
    Tracking hurricane Lee, 8 sightings in 8 days, stuck 3,500 feet deep

    enSeptember 08, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Sleep Number Bed's Customized Solutions and JD Power RecognitionThe Sleep Number smart bed tailors sleep experiences with customized firmness, temperature, and noise reduction, earning JD Power's highest customer satisfaction ranking for mattresses.

      The Sleep Number smart bed offers customized sleep solutions for individual preferences, addressing needs such as firmness, temperature, and noise reduction. The JD Power's highest customer satisfaction ranking for mattresses further highlights its effectiveness. Hurricane Lee, a powerful category 5 storm in the Atlantic, is currently causing uncertainty regarding its potential impact on the East Coast. The National Hurricane Center's cone of uncertainty shows a significant spread due to the storm's expected slow movement and the average error spread increasing as time goes on. In the news, a convicted murderer, Danilo Cavalcante, who escaped from a Pennsylvania prison over a week ago, has been sighted multiple times, with the focus of the search expanding to a botanical garden near the prison.

    • Manhunt for Cabo Cante, Homicide Suspect on the Run, Coco Gauff Reaches US Open Final, Grand Jury Report on Election Interference, Giuliani's FundraiserA manhunt continues for Cabo Cante, a suspect in a shooting is on the run after escaping from a hospital, teen tennis star Coco Gauff advances to the US Open final, a grand jury report on election interference in Georgia may reveal more details, and Rudy Giuliani holds a high-priced fundraiser for legal fees.

      The manhunt for Cabo Cante at Longwood Gardens is still ongoing after a reported sighting, despite no capture yet. Elsewhere, a homicide suspect, Christopher Haines, was seen on surveillance video escaping from a hospital. In sports, teen sensation Coco Gauff reached the US Open final, showing maturity during a protest delay. In Georgia, the full report from the special grand jury investigating election interference could be released soon, potentially revealing more indictments and details about former President Trump and others involved. Additionally, Rudy Giuliani may have received financial relief for his mounting legal bills through a high-priced fundraiser.

    • Georgia Grand Jury Report: Differences Between Charges and RecommendationsThe Georgia grand jury report will likely reveal discrepancies between the charges brought by DA Fani Willis and the grand jury's findings, with a focus on potential perjury and former Trump associates, and no evidence of widespread election fraud.

      That the special grand jury report in the Georgia election investigation, to be released later today, will likely reveal differences between the charges brought by District Attorney Fani Willis and the recommendations of the grand jury. The grand jury was unanimous in finding no widespread fraud in the 2020 presidential election and believed that perjury may have been committed by one or more witnesses. Another focus will be on former Trump associates, such as Peter Navarro, who were found guilty of contempt of congress for refusing to cooperate with investigations. Rudy Giuliani, a former Trump lawyer, is still struggling to pay off over a million dollars in legal debts, despite a recent fundraiser. Trump and his associates may try to move their cases to federal court, but it's unclear if they will have a stronger chance than others who have attempted this.

    • Rudy Giuliani's Legal Battle and Republican Spending NegotiationsRudy Giuliani's legal fees are a costly issue for Trump, while Republicans face a government shutdown deadline and internal fights over Ukraine aid and disaster relief.

      The ongoing legal battle facing Rudy Giuliani, former personal attorney to former President Donald Trump, is expected to be costly, with the state having nearly unlimited funds. Despite reports of a split within Trump's orbit regarding Giuliani's legal fees, there is still a friendship between the two, but it remains unclear if Trump will pay the bills or cut Giuliani loose. Meanwhile, in Washington, D.C., tension is rising among Republicans as they face a deadline to avoid a government shutdown. The party is divided on the issue of emergency aid for Ukraine, with some Republicans pushing for the aid to be paired with disaster relief, while others are considering breaking the two apart. This internal fight among Republicans is adding complexity to the spending negotiations.

    • Government funding negotiations hit roadblock over Ukraine aidRepublicans and Democrats disagree on spending levels and Ukraine aid, leaving the government around $150 billion apart. The White House and Senate Republicans push for inclusion in a short-term bill, while House Republicans suggest separation. The situation is complicated by midterm elections and President Biden's standing.

      The ongoing government funding negotiations between the House and Senate Republicans, and Democrats have hit a roadblock due to disagreements over spending levels and aid to Ukraine. This disagreement has left the chambers around $150 billion apart, and they must find a way to keep the government open to avoid a shutdown. The complication arises from the desire of the White House and Senate Republicans to include Ukraine aid in a short-term stopgap bill, while House Republicans suggest separating it. The situation is further complicated by the upcoming midterm elections and the impact of recent poll numbers on President Biden's standing. Meanwhile, American farmers and lawmakers are concerned about China's increasing purchase of American farmland. In Turkey, a rescue operation is underway for an American researcher who fell ill while exploring a deep cave. The rescue effort is expected to take days due to the researcher's delicate health condition.

    • Rising Concerns Over Chinese Ownership of American FarmlandUS lawmakers worry about potential strategic implications of Chinese ownership of American farmland, including manipulation of food supply, surveillance, and intellectual property theft. Proposed restrictions on foreign investment could limit options for family farms and have wider consequences.

      The increasing purchase of American farmland by Chinese entities is raising concerns among US lawmakers due to potential strategic implications. Despite the legal operation of these companies, there are fears of manipulation of food supply, surveillance, and intellectual property theft. The US government and some states are proposing restrictions on foreign investment to protect American farms and prevent potential adversarial influence. However, these restrictions could limit options for family farms and lead to wider consequences. The exact percentage of American farmland owned by Chinese entities is unknown, but the trajectory of ownership and its potential implications is the main focus of concern. This issue seems to be uniting Republicans and Democrats in Washington, indicating a potential bipartisan approach in the coming years.

    • Republican Primary: Hutchinson's Case for a Clear Alternative to Trump and BidenFormer Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson argues for a Republican Party that upholds principles of limited government and opportunity for all, contrasting Trump's populism and Biden's leadership.

      The Republican primary race for the 2024 presidency remains dominated by Donald Trump, but other candidates like former Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson are trying to qualify for debates and make their cases to voters. Hutchinson, who has been critical of Trump since January 6th, 2021, believes his experience in border security, fentanyl crisis, and foreign policy is needed in the country. However, recent polling shows that a majority of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents do not believe Trump's criminal charges disqualify him from the presidency. Hutchinson acknowledges this but argues that voters want to win and see a clear alternative to Trump and Joe Biden. The Republican Party, according to Hutchinson, is at an inflection point, with some wanting to return to its principles of limited government and opportunity for all, while others embrace Trump's populism. Hutchinson sees himself as part of the former group and wants to see a Republican party that represents the ideals of Lincoln and Reagan.

    • Republican Primary Elections: Traditional Values vs New DirectionsThe Republican Party's primary elections feature a debate between maintaining traditional values and policies versus embracing new directions, with the border crisis and geopolitical tensions shaping the discourse.

      The ongoing primary elections within the Republican Party are centered around the direction the party should take moving forward. Some candidates, like Vivek Ramaswamy, argue for a departure from traditional Republican values and policies, while others, like Nikki Haley and Governor Henson, advocate for continuing the party's focus on limited government and securing the border. The border crisis and its impact on cities, such as New York City, is a major point of contention, with some leaders, like Greg Abbott, implementing strict enforcement measures and others, like Eric Adams, criticizing these actions. President Biden's upcoming trip to the G20 summit in India, where he will make the case for the US as a reliable development partner, highlights the geopolitical tensions and shifting alliances between major world powers.

    • Press freedom under scrutiny during Biden's India tripDespite US officials' requests, no press access was granted for a key Biden-Modi meeting in India, raising concerns over press freedom. Simultaneously, the Fulton County investigation could lead to significant charges against Trump and others, while the UAW Union threatens a major strike against US automakers.

      Press freedom is under scrutiny during President Biden's trip to India, as no press access was granted for a key meeting despite requests from senior US officials. Meanwhile, in the US, the Fulton County investigation into election subversion could result in significant charges against former President Trump and others, with the full report expected to be released soon. Additionally, the United Auto Workers Union is threatening a major strike against the big 3 US automakers, which could become the second largest labor strike in the country. These developments underscore significant political and legal issues both domestically and internationally.

    • Trials of Trump associates and former officials continueTrials for 19 individuals, including Giuliani's associate and attorney, for attempting to overturn Georgia's election results may last up to a year, with over 150 witnesses expected to testify. Mark Meadows and Peter Navarro face separate legal battles.

      The trial of former Trump associates, including Rudy Giuliani's associate Boris Epshteyn and attorney Sidney Powell, for their roles in attempting to overturn the 2020 election results in Georgia, is expected to move forward alongside the trial of 17 other individuals charged in the same case. The judge has expressed skepticism about the feasibility of trying all 19 defendants together, but a decision has not been made. The trials could potentially last up to a year, with the DA's office planning to call over 150 witnesses. Meanwhile, former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows is still attempting to have his case moved to federal court, which could have implications for the trials of other Trump associates. Additionally, former Trump adviser Peter Navarro was found guilty of criminal contempt of Congress for refusing to comply with a subpoena from the January 6th committee. Navarro plans to appeal the decision.

    • UAW Union on Brink of Striking Against GM, Ford, and StellantisThe UAW Union is demanding ambitious wage increases, cost of living adjustments, and pension plan restoration from GM, Ford, and Stellantis, potentially leading to a strike and impacting all stakeholders.

      The United Auto Workers Union is less than a week away from potentially striking against all three major US automakers – General Motors, Ford, and Stellantis – due to unmet demands for wages, benefits, and fair contracts. The union has accused the companies of not bargaining in good faith and has filed unfair labor practice complaints. Despite the tensions and the potential financial losses for the companies, President Joe Biden and the acting labor secretary have stayed out of the negotiations, but have appointed a trusted White House senior adviser to keep tabs. The union is asking for ambitious demands, including a 40% pay raise and the restoration of cost of living increases and pension plans for all workers. The outcome of these negotiations will impact all stakeholders and could set a precedent for the future of labor contracts as the automakers pivot to electric vehicles.

    • Transition to electric vehicles could lead to job losses, but Biden admin invests in retraining and rehiringBiden admin invests $15B to help workers transition from ICE to electric vehicles, addressing potential job losses and economic challenges

      The transition from Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) engines to battery power in the automotive industry could lead to job losses for 20% of powertrain workers in the big three. However, the Biden administration is investing $15 billion to retool factories, retrain workers, and rehire them in the electric vehicle sector. Despite this, a potential strike could pose significant challenges for the US economy, especially given the current high inflation and the president's efforts to bring it down. Meanwhile, speculation continues about who might be Donald Trump's running mate, with South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem expressing her interest in the role. On the Democratic side, concerns about President Biden's age and his handling of the economy are prominent in polls, making a competitive nomination process essential for him to convince voters of his ability to serve effectively beyond his current term. Age and economic concerns, represented by metaphors of coughs and check engine lights, are key issues for many Americans.

    • President's economic achievements vs public perceptionThe gap between the president's economic achievements and public recognition of them may be influenced by his age and public perception.

      Despite strong economic numbers under the current presidency, the American people's perception and recognition of these accomplishments are lacking. This disconnect may be due to the president's age and the perception the public holds towards him. Meanwhile, a Spokane County deputy named Britton Morgan demonstrated both toughness and compassion during last month's wildfires, saving lives and going beyond the call of duty. Conversely, NBC and Jimmy Fallon are under scrutiny as Fallon's staffers accused him of fostering a toxic work environment. Democratic senators are downplaying concerns over President Biden's sinking poll numbers, emphasizing that the upcoming election will be about preserving democracy.

    • Democrats express concern over Biden's low approval ratings and ageDemocrats call for Biden to intensify messaging, contrast with Trump, and emphasize leadership and accomplishments in $25M ad buy

      There is growing concern among Democrats about President Biden's low approval ratings and his age, as shown in a recent CNN poll. This has led to calls for Biden to intensify his messaging and draw a clearer contrast with Donald Trump. Some Democrats also believe that Democratic turnout and enthusiasm will be sufficient in the general election, as voting for Biden will be seen as a way to preserve democracy. However, there is uncertainty about whether Biden's record will benefit vulnerable Democrats in red states, such as Montana and West Virginia. The Biden team has responded with a new ad emphasizing Biden's leadership qualities and accomplishments, as part of a $25 million ad buy. The ad is targeted early and widely, reflecting the urgency of the situation. Democrats are facing a tough election cycle, and they need to effectively communicate Biden's achievements to the American people.

    • Biden Administration Focuses on Specific Voter Base and Sets Up ContrastsDespite economic improvements, Biden's age and perception issues pose challenges for reelection prospects. Effective messaging and leadership on labor disputes crucial.

      The Biden administration is focusing on appealing to the specific voter base that helped secure their win in the 2020 election, while also setting up contrasts with potential opponents. However, there are concerns about the lack of message discipline and the inability to make accomplishments stick due to the focus on issues over personality. The administration is facing challenges with perceptions of Biden's age and vigor, which are deeply ingrained and difficult to change. The economy is stronger than it was before, but this message is not resonating with voters due to these perception issues. The administration is also dealing with potential strikes from major unions, which could be a significant test of presidential leadership and have ripple effects among voters. Ultimately, the success of the Biden administration's reelection prospects will depend on how effectively they can make their accomplishments and message connect with voters, particularly in key swing states.

    • Exploring Football SafetyDespite injuries, the NFL and other levels of football prioritize player safety with advancements in helmets, rules, and research.

      Football, a beloved sport in America, has faced increasing concerns over safety due to injuries. Despite these concerns, the NFL and other levels of football are making efforts to ensure the game becomes safer. Koiwire, a former NFL player and CNN sports anchor, explored this issue in his upcoming documentary, speaking with NFL coaches like Andy Reid. The documentary reveals that while football may never be completely safe, it is safer than it has ever been, with advancements in helmets, rules, and research. The NFL is leading the way in safety improvements, and other levels of football are following suit. Fans and parents can take comfort in these efforts to prioritize player safety while continuing to enjoy the excitement and camaraderie of the game.

    • Georgia Grand Jury Report to Reveal Indictment RecommendationsThe Georgia Grand Jury report will disclose the names of those recommended for indictments and the alleged crimes they're accused of, possibly including perjury.

      The Fulton County Special Grand Jury in Georgia is expected to release a full report on their investigation into efforts to overturn the 2020 election, which led to the indictment of former President Trump and 18 codefendants. The report is anticipated to reveal the names of those recommended for indictments and how closely they align with the indictments already handed down. The grand jury previously concluded that no widespread fraud occurred in the Georgia 2020 presidential election, but they did raise concerns about potential perjury committed by witnesses during their investigation. The jury recommended that the district attorney seek indictments for such crimes where the evidence is compelling. Trump and some of his codefendants, including Rudy Giuliani, are reportedly trying to move their cases into federal court.

    • Legal Battles Intensify: Trump, Giuliani, and a Prison EscapeDA Fani Willis accuses Rep. Jim Jordan of partisan ploy, Rudy Giuliani holds fundraiser for legal fees, and a convicted murderer escapes from prison.

      The legal battles surrounding former President Trump and his associates continue to intensify, with investigations and fundraising efforts dominating the headlines. District Attorney Fani Willis wrote a scathing letter to Republican Congressman Jim Jordan, dismissing his investigation into her investigation as a partisan ploy and warning of potential harm to citizens. Meanwhile, Rudy Giuliani, one of Trump's attorneys, is still in debt from legal fees and held a fundraiser to try and raise money. The former mayor's legal bills have reportedly split the Trump camp, with some advocating for Trump to pay and others urging him to let Giuliani handle his own finances. Additionally, a convicted murderer, Danilo Cavalcante, has been spotted nine times since escaping from a Pennsylvania prison over a week ago. The search for him is intensifying, with police activity expanding from the area near Longwood Gardens to less than half a mile from the prison.

    • Manhunt ongoing in Delaware, sexual assault investigation in Spain, cave rescue in TurkeyA manhunt is underway in Delaware, Spain's soccer federation president faces sexual assault allegations, and a cave rescue is underway in Turkey. These events underscore ongoing investigations and rescue efforts worldwide.

      In Delaware, a manhunt for a suspect is ongoing with increased police activity around Longwood Gardens, leading to its closure. The suspect is believed to be within the perimeter, and the search is not limited to the Gardens area. Meanwhile, in Spain, the national prosecutor has filed a complaint against Luis Rubiales, the suspended president of Spain's Soccer Federation, for sexual assault and coercion against Spanish soccer player Jennifer Hermoso. This comes after Rubiales kissed Hermoso following the Women's World Cup final, and her subsequent testimony has paved the way for an official investigation. In Turkey, an American researcher, Mark Dickey, is being rescued from a deep cave after experiencing gastrointestinal bleeding. The operation to bring him to the surface could start tomorrow and take up to 4 days. These events highlight ongoing investigations and rescue efforts in various parts of the world.

    • Rescue efforts in Turkey and geopolitical tensionsTurkey's rescue mission requires careful planning, geopolitical tensions persist with NATO membership and grain deal, US politics and democracy perception affect diplomacy, cabin temperatures and Danny Masterson's sentencing are other concerns

      The rescue of an trapped individual in Turkey is a complex process that requires careful planning and the individual's own health to be a priority. Meanwhile, geopolitical tensions continue to simmer, with Turkey working to bring Sweden into NATO and efforts to revive a grain deal with Russia. Domestically, US politics and its impact on the perception of American democracy abroad remains a concern for ambassadors. Additionally, there are growing concerns over cabin temperatures on planes and the sentencing of Danny Masterson to 30 years to life in prison for rape, with attention focusing on the Church of Scientology.

    • Justice served in high-profile case, concerns over cabin temperatures, Coco Gauff reaches US Open finalA convicted man's appeal follows a high-profile case verdict, flight attendants and passengers call for regulations on extreme cabin temperatures, and Coco Gauff advances to the US Open final despite a brief delay due to environmental protests. Potential legislation could address cabin temperature standards during tarmac delays.

      Justice was served for long-waiting victims in a high-profile case, but the convicted man's team intends to appeal. Meanwhile, growing concerns over cabin temperatures during flights have led to calls for more regulations, with flight attendants and passengers reporting extreme conditions. Additionally, tennis sensation Coco Gauff made it to her first US Open final despite a brief delay due to environmental protesters. The Department of Transportation currently lacks a clear standard for air temperatures in planes during tarmac delays, and the FAA's reauthorization bill in the Senate could potentially address this issue.

    • Maturity and resilience on display at US Open, particularly from young tennis players like Coco GauffCoco Gauff's poised performance in her first US Open final highlights the progress of American tennis and women's tennis, while Geena Valenti's stand against NIL rules could lead to more opportunities for student athletes.

      Maturity and resilience were on full display during the US Open, particularly in the performances of young tennis players like Coco Gauff. Despite the pressure and expectations, Gauff handled her first US Open final with grace and poise, echoing the sentiments of CNN contributor Kerry Washington. Gauff's success serves as a reminder of how far American tennis, and women's tennis in particular, has come, while also highlighting the need for continued progress in areas like pay and treatment. Another inspiring figure was Geena Valenti, a college tennis player who spoke out against the NCAA's archaic rules regarding name, image, and likeness (NIL). Valenti's courageous stand could lead to more opportunities for student athletes in ancillary sports like tennis and gymnastics to earn NIL deals. Overall, the US Open provided moments of pride for American tennis and served as a catalyst for change in various aspects of the sport.

    • Parents generally satisfied with their children's education despite national dissatisfactionDespite national discontent with the education system, parents are generally content with their kids' learning. The Biden admin introduces a new income-based student loan repayment plan called SAVE, estimated to cost $475B over a decade, to make higher education more affordable.

      While there is widespread dissatisfaction with the education system at a national level, with only 36% of adults satisfied, parents are generally happier with the education their own children are receiving. Meanwhile, the federal student loan payment pause during the pandemic is set to end, and the Biden administration has introduced a new income-based repayment plan called SAVE, which could provide significant relief for some borrowers. Education Secretary Miguel Cardona discussed the cost of the plan, which is estimated to be $475 billion over a decade, and emphasized the importance of making higher education more accessible and affordable to help the economy recover. The debate over the cost and the role of government in student loan forgiveness continues, with some politicians opposing the plan as a "massive loan forgiveness scheme."

    • Making Higher Education Affordable and AccessibleThe Biden administration is working to make education more affordable and accessible through initiatives like the Save Plan and debt relief programs, while Republicans propose different solutions, and the debate on student loan forgiveness and education policies continues.

      The Biden administration is working to make higher education more affordable and accessible through various initiatives, including the Save Plan and debt relief programs, despite ongoing challenges and criticism. The administration aims to hold colleges accountable and make education a priority for all Americans. Meanwhile, the Republican Party has proposed different solutions, such as closing the Department of Education and returning funding to the states. The debate on student loan forgiveness and education policies continues, with both sides focusing on their respective plans to address the issue. The Biden administration remains committed to fighting for the American people and expanding educational opportunities.

    • Customizable smart bed for individual comfortThe Sleep Number smart bed offers adjustable firmness and temperature settings, addressing common sleep disturbances and ensuring a comfortable sleep experience, with top customer satisfaction ratings from JD Power.

      The Sleep Number smart bed is a customizable and high-quality sleep solution designed to meet the unique needs of each individual. With its adjustable firmness and temperature settings, it helps ensure a comfortable and peaceful sleep experience. The bed also addresses common sleep disturbances, such as snoring. The Sleep Number smart bed has received top marks in customer satisfaction from JD Power, making it a reliable investment for those seeking better sleep. Currently, there's a limited-time offer for savings of up to 40% on Sleep Number's limited edition smart beds. This innovative bed allows couples to sleep together while maintaining their preferred comfort levels, making it a great option for those who want to improve their sleep quality. For more information about the JD Power awards, visit jdpower.com/awards. The Sleep Number smart bed is available at Sleep Number stores and sleep number dot com, but note that prices may be higher in Alaska and Hawaii.

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    Thoughts? Guest suggestions? Email us at ezrakleinshow@nytimes.com.

    You can find transcripts (posted midday) and more episodes of “The Ezra Klein Show” at nytimes.com/ezra-klein-podcast, and you can find Ezra on Twitter @ezraklein. Book recommendations from all our guests are listed at https://www.nytimes.com/article/ezra-klein-show-book-recs.

    “The Ezra Klein Show” is produced by Annie Galvin, Jeff Geld and Rogé Karma; fact-checking by Michelle Harris, Rollin Hu and Mary Marge Locker; original music by Isaac Jones; mixing and engineering by Jeff Geld; audience strategy by Shannon Busta. Our executive producer is Irene Noguchi. Special thanks to Kristin Lin and Kristina Samulewski.

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    Party Politics, National Edition Ep. 41: Have We Lost Complete Faith In The Government?

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    And finally, Brandon and Jay explain just why your faith in the government and institutions are at an all time low. Check out our weekly Texas-centered episode too which you can subscribe to on Apple Podcasts. Tweet us using #PartyPoliticsPod or email partypoliticspod@houstonpublicmedia.org. 

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    1) Earnings continue...one big company reporting this week is Nvidia. According to Bloomberg Intelligence...Nvidia is likely to report another beat in its fiscal 3Q earnings results and guidance.

    2) In the UK: Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt likely has limited scope to ease fiscal policy in his upcoming Autumn Statement. Bloomberg Economics expects near-term growth and inflation impact of the Autumn Statement will be broadly neutral.

    3) In Asia: The Biden administration’s decision to remove a Chinese organization from a sanctions list as part of a deal to combat the fentanyl crisis marks an unusual concession to Beijing’s complaints over US trade restrictions. 

    4) In Washington: President Joe Biden signed a stopgap bill to extend government funding into early 2024, averting a government shutdown for now but kicking a politically-divisive debate over federal spending into a presidential election year.

    Full transcript: 

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