
    Trauma Expert: Why We Celebrate Weakness Instead of Strength - Mark Walsh

    enApril 05, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • The Sacredness of Victimhood and the Need for Ethics, Virtue, and MoralityOur culture's obsession with victimhood and trauma leads to a supply and demand issue, encouraging people to seek labels and hurt rather than cultivating ethics, virtue, and morality for personal growth and strength.

      Our society has created a culture where being a victim is almost sacred, leading to a supply and demand issue with trauma. People are looking for threats and hurt, often adopting labels like racist or sexist. This mindset is the opposite of agency and healing. We need to cultivate ethics, virtue, and morality as a way to be good, but instead, we're offered cheap and easy ways, such as social media activism. Strength is not a vice, and weakness is not a virtue. Our guest, Mark Walsh, shares his personal journey from growing up in a traumatic environment to finding discipline and beauty in martial arts, which led him to explore the embodiment field and eventually become an embodiment teacher.

    • Understanding Embodied Intelligence and Trauma's ImpactRecognizing trauma as a serious condition affecting perception, cognition, and relationships requires understanding embodied intelligence and considering multiple perspectives.

      Embodied intelligence, a form of human intelligence encompassing emotional and social skills, is crucial in understanding trauma and its impact on individuals and relationships. Trauma, an overwhelming experience leading to a chronic stress response, can significantly affect perception, cognition, and relationships. It's essential to recognize that trauma is not a trend or fashionable term, but a serious condition caused by experiences of overwhelm and powerlessness. While societal and cultural factors can contribute to trauma, it's essential to consider multiple perspectives, as individual responsibility and agency also play a role. The politicization of trauma and the culture of victimhood can lead to a supply and demand issue, with some individuals seeking the label of trauma survivor for accommodation. Ultimately, understanding embodied intelligence and trauma can lead to more empathetic and effective leadership, communication, and relationships.

    • Understanding the Impact of TraumaTrauma can lead to physical and emotional symptoms like anxiety, sleeplessness, and disconnection. Education, effective treatments, and cultural understanding offer hope for those affected.

      Trauma can significantly impact individuals and even entire cultures, leading to various physical and emotional symptoms. Hyperarousal symptoms include anxiety, sleeplessness, and a wired nervous system, while numbing symptoms involve shutting down and disconnecting. Some traumas may be harder to overcome, especially those experienced at a young age. However, education, effective treatments, and cultural understanding can provide hope and help individuals cope. It's crucial to recognize that trauma can manifest in various ways, from politics and social behavior to physical health. By acknowledging and addressing trauma, we can create a more supportive and healing environment for those affected.

    • Trauma's Impact on RelationshipsTrauma can lead to emotional numbing or hyperemotion, impacting relationships. Coping mechanisms like self-medication can create trust issues. Understanding and addressing personal trauma takes courage and focus.

      Trauma can lead to emotional numbing or hyperemotion, both of which can negatively impact relationships. Those who have been traumatized may self-medicate in various ways to cope, such as through extreme experiences or substance use. This can create difficulties in forming trusting, intimate connections. The fight or flight response, which is a natural reaction to danger, can be antagonistic to the more connective, mammalian responses. Trauma can manifest in different ways, including hypersexuality in children or hypervigilance in adults. It's essential to recognize these signs and understand that addressing personal issues takes courage and may be more challenging than trying to fix the world. Trauma can create a sense of validation and make it easier to blame external factors, but true healing comes from within. Societal conditions, such as poverty, can make it harder for individuals to focus on their own well-being.

    • Empowerment and play promote healing from traumaWhile addressing trauma is crucial, focusing on empowerment and play can lead to more effective healing and growth. Ancient ethics, virtue, and morality can guide personal growth, but beware of superficial ways to appear good. Avoid getting stuck in a trauma identity and embrace play for empowerment and healing.

      While it's important to acknowledge and address trauma, focusing solely on victimhood and trauma can hinder the healing process. Instead, empowerment and play can be more effective in promoting healing and growth. In ancient times and even today, ethics, virtue, and morality are essential for personal growth and establishing a sense of good. However, in the absence of clear guidelines for virtue, people may adopt easy and superficial ways to appear good, such as performing on social media. It's crucial to recognize the difference between adopting a trauma identity as a passing thing and getting stuck in it. The opposite of trauma is play, which can provide a sense of empowerment and healing through humor and joy. Ultimately, focusing on agency, empowerment, and play can lead to a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

    • The Power of Humor in Healing and ConnectionHumor can help individuals cope with trauma and find empowerment. Connection and co-regulation are essential for human sanity, but the pandemic highlighted their loss with social distancing measures. Underused as a healing strategy by psychologists, humor can also reduce the negative impact of social media on the culture war.

      Humor, particularly in Anglo-Irish and British cultures, can be a powerful tool for healing and connection. The speaker shares personal experiences of growing up with Jewish jokes in Eastern European countries and observing the use of humor among psychologists in Israel. Humor allows people to take a step back from trauma and find empowerment. The speaker also discusses the importance of connection and co-regulation in maintaining human sanity, and how the pandemic highlighted the loss of these essential human needs with social distancing measures. Despite the negative impact of social media on the culture war and constant bickering, the speaker believes that humor can be underused as a healing strategy by psychologists.

    • The Importance of Human Connection and TouchMinimal touch leads to better health for orphans, while modern culture's lack of community and technology overuse can lead to disconnection and temporary psychopathic behavior, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing real-life human connection.

      Human connection and touch are essential for both physical and mental health. The story of the Romanian orphans illustrates this, as those who received even minimal touch grew healthier than those who did not. Our modern culture, with its lack of community and increased use of technology, leaves many of us in a state of disconnection. Social media, designed to keep us anxious and in a constant state of scrolling, contributes to this disembodiment and can even lead to temporary psychopathic behavior. It's crucial to be mindful of our use of technology and prioritize real-life human connection.

    • The importance of self-regulation, co-regulation, and eco-regulation to combat destructive behaviorFocusing on self-regulation, co-regulation, and eco-regulation can help combat destructive behavior, but we also need to rebuild connections to each other and to nature for optimal mental and emotional well-being.

      Our culture's increasing use of destructive and rude behavior, particularly online, is a cause for concern. When we disconnect from our bodies and lose our natural empathy, it can lead to dangerous and intolerable situations. This behavior is not limited to the internet, but it's amplified there. People's fundamental disagreements can escalate into vicious attacks, while the same behavior from their own side is often tolerated. To combat this, we need to focus on self-regulation, co-regulation, and eco-regulation. We also need to rebuild our connections to each other and to nature, as these are essential for our mental and emotional well-being. Simply practicing yoga or other self-care activities is not enough to address the societal issues that contribute to this problem. Instead, we need to recognize the importance of community, friendships, and nature in keeping us sane.

    • The Dangers of Digital ConnectionsWhile digital platforms offer connections, they can't replace real-life relationships and experiences. Set boundaries, practice self-care, and prioritize real-life connections.

      While digital platforms like Instagram can offer connections and positivity, they are no substitute for real-life relationships and experiences. The speaker compares using Instagram to going to a dangerous country like Afghanistan, suggesting that it can be overwhelming and anxiety-provoking. He emphasizes the importance of setting boundaries and practicing self-care when engaging with digital media. The speaker also shares his personal experiences working in war zones and how they compare to the nervous system of an average business. He highlights the importance of staying calm and focused in challenging situations, and finding meaning and purpose in helping others. Ultimately, the speaker encourages us to prioritize real-life connections and experiences over digital ones, and to approach digital media with mindfulness and intentionality.

    • Helping in Crisis: Finding Meaning and ConnectionAssisting others in crisis, despite danger, fosters deep meaning, community, and personal growth. Psychological first aid training empowers local communities to heal from trauma.

      Helping others in times of crisis, even in dangerous situations, can provide a deep sense of meaning, community, and personal growth. The speaker shares his experience of delivering medical supplies to a hospital in Ukraine during a time of war, a journey filled with risk but also connection and purpose. He also describes the impact of psychological first aid training provided to local communities, which has helped thousands of people cope with trauma and heal. This initiative, led mostly by young women, has made Lviv one of the most trauma-aware cities in the world. The speaker reflects on the addictive nature of war zones for some people, attributing it to the intense emotions and sense of purpose that can come from helping others in crisis.

    • Impact of Challenges and Intense ExperiencesUnderstanding the profound impact of challenges and intense experiences is crucial for self-awareness and avoiding burnout. Knowing one's limits and finding healthy ways to maintain aliveness in everyday life is essential.

      Life's challenges and experiences, whether they stem from personal relationships or professional endeavors, can leave a profound impact on individuals. The speaker shared his experience of feeling alive during a past conflict, which contrasted sharply with the monotony of everyday life. He also highlighted the difficulties soldiers and humanitarians face when readjusting to normal life after experiencing traumatic events. The speaker emphasized the importance of self-awareness and knowing one's limits to avoid burnout. He also mentioned the addictive nature of intense experiences and the need to find healthy ways to maintain a sense of aliveness in everyday life. The discussion also touched upon the impact of witnessing child trauma and the importance of being informed about the realities of conflicts and human rights abuses.

    • Documented civilian suffering in UkraineThe ongoing conflict in Ukraine involves extensive civilian suffering, including sexual violence and indiscriminate targeting, which is extensively documented and consistent with historical precedent.

      The ongoing conflict in Ukraine involves horrific civilian suffering, including endemic sexual violence and indiscriminate targeting, which has been extensively documented by firsthand accounts and historical precedent. The loss of trust in the media due to past deceptions and misinformation has led some people to question the authenticity of these reports, but the evidence strongly suggests that these atrocities are indeed occurring. The historical precedent of Soviet military behavior, including mass rapes in Berlin and Eastern Europe, provides a chilling context for the current situation. The civilian targeting and terrorizing tactics used by the Russian military constitute a genocide and a clear violation of international law.

    • The impact of historical trauma and societal norms on Russian cultureHistorical trauma and societal norms have contributed to a culture of violence and numbness in Russia, leading to high rates of domestic violence, alcoholism, and other social issues.

      The historical trauma and societal norms in Russia have contributed to a culture of violence and numbness, which can manifest in various ways such as domestic abuse, sadistic pornography consumption, and even state policies that condone or ignore such behaviors. This is not to excuse immoral actions, but to understand that trauma can desensitize people and lead them to hurt others. The repeated invasions of Russia throughout history and the endemic trauma caused by the Soviet system have left deep wounds that continue to impact the Russian population today. This is evident in the high rates of domestic violence, alcoholism, and other social issues. It's important to recognize that trauma can affect people differently, and while some may become more sensitive and compassionate, others may lose their natural empathy and become abusive. The ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the atrocities committed there are a reminder of the long-lasting impact of trauma and the importance of addressing it in a meaningful way.

    • Impact of Trauma in Eastern Europe: Russian Reputation and Cultural PatternsTrauma, especially cultural trauma, affects societies and individuals deeply. Remembering strength and resilience, valuing them in Eastern European cultures, and acknowledging trauma at all levels are crucial.

      Trauma, particularly cultural trauma, continues to impact societies and individuals in profound ways, especially in Eastern Europe. This discussion highlighted the Russian reputation for coldness and the existence of cultural trauma patterns, which can manifest in various ways. The trauma industry has grown into a big business, but it's important to remember the value of strength and resilience. Eastern European cultures, like the Ukrainian one, value strength and masculinity, which is not mocked or mocked in the same way it might be in other parts of the world. The discussion also touched on the importance of acknowledging and addressing trauma at all levels, not just as a middle-class pursuit or a way to claim status. Ultimately, it's crucial to remember that life is hard and that developing strength and resilience can help us navigate its challenges.

    • Appreciating the values of Western civilizationImmigrants value Western civilization for its benefits and opportunities. Adopting practices like sports, meditation, or improv helps build mental resilience and embody Western values.

      We should appreciate the values and strengths of Western civilization, and embrace them instead of criticizing or rejecting them. Immigrants are not foolish for wanting to move to the West, but rather, they see the benefits and opportunities it offers. To build mental resilience and embody these values, we need to adopt practices that challenge us, such as sports, meditation, or even improv. These practices help us develop the necessary traits, like discipline, mental strength, and emotional resilience, which are essential for standing up for what we believe in and facing the challenges of modern life. Instead of focusing on physical appearance, we should focus on these inner qualities, which are truly important and valued by society.

    • Training for life's challengesStrength in various forms is necessary for life, and intentional growth through self-regulation, facing challenges, and working on weaknesses is crucial for resilience.

      Being weak, in various aspects of life, is irresponsible and a liability. Strength comes in many forms, including physical, emotional, and mental. While we can access vast amounts of information, it's essential to focus on training ourselves to handle adversity. This includes practicing self-regulation, facing challenges, and working on weaknesses. The analogy of a gym or dojo is a helpful one, as these environments offer controlled challenges to help us grow and improve. Neglecting this intentional growth leaves us vulnerable when life throws unexpected challenges our way. It's crucial to understand that strength is not a vice, but a necessity, and that weakness is not a virtue. We must challenge ourselves to confront adversity and develop resilience in all areas of our lives.

    • The importance of introspection and finding the right level of challengeAssess genuine need and desire for a product, consider resonance, find the right level of challenge, practice gratitude, and explore Mark Walsh's resources at embodimentunlimited.com

      It's essential to assess our genuine need and desire for a product or experience before making a purchase. Mark Walsh emphasized this concept during the discussion, expressing the importance of introspection and considering whether we truly resonate with an advertised item. He also highlighted the significance of finding the right level of challenge, whether in basketball or other areas of life, to feel fully engaged and motivated. Moreover, Mark touched upon the importance of gratitude and emphasized how it can help counteract feelings of anxiety and discontentment in a consumer culture. He encouraged listeners to look up Saint Ukraine, an independent charity, and shared his personal gratitude for living in the UK and for the show. Regarding the topic of PTSD and online disagreements, Mark did not directly address it during the conversation. However, he emphasized the importance of acknowledging and expressing gratitude to help navigate challenging situations. The comparison of online disagreements to the trauma experienced by people in war zones is a complex issue that requires a nuanced discussion and understanding. For those interested in Mark's work, they can visit embodimentunlimited.com to explore his courses, app, and website, which offers a wealth of free resources on trauma and other topics.

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    Ayaan Hirsi Ali: The Growing Threat of Radical Islam

    Ayaan Hirsi Ali: The Growing Threat of Radical Islam
    APPLY to Ralston College’s Summer Latin Program at http://ralston.ac/latin-program Worldwide applications close on 31 May. Watch the Munk Debate - Douglas Murray vs Mehdi Hassan: Is Anti-Zionism Antisemitism? Live June 17th. Join today to live stream. Click here: https://bit.ly/munk_debate Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a Somali-born human rights activist, writer and former politician. To escape an arranged marriage, she sought political asylum in the Netherlands at the age of 23. In her early 30s, she renounced the Islamic faith of her childhood and began identifying as an atheist, becoming an outspoken critic of Islam in the wake of the September 11th terrorist attacks. In late 2023, Ayaan shocked many by announcing her conversion to Christianity. She has recently launched a new platform, Restoration, which aims to unite and equip those who want to restore the confidence and institutions of the West. Find out more on the Restoration Substack: https://www.restorationbulletin.com/ SPONSOR: Express VPN. Go to https://www.expressvpn.com/trigger/ and get an extra 3 months free on a one-year package! Join our Premium Membership for early access, extended and ad-free content: https://triggernometry.supercast.com OR Support TRIGGERnometry Here: Bitcoin: bc1qm6vvhduc6s3rvy8u76sllmrfpynfv94qw8p8d5 Music by: Music by: Xentric | info@xentricapc.com | https://www.xentricapc.com/ YouTube: @xentricapc  Buy Merch Here: https://www.triggerpod.co.uk/shop/ Advertise on TRIGGERnometry: marketing@triggerpod.co.uk Join the Mailing List: https://www.triggerpod.co.uk/#mailinglist Find TRIGGERnometry on Social Media:  https://twitter.com/triggerpod https:/ /www.facebook.com/triggerpod/ https://www.instagram.com/triggerpod/ About TRIGGERnometry:  Stand-up comedians Konstantin Kisin (@konstantinkisin) and Francis Foster (@francisjfoster) make sense of politics, economics, free speech, AI, drug policy and WW3 with the help of presidential advisors, renowned economists, award-winning journalists, controversial writers, leading scientists and notorious comedians. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    enMay 26, 2024

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    | Chuck Wisner |

    ► Website | https://www.chuckwisner.com

    ► Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/chuck_wisner

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    ► Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/chuckwisnerconsulting

    ► Linkedin | https://www.linkedin.com/company/chuckwisner

    ► The Art of Conscious Conversations Book | https://amzn.to/3Mq1r9S


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    Edith Shiro - Turning Pain into Purpose & Transforming Trauma: Exploring Posttraumatic Growth | STM Podcast #170

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    | Edith Shiro |

    ► Website | https://dredithshiro.com

    ► Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/dr.edithshiro

    ► Facebook l https://facebook.com/dr.edithshiro

    ► The Unexpected Gift of Trauma Book | https://a.co/d/h39e4Jw


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