
    Triggernometry Employee Speaks Out - Sophie Spital

    enJuly 16, 2023
    What prompted Sophie Spitoff's shift in feminist views?
    How does Sophie view far-right perspectives now?
    What concerns did a former teacher have regarding gender neutral toilets?
    What connection exists between autistic individuals and transgender identity?
    How did personal experiences influence public policy on gender issues?

    Podcast Summary

    • From Disillusionment to Understanding: Sophie Spitoff's JourneySophie Spitoff's journey from disillusionment with feminism to understanding diverse perspectives shows the importance of questioning societal labels and listening to different viewpoints.

      Sophie Spitoff's journey from being a passionate feminist to her current perspective was driven by her pursuit of truth and doing what's right. She was initially disillusioned with feminism when she realized it didn't align with reality. Her exploration for truth led her to listen to different perspectives, including those labeled as far-right, and she found that many of these individuals were not the evil racist bigots they were portrayed to be. Instead, she discovered that they held valid viewpoints. This experience taught her to question societal labels and to listen to diverse perspectives, ultimately helping her find her place on the political spectrum.

    • The dangers of blindly following an ideologyQuestioning and considering multiple perspectives is crucial for gaining a nuanced understanding of complex issues, avoiding the dangers of blindly following an ideology.

      Being fully immersed in an ideology without questioning its validity can lead to a skewed perspective of reality. The speaker shares how she got drawn into the idea that everything is socially constructed and that there's no inherent difference between men and women. However, she soon realized that this ideology didn't align with reality when she started observing the differences between men and women, both biologically and socially. The conversation highlights the importance of questioning and considering multiple perspectives to gain a more nuanced understanding of complex issues. It's essential to avoid jumping to extremes and being open to learning from various sources.

    • Societal norms and market trends influence children's interestsGirls prefer traditionally feminine clothing due to socialization and market responses. Autism can present differently in girls, with struggles in executive functioning and sensory issues, and late diagnosis can bring relief and shame.

      Societal norms and market trends shape children's interests, and it's more complex than just boys liking "strong" things and girls liking "pretty" things. Girls are more likely to choose traditionally feminine clothing, and this preference is influenced by socialization and market responses. Another significant takeaway from the conversation was Sophie's experience with autism. She was diagnosed late in life, at age 25, and her autism manifested differently than in boys, who often exhibit explosive behavior and meltdowns. Sophie, who is highly achieving, experienced paralysis when faced with too many choices and struggled with executive functioning skills and sensory issues. Her diagnosis brought relief and understanding, but she also felt shame about her struggles. The conversation touched upon the power of ideology and how it can influence our beliefs, even for intelligent individuals.

    • Connection between Autism and Transgender IdentityMany autistic individuals, particularly children, may feel a disconnect from their assigned gender. Historically, boys have had fewer socially acceptable ways to express gender fluidity, leading to a greater number identifying as transgender.

      There is a significant connection between individuals who are autistic and those who identify as transgender. This connection is rooted in the idea that many autistic and LGBTQ+ individuals, particularly children, may feel a disconnect from their assigned gender and seek answers to why they feel different. The speaker, who is both autistic and transgender, shared their personal experience of always identifying as a boy, despite being biologically female. They recalled feeling ashamed when they were encouraged to wear makeup and dress more femininely, as they believed they were being seen as a man in drag. The speaker also noted that, historically, there have been fewer socially acceptable ways for boys to express gender fluidity, leading to a greater number of boys identifying as transgender compared to girls. Overall, this discussion highlights the importance of understanding and validating the unique experiences of individuals who are both autistic and transgender.

    • Gender identity experiences vary widelyEveryone's journey with gender identity is unique, and it's important to respect and validate each person's experience, regardless of whether they experience distress or not.

      While some people experiencing gender dysphoria may have intense feelings of distress or discomfort regarding their bodies, not everyone does. Sophie shared her experience of growing up feeling disconnected from her gender and not feeling a strong desire to conform to societal expectations around femininity. She mentioned that she didn't have a problem with her body and didn't think about it much, despite societal pressures to focus on appearance. This highlights the complexity and individuality of gender identity experiences. It's essential to remember that everyone's journey is unique, and it's crucial to respect and validate each person's experience.

    • Growing up with gender dysphoria and autism shaped the speaker's negative perceptions of femininity and womenThe speaker's experiences with gender dysphoria and autism led him to develop a disdain for femininity and women, but he later recognized these perceptions were not based on reality

      The speaker's experiences with gender dysphoria and autism led him to develop a disdain for femininity and women, which he later recognized as sexist. He attributes this, in part, to growing up without social media and observing girls focusing on their appearance. He also acknowledges that his black-and-white thinking as an autistic person didn't allow for nuance. The speaker shares that he had to work through this issue and understand that his negative perceptions were not based on reality. Another point raised in the conversation is that for some individuals, the onset of puberty can bring about various feelings and thoughts related to gender, but for the speaker, it didn't have an impact on his experiences with gender dysphoria.

    • Autism and gender identity: The connection between neurodivergence and gender rolesDiscovering an autism diagnosis can help individuals understand their gender dysphoria and accept their unique brain makeup, reducing feelings of shame and allowing them to embrace their identity.

      The connection between autism and gender identity lies in the neurodivergent condition's relationship to typical gender roles and brain functions. The speaker shared their personal experience of discovering their autism diagnosis and how it helped them understand their gender dysphoria. They then delved into the research of Professor Sir Simon Baron-Cohen, who identified the differences between men and women in terms of empathizing and systematizing skills. The autistic brain, according to this theory, exhibits heightened systematizing and reduced empathizing, making it an "exaggerated version of the male brain." This insight helped the speaker accept their unique brain makeup and reduced feelings of shame, allowing them to embrace their identity and focus on spreading love and compassion as a Christian and feminist.

    • Understanding Love as Actions, Not Just FeelingsAutistic woman shares struggle with expressing love through feelings, learns to express it through actions, and critiques cultural emphasis on 'kindness' as the only form of love, advocating for balance of kindness and truth.

      Love is not solely about feelings, but also about actions. The speaker, who identifies as autistic, shares her struggle with feeling loving emotions despite her desire to be loving and make the world better for women. She felt ashamed and defective until she learned about autism and realized she was just a different type of woman. Her elders and pastors helped her understand that she could express love through actions, such as being helpful in crisis situations or setting boundaries for the greater good. The speaker also criticizes the current cultural emphasis on being "kind" as the only expression of love, which can be misinterpreted as going along with everything someone wants without considering the truth or consequences. Instead, love should be expressed through a balance of kindness and truth.

    • The balance of grace and truth in societyExploring the link between autism and gender dysphoria is crucial for the well-being of individuals and society, as neglecting long-term consequences can cause harm.

      The balance of grace and truth, as exemplified by Jesus in the Bible, is crucial for the flourishing of Western society. The speaker argues that letting children do whatever they want without considering the long-term consequences, such as administering hormone blockers for gender dysphoria, is not kind and may cause harm. The speaker shares their personal experience of being autistic and how they might have transitioned if they were born later, emphasizing the intensity and all-consuming nature of autistic interests. They question why society isn't investigating the link between autism and gender dysphoria, given that a significant percentage of those who transition are autistic. The speaker urges that we should acknowledge and address this issue as a society, considering autism as a potential comorbidity and exploring its implications.

    • Autism and Transgender Identification Connection42% of trans and non-binary individuals met autism diagnosis criteria, compared to 2% in general population. Neglecting to investigate autism comorbidities can impact effective and inclusive care.

      There is a significant connection between autism and transgender identification. According to a 2019 study, 42% of those who identified as trans and non-binary met the criteria for an autism diagnosis, compared to the normal rate of 2% in the general population. This connection is often overlooked, with autism being considered a comorbidity rather than a cause. The study's leader, Dr. Stagg, suggested that anyone who comes in to ask about gender issues should be screened for autism. The reasons for neglecting to investigate these comorbidities may be due to a shift in the way we view the trans experience. Prior to around 2017, people identified as feeling like they were in the wrong body, but after this shift, they began identifying as being a different gender. This shift from feeling like something to being something has had far-reaching consequences, including the current issues surrounding transgender healthcare. For instance, up to 25% of those seeking gender services had experienced abuse or neurodivergence, compared to 0.67% in the general population. Understanding this connection is crucial for providing effective and inclusive care for all individuals.

    • Shift from viewing gender as a feeling to an identityThe 'gender affirming care' approach, while well-intentioned, has led to neglect and intervention in children's gender identity treatment, impacting women's spaces and the medical field as a whole.

      The shift from viewing gender as a feeling to an identity has led to significant changes in how gender dysphoria is treated, particularly in the context of children. This new way of thinking, which has become the gold standard, has been labeled "gender affirming care." It has been adopted by top psychological associations, and those who question it are criticized for invalidating people's identities. This change has not only affected the treatment of vulnerable children, but also women's spaces and the medical field as a whole. The speaker argues that this shift, while well-intentioned, has created a medical scandal characterized by neglect and intervention that was not present in the past. The speaker also suggests that this shift may have emerged as a response to polarizing social and political events in 2016.

    • Conflict of rights in gender self-identificationThe transgender experiment has failed due to negative consequences, causing conflict in women's sports, prisons, and changing rooms, leading society to come undone from traditional moorings and lack clear boundaries.

      The ongoing debate surrounding transgender rights and the implications of self-identification in various aspects of society has led to a conflict of rights and a growing backlash against policies that blur the lines between genders. The discussion highlighted instances of this conflict in women's sports, prisons, and changing rooms. The speaker believes that the transgender experiment has failed due to the negative consequences becoming more apparent as people attempt to apply these new ways of thinking in the real world. The overall sentiment expressed is that society has come undone from its traditional moorings, leading to a lack of clear boundaries and understanding. While some may view this as mental, the speaker argues that it is a result of expanding the definitions of man and woman and the consequences of doing so.

    • The Confusion Surrounding GenderThe speaker argues that the concept of gender, which includes roles, expression, and identity, has caused confusion and misunderstanding. They suggest simplifying language to focus on feelings and how they relate to one's sex.

      The concept of gender, which was created to allow people to identify beyond traditional gender roles, has led to confusion and misunderstanding for many. Originally, sex and gender were synonymous, but as gender came to encompass roles, expression, and identity, it became a source of confusion. The speaker suggests that if we didn't have the word "gender," we would use "fit" or "feelings" to describe how one identifies in relation to their sex. The speaker acknowledges that there is utility in the concept of gender, but also recognizes the problems it has caused. The key issue, according to the speaker, is that people associate the word "gender" with something real, leading to misunderstandings and confusion when it comes to issues of sex and identity. The speaker's suggestion is to simplify the language and focus on feelings and how they relate to one's sex. Ultimately, the speaker believes that the confusion surrounding gender stems from the creation of the concept itself and the subsequent addition of identity to it.

    • Changes in gender identity issues and concerns from the publicFormer teacher raises concerns about gender neutral toilets in schools, progress with closure of TAVR stock, public shaming of scandals, over a thousand families suing, self-ID gender block removed, personal experiences leading to policy changes, growing awareness and pushback against issues threatening safety and privacy.

      There are significant changes happening in regards to gender identity issues, particularly in schools and public spaces, but concerns and pushback from the public are leading to reforms. A former teacher expressed her worry about gender neutral toilets in schools, feeling that those making these decisions lack understanding of the vulnerability teenage girls face during puberty. Encouragingly, there are signs of progress, such as the closure of the TAVR stock, public shaming of scandals at the Tavistock, and over a thousand families suing for their children's wellbeing. The self-ID gender block has been taken away, and people are mobilizing to ensure single-sex spaces are reinstated. Personal experiences, like intrusions in unisex changing rooms, have led to public outcry and changes in policy. Overall, there is a growing awareness and pushback against issues that threaten the safety and privacy of individuals, particularly women and girls.

    • Unwillingness to face reality leads to amplified voices and mistrustIndividuals and institutions must find balance between truth and grace, ensuring kindness doesn't override reality and responsibility

      Society's unwillingness to face reality and take responsibility has led to the amplified voices of a small minority, causing mistrust in institutions and the denial of truth. This is particularly evident in the context of gender identity issues, where the fear of masculinity and authority has led to the medicalization of adolescence and a denial of treatment out of perceived kindness. The millennial generation, in particular, has opted out of adulthood, leading to a culture that avoids responsibility and growth. It's crucial for individuals and institutions to find a balance between truth and grace, ensuring that kindness does not override the importance of reality and taking responsibility for one's actions.

    • Our feelings and self-perception may not align with realityThe importance of aligning our perceptions with reality, rather than forcing it to conform to our desires, is a historical and biblical perspective that can lead to greater trust in institutions and personal happiness.

      Our feelings and self-perception may not always align with reality, and trying to force reality to conform to our desires can lead to discord and unhappiness. The speaker used the example of gender identity and the transgender movement, but emphasized that this is a broader human problem. They argued that society's emphasis on feelings and self-identity as the primary source of truth is a departure from historical and biblical perspectives, which view the heart as deceitful and the importance of aligning our perceptions with reality. The speaker also drew parallels between the loss of trust in institutions and the decline of Christianity in society, and suggested that these trends stem from a desire to shape the world to fit our preferences rather than accepting reality as it is.

    • The Consequences of Rejecting Traditional ValuesRejecting traditional values and prioritizing individual freedom and sexual fulfillment has led to negative consequences, including the failure of gender experimentation, women's unhappiness in the dating market, and the normalization of abortion. However, the speaker remains hopeful and encourages listeners to return to God's guidance.

      The rejection of traditional values and the prioritization of individual freedom and sexual fulfillment as the highest good in society has led to numerous negative consequences, including the failure of gender experimentation, women's unhappiness in the dating market, and the normalization of abortion. The speaker argues that this trend is a microcosm of the human problem, which is the cycle of rejecting God's guidance, experiencing the consequences, and then repenting and returning to Him. Despite the challenges, the speaker is encouraged by the failure of the gender experiment and the renewed interest in Christianity. For those interested, the speaker can be followed on Twitter under the handle @SophieSpital. Additionally, extended interviews and ad-free listening can be accessed through the member feed.

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    Hola Comadres!

    Welcome to the 13th episode of Season 2! 

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    Join your comadre Marcy and special guest Alexandra “Cloud”, who is a producer, actor, producer and mother, as they discuss cultural socialization in communities of color through the lens of growing up Dominican in Washington Heights.

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    Autism Live is a production of the Center for Autism and Related Disorders (CARD), headquartered in Woodland Hills, California, and with offices throughout, the United States and around the globe. For more information on therapy for autism and other related disorders, visit the CARD website at http://centerforautism.com

    Mireya S. Vela's Vestiges of Courage (Womanhood & Trauma Series)

    Mireya S. Vela's Vestiges of Courage (Womanhood & Trauma Series)

    What would happen if one woman told the truth about her life? Mireya S. Vela is that woman. In this long-form interview, we discuss her art, creative nonfiction, social justice, motherhood, womanhood, being marginalized in the United States, and her new book, Vestiges of Courage: Collected Essays, which we, The Nasiona, are happy to be publishing in April of 2019.

    Vestiges of Courage is a collection of personal essays that explores inequities and injustice. Raised between two cultures and two languages, Vela discusses how the systems in her family and in society worked to create an abusive environment that felt crushing, confusing, and hopeless. She delineates her experience of living through sexual, physical, and emotional abuse. This book is much more than a collection of experiences, though. Ms. Vela wants to know how and why abuse thrived in her family. She digs deep to understand why these things happened and how she survived.