
    TPP483: The Price Of Money: How to prosper in a financial world that's rigged against you

    enJune 16, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • The Importance of Understanding InflationUnderstanding inflation is vital for making informed investment decisions, and this episode of The Property Podcast emphasizes its importance in navigating the property market landscape.

      Understanding inflation and its implications is crucial for making informed investment decisions. Rob and Rob, hosts of The Property Podcast, emphasize the importance of this topic and consider it one of their top 10 must-listen episodes. They discuss how we've been living inside a long-term financial experiment, and understanding inflation can help us navigate the property market landscape. In the news segment, they discuss the recent announcement extending the Right to Buy scheme to housing association homes, but express skepticism about its impact due to lack of details and potential long delays. Overall, the episode underscores the significance of being informed and prepared for economic changes.

    • UK Government Plans to Ease Mortgage Market for First-Time BuyersThe UK government's plan to review mortgage market could result in loosened lending restrictions, making it easier for first-time buyers to enter the housing market.

      The UK government is planning to review the mortgage market for first-time buyers with the intention of making it easier for them to enter the market. This could potentially have a significant impact on the wider housing market as it may lead to loosened lending restrictions. Additionally, Rob Bell has recently released a new book titled "The Price of Money," which aims to provide readers with a framework for understanding the financial system and making informed decisions about their money. The book promises to be accessible, simple, and fun, and is available now.

    • End of the Gold Standard in 1971The end of the gold standard in 1971 led to a shift towards a fiat currency system, allowing governments to create and print money without being backed by gold, significantly impacting the global economy.

      The year 1971 marked a pivotal moment in financial history when the United States, as the world's reserve currency, ended the gold standard. Prior to 1971, the dollar was directly linked to gold, meaning it could be exchanged for a specific amount of gold. However, after 1971, the US government, along with many others, could create and print money without being backed by gold. This shift towards a fiat currency system, where money has value only because people trust it, has significantly impacted the global economy and continues to do so today. Understanding this historical context can help investors make informed decisions in the ever-changing financial landscape. So, while Disney World opening in 1971 might be an interesting fact, the end of the gold standard holds far greater implications for our monetary system.

    • Unbacked Currencies: A Historical Shift in Global FinanceSince 1971, major currencies have been unbacked, leading to an unprecedented increase in money supply and debt without effective government intervention

      We are currently experiencing a historical shift in global finance as the world's reserve currencies, including the US dollar, euro, and yen, are no longer backed by anything tangible. This is the first time in history that major currencies are unbacked, and we're seeing the consequences of this system put in place over 50 years ago. Prior to 1971, there was a constraint on the amount of money that could be created due to the representation by gold. Since then, the constraint is no longer in place, leading to a significant increase in money supply and debt. Despite this, no government has effectively tackled the issue, as seen in the UK's austerity measures which led to public hardship. Overall, the removal of the gold standard and the subsequent creation of unbacked currencies have led to an unprecedented growth in money supply and debt.

    • Governments trapped in a cycle of spending and debt since the 1970sSince the 1970s, governments have spent beyond their means, leading to a cycle of increasing public and private debt, affecting future interest rates.

      Since the early 1970s, governments in the UK, and likely many other countries, have been trapped in a cycle of spending to please the public and stay in power, leading to increasing public and private debt. This pattern was established after the shift from balanced budgets to persistent deficits. The most significant inflection points in this trend include the 2008 financial crisis, which saw unprecedented money printing and interest rate cuts. Despite efforts to reduce deficits, the debt continues to accumulate, and it now affects individuals as well, with private debt increasing from 60% to 200% of GDP. This trend has major implications for future interest rates.

    • Unconventional monetary policies and their unexpected consequencesQuantitative Easing led to unexpected wealth redistribution and asset price inflation, rather than consumer price inflation as initially anticipated.

      The unconventional monetary policy tools introduced during financial crises, such as Quantitative Easing (QE), have had unexpected consequences. While the initial expectation was that introducing large amounts of money into the economy would lead to inflation in consumer prices, the reality was different. Instead, much of the money ended up in the financial system, enriching asset owners and leading to significant asset price inflation. In 2008, the Bank of England implemented QE to generate a "wealth effect," making the wealthy feel richer and encouraging them to spend, thus avoiding the risk of deflation. In 2020, during the global pandemic, the Bank of England once again employed QE on a massive scale, and this time, the government spent the newly created money directly to support the economy, leading to both asset and general inflation. These policies, while debatable in their effectiveness, have had significant impacts on the economy and have redistributed wealth to a certain extent.

    • Government Spending Boom Causing InflationGovernment spending through QE led to increased money supply and spending, causing higher prices for goods and services. Central banks hesitant to raise interest rates due to unsustainable debt levels, leaving individuals and investors in a challenging position.

      The unprecedented levels of government spending during the pandemic through Quantitative Easing (QE) has been the primary cause of current inflation. The government's spending boom led to increased money supply and spending, resulting in higher prices for goods and services. Central banks are hesitant to raise interest rates significantly due to the unsustainable debt levels of governments and individuals, which would make debt payments unaffordable. This leaves individuals and investors in a challenging position, requiring a deep understanding of the current economic landscape to make informed decisions. We are in an unprecedented financial experiment with no clear end in sight, and the consequences of these decisions will continue to unfold.

    • Inflation expected to last for several yearsIndividuals can survive and even thrive during inflationary period through smart strategies, as discussed in last week's podcast and Rob's new book 'The Price of Money'.

      The current inflationary period we're experiencing is not just a one-year issue, but it's expected to last for several years. The government, due to its immense debt, has an incentive to let inflation run to help devalue the debt. This is not a new issue, as it was discussed years ago on the podcast. While it may seem that everything is stacked against individuals, there are ways to not only survive but thrive during this period. Last week's podcast episode provided insights on how to avoid being punished by inflation and even prosper. Next week, the show will delve deeper into investment strategies to come out of this period in a better financial position. Rob's new book, "The Price of Money," released today, is a valuable resource for those looking to understand the impact of inflation and how to navigate it.

    • Invest in Rob's book for a deeper understandingRob's book offers comprehensive knowledge on money, providing a fresh perspective and expanding financial literacy

      That investing in Rob's book, "The Price of Money," can provide a deeper understanding of the subject matter discussed in the podcast. While the podcast scratches the surface, the book delivers comprehensive knowledge on money, offering a fresh perspective. It's not an investment for Rob's retirement, but rather an opportunity for listeners to expand their financial literacy. Make sure to grab a copy on Amazon or through propertyhub.netforward/money. Stay tuned for the upcoming episode, which will help put these ideas into action. Connect with us on social media at propertyhubuk for more insights, and visit portfolio.co.uk for more information. Don't miss out on this valuable resource.

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    The Property Podcast
    enJuly 02, 2024

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    • (17:15) What’s driving these locations success 
    • (19:43) Hub Extra 

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    The Property Podcast
    enJune 27, 2024

    ASK434: Is now the right time to sell this property? PLUS: What do I do about this arrangement fee?

    ASK434: Is now the right time to sell this property? PLUS: What do I do about this arrangement fee?

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    • (3:28) Ryan’s wondering if he should add his arrangement fees to his mortgage or pay them off in full, so he turns to Rob & Rob for their advice. 

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    The Property Podcast
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    • (7:57) Let’s talk politics 
    • (14:40) Hub Extra 

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    The Property Podcast
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    • (3:48) Thomas is at a loss on how to properly value new build properties since there are no comparable ones in the area. He turns to the guys for their expertise and guidance. 

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    The Property Podcast
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    TPP587: How to avoid a leasehold nightmare

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    • (0:58) News story of the week 
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    • (7:01) How about ground rent? 
    • (9:50) Details on the Leasehold Reform Bill 
    • (12:40) What about service charges? 
    • (21:37) Hub Extra 

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    The Property Podcast
    enJune 13, 2024

    ASK432: Who should I vote for? PLUS: Do I really need to pay this fee?

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    • (2:44) Jalon received a payment request from the Information Commissioner's Office and wants to know if the fee is something he’s required to pay as a small property investor. 

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    The Property Podcast
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    • (8:40) What will happen if Labour win? 
    • (16:30) What do we make of it all? 
    • (22:18) Hub Extra 

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    The Property Podcast
    enJune 06, 2024

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    • As many others believe, Peter thinks Covid has actually been more damaging for society and a disaster for the economy than it has been a health issue. You can’t consume if you don’t produce and this has been one of the issues with government policies ‘patching up’ the economic shortfalls and delaying the inevitable. 
    • Peter Schiff earned the title of Dr Doom in 2005 when he was predicting a massive economic crisis. It turns out he was right, he was really Dr Reality and he now predicts another imminent crash.
    • If you recognise the state of the economy right now and understand what is going to happen in the near future you can position yourself to at least ride the storm and potentially even profit from what is going to happen. There are always some winners in economic crisis’s, fortunes can be made.
    • When money originated, it was created out of metal, it had real value. The devaluation of money started in the 1970’s, what we now use as money isn’t a real ‘commodity’. Eventually with the printing of money that is widespread in many western economies the trust in it will disappear and that’s when we will be in real trouble. It sounds extreme but It’s not unprecedented, many countries that have been wealthy in the past have devalued their currency.
    • Although Peter has ran under the Republican party previously he actually aligns himself as a Libertarian. He believes at the moment both the Republicans and Democrats are in difficult places and aren’t true to their core belief systems.
    • Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies have had a lot of hype the past couple of years. Peter thinks they have had their day and will start to drop. He advises people to get out of bitcoin and other crytpos now.
    • People will take opportunities and liberties where they can. Peter doesn’t blame the likes of Elon Musk and other billionaires for not paying more tax, he blames the government and the policies that allow this.


     “More people have left the workforce to actually avoid covid than if they had actually come down with it”

    “You’ve got to look at reality and not what the government is telling you”

    “The world has been supporting the United States for decades”

    “Money needs to be a creature of the free market, it needs to be produced by the market not the government”

    “A lot of people are going to be wiped out on the way down in crypto and the leverage is really going to accelerate the collapse”

    “History has always shown that it’s better to have the private sector invest money and the government spend money”

    [Business, mindset, entrepreneur, disruptors]







    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “Disruptors”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”


    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979

    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com

    THIS Is the Issue With the Legacy Financial System & How BITCOIN Fixes All of It | Saifedean Ammous

    THIS Is the Issue With the Legacy Financial System & How BITCOIN Fixes All of It | Saifedean Ammous
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    Transcript for this week’s episode.


    Eric’s Twitter: @EricMLeeper

    Eric’s UVA profile

    Eric’s Mercatus profile


    David Beckworth’s Twitter: @DavidBeckworth

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    Related Links:


    *A Fiscal Accounting of COVID Inflation* by Eric Leeper and Joe Anderson


    *Fiscal Dominance—What It Is and How It Threatens Inflation Control* by Eric Leeper


    *Three World Wars: Fiscal-Monetary Consequences* by George Hall and Thomas Sargent


    *The Fiscal Theory of the Price Level With a Bubble* by Markus Brunnermeier, Sebastian Merkel, and Yuliy Sannikov


    *George Hall on the History of the U.S. National Debt and Government Financing* by Macro Musings

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    • The evidence is that tax is as old as civilisation itself. There has been examples of voluntary taxation, such as Ancient Greece. But in the modern world it is forced.
    • Privatisation of state services isn’t a solution as it is usually a monopoly so prices are high and value is low for consumers.
    • The first thing people spend money on after essentials is on self-improvement, on education. The free market provided the means for people to learn.
    • If you look at any event in history you will find a tax story behind it, including the right for women to vote; it meant they would then pay taxes.
    • Dominic believes that the lockdowns and restriction over covid were too much and caused more damage than they prevented. It’s ruined lives and businesses. However, it has also accelerated some more positive aspects of life, including remote working.
    • Dominic said that the world economic forum is awful. He doesn’t agree with the viewpoints that this group project.
    • Dominic believes we should replace as many taxes as possible and just have one flat, single tax based around land and transparency. 


    “It was intended for the rich but it impacted the poor the most”

    “Fix money, fix the world”

    “You’re seeing a new rise of a workforce that’s harder to tax”

    “I don’t believe in that Blairite world view”







    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “Disruptors”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”


    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979

    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com

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