
    Podcast Summary

    • Dealing with doubters and negative opinions in property investmentLearn to engage with doubters instead of being deterred, as they can provide valuable insights and even present opportunities. Adapt to market shifts, such as the increase in long-term rentals due to declining Airbnb popularity, to remain competitive as a landlord.

      Encountering doubters and negative opinions is inevitable in the property investment journey, but instead of being deterred, investors should learn to encourage and engage with them. This week on the property podcast, Rob and the speaker discussed how to deal with doubters and even why they can be beneficial. They also shared an interesting story about the collapse of Airbnb popularity leading to a significant increase in long-term rental stock in London, resulting in a glut of supply and pushing rents down. This trend is not limited to London and presents both challenges and opportunities for landlords and tenants. The exact duration of this market situation is uncertain, but it's a crucial time for landlords to adapt and for tenants to negotiate favorable lease terms. Join the property podcast next week for more insights and strategies on navigating this market shift.

    • Encountering doubters in business and investingStay focused on goals, seek constructive criticism, surround yourself with positivity, flip the script, and stay true to yourself when dealing with doubters

      Encounters with doubters are a common experience in business and investing, especially at the beginning when confidence is low. I once met a successful businessman at a networking event who dismissed my business idea and instead suggested something similar to what he was doing. Although it was disheartening, I didn't let it stop me. Instead, I learned to view doubters as opportunities to learn and grow. Here are some strategies for dealing with doubters: 1. Stay focused on your goals: Don't let the opinions of others deter you from your vision. 2. Seek out constructive criticism: If someone offers valid feedback, be open to it and use it to improve. 3. Surround yourself with positivity: Surround yourself with supportive people who believe in your vision and encourage you. 4. Flip the script: Instead of seeing doubters as roadblocks, view them as challenges to be overcome. Use their doubt as motivation to prove them wrong. 5. Stay true to yourself: Don't compromise your values or beliefs to please others. Stay true to who you are and what you believe in. Remember, everyone encounters doubters at some point in their journey. Use their doubt as fuel to keep pushing forward and never give up on your dreams.

    • Prepare a solid plan before sharing goalsResearch, identify obstacles, consider solutions, and be cautious of critics, breaking down goals into smaller parts can help navigate challenges

      Before sharing your big goals or ideas with others, it's essential to have a solid plan in place. This doesn't mean having the perfect plan, but rather taking the time to research your subject, identify potential obstacles, and consider solutions. By doing so, you'll be on more stable ground when facing doubters or negative opinions. Remember, not all criticism is equal, and it's crucial to distinguish between those who have expertise and those who don't. Even if someone seems knowledgeable, be cautious and try to understand their specific concerns. In Rob's story, the doubter appeared to be well-informed but ultimately just doubted the concept idea without asking questions or offering constructive feedback. By breaking down your goals into smaller parts, you may find that not every aspect is met with resistance. In summary, creating a plan and being mindful of who you share your goals with can help you navigate potential challenges and stay focused on your objectives.

    • Identifying the Source of DoubtsDistinguish between doubts about ideas and people, surround yourself with positivity, and reflect on the source to decide how to respond.

      When encountering doubts, it's crucial to identify whether they stem from the idea or the person expressing them. This distinction can be made by considering the nature of the idea itself and the relationship between the speaker and oneself. For example, doubts about investing in well-established concepts like the property market are likely to be about the person, while doubts about unrealistic or impractical ideas are more likely to be about the concept itself. Additionally, it's essential to surround oneself with positive and solution-oriented individuals who support and believe in potential outcomes. Conversely, negative people should be avoided as they can significantly impact one's life in a negative way. When faced with doubts, reflecting on their source can help determine whether they are worth engaging with or not. If the doubts are about the idea, it may be worth exploring them further to understand if there is any merit to the criticism. If the doubts are about oneself, it's essential to consider the motivations, knowledge, and determination of the speaker to determine whether their opinion holds weight. Ultimately, understanding the source of doubts can put one in a better position to decide how to respond and move forward.

    • Surround yourself with positivitySeek out supportive people, minimize doubters, gain insights from experts, and use doubts as motivation

      It's essential to surround yourself with positive and supportive people, both personally and professionally, to help you find happiness and reach your goals. Minimize the influence of doubters by creating a plan, being careful who you share your ideas with, and understanding why they doubt. However, instead of avoiding doubters entirely, consider using their doubts as opportunities for growth. By seeking out the expertise of those who have more experience, you can gain valuable insights and overcome objections. Remember, doubters are a natural part of pushing yourself to do something new or different, so don't let their doubts discourage you. Instead, use them as motivation to work harder and prove them wrong. Reflect on your current network of relationships and assess whether they are adding to your happiness and success or detracting from it. If necessary, phase out negative influences and seek out like-minded individuals to support you on your journey.

    • Turning criticisms into productive conversationsEncountering doubts or criticisms should be seen as opportunities to learn and adapt, not reasons to give up. Engage with doubters to discuss concerns and explore alternative solutions.

      Encountering doubts and criticisms during the planning stages of a project should not be discouraging, but rather an opportunity to learn and adapt. The speaker shares his experience of receiving skepticism towards their plans and how they turned it into a productive conversation by inviting the critic to a meeting and discussing the concerns in detail. This approach not only helped them understand potential risks but also allowed them to explore alternative solutions. The speaker emphasizes that one doubt or critique does not equate to the failure of the project and encourages engaging with doubters to work on the details rather than the overall vision. By viewing obstacles as challenges and focusing on potential solutions, individuals can overcome setbacks and ultimately reach their goals.

    • Turning doubters into alliesDoubters can be valuable sources of constructive criticism and motivation. Seek them out, encourage their critiques, and use their doubts as fuel to improve and progress towards goals.

      Doubters, while they may seem negative at first, can actually be used to our advantage. At the beginning of our journey, doubts can be especially challenging when our self-belief is low and we're unsure of our abilities. However, as we gain knowledge and experience, we become better equipped to distinguish between valid and invalid doubts. Even if a doubt doesn't seem particularly useful or well-intentioned, it can still be used as motivation to prove the doubter wrong. Moreover, as we succeed and receive praise for our ideas, it's important to continue seeking out doubters and encouraging them to critique us. This not only helps us improve our ideas but also keeps us grounded and prevents us from becoming complacent. In essence, minimizing the negative impact of doubters and turning them to our advantage is crucial for enabling us to take action and progress towards our goals. It's important to remember that we won't always be right, and there will be terrible ideas among the good ones. By seeking out doubters and encouraging their critiques, we can extract the bad ideas quickly and focus on the good ones.

    • Encountering doubters and setbacksDespite criticism and failure, push forward for growth and progress. Surround yourself with supportive people and learn from each experience.

      Encountering doubters and setbacks in your pursuit of new ideas or goals is a natural part of the process. While it may be disheartening to face criticism or failure, it's essential to remember that each experience brings valuable lessons and knowledge that can lead you closer to success. Ignoring doubters and pushing forward can ultimately lead to growth and progress, even if initial attempts don't work out as planned. However, it's crucial to be aware of the people around you and their motivations. Some may genuinely want to support and encourage you, while others may unintentionally or intentionally try to hold you back out of fear or insecurity. Surround yourself with those who push you towards growth and progress, and don't let the fear of failure or criticism prevent you from taking bold actions. Remember, the greatest regret is often the things we didn't do, so keep pushing forward and learn from each experience.

    • Learning from '2 Robs' podcast and Rob Dee's booksListening to educational resources and being inspired can lead to significant property acquisitions and personal growth.

      Listening to the "2 Robs" podcast and reading Rob Dee's books have significantly contributed to David's successful acquisition of 19 properties in the last 3 years. The clear and easy-to-understand format of the show served not only as a source of valuable knowledge but also as a motivational tool. It's always inspiring to hear about individuals who defy skepticism and achieve impressive results. Additionally, the Hub Extra segment introduced a new podcast called Naked Money, hosted by multimillionaire stock trader Robbie Burns. This new podcast is a great resource for those interested in stock trading and finance. In summary, the impact of educational resources and motivational tools cannot be underestimated in one's personal and professional growth. Whether it's through podcasts, books, or other means, continually seeking knowledge and being inspired can lead to remarkable outcomes.

    Recent Episodes from The Property Podcast

    TPP589: The 5 surprising areas where property is booming

    TPP589: The 5 surprising areas where property is booming

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    • (0:49) News story of the week 
    • (3:40) The best performing areas for property growth… 
    • (7:25) Kicking off with city hotspots  
    • (8:25) The top 5 performing areas revealed 
    • (15:30) Other notable areas 
    • (17:15) What’s driving these locations success 
    • (19:43) Hub Extra 

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    The Property Podcast
    enJune 27, 2024

    ASK434: Is now the right time to sell this property? PLUS: What do I do about this arrangement fee?

    ASK434: Is now the right time to sell this property? PLUS: What do I do about this arrangement fee?

    It’s time for your weekly dose of Ask Rob & Rob! 

    • (0:42) Gary’s recently inherited a flat in Notting Hill that he plans to sell and use the proceeds to invest in a cheaper property with better growth potential. But the current value is about 20% less than its original purchase price, leaving him unsure whether to hold off for better market conditions or sell now for the best possible price. 
    • (3:28) Ryan’s wondering if he should add his arrangement fees to his mortgage or pay them off in full, so he turns to Rob & Rob for their advice. 

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    The Property Podcast
    enJune 25, 2024

    TPP588: June Market Update

    TPP588: June Market Update

    Get ready for one of our juiciest market updates yet, as we bring you the latest happenings in the property world, including a build-to-rent mini special packed with fascinating rental stats. But that’s not all - we dive into the hottest topic right now: the election! 

    What’s the latest updates? The manifestos are out, but what do they mean for property investors? Did The Robs see anything that worries or excites them? Join us as they break down all the news and share their beliefs on politics. Will they lose your vote? Let’s find out... 

    • (0:55) The latest data on house prices 
    • (2:20) Some interesting news on rents 
    • (5:40) What’s happening with build to rents 
    • (7:57) Let’s talk politics 
    • (14:40) Hub Extra 

    Links mentioned: 

    House prices: 


    Build to rent: 


    Hub Extra:  

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    The Property Podcast
    enJune 20, 2024

    ASK433: How do I value new build properties? PLUS: Are flats with cladding an opportunity?

    ASK433: How do I value new build properties? PLUS: Are flats with cladding an opportunity?

    Rob & Rob are back to offer their advice to two more listeners! 

    • (0:45) Mussa is curious to know if flats with cladding still face a negative perception, even with EWS1 certificates. He seeks Rob & Rob’s advice on whether these properties offer good capital growth potential or should be avoided as property investments. 
    • (3:48) Thomas is at a loss on how to properly value new build properties since there are no comparable ones in the area. He turns to the guys for their expertise and guidance. 

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    The Property Podcast
    enJune 18, 2024

    TPP587: How to avoid a leasehold nightmare

    TPP587: How to avoid a leasehold nightmare

    The most frequent questions we receive are about leaseholds, and given they make up around 40% of the property market it’s crucial for every investor to understand them. Tune in as Rob & Rob deep dive into the topic, discussing the pros and cons of leasehold vs freehold, shedding light on ground rents and service charges, and bringing you up to speed with the latest changes from the Leasehold Reform Bill.  

    • (0:58) News story of the week 
    • (3:27) Let’s talk about leaseholds… 
    • (4:25) What actually is a leasehold? 
    • (6:06) The pros and cons of leasehold vs freehold 
    • (7:01) How about ground rent? 
    • (9:50) Details on the Leasehold Reform Bill 
    • (12:40) What about service charges? 
    • (21:37) Hub Extra 

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    The Property Podcast
    enJune 13, 2024

    ASK432: Who should I vote for? PLUS: Do I really need to pay this fee?

    ASK432: Who should I vote for? PLUS: Do I really need to pay this fee?

    It's Tuesday, and that means it's time for Ask Rob & Rob! Join us as we tackle two new listener questions… 

    • (0:44) Tom wonders what property investors should be looking for in each party's manifesto for the upcoming July election. He's curious if any appear to favour landlords and investors and which might introduce stricter policies. He turns to Rob & Rob for their insights to help him decide who to vote for based on his investment strategy. 
    • (2:44) Jalon received a payment request from the Information Commissioner's Office and wants to know if the fee is something he’s required to pay as a small property investor. 

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    The Property Podcast
    enJune 11, 2024

    TPP586: Should property investors be scared of Labour? (Election special)

    TPP586: Should property investors be scared of Labour? (Election special)

    It's the topic that sparks the most passionate debates: politics! With the unexpectedly early election just around the corner, what does this mean for the property market, and will a potential new government bring significant changes? Join us as Rob & Rob tread on dangerous territory, sharing their thoughts and opinions on the possible impact of a Labour government! 

    • (0:40) News story of the week 
    • (2:49) Let’s get into it… 
    • (3:20) What’s happened as a result of the election being called early? 
    • (6:40) What will happen in the run-up? 
    • (8:40) What will happen if Labour win? 
    • (16:30) What do we make of it all? 
    • (22:18) Hub Extra 

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    The Property Podcast
    enJune 06, 2024

    ASK431: Would you rent to someone with a CCJ? PLUS: What type of company should I set up?

    ASK431: Would you rent to someone with a CCJ? PLUS: What type of company should I set up?

    Let's dive into your questions and get some answers on this week's Ask Rob & Rob! 

    • (0:38) A potential tenant with a CCJ has applied to rent Chris's property. The tenant has a guarantor, and the lettings agent offers a protected rent scheme. He wonders if this provides enough protection or be cautious and asks Rob & Rob for their advice. 
    • (3:10) Ashley’s at the start of her property journey and unsure whether to set up an SPV or a limited company. She wants to know the difference between the two and which option would be best for her situation. 

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    The Property Podcast
    enJune 04, 2024

    AOB: What do Rob & Rob actually DO?

    AOB: What do Rob & Rob actually DO?

    In this candid peek behind the curtain, Rob & Rob delve into what they actually do on a day-to-day to keep their £100m property business running. 

    From handling operations to marketing and growth initiatives, they get raw about their current roles and responsibilities - and how the wrong role had Rob D considering if it was his time to leave the business... 

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    The Property Podcast
    enMay 31, 2024

    TPP585: Reviewing 3 real listener deals: Which would we buy?

    TPP585: Reviewing 3 real listener deals: Which would we buy?

    Running a £100m property business means Rob & Rob have spent countless hours analysing deals and today they’re delving into three investment opportunities our listeners have sent in! 

    They share their decision-making process, break down the pros and cons, run the numbers, and reveal which deal they’d be happy to invest in. 

    • (0:49) News story of the week 
    • (1:51) Real listener deals… 
    • (2:12) Deal 1: Two-bedroom apartment in Sheffield city centre 
    • (19:27) Deal 2: Four-bedroom detached house in Bath 
    • (26:49) Deal 3: Three-bedroom semi-detached house in Liverpool 
    • (35:20) Which deal would Rob & Rob buy? 
    • (39:57) Hub Extra 

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    The Property Podcast
    enMay 30, 2024

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    Sarah Knight, deemed “the Anti-Guru” for her profane approach to giving practical advice, joins the show (again!) to discuss defining life decisions, listening to your intuition, taking initiative, and the importance of having purposeful responsibilities.

    How defining moments in adulthood impact the way we make decisions.
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    Join us on Instagram: @decidedlypodcast
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    At Decidedly Wealth Management, we focus on decision-making as the foundational element of success, in our effort to empower families to purposefully apply their wealth to fulfill their values and build a thriving legacy.


    Join us every Wednesday for more strategies to DEFEAT bad decision-making - one episode at a time!

    Grow the F*ck Up: How to Be an Adult and Get Treated Like One
    What’s Passive Income? It’s Not What Influencers Say It Is. - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

    Website: www.sarahknight.com
    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@sarahknightauthor 
    Sarah’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sarahknightauthor 
    Sarah’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/mcsnugz 
    Sarah’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sarahknightauthor/ 
    Sarah’s Books and Journals: https://sarahknight.com/books/ 
    Sarah’s Podcast, No Fucks Given: https://sarahknight.com/podcast/ 
    Sarah’s Course, Fuck No!: https://courses.sarahknight.com/ 
    Sarah’s Quizzes: https://sarahknight.com/quizzes/ 
    Grow the F*ck Up: How to Be an Adult and Get Treated Like One: https://www.sarahknight.com/books/gtfu/

    With more than 3 million copies in print, Sarah Knight’s No Fucks Given Guides have been published in thirty-one languages and appeared on bestseller lists all over the world. Known as “the Anti-Guru” for her profane approach to giving practical advice, Knight, a Harvard graduate, worked for fifteen years as a top book editor in New York City with authors such as Chris Cleave, James Lee Burke, Gillian Flynn, David Javerbaum, Jen Kirkman, Jessica Knoll, Emily Nagoski, and many more. In 2015 she left corporate publishing to go freelance, moved to the Caribbean, and wrote The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a Fuck, which is currently in development for film with New Line Cinema.

    Her acclaimed series of “genius” (Vogue), “hilarious” (Real Simple), and “no-nonsense” (Bustle) self-help books includes the runaway hits Calm the Fuck Down and Get Your Shit Together, which spent sixteen weeks on the New York Times bestseller list; as well as accompanying journals and a No Fucks Given page-a-day calendar. Knight’s TEDx Talk on “The Magic of Not Giving a Fuck” has 10 million views; she is an in-demand speaker who has headlined events for WarnerMedia, the Marriott Hotel Group, The Wing, and others; and she hosts the popular No Fucks Given podcast, which reached #1 on the Apple Education charts. Sarah Knight lives in the Dominican Republic with her husband and two rescue cats, Gladys and Mister Stussy. She is represented for books, film, and speaking by CAA.

    EP 07 Taking Actionable Steps to Achieve Your Health and Fitness Goals With Kelvin Thomas

    EP 07 Taking Actionable Steps to Achieve Your Health and Fitness Goals With Kelvin Thomas

    During the course of this seventh episode of the Self Care Passport podcast, host Janae Fletcher interviews Kelvin Thomas, a fitness trainer with 17 years of experience who incorporates Pilates, yoga, powerlifting, and plyometrics with a style he describes as “supportive yet demanding.” They discuss the importance of incorporating fitness into their everyday lives and how to set yourself up with steps and systems to reach your goals.

     Show Notes:

    Don’t wait until you feel fit, build your fitness from where you are now.

    People in fitness classes aren’t looking at you as much as you think they are.

    The Navy had a big impact on Kelvin Thomas.

    Goals require steps to follow to build up to your desired outcome.

    Make an appointment with yourself to work towards your fitness.

    You are never too old to do new things.

    Challenge yourself by working out with younger people.

    Being healthy isn’t as challenging as we make it to be—you just need the desire.

    “The Boiling Point” radio show will air on KSER 90.7FM in Everett, Washington. http://www.kser.org/

    Kelvin Thomas has invented a portable fitness product for people with mobility issues. Follow him online for updated details. Sign up for the waiting list here ==> http://373degreeskelvin.com/devicewaitlist

    3 Key Points:

    1. Goals can make us feel like failures if we don’t know how we will meet them.

    2. Make an appointment with yourself to accomplish things.

    3. Age gracefully as you get older by learning how to grow younger.

    Tweetable Quotes:

    - “Brave is better than perfect.” – Janae Fletcher.

    - “Build on where you started.” – Kelvin Thomas.

    - “If you aren’t working on it…it’s just a pipe dream.” – Kelvin Thomas.

    Resources Mentioned:

    JanaeFletcher.com – Website for Janae Fletcher

     janae_fletcher - Instagram

    373DegreesKelvin – Website for Kelvin Thomas

     Studio373Degrees Fitness & Health – Facebook

    @kelvin.studio373 - Instagram



    70: The Secrets of Self Doubt No One Tells You About

    70: The Secrets of Self Doubt No One Tells You About

    Have you been feeling self doubt lately? J.Go breaks down three times she’s felt self doubt and what she did to overcome her doubts and fears. 


    * Connect with J.Go on E-Mail: Jordan@jgofitlife.com 

    * Become a Beta Tester for my Busy BCB Program: https://www.jgofitlife.com/offers/QJWV6cc9/checkout 


    - If you’re interested on being a guest on this podcast, please fill out this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfBeYYPBCUeIVFG1N0u0wBqYEMzLRvAYn8uBRMTkrwdEBoksw/viewform?usp=sf_link 


    - Sometimes, people only show their successes and don’t show the whole picture, which was likely filled with a lot of self doubt. J.Go wants to be vulnerable and share times along her journey when she felt self doubt, and how she overcame those feelings to level up. 


    1. When J.Go quit her job without having a plan

    - She thought: can I really do this on my own? These feelings came up over and over again during the course of her first year coaching. 

    - How did she work through the doubt?

    - First of all, she was fortunate enough to have emotional support and encouragement from both of her parents

    - She walked through the doubt, meaning: She thought about the fear, doubt, and anxiety she felt when the fear came up. She was so afraid of failure, but what would actually happen if she failed? She could always go back to a job.

    - What if this isn’t the “right” thing for her? Well, maybe it would open her eyes to new opportunities. Maybe she will meet someone who will lead her to her next step. 

    - Taking that  next step is telling God or the Universe that you trust the plan, and that you trust yourself. 

    - The next step can be a small one, such as making yourself a short morning routine, setting a boundary, etc. 

    - Walking through self doubt helped her realize what could happen really wasn’t that bad. Even if it was a trainwreck, it was better that she at least tried. 


    1. When J.Go hosted her first Go.Retreat

    - She compared herself to a lot of people who have already hosted multiple retreats

    - What did she do to help self doubt?

    - Self Reflection: Look at a time in your life when you were afraid of something and it all worked out. When is a time when you doubted yourself, and you proved yourself wrong? 

    - Celebrate your achievements so far. They wouldn’t have happened if you let self doubt get in the way. 

    - Instead of getting caught up in comparison, she decided to learn from them.

    - She reached out asking for mentorship and it was invaluable. 

    - She thought to herself, why not you? Why not? 

    - If you don’t want to reach out for mentorship, you can scroll back to their very first instagram post, or their first video or blog. It helps to see their growth and that everyone starts from the beginning. 


    1. Taking a social media break

    - She had fears, “What if no one cares?”. It was her ego talking.

    - What if she can’t run a successful business without Instagram?

    - She realized that fear itself wasn’t a good enough reason to stay on social media and continue going at the pace that she was. 


    - what if you can’t run a successful business without posting on instagram everyday and sharing your life? 

    - The people that get it, the people who connect with her.

    - She went back to what really matters, her values. 

    - What could she control? She could control how much she was on social media. 

    - Getting clear on her values was her first big step. Decide what matters to you. What do you value? What are your goals?

    - If something could help you reach your goals, then do it!

    - If you knew you wouldn’t fail, would you do it? Then take that step. 

    - It’s worth more to try and fail.

    Season 2 - Episode 16: Doug Luccio

    Season 2 - Episode 16: Doug Luccio

    Lieutenant Colonel Doug Luccio, United States Marine Corps. Doug was commissioned in 1994 was subsequently designated as a Field Artillery Officer. Doug is still on active duty and is currently serving as Assistant Professor at The Eisenhower School for National Security and Resource Strategy. He is also a Doctoral candidate at the George Washington University. Listen in as he shares his insights on combat and combat leadership!

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lucciodg/