house prices. The decline in homeownership in the UK, which is currently around 65%, is a complex issue and not necessarily indicative of negative outcomes. Cultures and societal structures play a role in homeownership rates, and the flexibility that renting provides may be beneficial for some. The argument that renting is negative and the inability to become a homeowner is detrimental is not clearly conveyed in the article, as it also highlights the success of countries like Germany, where more people rent than own.

    • Renting Trends and Tenant-Friendly PoliciesGovernments are implementing tenant-friendly policies like fee bans and longer tenancies, challenging small landlords but promoting market security and fairness for tenants. Adaptation to these changes and building new homes is crucial for property investors.

      The rental market is gaining significant attention from governments around the world due to the increasing number of renters. This trend is leading to tenant-friendly policies such as bans on lettings fees and longer tenancies. These changes may pose challenges for small landlords but are generally positive for the market as a whole. Tenants are demanding more security and flexibility, and the balance between landlords and tenants is being reconsidered without relying on rent controls, which have been acknowledged as ineffective in many places. For instance, New York City recently banned tenant fees, and similar trends are emerging in other cities. While the specifics may vary, the overall direction is towards better security and fairness for tenants. For property investors, it's essential to stay informed about these changes and adapt to the evolving landscape. The focus should be on building more homes to address the supply and demand imbalance and ensure a fair and sustainable housing market.

    • UK Housing Market: Steady Growth Over BoomsProperty investors prefer steady growth over boom-and-bust cycles for wealth accumulation. The UK housing market may experience long-term steady growth, but the extent of credit easing determines potential booms' size.

      The housing market is a complex issue with no easy solutions, and while property cycles will continue, the UK may not experience persistent house price growth faster than income. From a property investor's perspective, steady growth is preferable to boom-and-bust cycles, and ownership of assets is crucial for wealth accumulation. The real political debate is about people with assets versus those without, and governments should address this imbalance. The fundamentals support long-term steady growth, but the extent of credit easing will determine the size of any potential property boom. Ultimately, while a boom may offer opportunities, it also comes with risks, and the investment case for property remains strong regardless.

    • Encouraging Long-term Renting and Improving Living ConditionsThe private sector is driving changes to encourage longer-term renting and enhance living conditions for renters, while the government's role in building more houses remains uncertain. Credit could be a significant factor in the property market.

      Property investment remains a good option, but there's a need for changes to encourage longer-term renting and improve living conditions for renters. The private sector is expected to lead these changes, offering more flexibility. However, building more houses in the UK remains a challenge. The government's ambition to rebalance the economy is noted, but their ability to transform the country is questionable. Meanwhile, credit could be a game-changer in the market. A success story from a listener, Lucas, showcases the potential rewards of investing in property, with five properties purchased by age 31. Hub Extra offers additional resources for listeners, and a podcast recommendation, Meditative Story, combines walking and meditation for a unique listening experience.

    • Improve your walking experience with focused podcast listeningListening to certain podcasts during walks can enhance mental clarity and serve as an alternative to meditation

      Listening to certain podcasts, specifically the one recommended, can enhance your walking experience and help clear your mind. This podcast is not meant to be played in the background while working, but rather requires your full attention. If you've struggled with meditation, this podcast could serve as an intriguing introduction and a potential way to unwind. Don't forget to check out Property Hub events and secure your tickets. We'll be back with Ask Rob and Rob on Tuesday and the property podcast next Thursday. Until then, take care and enjoy!

    Recent Episodes from The Property Podcast

    TPP589: The 5 surprising areas where property is booming

    TPP589: The 5 surprising areas where property is booming

    Location is everything in property investing, and this week Rob & Rob reveal the UK’s top 5 areas for property growth. Forget the usual city hotspots - these under-the-radar locations are stealing the show. Tune in as the guys share their theories on what's driving these areas' success and learn how you can leverage this information to shape your own investment strategy. Can you guess which ones made the list? Hit play to find out! 

    • (0:49) News story of the week 
    • (3:40) The best performing areas for property growth… 
    • (7:25) Kicking off with city hotspots  
    • (8:25) The top 5 performing areas revealed 
    • (15:30) Other notable areas 
    • (17:15) What’s driving these locations success 
    • (19:43) Hub Extra 

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    The Property Podcast
    enJune 27, 2024

    ASK434: Is now the right time to sell this property? PLUS: What do I do about this arrangement fee?

    ASK434: Is now the right time to sell this property? PLUS: What do I do about this arrangement fee?

    It’s time for your weekly dose of Ask Rob & Rob! 

    • (0:42) Gary’s recently inherited a flat in Notting Hill that he plans to sell and use the proceeds to invest in a cheaper property with better growth potential. But the current value is about 20% less than its original purchase price, leaving him unsure whether to hold off for better market conditions or sell now for the best possible price. 
    • (3:28) Ryan’s wondering if he should add his arrangement fees to his mortgage or pay them off in full, so he turns to Rob & Rob for their advice. 

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    The Property Podcast
    enJune 25, 2024

    TPP588: June Market Update

    TPP588: June Market Update

    Get ready for one of our juiciest market updates yet, as we bring you the latest happenings in the property world, including a build-to-rent mini special packed with fascinating rental stats. But that’s not all - we dive into the hottest topic right now: the election! 

    What’s the latest updates? The manifestos are out, but what do they mean for property investors? Did The Robs see anything that worries or excites them? Join us as they break down all the news and share their beliefs on politics. Will they lose your vote? Let’s find out... 

    • (0:55) The latest data on house prices 
    • (2:20) Some interesting news on rents 
    • (5:40) What’s happening with build to rents 
    • (7:57) Let’s talk politics 
    • (14:40) Hub Extra 

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    The Property Podcast
    enJune 20, 2024

    ASK433: How do I value new build properties? PLUS: Are flats with cladding an opportunity?

    ASK433: How do I value new build properties? PLUS: Are flats with cladding an opportunity?

    Rob & Rob are back to offer their advice to two more listeners! 

    • (0:45) Mussa is curious to know if flats with cladding still face a negative perception, even with EWS1 certificates. He seeks Rob & Rob’s advice on whether these properties offer good capital growth potential or should be avoided as property investments. 
    • (3:48) Thomas is at a loss on how to properly value new build properties since there are no comparable ones in the area. He turns to the guys for their expertise and guidance. 

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    The Property Podcast
    enJune 18, 2024

    TPP587: How to avoid a leasehold nightmare

    TPP587: How to avoid a leasehold nightmare

    The most frequent questions we receive are about leaseholds, and given they make up around 40% of the property market it’s crucial for every investor to understand them. Tune in as Rob & Rob deep dive into the topic, discussing the pros and cons of leasehold vs freehold, shedding light on ground rents and service charges, and bringing you up to speed with the latest changes from the Leasehold Reform Bill.  

    • (0:58) News story of the week 
    • (3:27) Let’s talk about leaseholds… 
    • (4:25) What actually is a leasehold? 
    • (6:06) The pros and cons of leasehold vs freehold 
    • (7:01) How about ground rent? 
    • (9:50) Details on the Leasehold Reform Bill 
    • (12:40) What about service charges? 
    • (21:37) Hub Extra 

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    The Property Podcast
    enJune 13, 2024

    ASK432: Who should I vote for? PLUS: Do I really need to pay this fee?

    ASK432: Who should I vote for? PLUS: Do I really need to pay this fee?

    It's Tuesday, and that means it's time for Ask Rob & Rob! Join us as we tackle two new listener questions… 

    • (0:44) Tom wonders what property investors should be looking for in each party's manifesto for the upcoming July election. He's curious if any appear to favour landlords and investors and which might introduce stricter policies. He turns to Rob & Rob for their insights to help him decide who to vote for based on his investment strategy. 
    • (2:44) Jalon received a payment request from the Information Commissioner's Office and wants to know if the fee is something he’s required to pay as a small property investor. 

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    The Property Podcast
    enJune 11, 2024

    TPP586: Should property investors be scared of Labour? (Election special)

    TPP586: Should property investors be scared of Labour? (Election special)

    It's the topic that sparks the most passionate debates: politics! With the unexpectedly early election just around the corner, what does this mean for the property market, and will a potential new government bring significant changes? Join us as Rob & Rob tread on dangerous territory, sharing their thoughts and opinions on the possible impact of a Labour government! 

    • (0:40) News story of the week 
    • (2:49) Let’s get into it… 
    • (3:20) What’s happened as a result of the election being called early? 
    • (6:40) What will happen in the run-up? 
    • (8:40) What will happen if Labour win? 
    • (16:30) What do we make of it all? 
    • (22:18) Hub Extra 

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    The Property Podcast
    enJune 06, 2024

    ASK431: Would you rent to someone with a CCJ? PLUS: What type of company should I set up?

    ASK431: Would you rent to someone with a CCJ? PLUS: What type of company should I set up?

    Let's dive into your questions and get some answers on this week's Ask Rob & Rob! 

    • (0:38) A potential tenant with a CCJ has applied to rent Chris's property. The tenant has a guarantor, and the lettings agent offers a protected rent scheme. He wonders if this provides enough protection or be cautious and asks Rob & Rob for their advice. 
    • (3:10) Ashley’s at the start of her property journey and unsure whether to set up an SPV or a limited company. She wants to know the difference between the two and which option would be best for her situation. 

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    The Property Podcast
    enJune 04, 2024

    AOB: What do Rob & Rob actually DO?

    AOB: What do Rob & Rob actually DO?

    In this candid peek behind the curtain, Rob & Rob delve into what they actually do on a day-to-day to keep their £100m property business running. 

    From handling operations to marketing and growth initiatives, they get raw about their current roles and responsibilities - and how the wrong role had Rob D considering if it was his time to leave the business... 

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    The Property Podcast
    enMay 31, 2024

    TPP585: Reviewing 3 real listener deals: Which would we buy?

    TPP585: Reviewing 3 real listener deals: Which would we buy?

    Running a £100m property business means Rob & Rob have spent countless hours analysing deals and today they’re delving into three investment opportunities our listeners have sent in! 

    They share their decision-making process, break down the pros and cons, run the numbers, and reveal which deal they’d be happy to invest in. 

    • (0:49) News story of the week 
    • (1:51) Real listener deals… 
    • (2:12) Deal 1: Two-bedroom apartment in Sheffield city centre 
    • (19:27) Deal 2: Four-bedroom detached house in Bath 
    • (26:49) Deal 3: Three-bedroom semi-detached house in Liverpool 
    • (35:20) Which deal would Rob & Rob buy? 
    • (39:57) Hub Extra 

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    The Property Podcast
    enMay 30, 2024

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    Why We Don't Build More Apartments for Families

    The vast majority of urban apartments in the US are geared towards single occupants, couples without kids or maybe young professionals with roommates. It's hard to find apartments with the kind of layout that would fit families. Anyone who's gone looking for that type of space is probably familiar with bedrooms that look and feel like closets, or if you do find an apartment that has multiple good-sized bedrooms, it probably costs a fortune. So why is this the case? Why is so much apartment construction skewed towards non-families, and why does there seem to be an inherent assumption in the real estate market that families will always want to live in houses out in the suburbs? On this episode of the Odd Lots podcast, we explore the hidden incentives and regulations that deter builders from making more family-friendly buildings. We speak with real estate developer Bobby Fijan, and also Stephen Jacob Smith, executive director at the Center for Building in North America, for their perspective.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Episode 29 - Jonathan Weiss

    Episode 29 - Jonathan Weiss
    This was an amazing episode with Jonathan Weiss President of Equinox Management and Construction LLC. Equinox has completed over $100 million of residential and mixed-use development projects in the Greater Philadelphia area, with a focus on infill apartments, condominiums, townhomes and student housing. We got to talk about more of the construction side of the business and some alternative ways of building that are becoming more popular. Jonathan also discusses the Otto Project they are working on in Brewerytown Philadelphia!

    Opportunity zones explained: how they work & how to invest

    Opportunity zones explained: how they work & how to invest

    #23: Like learning how to optimize your taxes/wealth?

    Then heads up, because Opportunity Zones may be really relevant to you.

    In a nutshell: It’s a government investment program designed to spur economic development in certain geographic zones; in return, it provides a way to snag huge tax breaks and tax-free investment gains.

    Think of it as a turbocharge for your 4x4 FIRE framework “save” & “invest” pillars.

    But the O-Zone program is not well-understood or even well-known by most investors.

    So this week, I invited David Sillaman, one of the pioneers in Opportunity Zone fund creation, to the podcast to explain key rules and benefits of the program.

    We talk about:

    • Goals of the program and tax benefits to investors
    • Where Opportunity Zones are located and how to view an O-Zone map
    • Rules on contributions, deferred capital gains tax, and tax-free investment gains
    • What type of investments inside Opportunity Zones qualify for favorable tax treatment
    • How to research Qualified Opportunity Funds

    Is this program attractive to you as an investor? What questions do you still have about it that you want me to answer? Let me know by leaving a comment.

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    Intro/Outro: Old Bossa by Twin Musicom.

    Framework To Stop Wasting Time, Energy, And Emotions

    Framework To Stop Wasting Time, Energy, And Emotions

    In every facet of our life, we waste so much time, energy, and emotions because of the perceptions that we have. We go into so many situations thinking there was a bad motive when in reality we made the story up in our mind so we can feel "resolved". In this episode, we talk about a framework that can be used in any situation to better analyze what actually happened. Instead, use that time, energy, and emotions to be more intentional with your relationships, goals, and potential. 


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