
    Triple Play: Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury

    enFebruary 18, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Two distinct gaming experiences in one packageSuper Mario 3 d World plus Bowser's Fury brings a fresh take on the Mario franchise with improved graphics, controls, and innovative gameplay in two distinct experiences

      Super Mario 3 d World plus Bowser's Fury, released for the Nintendo Switch, offers two distinct gaming experiences with the same beloved character, Cat Mario. The first part is a port from the Wii U, while the second is a brand new game. Although the Wii U was a commercial failure, the games' unifying theme makes for an enjoyable experience for players. Maddie, Jason, and Kirk, from Triple Click, all played the games and shared their thoughts. Maddie had previously played it on the Wii U, while Jason and Kirk were first-time players. They discussed the unique elements of each game, with Bowser's Fury receiving praise for its innovative approach to the classic Mario formula. The games' graphics and controls were also highlighted as improvements over the Wii U version. Overall, Super Mario 3 d World plus Bowser's Fury offers a fresh take on the Mario franchise, making it a must-play for fans and newcomers alike.

    • Co-op vs Solo in New Super Mario Bros. 2Initially found co-op challenging, now enjoy playing solo for new ideas and mechanics in each level, and the added fun of Mario's cat suit

      Playing "New Super Mario Bros. 2" can provide a vastly different experience depending on whether you play it solo or co-op. The speakers shared that their initial experiences playing the game in co-op were challenging and not particularly enjoyable due to the difficulty level and the relationships they were in at the time. However, they both expressed that playing the game solo now, they are finding it to be a fun and delightful experience due to the constant introduction of new ideas and mechanics in each level. The game's unique feature of having Mario wear a cat suit and climb walls adds to the enjoyment. Overall, while the game may have been stressful in the past, playing it solo allows for a more enjoyable and engaging experience.

    • A unique Mario experience with cooperative gameplay and open-world designPlayers enjoy cooperative gameplay in 'Galaxy' and 'Odyssey', preferring it over '3D World'. Open-world design and character selection are highlights, with the world map adding to the exploration and discovery.

      "Super Mario 3D World" offers a unique and enjoyable experience for players, with elements borrowed from various previous Mario games. The speakers expressed their preference for the cooperative gameplay in "Galaxy" and "Odyssey" over "3D World," as they found the experience less stressful due to the different roles each player takes on. The open-world design, reminiscent of "Super Mario World," and the ability to choose and play as different characters, including Mario, Luigi, Toad, and Peach, were highlighted as enjoyable features. The game's world map, which allows players to explore and discover secrets, was also praised. Overall, "Super Mario 3D World" provides a delightful, relaxing journey filled with nostalgic references and enjoyable gameplay.

    • Exploring the Diverse Range of Mario GameplaySuper Mario 3D World and Bowser's Fury offer contrasting experiences within the Mario franchise, with 3D World focusing on linear levels and speed, while Bowser's Fury provides a nonlinear, open-ended gameplay with a massive Bowser and a unique partnership.

      Super Mario 3D World and its companion game, Bowser's Fury, showcase the versatility and innovation within the Mario franchise. Super Mario 3D World, with its linear levels and emphasis on speed, offers a contrast to the nonlinear, open-ended gameplay found in games like Bowser's Fury. The ability to sprint and collect stars quickly adds to the game's addictive nature. Bowser's Fury, on the other hand, presents a nonlinear, open-ended Mario experience with the same abilities as 3D World but in a different setting. The game's unique selling point is the presence of a massive, terrifying Bowser, and the player's partnership with Bowser Junior to save him. Together, these games offer a diverse range of Mario gameplay, catering to various player preferences.

    • Exploring a unique open-world in MarioPlayers collect cat shines to transform, face off against Giga Bowser, interact with Bowser for hidden treasures, and enjoy a comedic and intriguing atmosphere with a replayable puzzle aspect.

      "Bowser's Fury" offers a unique and captivating open-world experience in the Mario franchise. The game features a light and dark world, where players collect cat shines to transform into Mega Cat Mario and face off against Giga Bowser in a kaiju-style battle. The open world is filled with secrets and clever tricks, requiring players to interact with Bowser himself to unlock hidden treasures. The juxtaposition of the dark and metal Bowser with the goofy spriteliness of Mario's world creates a comedic and intriguing atmosphere. Additionally, the game's replayable puzzle aspect, reminiscent of Kirby and Zelda, offers a sense of exploration and discovery that keeps players engaged. Overall, "Bowser's Fury" provides a fresh take on the Mario franchise, combining elements of various Nintendo games to create a truly unique and enjoyable experience.

    • Two types of Mario gameplay: linear and nonlinearMario games offer either linear progression or open-ended exploration, catering to diverse player preferences

      The Mario series showcases two distinct types of gameplay experiences: linear and nonlinear. While linear games, like Super Mario Galaxy, guide players through a predetermined path, nonlinear games, such as Super Mario 64 and Odyssey, offer more freedom and exploration. The nonlinear aspect of Mario games began with Mario 64, allowing players to explore multiple worlds and collect stars at their own pace. However, Galaxy, despite its open 3D environments, maintained a linear progression. Odyssey, on the other hand, introduced a new mechanic where players could keep exploring the same world after collecting a moon, creating a more open-ended experience. Bowser's Fury follows a similar approach, providing a different rhythm for players while maintaining the core Mario gameplay. This dichotomy between linear and nonlinear Mario games offers unique experiences and caters to various player preferences.

    • Linear vs Open-World Mario Games: Different ExperiencesLinear games offer guided, engaging experiences with clever level design, while open-world games provide freedom and relaxation with exploration and retry options

      Both linear and open-world Mario games offer unique and satisfying experiences, although they cater to different playstyles. Linear games, like Super Mario 3D World, provide a more guided experience where the player is constantly engaged and entertained by the designer's clever level design and surprises. Open-world games, like Bowser's Fury, offer more freedom and exploration, allowing players to take their time and experiment with their surroundings. The lack of a timer and the ability to retry puzzles without having to replay entire levels contributes to a more relaxed and satisfying experience. Ultimately, both types of games demonstrate the high-quality design and trustworthiness of the Mario franchise, allowing players to simply relax and enjoy the ride. The designers' presence is felt differently in each type of game, with linear games feeling more like a guided amusement park experience and open-world games offering a more sandbox-like exploration. It's essential to recognize that these differences are not just a matter of freedom but also of the unique experiences they provide.

    • Two Different Mario Games: Linear vs. NonlinearSuper Mario 3D World and Bowser's Fury share similar mechanics but offer unique experiences due to their linear and nonlinear designs, respectively. The former relies on Mario's abilities, while the latter emphasizes the environment for mechanical diversity.

      Despite the similarities in mechanics and characters, the games "Super Mario 3D World" and "Bowser's Fury" offer drastically different experiences due to their unique designs and structures. The former features a linear gameplay style, while the latter is more nonlinear. The same mechanics and tools are used, but the context and application differ significantly. Additionally, the role of the environment varies between the two games. In "Super Mario 3D World," Mario's abilities are the primary source of differentiation, while in "Bowser's Fury," the environment provides the mechanical diversity. Furthermore, the treatment of female characters in the games was criticized, with "Super Mario 3D World" having a weak plot that revolves around damsels in distress. Overall, while the games share a common heritage, they offer distinct gaming experiences.

    • Exploring new narratives in Mario gamesRecent Mario games like Bowser's Fury introduce complex narratives and characters, while older games rely on damsel in distress trope. Newer entries signal a shift towards more nuanced storytelling.

      The representation of women as damsels in distress in classic Mario games has been a subject of critique, and recent entries like Bowser's Fury have attempted to subvert this trope by introducing more complex narratives and characters. Bowser's Fury, for instance, features Bowser Junior seeking help from Mario while also having Bowser as the central antagonist, adding depth to the conflict. On the other hand, older games like Super Mario 3D World rely heavily on the damsel in distress narrative, with the only narrative element being Danville in distress. The lack of a compelling narrative in Mario games has been debated, with some arguing that the joy of playing the game itself is motivation enough. However, newer entries like Bowser's Fury are exploring more nuanced storytelling, which could signal a shift in the franchise's approach to narrative. Additionally, the absence of a triple jump in Super Mario 3D World and the game's focus on quick movement and verticality may have contributed to the decision to exclude it. Overall, the evolution of Mario's narrative and gameplay reflects the changing expectations and preferences of gamers.

    • Unique gameplay experiences in Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's FurySuper Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury offers cat suit power, double cherry feature, and enjoyable solo or multiplayer experiences.

      Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury for the Nintendo Switch offers unique and entertaining gameplay experiences. The cat suit power, which allows players to climb walls and scratch enemies, embodies the ultimate power fantasy. Additionally, the double cherry feature, introduced in this game, clones a character, adding chaos and fun, especially in multiplayer mode. This mechanic originated from the Zelda series and is also present in Kirby: Planet Robobot. The game is enjoyable solo or with a healthy relationship partner in multiplayer. With the upcoming Nintendo Direct, potential new content or announcements may be on the horizon. Overall, Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury is a must-play for fans of the Mario series and cooperative games.

    • PlayStation 5's DualSense controller leaves even skeptics impressedThe innovative DualSense controller of the new PlayStation 5 console has won over even the most skeptical gamers with its unique features like resistance on triggers and haptic feedback, adding a new level of immersion to gaming.

      The new PlayStation 5 console, specifically its innovative DualSense controller, has won over even the most skeptical of gamers, including the hosts of Triple Click. During a recent episode, Jesse shared a hilarious story of how he laughed so hard while listening to a podcast that he got into a car accident. The topic of conversation was the absurdity of various advertising slogans, which left Jesse in fits of laughter. As a result, he crashed into a construction barrier. Despite this unfortunate incident, Jesse was touched by the kindness of the hosts of Stop Podcasting Yourself, who offered to pay for his car repair bill. Moving on, Kirk shared his excitement about his new PlayStation 5 console and the games he's been playing, such as Spider-Man: Miles Morales and Demon's Souls. He praised the console's controller, particularly the resistance on the triggers and the haptic feedback, which adds a new level of immersion to gaming. The hosts discussed how the controller's unique features, which have received much attention, have won over even those who were initially indifferent to the new console. Overall, the conversation highlighted the power of great entertainment and the ability of innovative technology to enhance our experiences.

    • Impressive visuals and polished gameplay in Demon's Souls on PS5Demon's Souls remake showcases PS5's power with stunning visuals and improved gameplay, a must-play for Souls series fans.

      The PlayStation 5 and its games, specifically Demon's Souls, impress with their visual upgrades and polished gameplay, even if they don't introduce groundbreaking new mechanics. Demon's Souls, a remake of a last-gen game, looks stunning on the PS5 and is a must-play for fans of the Souls series. The console itself is powerful and visually appealing, with its white exterior and black interior. Another notable mention is the movie "Judas and the Black Messiah," which offers an enjoyable viewing experience. While the PS5 is bigger than its predecessor, its advanced graphics and improved gameplay make it a worthwhile investment for gamers.

    • Exploring the Impact of FBI Interference on the Black Panther PartyThe biopic 'Judas and the Black Messiah' sheds light on the FBI's role in the Black Panther Party's demise, emphasizing the importance of learning about lesser-known historical figures and events.

      The importance of learning about lesser-known historical figures and events, as illustrated by the biopic "Judas and the Black Messiah" about Fred Hampton. Although the movie primarily focuses on the circumstances leading to Hampton's death and FBI agent William O'Neal's betrayal, it highlights the impact of the FBI's interference in the Black Panther Party. The discussion emphasizes the value of expanding knowledge about Hampton and the period through further reading and other media, such as "The Trial of the Chicago 7." Additionally, the speaker's interest in murder mysteries highlights the appeal of delving into intriguing stories, whether they are based on real events or fiction.

    • Murder Mysteries with Meta ElementsReading meta murder mysteries, like those with a 'book within a book' concept, adds depth and keeps readers engaged with surprising twist endings

      The discussion revolved around the enjoyment of murder mysteries, particularly those with a meta element. The speaker mentioned reading several British murder mysteries, including one with a "book within a book" concept, where a character reads a 200-page novel as part of the main plot. This concept adds depth and complexity to the story, making it more original and engaging. The speaker also appreciated the twist endings in murder mysteries, which keep readers guessing and add an extra layer of intrigue. Overall, the speaker's enthusiasm for murder mysteries highlights the genre's ability to captivate and surprise readers.

    • Desire for Instant Access and Managing Time EffectivelyThe desire for instant access to information and effective time management can lead to mindfulness and productivity. Reflect on how to make the most of waiting time and lost items.

      Our time is valuable, yet we often waste it on seemingly insignificant things like waiting or searching for lost items. During the podcast discussion, the speakers pondered over the amount of time spent waiting and the desire to have instant access to information, such as how long we've spent at red lights or the location of lost objects. While productivity apps can help us manage our time better, some people find the constant monitoring of their time usage to be obsessive. Instead, they would prefer to have a superpower that allows them to instantly know the location of any object or answer to any question. This desire for instant access to information and the ability to manage our time effectively highlights the importance of being mindful of our actions and making the most of our precious time. So, next time you find yourself waiting in line or searching for a lost item, take a moment to reflect on how you could be using that time more productively.

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    One More Thing:

    Kirk: Hit Man (2024, Netflix)

    Maddy: Butterfly In The Sky (Reading Rainbow documentary)

    Jason: Babel (R.F. Kuang)


    Kirk’s Dragon Age Explainer: https://kotaku.com/a-beginners-guide-to-all-things-dragon-age-1658487212

    Preorder Jason’s Book! https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/jason-schreier/play-nice/9781538725429/

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    Triple Click
    enJune 27, 2024

    Playable Zelda, Metroid Prime 4, And More Big News

    Playable Zelda, Metroid Prime 4, And More Big News

    Kirk, Jason, and Maddy unwind from this year's not-E3 by getting back into it. They talk about the big Xbox showcase, the big Nintendo showcase, and some of the embargoed games they saw at Summer Games Fest, such as Dragon Age: The Veilguard and Star Wars Outlaws.

    One More Thing:

    Kirk: Tactical Breach Wizards

    Maddy: Valorant (new Xbox port)

    Jason: The Spectacular Failure of the Star Wars Hotel (Jenny Nicholson)


    IGN story on development of Perfect Dark: https://www.ign.com/articles/xboxs-perfect-dark-reboot-is-still-years-away

    Cory Doctorow’s “enshittification” essay: https://pluralistic.net/2023/01/21/potemkin-ai/#hey-guys

    Preorder Jason’s Book! https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/jason-schreier/play-nice/9781538725429/

    Support Triple Click: http://maximumfun.org/join

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    Triple Click
    enJune 20, 2024

    LIVE from Summer Game(s) Fest in Los Angeles!

    LIVE from Summer Game(s) Fest in Los Angeles!

    LIVE FROM LOS ANGELES... it's Maddy, Jason, and Kirk! The gang talks about what we all saw at Summer Game Fest, what they played, and how much they miss E3. Plus: audience Q&A!

    One More Thing:

    Kirk: Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth

    Maddy: Dune Part Two

    Jason: Holly (Stephen King)


    • Civilization VII
      Monster Hunter Wilds
    • Dragon Age: The Veilguard
    • Metaphor: ReFantazio
    • Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves
    • UFO 50
    • Arranger
    • Building Relationships
    • Stormgate & Battle Aces
    • SpinRhythm XD
    • Slitterhead
    • Alan Wake II: Night Springs


    Preorder Jason’s Book! https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/jason-schreier/play-nice/9781538725429/

    Support Triple Click: http://maximumfun.org/join

    Buy Triple Click Merch: https://maxfunstore.com/search?q=triple+click&options%5Bprefix%5D=last

    Join the Triple Click Discord: http://discord.gg/tripleclickpod

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    Triple Click
    enJune 13, 2024

    A Guide To Summer Games Fest 2024

    A Guide To Summer Games Fest 2024

    It's time for not-E3 — aka Summer Games Fest — where the video game industry will once again convene on Los Angeles for a week full of game demos, trailers, and exciting reveals. Well... sort of. This week, the Triple Click gang talks about their hopes, expectations, and predictions for the weekend ahead. Plus: don't miss Triple Click live in Los Angeles!

    One More Thing:

    Kirk: Crow Country

    Maddy: My inflatable kayak

    Jason: The Ministry of Time by Kaliane Bradley


    Oli Welsh on the death of console exclusives: https://www.polygon.com/24166647/aaa-exclusive-games-are-dead-playstation-xbox-multiplatform

    Triple Click LIVE in LA! Saturday, June 8, 6:30PM at the Teragram Ballroom: https://teragramballroom.com/tm-event/triple-click-podcast/

    Preorder Jason’s Book! https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/jason-schreier/play-nice/9781538725429/

    Support Triple Click: http://maximumfun.org/join

    Buy Triple Click Merch: https://maxfunstore.com/search?q=triple+click&options%5Bprefix%5D=last

    Join the Triple Click Discord: http://discord.gg/tripleclickpod

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    Triple Click
    enJune 06, 2024

    Why Are There No Pregnant Video Game Characters?

    Why Are There No Pregnant Video Game Characters?

    Where are all the pregnant video game NPCs? What happens when you grow out of a video game genre? And what's it like to be both friends and professional podcast coworkers? This week, the Triple Click gang opens up the mailbag for some wacky listener questions, and confesses that they're actually all secretly enemies.

    One More Thing:

    Kirk: Ed Wood (1994)

    Maddy: Elden Ring

    Jason: Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door (Remake)


    Jason's interview with Jake Solomon: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/newsletters/2024-05-14/game-makers-at-midsummer-studios-look-to-take-on-the-sims

    Lorelei and the Laser Tampon: https://www.polygon.com/gaming/24162613/lorelei-and-the-laser-eyes-tampon-why-reason-item

    Shadow of the Erdtree Miyazaki interview: https://www.famitsu.com/news/202402/22335199.html

    Triple Click LIVE in LA! Saturday, June 8, 6:30PM at the Teragram Ballroom: https://teragramballroom.com/tm-event/triple-click-podcast/

    Preorder Jason’s Book! https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/jason-schreier/play-nice/9781538725429/

    Support Triple Click: http://maximumfun.org/join

    Buy Triple Click Merch: https://maxfunstore.com/search?q=triple+click&options%5Bprefix%5D=last

    Join the Triple Click Discord: http://discord.gg/tripleclickpod

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    Triple Click
    enMay 30, 2024

    Diablo 4 Reborn, Assassin's Creed Racism, And Much More

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    One More Thing:

    Kirk: Lois McMaster Bujold’s fantasy novels (The Curse of Chalion (2001), Paladin of Souls (2003), The Sharing Knife (2006-9))

    Maddy: Hades 1

    Jason: The Lost Shtetl (Max Gross)


    Featuring an excerpt from “The Crossroads” by Darren Korb from Hades 2

    Triple Click LIVE in LA! Saturday, June 8, 6:30PM at the Teragram Ballroom: https://teragramballroom.com/tm-event/triple-click-podcast/

    Preorder Jason’s Book! https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/jason-schreier/play-nice/9781538725429/

    Support Triple Click: http://maximumfun.org/join

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    Triple Click
    enMay 23, 2024

    Triple Play: Animal Well (with Russ Frushtick)

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    One More Thing:

    Maddy: Doppelganger by Naomi Klein (she finished it!)

    Jason: Minishoot Adventures


    Russ's gaming podcast The Besties and his Polygon review of Animal Well

    Triple Click LIVE in LA! Saturday, June 8, 6:30PM at the Teragram Ballroom: https://teragramballroom.com/tm-event/triple-click-podcast/

    Preorder Jason’s Book! https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/jason-schreier/play-nice/9781538725429/

    Support Triple Click: http://maximumfun.org/join

    Buy Triple Click Merch: https://maxfunstore.com/search?q=triple+click&options%5Bprefix%5D=last

    Join the Triple Click Discord: http://discord.gg/tripleclickpod

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    Triple Click
    enMay 16, 2024

    Xbox Mess, Helldivers Debacle, And Hades 2

    Xbox Mess, Helldivers Debacle, And Hades 2

    Kirk is out this week, so Jason and Maddy convene to talk about a grab bag full of topics including the Xbox mess, the Helldivers 2 debacle, and two games they're really enjoying: Hades 2 and Animal Well.

    One More Thing:

    Maddy: Master Chef

    Jason: Demon Copperhead (Barbara Kingsolver)


    Triple Click LIVE in LA! Saturday, June 8, 6:30PM at the Teragram Ballroom: https://teragramballroom.com/tm-event/triple-click-podcast/

    Preorder Jason’s Book! https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/jason-schreier/play-nice/9781538725429/

    Support Triple Click: http://maximumfun.org/join

    Buy Triple Click Merch: https://maxfunstore.com/search?q=triple+click&options%5Bprefix%5D=last

    Join the Triple Click Discord: http://discord.gg/tripleclickpod

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    Is Nostalgia A Good Thing?

    Is Nostalgia A Good Thing?

    Jason's been playing Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes, a game that feels a lot like Suikoden, which made the Triple Click gang wonder: how does nostalgia impact our enjoyment of video games? Can it make games better? Worse? Both at once? Let's discuss!

    One More Thing:

    Kirk: Fiasco (Jason Morningstar)

    Maddy: Hades 2 technical test

    Jason: Girls5eva


    Triple Click LIVE in LA! Saturday, June 8, 6:30PM at the Teragram Ballroom: https://teragramballroom.com/tm-event/triple-click-podcast/

    Preorder Jason’s Book! https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/jason-schreier/play-nice/9781538725429/

    Support Triple Click: http://maximumfun.org/join

    Buy Triple Click Merch: https://maxfunstore.com/search?q=triple+click&options%5Bprefix%5D=last

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    How To Make Good Video Game Lore

    How To Make Good Video Game Lore

    When is video game lore good? When is it bad? This week, the Triple Click gang talks about Skyrim books, Elden Ring item descriptions, Destiny guns, and all the other delectable morsels of plot that exist underneath the stories of video games. 

    One More Thing:

    Kirk: Heavenly Creatures (1994)

    Maddy: Tales of Kenzera: Zau

    Jason: Eiyuden Chronicles


    Mossbag’s Hollow Knight Lore video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XDiWYFGGqY

    Triple Click LIVE in LA! Saturday, June 8, 6:30PM at the Teragram Ballroom: https://teragramballroom.com/tm-event/triple-click-podcast/

    Preorder Jason’s Book! https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/jason-schreier/play-nice/9781538725429/

    Support Triple Click: http://maximumfun.org/join

    Buy Triple Click Merch: https://maxfunstore.com/search?q=triple+click&options%5Bprefix%5D=last

    Join the Triple Click Discord: http://discord.gg/tripleclickpod

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    2:50 - Overcoming Preconceived Qualms (and tweets!)
    5:05 - Unbridled Fun
    8:59 - The Magic of Mario Multiplayer
    11:22 - Using all of the Best Things from Before
    15:56 - The Dangers of Playing with Friends(?) and Oh, All of the Content!
    26:30 - One Negative Thought and Closing Comments

    Send us a letter to read on the air! turtlejumpletters@gmail.com

    Talk to us on Twitter! @TurtleJumpShow