
    Podcast Summary

    • Trump's Legal Battles Escalate in Multiple CourtsTrump faces legal challenges in various courts, including price inflation admission in NY case, appeal and motion to stay proceedings in DC case, and intervention in FL and CO hearings, while Biden focuses on democracy and ending price gouging.

      Former President Donald Trump's legal battles continued to escalate in multiple courts this week. In the New York attorney general civil fraud case, Trump watched as his expert witness admitted to price inflation at one of Trump's properties. Meanwhile, in the Washington DC federal criminal case, Trump filed an appeal and motion to stay the proceedings, citing a recent DC Circuit Court of Appeals case. Trump also requested his lawyers' intervention in a Florida federal court hearing regarding classified document withholdings. In Colorado Supreme Court, Trump's lawyers argued for no limits to presidential candidates, essentially advocating for a potential dictatorship. Elsewhere, Kevin McCarthy resigned as Speaker of the House, and MAGA Republicans attacked Taylor Swift. In more positive news, President Biden announced plans to end big pharma price gouging and urged Congress to pass Ukraine aid. Amidst all this, the hosts of the Midas Touch podcast emphasized the importance of the 2024 election being about democracy over dictatorship. The news cycle moves fast, and it's essential to stay informed to make sense of the world around us.

    • Trump's Ambiguity on Legal Behavior and Lawyer's Argument on Presidential PowersFormer President Trump's ambiguous denial of potential lawbreaking and his lawyer's argument for presidential immunity raise concerns about democratic process and authoritarian behavior.

      During a town hall interview with Sean Hannity, former President Donald Trump was unable to clearly deny any plans to abuse power or break the law if reelected, raising concerns about potential authoritarian behavior. Simultaneously, in the Colorado Supreme Court, Trump's lawyer argued that presidents are not officers and can effectively do as they please, which could potentially allow an insurrectionist to become president. These incidents highlight the importance of the democratic process and the potential dangers of authoritarianism. The ongoing debate over these issues underscores the significance of clear communication and adherence to the rule of law.

    • Presidency not explicitly listed as an office under the US in 14th AmendmentSome argue that Trump can't be disqualified from office due to Capitol insurrection because presidency isn't explicitly listed as an office under the US in 14th Amendment, but this interpretation is controversial and could set a dangerous precedent

      During a discussion about the constitutional implications of former President Donald Trump's disqualification from holding office due to his role in the Capitol insurrection, it was argued that the presidency is not considered an "office under the United States" as defined in the 14th Amendment Section 3. The argument was based on the language of the amendment, which specifies that no person who has previously taken an oath as a member of Congress or as an officer of the United States can hold office if they have engaged in insurrection or rebellion. Since the presidency is not explicitly listed as an office under the United States in this section, some argue that Trump cannot be disqualified based on this provision. However, this interpretation is controversial and has been met with criticism, as it could potentially set a dangerous precedent for future presidents to act with impunity.

    • Manipulating the Constitution's MeaningThe Constitution should be understood in its entirety and with its intended meaning, not manipulated to fit a specific agenda. Ambiguous language can be exploited, leading to confusion and potential harm.

      Some individuals, including former President Donald Trump and his supporters, have manipulated the meaning of the constitution to justify their actions, such as attempting to run for a third term or questioning the definition of insurrection. They do this by taking certain words out of context and ignoring the plain meaning of the text. This dangerous game of semantics can lead to misinterpretations and potentially harmful consequences. The constitution should be understood in its entirety and with its intended meaning, rather than being manipulated to fit a specific agenda. The use of ambiguous language in the constitution can be exploited, leading to confusion and uncertainty, and it is essential to approach its interpretation with care and respect for its original intent.

    • January 6, 2021: Was it an insurrection?The definition of insurrection is debated, but the violent breach of the Capitol during a constitutional function can be considered an insurrection. Historical context, acknowledging seriousness, dealing with disinformation, and understanding incentives are key considerations.

      During a discussion about the definition of insurrection and the events of January 6, 2021, it was acknowledged that there may not be a definitive test for all circumstances, but that the actions of that day, which involved a violent mob breaching the Capitol during a core constitutional function, could be considered an insurrection. The conversation touched upon the historical context, the importance of acknowledging the seriousness of the situation, and the challenges of dealing with disinformation and asymmetrical warfare. The discussion also highlighted the importance of understanding the incentive structures that drive different groups and the potential consequences of ignoring facts or engaging in bullying tactics.

    • The Importance of Clear Language and Understanding MeaningMisinterpreting terms can have serious consequences, so it's crucial to understand their true meaning. Clear language and accurate information lead to informed decisions.

      During the discussion, the speakers touched upon the importance of understanding the true meaning of terms and the potential consequences of misinterpreting them. Jay expressed his frustration with lawyers who manipulate language, comparing it to students who make up answers without doing the necessary research. The conversation then shifted to the New York attorney general's civil fraud case against Donald Trump, where an expert testified about price inflation. The speakers also mentioned their upcoming Zoom meeting and encouraged listeners to join their Patreon. Additionally, they promoted AeroPress coffee maker and Miracle bed sheets as solutions to improve daily life experiences. Overall, the conversation emphasized the significance of clarity and accuracy in language and the importance of making informed decisions based on facts.

    • Donald Trump's Son Eric Skips Testimony, Trump Claims Victory PrematurelyTrump and his son Eric avoided testifying in a civil fraud trial, with Trump overstating his legal successes and misinterpreting statutes of limitations

      During the New York attorney general civil fraud trial, Donald Trump's son Eric was expected to testify but did not, with Trump claiming it was unfair and sparing his "little child." Trump himself showed up and had his expert witness testify, who had previously testified in a similar case under the same statute. Trump claimed to have already won the case at the appellate division, but this is not accurate. Trump argues that if he committed fraud decades ago, the statute of limitations starts then and continues, but this is not the law. Ivanka was able to avoid the case by arguing she was not affiliated with the Trump Organization during the relevant time period. Trump's behavior and statements in court were described as repetitive and unwilling to acknowledge legal rulings against him.

    • Trump Organization's Property Valuation Discrepancies under ScrutinyThe Trump Organization is accused of inflating property values for tax purposes, misclassifying them as commercial instead of residential, and paying less in taxes as a result. Expert witnesses testified to these discrepancies, and the organization argues they were mere errors. However, critics see it as a clear case of fraud.

      The discussion revolves around the legal case involving the valuation of properties owned by the Trump Organization. The organization is accused of inflating property values for tax purposes by misclassifying them as commercial instead of residential properties. The judge in the case is criticized for ruling in favor of the attorney general despite the Trump Organization's history of falsely valuing their properties. The expert witness, Eli Barkov, testified that the Trump Organization inflated the value of one of their properties by more than doubling it between 2011 and 2012. The organization argues that these discrepancies were mere errors, but critics see it as a clear case of fraud. The Trump Organization paid less in taxes by reporting lower property values, but this strategy is now under scrutiny. The expert witnesses are usually paid upfront before their testimony.

    • Trump uses case against him to halt proceedingsTrump attempts to halt ongoing case by citing a ruling that goes against his claim for immunity

      During a court discussion regarding the ongoing criminal case against Donald Trump in Washington D.C., it was revealed that Trump had filed a motion to stay the proceedings pending appeal, citing the Blassingame v. Trump case as his justification. However, the irony lies in the fact that the Blassingame case ruled against Trump's claim of presidential immunity, making it an unusual choice for support in his motion to stay the ongoing case. This audacious move by Trump to use a case that works against him to halt the proceedings has raised eyebrows and added another layer of complexity to the legal battle.

    • Trump's bid to intervene in Mar-a-Lago doc hearing rejectedJudges have denied Trump's request to intervene in hearings regarding classified Mar-a-Lago documents, with potential appeals and removal of the judge on the horizon.

      The legal battle surrounding the handling of classified documents in the Mar-a-Lago case continues to unfold, with former President Trump attempting to intervene in the process. Trump's lawyers have requested to be involved in a hearing regarding the withholding of highly classified documents, but judges have rejected this request due to the purpose of the hearing being to allow the judge to make a determination on the documents' classification without defense input. Trump's latest attempt to intervene is before Judge Eileen Cannon in the Southern District of New York. If Judge Cannon rules in Trump's favor, Special Counsel Jack Smith may appeal the decision, bringing up her previous problematic rulings in the case. The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals has already reversed some of her decisions twice, and if she continues to disregard their guidance, there is precedent for removing a federal judge from a case after multiple reversals. The legal proceedings are complex and ongoing, with significant implications for national security and the ongoing investigation into Trump's handling of classified materials.

    • Legal updates on Georgia election and indictments against Nevada electorsThe 11th Circuit may overturn Georgia election officials' conduct, and there have been indictments against Nevada electors. President Biden is focusing on normalcy, and our partners Roan and Manscaped offer solutions for men's fashion and grooming needs.

      The 11th Circuit is expected to overturn the conduct of the Georgia election officials, and there have been indictments against Nevada electors with minimal discussion about it. Moving on from the legal updates, let's talk about normalcy and what President Biden is up to. During this segment, we're excited to introduce you to our partners, Roan and Manscaped. Firstly, Roan offers a radical reinvention for men's closets with their commuter collection, which provides comfortable, breathable, and flexible products for any occasion. Roan's wrinkle release technology and gold fusion anti-odor technology ensure confidence and ease, making it a must-have for busy men. Use the promo code Midas to save 20% off your entire order at roan.com. Next, Manscaped brings the perfect gift for the holidays with their performance package 5.0 Ultra. This bundle includes the lawnmower 5.0 Ultra, the weed whacker 2.0, crop soother aftershave lotion, crop preserver anti-chafe deodorant, boxers 2 point o, and the shed 2 point o toiletry bag. Manscaped's advanced skin-safe technology and waterproof features make it a must-have for men's grooming needs. Use the code Midas for 20% off and free shipping at manscaped.com. Lastly, there have been warnings from Colin Kaepernick about Kevin McCarthy's district, and it's worth considering his perspective. Stay tuned for more updates and insights.

    • Nevada GOP officials indicted for fake elector schemeSix Nevada Republican officials face serious charges for their role in a fake elector scheme during the 2020 election, potentially escalating investigations into election interference, with attention shifting to Arizona for key testimony.

      The Republican party in Nevada is facing serious consequences after six of its top officials were indicted for their involvement in the fake elector scheme during the 2020 election. The indictments, which include charges of offering a false instrument for filing and uttering a forged instrument, carry significant penalties and mark a significant escalation in the investigations into election interference. Meanwhile, attention is turning to Arizona, where a key figure in the Georgia investigation is scheduled to meet with investigators and potentially testify before the grand jury. As for Kevin McCarthy, the former speaker of the house, his sudden announcement of leaving Congress raises questions about his commitment to his duties and his previous statements about never quitting. These developments highlight the ongoing efforts to hold accountable those involved in attempts to undermine the democratic process.

    • McCarthy prioritized fundraising over leadership after Capitol insurrectionMcCarthy's focus on fundraising and Trump's support hindered effective leadership and productive legislative efforts, highlighting the corrosive influence of money in politics.

      Kevin McCarthy, who had the opportunity to assert leadership and make a difference after the Capitol insurrection, instead chose to prioritize fundraising and maintaining the support of Donald Trump and his base. Liz Cheney criticized McCarthy for his lack of conviction and leadership during crucial moments, which allowed Trump to maintain control over the Republican conference and hindered productive legislative efforts. McCarthy's determination of success was based on fundraising capabilities rather than addressing the needs of the American people or governing effectively. This dynamic highlights the corrosive influence of money in politics and the missed opportunities for bipartisan cooperation.

    • Politics and Dangerous Situations: McCarthy and Hunter BidenPolitics involves power and fundraising, but selective enforcement and hypocrisy can lead to dangerous situations. Hunter Biden's tax evasion charges and Kevin McCarthy's speakership removal highlight this issue. Upholding the law consistently is crucial.

      Politics often revolves around fundraising and power, and when an individual wields significant control, it can lead to dangerous situations. The recent controversy surrounding Kevin McCarthy's removal from the speakership and Hunter Biden's tax evasion charges serve as examples of this. While crimes should be prosecuted, there is a concern about selective enforcement and hypocrisy. The discussion also touched on the ongoing 9-count indictment against Hunter Biden for tax evasion from 2016 to 2019, as well as allegations of extravagant lifestyle expenses. Despite the differing circumstances, it's crucial to uphold the principles of law and order consistently. The discussion ended with a commentary on the irony of MAGA Republicans, who often advocate for defunding the IRS, now potentially facing more resources for the agency due to these charges.

    • Hunter Biden's IRS and gun charges vs MAGA Republicans' reaction to Taylor Swift's Person of the Year titleDespite Hunter Biden paying back taxes, the indictment aimed to embarrass him. MAGA Republicans denied Taylor Swift's achievement, going as far as spreading conspiracies.

      The discussion revolved around two main topics: Hunter Biden's IRS and gun charges, and MAGA Republicans' reaction to Taylor Swift being named Time Magazine's Person of the Year. Regarding Hunter Biden, despite some commentators suggesting that many Americans could be indicted under the same standard, Hunter had paid back his taxes in 2021. However, the indictment delved deeper into Hunter's personal matters, with the intention of embarrassing him. The hosts emphasized the importance of reporting on such issues, even if it involves individuals with political connections. The second topic involved MAGA Republicans' reaction to Taylor Swift's recognition. They went to great lengths to deny her achievement, with some even suggesting conspiracies involving George Soros. The hosts found this reaction amusing and indicative of the MAGA community's disconnection from reality.

    • The power of love and community to resist negativityDespite the exhausting nature of hate and negativity, remember the importance of love, compassion, and community to stay grounded and resist divisive forces. President Biden continues to focus on helping the nation and its allies.

      The exhausting nature of hate and negativity from right-wing influencers and fascist regimes can lead people to feel overwhelmed and disconnected. However, it's essential to remember the importance of love, compassion, and community during these trying times. These values can help us stay grounded and resist the relentless stream of negativity. Meanwhile, President Biden continues to focus on helping the nation and its allies, despite the constant distractions and conspiracies from those who seek to spread division and chaos. We must not lose sight of the power of love and community to prevail over hate and negativity. Let us all make an effort to spread kindness and respect to those around us, and remember that ultimately, love will always triumph. President Biden's recent actions include efforts to help the nation and its allies, such as the ongoing fight for Ukraine funding.

    • U.S. Politics: Stalemate over Ukraine Funding and Student Debt ReliefDespite critical situations in Ukraine and student debt relief, U.S. politics remain gridlocked due to partisan disagreements, with President Biden urging Republicans to act in good faith and Republicans blocking and suing to stop administration efforts.

      The ongoing negotiations between Democrats and Republicans over funding for Ukraine and other issues have led to a stalemate, with Republicans delaying the process and President Biden urging them to act in good faith. The situation in Ukraine is critical, and the world is watching as the United States decides on its response to Russia's invasion. Meanwhile, student debt relief efforts by the Biden administration have provided relief to millions of Americans, totaling over $132 billion. However, Republicans have blocked and sued to stop these efforts, leading to a partisan standoff. Ultimately, President Biden is working to find legal ways to deliver on his promises while Republicans continue to obstruct.

    • Addressing High Prescription Drug Prices with Patent SeizureBiden's plan to seize patents and allow new manufacturers to produce drugs at reasonable prices increases competition, lowers costs, and prevents price gouging by big pharma companies, benefiting the American people and the economy.

      President Biden has proposed a plan to address high prescription drug prices by allowing the government to license drugs to new manufacturers if they aren't being sold at a reasonable price, even if it means seizing patents funded by taxpayer dollars. This move aims to increase competition, lower drug prices, and prevent big pharma companies from taking advantage of the American taxpayer. The administration believes that the people who paid for the research should have access to the final product. This is an important step towards ending price gouging and ensuring affordability for millions of Americans. The lack of competition in the pharmaceutical industry drives up prices, making it harder for people to access necessary healthcare. The proposed plan is good for competition, the economy, and the American people. The Midas Touch Network, a pro-democracy community, emphasizes the importance of this issue and the differences between parties in addressing it. The stakes are high, and the focus is on democracy over dictatorship and normalcy over chaos. The Midas Touch Network is a growing community that values positivity, compassion, and love. The Patreon Zoom meeting on December 12th at 8 AM Pacific, 11 Eastern in the morning is an opportunity for members to connect. Pro-democracy sponsors and Patreon support help grow the network.

    • Supporting Midas Touch through Patreon and MerchandiseMidas Touch community grows organically through Patreon, exclusive podcast content, and holiday merchandise sales. Supporting the network encourages its message of democracy, justice, and accountability.

      The Midas Touch community continues to grow organically through various means, including Patreon and merchandise sales. The Patreon platform hosts exclusive podcast content, which encourages more people to join and support the network. Additionally, during the holiday season, fans can purchase 100% union made and USA-made merchandise, including Convict 45 gear, at store.midastouch.com. The Midas Touch community is unapologetically pro-democracy and advocates for justice and accountability. By supporting the network through Patreon or merchandise purchases, individuals can contribute to the ongoing growth and spread of this message.

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    MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports on how Donald Trump’s plane was spotted next to Putin’s plane on the runway at Dulles Airport in Virginia when Trump was in Virginia to give a speech. Get up to 40% off for a limited time when you go to https://shopbeam.com/MEIDAS and use code MEIDAS to try Beam's best-selling Dream Powder! Visit https://meidastouch.com for more! Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/meidastouch-podcast Legal AF: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/legal-af MissTrial: https://meidasnews.com/tag/miss-trial The PoliticsGirl Podcast: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-politicsgirl-podcast The Influence Continuum: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-influence-continuum-with-dr-steven-hassan Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/mea-culpa-with-michael-cohen The Weekend Show: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-weekend-show Burn the Boats: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/burn-the-boats Majority 54: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/majority-54 Political Beatdown: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/political-beatdown Lights On with Jessica Denson: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/lights-on-with-jessica-denson On Democracy with FP Wellman: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/on-democracy-with-fpwellman Uncovered: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/maga-uncovered Coalition of the Sane: https://meidasnews.com/tag/coalition-of-the-sane Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports on top Democratic leaders joining forces to rally behind President Joe Biden against Donald Trump following the debate. Go to https://neoplants.com/MEIDAS to get your 7th pouch of Power Drops free of charge at checkout (note: you must use this link for the discount to apply - look out for the free product that will be automatically added to your cart). Thanks to Neoplants for sponsoring today’s video! Visit https://meidastouch.com for more! Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/meidastouch-podcast Legal AF: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/legal-af MissTrial: https://meidasnews.com/tag/miss-trial The PoliticsGirl Podcast: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-politicsgirl-podcast The Influence Continuum: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-influence-continuum-with-dr-steven-hassan Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/mea-culpa-with-michael-cohen The Weekend Show: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-weekend-show Burn the Boats: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/burn-the-boats Majority 54: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/majority-54 Political Beatdown: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/political-beatdown Lights On with Jessica Denson: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/lights-on-with-jessica-denson On Democracy with FP Wellman: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/on-democracy-with-fpwellman Uncovered: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/maga-uncovered Coalition of the Sane: https://meidasnews.com/tag/coalition-of-the-sane Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    Biden v. Trump - First Presidential Debate 2024 Live Pre-Show
    On this episode of the MeidasTouch Podcast, Ben, Brett and Jordy break down the latest news in this special edition episode recorded live right before the first presidential debate of the 2024 election between President Joe Biden and Donald Trump. Deals from our sponsors! Oneskin: Get 15% off OneSkin with the code MEIDAS at https://www.oneskin.co/ #oneskinpod Lumen: Take the next step in improving your health. Go to https://lumen.me/meidas to get 15% OFF your Lumen! Neo Plants: Go to https://neoplants.com/MEIDAS to get your 7th pouch of Power Drops free of charge at checkout. That’s one extra month of pure air. Thanks to Neoplants for sponsoring today’s video! L-Nutra Prolon: Right now, Prolon is offering The MeidasTouch Podcast listeners 15% OFF off their 5-day nutrition program. Go to https://ProlonLife.com/MEIDAS Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/meidastouch-podcast Legal AF: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/legal-af MissTrial: https://meidasnews.com/tag/miss-trial The PoliticsGirl Podcast: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-politicsgirl-podcast The Influence Continuum: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-influence-continuum-with-dr-steven-hassan Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/mea-culpa-with-michael-cohen The Weekend Show: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-weekend-show Burn the Boats: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/burn-the-boats Majority 54: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/majority-54 Political Beatdown: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/political-beatdown Lights On with Jessica Denson: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/lights-on-with-jessica-denson On Democracy with FP Wellman: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/on-democracy-with-fpwellman Uncovered: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/maga-uncovered Coalition of the Sane: https://meidasnews.com/tag/coalition-of-the-sane  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices


    MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports on Democrats in the House going on the offense and pushing back against Republicans at a hearing where the GOP was prepared to spread more lies. Moink: Keep American farming going by signing up at https://MoinkBox.com/MEIDASTOUCH RIGHT NOW and listeners of this show get FREE bacon in your first box Visit https://meidastouch.com for more! Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/meidastouch-podcast Legal AF: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/legal-af MissTrial: https://meidasnews.com/tag/miss-trial The PoliticsGirl Podcast: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-politicsgirl-podcast The Influence Continuum: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-influence-continuum-with-dr-steven-hassan Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/mea-culpa-with-michael-cohen The Weekend Show: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-weekend-show Burn the Boats: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/burn-the-boats Majority 54: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/majority-54 Political Beatdown: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/political-beatdown Lights On with Jessica Denson: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/lights-on-with-jessica-denson On Democracy with FP Wellman: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/on-democracy-with-fpwellman Uncovered: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/maga-uncovered Coalition of the Sane: https://meidasnews.com/tag/coalition-of-the-sane Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    GOP Makes SHOCK EMERGENCY FILING to Supreme Court

    GOP Makes SHOCK EMERGENCY FILING to Supreme Court
    MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports on the shocking filing by the GOP leader to the United States Supreme Court. Momentous: Go to https://LiveMomentous.com and use code MEIDASTOUCH to get up to 20% OFF your FIRST order! Visit https://meidastouch.com for more! Remember to subscribe to ALL the MeidasTouch Network Podcasts: MeidasTouch: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/meidastouch-podcast Legal AF: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/legal-af MissTrial: https://meidasnews.com/tag/miss-trial The PoliticsGirl Podcast: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-politicsgirl-podcast The Influence Continuum: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-influence-continuum-with-dr-steven-hassan Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/mea-culpa-with-michael-cohen The Weekend Show: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/the-weekend-show Burn the Boats: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/burn-the-boats Majority 54: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/majority-54 Political Beatdown: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/political-beatdown Lights On with Jessica Denson: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/lights-on-with-jessica-denson On Democracy with FP Wellman: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/on-democracy-with-fpwellman Uncovered: https://www.meidastouch.com/tag/maga-uncovered Coalition of the Sane: https://meidasnews.com/tag/coalition-of-the-sane Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    Talking with Missouri Secretary of State Candidate Valentina Gomez on the Real Issues

    Talking with Missouri Secretary of State Candidate Valentina Gomez on the Real Issues

    In this episode of the Kathy Barnette Show, Kathy sits down with Valentina Gomez. This episode serves as a call to action to all Americans to reflect on your beliefs, the legacy you wish to leave behind, and the kind of world you want to build for future generations. Valentina Gomez reminds us of the importance of standing firm in our convictions, the power of our votes, and the critical role faith plays in guiding our decisions and leadership. Whether you agree with her methods or not, Valentina's passion for her country, her unwavering commitment to her principles, and her bold willingness to challenge the status quo are undeniably thought-provoking. 

    Valentina Gomez is a candidate for the Secretary of State in Missouri, a passionate advocate for truth and integrity in politics, and a staunch defender of children's rights against indoctrination. With a background as an immigrant, a self-made businesswoman, and a former Division I swimmer, Valentina's diverse experiences fuel her mission to bring common sense and godly values back to public office. Listeners can learn more about Valentina at her website https://www.valentinaformissouri.com/get-to-know-me-1 , on IG @valentinaformissouri, and on X @ValentinaForSOS


    Please visit our great sponsors: My Pillow: https://mypillow.com/kathy. It's the bedding sale you want to take advantage of. Refresh your rest with My Pillow

    Find Kathy’s shows on her YouTube channel @Kathy4Truth 

    Check out Kathy’s book: Nothing to Lose, Everything to Gain: Being Black and Conservative in America

    Chloe Cole’s Story | A Mission to End Child Gender Transition Procedures

    Show Notes: 

    • [0:00] Welcome back to The Kathy Barnette Show!

    • [0:30] Find Kathy’s shows on her YouTube channel @Kathy4Truth 

    • [0:55] Kathy introduces guest, Valentina Gomez to the listeners  

    • [1:45] Question: Valentina, can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

    • [2:30] Valentina’s Viral Video Burning “Woke” Books  

    • [6:10] Explaining the concept of ‘rainbow bullies’ 

    • [8:15] Valentina's views on gender and education

    • [13:00] Pushing back against corruption in both parties

    • [17:30] The republican establishment’s cowardice 

    • [22:30] Current make up of Missouri  

    • [23:40] Valentina speaks on her upbringing  

    • [31:30] Chloe Cole’s Story | A Mission to End Child Gender Transition Procedures

    • [33:30] Pharma is weaponizing parents emotions

    • [37:00] Ad break

    • [40:00] “We need people who are hungry for change!” 

    • [44:00] Closing thoughts 

    • Thanks for listening to this episode of The Kathy Barnette Show. Don't forget to subscribe for more insightful conversations, share this episode with those interested in understanding the deeper aspects of our government, and provide your feedback for future topics.


    Trump is RUNNING SCARED as he COMPLETELY Destroys the GOP

    Trump is RUNNING SCARED as he COMPLETELY Destroys the GOP
    Ben and Jordy Meiselas are joined by tonight’s honorary Meiselas brother Michael Popok. Ben, Jordy, and Popok discuss Donald Trump’s bizarre new videos he keeps making of himself, Trump’s decision to waive his arraignment and attempt to sever his case from the co-defendants in the Georgia RICO case, the summary judgment motion by the New York AG Letitia James in the civil fraud lawsuit against Donald Trump, and more! DEALS FROM OUR SPONSORS! MASTERWORKS: MASTERWORKS: Skip the waitlist and invest in blue-chip art for the very first time by signing up for Masterworks: https://www.masterworks.art/meidas Purchase shares in great masterpieces from artists like Pablo Picasso, Banksy, Andy Warhol, and more. How Masterworks works: -Create your account with your traditional bank account -Pick major works of art to invest in or our new blue-chip diversified art portfolio -Identify investment amount -Hold shares in works by Picasso or trade them in our secondary marketplace See important Masterworks disclosures: https://www.masterworks.com/about/disclaimer?utm_source=meidastouch&utm_medium=youtube&utm_campaign=2-17-23&utm_term=Meidas+Touch+Subscriber&utm_content=disclaimer Remember to subscribe to ALL the Meidas Media Podcasts: MeidasTouch: https://pod.link/1510240831 Legal AF: https://pod.link/1580828595 The PoliticsGirl Podcast: https://pod.link/1595408601 The Influence Continuum: https://pod.link/1603773245 Kremlin File: https://pod.link/1575837599 Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: https://pod.link/1530639447 The Weekend Show: https://pod.link/1612691018 The Tony Michaels Podcast: https://pod.link/1561049560 American Psyop: https://pod.link/1652143101 Burn the Boats: https://pod.link/1485464343 Majority 54: https://pod.link/1309354521 Political Beatdown: https://pod.link/1669634407 Lights On with Jessica Denson: https://pod.link/1676844320 MAGA Uncovered: https://pod.link/1690214260 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Episode 96: The Campaign to Erase Trans People from Public Life

    Episode 96: The Campaign to Erase Trans People from Public Life

    This year alone, hundreds of bills have been introduced in state legislatures aimed at erasing trans people from public life. Christopher Wright Durocher speaks with Alejandra Caraballo and Mary Kelly Persyn about this "legislative terror campaign," the devastating consequences of it, and how the legal community can fight in solidarity with the trans community in support of trans rights, dignity, and safety. 

    Join the Progressive Legal Movement Today: ACSLaw.org

    Today's Host: Christopher Wright Durocher, ACS VP of Policy and Program

    Guest: Alejandra Caraballo, Clinical Instructor, Harvard Law School

    Guest: Mary Kelly Persyn, Founder and Principal, Persyn Law & Policy

    Link: LGBTQ+ Legislative Tracker

    Link: "Extradition Post Roe," by Alejandra Caraballo, et al

    Link: "We Are All Transgender Now: On Resisting Tyranny," by Mary Kelly Persyn

    Link: The National Child Traumatic Stress Network

    Visit the Podcast Website: Broken Law Podcast

    Email the Show: Podcast@ACSLaw.org

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    Production House: Flint Stone Media

    Copyright of American Constitution Society 2023.

    Broken Law: About the law, who it serves, and who it doesn’t.

    Production House: Flint Stone Media

    Copyright of American Constitution Society 2024.