
    Trisha Reacts To Her Past Feuds, Dramas & Scandals (Trish Cinematic Universe)

    enAugust 02, 2024
    What are the podcast speakers’ views on nudity in media?
    How do perceptions of relationships impact women's accomplishments?
    What was discussed regarding Simone Biles and her husband?
    Why might some see Sophie Turner primarily as a wife?
    How does the podcast address societal beauty standards?

    Podcast Summary

    • Nudity in MediaSpeakers express their belief that seeing authentic bodies on screen adds to the realism and artistry of content, and find recent trend of full frontal nudity in R for mature audiences amusing

      The speakers in this podcast discuss various topics, including their experiences with dieting, pop culture, and problematic celebrities. They also touch upon the topic of nudity in media and express their opinions on its authenticity and naturalness. The speakers also share their amusement over the recent trend of full frontal nudity in shows and movies rated R for mature audiences. They believe that seeing authentic bodies on screen adds to the realism and artistry of the content. Overall, the conversation is light-hearted and explores various perspectives on popular culture and societal norms.

    • Body image and representation in mediaMedia frequently uses prosthetic penises for aesthetic reasons or due to actors' discomfort, while body shaming affects both men and women differently, particularly regarding societal standards of masculinity

      The use of prosthetic penises in media is common and the reasons behind it can vary. Some actors may prefer it for aesthetic reasons, while others may not be comfortable with their own appearance. The discussion also touched upon body shaming and how it affects men and women differently. It was noted that while body shaming women is more publicly criticized, men can still face it, particularly in regards to their bodies not meeting societal standards. The conversation also explored the representation of politicians in media, specifically in the context of a college setting. Overall, the discussion highlighted the complexities and nuances surrounding body image, representation, and societal expectations.

    • Apologies and UnderstandingPeople make questionable decisions for loved ones, but apologies are important for reconciliation. The speaker acknowledged her past mistakes and apologized for any misunderstandings or hurt caused.

      The speaker expresses her understanding for people making questionable decisions for the sake of their loved ones, while also acknowledging the importance of apologizing for one's actions. The conversation touched on various topics, including Mossimo clothing, geography, and apologies. The speaker shared her fondness for Mossimo and expressed her belief that people, including politicians, may resort to underhanded methods to provide for their families. She also apologized for any misunderstandings regarding her compensation practices and geographical knowledge. The conversation then shifted to a discussion about a fictional character from Latvia and the use of the term "twink," leading to an apology to the twink community. The speaker also mentioned her past problematic actions and her desire to be labeled as a "problematic fave." Overall, the conversation showcased the speaker's ability to empathize with others and her willingness to apologize for her mistakes.

    • Friends and problematic behaviorIndividuals, including celebrities, need to prioritize their well-being and make informed decisions about who they surround themselves with, despite the potential influence on their audience.

      Being friends with problematic people is a complex issue, even for high-profile individuals like celebrities. While some may be unaware of their friends' true nature due to their busy schedules and the image of being nice and approachable, others may choose to associate with them despite their questionable behavior. However, the discussion also touched upon the impact of social media and brand deals, which can add to the workload and stress of influencers, causing them to feel overwhelmed and burnt out. Ultimately, it's important for individuals to prioritize their well-being and make informed decisions about who they surround themselves with, while also recognizing the potential influence their actions and associations can have on their audience.

    • Diet and Creator SupportA high-protein diet follower practicing intermittent fasting shares her experience and gratitude towards her audience, emphasizing the importance of supporting creators and consistency in achieving success.

      The speaker, who follows a high-protein diet as prescribed by her doctor, practices intermittent fasting and occasionally indulges in large meals. She also runs a Patreon account where supporters receive perks like personalized headshots and merchandise. During their discussions, they touched upon various topics including their consumption habits, the importance of supporting creators, and the experience of attending movie premieres. The speaker expressed gratitude for her audience and shared her excitement about upcoming events, such as the Wicked premiere and her invitation from John Bailey. Despite the occasional indulgences, she emphasized the importance of consistency and hard work in achieving success.

    • Wicked movie castThe speaker is thrilled about the upcoming Wicked movie, particularly the performances of Ethan Slater as the Tin Man, Jonathan Bailey as the Scarecrow, and the anticipated chemistry between Glenda and Bock. They also appreciate the casting of Joseph Quinn and Paul Mescal.

      The speaker is excited for the upcoming Wicked movie, particularly the performances of Ethan Slater as the Tin Man and Jonathan Bailey as the Scarecrow. They appreciate how each actor transforms into their respective roles and the unique qualities they bring to the table. Despite some minor criticisms, they are looking forward to seeing the film and the anticipated chemistry between Glenda and Bock. The speaker also shares their thoughts on the casting of Joseph Quinn and Paul Mescal, comparing them to Pedro Pascal and discussing their individual appeal. Overall, the excitement for the Wicked adaptation is palpable, with the speaker expressing enthusiasm for the talented cast and the fantastical world of Oz.

    • Male gymnastsDespite facing challenges like poor vision and underrepresentation in media, male gymnasts like Steven demonstrate impressive strength and resilience, deserving of recognition and appreciation.

      The discussion revolved around the impressive performance of a male gymnast named Steven, who helped his team win a bronze medal in the Olympics despite having a vision condition. The speaker admired him for his strength and resilience, and they also shared a common experience of having poor vision while doing makeup. The conversation also touched upon the underrepresentation of male gymnasts in media compared to female gymnasts, particularly Simone Biles, who is a prominent figure in the sport. The speaker expressed a desire to celebrate all athletes, regardless of their placing, and criticized the historical tendency to boo third-place finishers. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of recognizing and appreciating the efforts and achievements of all athletes, especially those who face unique challenges.

    • Perception of Women's AchievementsPeople's perceptions and labels can impact how women's accomplishments are viewed, often diminishing their individual achievements by focusing on their relationships or objectifying them.

      The way people perceive and label relationships, especially for celebrities, can have an impact on how their accomplishments are viewed. During a conversation about Simone Biles and her husband, it was noted that some people only saw him as her husband, while others knew him as a football player. This led to a discussion about how history has often been unkind to women and how the focus on their relationships can sometimes diminish their individual achievements. The example of Sophie Turner and the Jonas Brothers was brought up, as she felt she was often just seen as a wife rather than an individual with her own career. However, it was also acknowledged that being someone's wife doesn't have to be a negative thing, as long as it doesn't overshadow their own accomplishments. The conversation also touched on the objectification of athletes, particularly in the context of the Olympics, and how appreciating their physical bodies doesn't necessarily equate to objectification.

    • Athletic clothing design in sportsDesign of athletic clothing significantly impacts performance in various sports, from swimming to gymnastics. While athletes in ancient times competed without clothing, modern sports require specialized garments for optimal performance.

      The design of athletic clothing in various sports, including swimming and gymnastics, is essential for optimal performance. The discussion also touched on the idea of a hypothetical "naked Olympics," and while opinions varied, it was acknowledged that in ancient times, athletes competed without clothing. Additionally, the conversation delved into the origins of different ethnicities and languages, with theories ranging from biblical stories to scientific explanations. It was suggested that geography and isolation played a role in the development of distinct physical and linguistic characteristics. The conversation also touched on historical events, such as the quarantine of lepers and the colonization of Australia.

    • Historical Conquests and Native PeopleThe idea of original conquerors is debatable and the discussion touched on representation in media, societal beauty standards, and advocacy for body positivity.

      The concept of who originally conquered lands and who are the native people is complex and not straightforward. The idea of original conquerors is debatable, as different empires and civilizations have risen and fallen throughout history. The discussion also touched on the topic of representation in media, specifically regarding the Olympics and commentators. Some people criticized the choice of Andy Cohen and Alex Cooper as commentators, assuming they knew nothing about sports. However, they are hosts for Peacock, and their commentary caters to a different audience. The conversation also briefly mentioned the pressure to conform to societal beauty standards and the impact it has on individuals, especially those in the public eye. The conversation ended with a mention of Alona Mayer, a rugby player who advocates for body positivity and challenges the notion of judging people based on their appearance.

    • Olympic athletes' favorite foodsDiscussing potential content ideas, the group is interested in exploring Olympic athletes' favorite foods, such as Henrik Christensen's chocolate muffins, Michael Phelps' chicken nuggets, and Simone Biles' meals, and even attempting a calorie challenge.

      The group is discussing potential content ideas for their channel, focusing on trying Olympic athletes' favorite foods. They mention Henrik Christensen, a Norwegian Olympian known for making TikToks about chocolate muffins, and express interest in trying his muffins or even baking them themselves. They also discuss other athletes' favorite foods, such as Michael Phelps' love for McDonald's chicken nuggets, and Simone Biles' preferred meal. The conversation also touches on the idea of trying a calorie challenge, inspired by athletes' high energy needs and the idea of a partner preparing and serving meals. Additionally, they discuss the possibility of jury duty and the potential implications for public figures.

    • Jury Duty ExperienceThe jury duty process can be confusing, inconvenient, and frustrating due to unclear communication, unpredictable timing, and extended waiting periods.

      The jury duty process can be confusing and inconvenient. While some information can be found online, important communication, such as summons, may still be delivered via mail. The timing and duration of jury duty can also be unpredictable, making it difficult for individuals to plan their schedules. Additionally, the selection process can involve waiting around for extended periods, only to be rejected. The overall experience can be frustrating and time-consuming. It's important to stay informed about the process and check for updates regularly, but the lack of clear communication and the unpredictability of the timeline can make this challenging.

    • Jury service, true crimeServing on a jury for a high-profile trial can be intriguing, but also comes with challenges and potential distractions as a celebrity juror. Embrace open-mindedness and respect for diverse beliefs and lifestyles.

      The speaker expresses a fascination with true crime cases and the idea of serving on a jury for a high-profile trial, even if it means dealing with haters and potential discomfort. However, she also acknowledges the challenges of being a celebrity juror and the potential distractions it could bring. The speaker also shares her curiosity about different lifestyles and religions, even if she doesn't fully understand them. She values respecting people's beliefs and avoiding divisive topics, especially on social media. Overall, the speaker's perspective highlights the intrigue and complexities of human experiences and the importance of open-mindedness and respect.

    • Self-expression and individualityPeople should focus on being true to themselves and express themselves uniquely, not worrying about others' opinions, and believing in the power of positive thinking and manifestation.

      People should focus on being true to themselves and not worry too much about what others think or believe, especially when it comes to creative expression and personal beliefs. The speaker emphasized that everyone, including performers and creatives, are creations of God, and everyone should be allowed to express themselves in their unique ways, whether it's recreating Greek paintings or dressing up as mythological figures. The speaker also mentioned that they believe in the power of positive thinking and manifestation, encouraging everyone to make their own reality based on their beliefs. The conversation also touched on the topic of Elon Musk helping a TikTok user with her social media presence, which raised some eyebrows due to the potential implications of industry manipulation. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of self-expression, positivity, and embracing individuality.

    • Tesla features, Facebook MarketplaceBe cautious when buying second-hand items on Facebook Marketplace, especially cars. Tesla's features bring joy and convenience, but always ensure authenticity before purchase.

      Technology, specifically the features of Tesla's vehicles, brings people joy and convenience, but it's important to be cautious when purchasing second-hand items, especially on platforms like Facebook Marketplace. The speaker expresses their love for Tesla's live map feature and backup camera, but also shares a cautionary tale about a stolen Lamborghini sold on Facebook Marketplace. They remind listeners not to buy cars or trucks from this source and instead encourage visiting dealerships or reputable second-hand sellers. The conversation then shifts to the controversy surrounding comedian Brittany Broski and a joke about Charlie XCX's song. The speaker expresses confusion about the joke and the backlash against Brittany, questioning the use of joke writers for podcasts and expressing skepticism towards the notion that Brittany was involved in writing the joke. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of being cautious in technology use and purchasing, as well as the complexities of comedy and public figures.

    • Celebrity branding and collaborationEffective collaboration between celebrities and writers is crucial for maintaining a positive public image and brand, but clear communication and context are essential to avoid misunderstandings and controversy.

      The perception of a celebrity's image and brand can be influenced by various factors, including their name, marketing strategies, and public image. Brittany Broski, for instance, has built a unique brand around her last name, which has become synonymous with her persona. However, the use of writers for her podcast, as well as the potential for miscommunication or misunderstanding, can lead to controversy. The collaboration between talent and writers is crucial, but the talent should have the final say in delivering the jokes. The context and full understanding of the material are essential for effective communication and avoiding misunderstandings. Ultimately, the relationship between a celebrity's image, their brand, and their collaborators plays a significant role in their success and public perception.

    • Identity and Belief SystemsEven problematic figures can gain attention and a following on the internet, while complexities of identity and belief systems can generate intrigue and engagement

      The internet can be harsh, especially for those whose job revolves around it. The speaker acknowledges that she has faced criticism and has even changed her behavior in response. However, she also notes that being a problematic figure can have its advantages, as it can generate attention and a following. Another topic of discussion was religion, and the speaker shared her experiences with various religious rituals and symbols. She expressed a liking for the cultural aspects of religion but was unsure about the deeper meaning behind certain practices. The conversation also touched on wealth and philanthropy, with the speaker expressing her belief that those with vast resources should use them to make a positive impact on the world. Overall, the discussion highlighted the complexities of identity, belief systems, and the role of wealth and power in society.

    • Celebrity CompensationSuccessful celebrities, though wealthy, should ensure fair compensation for crew members and extras, as small acts of kindness can significantly impact those with less power or influence in the entertainment industry.

      Successful celebrities, such as Robert Downey Jr., have the means to generously compensate the people around them, including crew members and extras, rather than keeping all the wealth for themselves. Many people in the entertainment industry, especially those with less power or influence, are underpaid, and small acts of kindness and fair compensation can go a long way. Downey Jr.'s reported $100 million paychecks for movies like the Avengers series may seem impressive, but the taxes, management fees, and other expenses leave him with less than what appears on the surface. The stars' immense wealth does not negate the importance of treating everyone involved in a project with respect and fairness.

    • Celebrity financesDespite fame and wealth, celebrities have diverse financial situations and priorities, and face behind-the-scenes competition for attention and resources.

      Fame and wealth do not exempt individuals from the desire or need to save money or experience the perks of commercial travel. People, regardless of their status, can have varying financial situations and priorities. Additionally, there are instances of behind-the-scenes drama and competition, even among celebrities, which may not always be taken seriously by the public. The discussion also touched upon the idea that the competition for attention and resources can be more intense in the celebrity world due to the smaller pool of individuals in the spotlight. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the complexities and nuances of the experiences of famous individuals and the human desire for financial security and social connections.

    • Teenage pop culture experiencesThe speaker shared stories of a Disney Channel-like event and their fascination with celebrity gossip, including rumors about the Jonas Brothers and their perceived purity rings, and an amusing anecdote about an uninvited party and a subsequent 'beef' with Daniel.

      The speaker reminisced about a Disney Channel-like event during their teenage years where participants were kept overnight and rumors of hookups circulated. They also discussed their experiences with celebrity gossip, specifically involving the Jonas Brothers and their perceived purity rings. The speaker also shared an anecdote about an uninvited party and a subsequent "beef" with Daniel, which they found amusing in hindsight. Overall, the conversation showcased the speaker's interest in pop culture and their ability to find humor in past drama.

    • Online feudsOnline feuds can escalate quickly and cause significant anxiety, shaping one's perspective on digital interactions. Approach online interactions with care and consideration to minimize negative consequences.

      Social media interactions can sometimes lead to intense and anxiety-inducing situations, even if they start off as seemingly unserious or lighthearted. The speaker shares her experiences with various online feuds, some of which escalated quickly and caused significant anxiety. She reflects on how these situations felt "severe" and "unrelenting," and how she wishes some moments could have been forgotten or handled differently. Despite the discomfort, she acknowledges that these experiences were a part of her online journey and shaped her perspective on digital interactions. It's important to approach online interactions with care and consideration, as they can have real-life consequences.

    • Confrontation and authenticityFear of confrontation can prevent us from engaging in important interactions and missing out on opportunities, but authenticity and graceful handling can lead to positive outcomes.

      The fear of confrontation and potential backlash can prevent people from asking important questions or engaging in meaningful interactions, even if it means missing out on opportunities or experiences. The speaker shares stories of feeling awkward and scared when confronting celebrities or dealing with controversial topics, and how they have learned to navigate these situations with grace and understanding. Additionally, the speaker reflects on the importance of authenticity and staying true to oneself, even in the face of criticism or adversity. They also touch upon the idea that people often have misconceptions about their identity, and the importance of clarifying that for others. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of being true to oneself, handling confrontations with grace, and recognizing the potential consequences of shying away from difficult conversations.

    • Iconic apartment's historyThe iconic apartment, with its mysterious past and fascination value, continues to inspire content creation and speculation, despite its potential for gruesome happenings. The speakers expressed a desire to keep the apartment and even turn it into a content creation space, using humor to cope with the challenges of creating content.

      The discussion revolved around the iconic moments and history attached to a specific apartment, which has been the subject of various online content. The apartment, which has a mysterious and dark past, has been a source of fascination and intrigue for many. The speakers reminisced about their experiences in the apartment, including a YouTube video, and speculated about who might live there in the future. They also joked about potential titles for content related to the apartment, such as "Jonathan Bailey dating Trisha Paytas" or "Trisha reacts to the iPad drama from 2018." Despite the dark history and the potential for gruesome happenings, the speakers expressed a desire to keep the apartment and even turn it into a content creation space. They also made light of their content creation process, joking about coming up with ridiculous titles and using humor to cope with the challenges of creating content. Overall, the conversation highlighted the significance of the past and the role it plays in shaping our present experiences and creative endeavors.

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