
    Trump's Coming Arrest, and Political Prosecution Hypocrisy, with Victor Davis Hanson, Arthur Aidala, and Dave Aronberg | Ep. 520

    enApril 03, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • First former U.S. president faces criminal chargesTrump faces criminal charges for hush money payment to porn star, raising questions about knowledge, statute of limitations, and prosecutorial discretion

      Former President Donald Trump is making history as the first former U.S. president to face criminal charges, stemming from a hush money payment allegedly made to a porn star seven years ago. The questions surrounding this case include whether Trump knew about the payment, its purpose, if the statute of limitations has passed, and if this is an appropriate use of prosecutorial discretion. Trump is expected to be fingerprinted and potentially face a mugshot. Arthur Aidala, a high-profile New York trial attorney, and Dave Ehrenberg, a prosecutor from Palm Beach County, Florida, join Megyn Kelly to discuss the potential implications and strategies involved in this unprecedented situation. Despite the controversy, some argue that this could politically benefit Trump. Regardless, this is a significant moment for the U.S. legal system.

    • Politically Charged Case Against TrumpThe ongoing case against Trump for a $130,000 payment during the 2016 election is perceived as a politically motivated, weak legal argument with no clear victim or family seeking justice.

      The ongoing legal case against Donald Trump regarding a $130,000 payment made during the 2016 election is a politically charged, victimless crime with questionable legal grounds. Prosecutor Alvin Bragg has faced criticism for his decision to pursue this case, particularly since there is no victim or family seeking justice. Bragg's past statements about his intentions to go after Trump add to the perception of a political motivation. The payment in question was made by Trump's former lawyer, Michael Cohen, to silence a woman about an alleged sexual encounter. Trump denies the affair. While the payment was initially reported as a violation of federal election law, the high bar for proving sole intent to influence an election makes this a weak argument. Bragg has elevated the charge to a felony by claiming it was an attempt to cover up another crime. However, the strength of this case is debatable, and some legal experts believe it is a weak one compared to other ongoing investigations against Trump. Ultimately, the outcome of this case will depend on the evidence presented and the interpretation of the law.

    • Donald Trump's Business Dealings: Allen Weisselberg and Jennifer Weisselberg's InvolvementProsecutor Albert Bragg follows evidence and law in Trump business investigation, potential consequences for Trump and NY significant, importance of good judgment and adherence to legal processes in pursuit of justice.

      The ongoing investigation into Donald Trump's business dealings involves several complex connections, including those between Allen Weisselberg, Trump's former CFO, and Jennifer Weisselberg, his estranged ex-daughter-in-law. While the exact nature of their involvement and the significance of Jennifer Weisselberg's testimony are still unclear, it's important to note that the proceedings are not purely political. Prosecutor Albert Bragg is following the evidence and the law, as he did when Trump was a presidential candidate and his DOJ referred to him as an unindicted coconspirator in the Cohen case. The potential consequences for Trump and the city of New York are significant, and the use of prosecutorial discretion remains a topic of debate. Regardless, the case underscores the importance of good judgment and adherence to legal processes in the pursuit of justice.

    • Manhattan DA's Controversial Approach to ProsecutionManhattan DA Bragg downgraded over half of felonies to misdemeanors, achieved low felony conviction rate, and focused on high-profile targets like Trump, raising questions about political motivations. Trump's arraignment process may face logistical challenges and security measures, potentially delaying the mugshot and fingerprinting session.

      Manhattan District Attorney Bragg has a controversial approach to prosecution, having downgraded over half of felonies to misdemeanors in his first year while achieving a low conviction rate for felonies he did charge. His focus on high-profile targets, like Donald Trump, raises questions about political motivations. An arraignment is a brief court proceeding where a defendant stands before a judge, enters a plea, and sets a date for further proceedings. In Trump's case, security measures and logistical challenges may impact the schedule and location of the arraignment. Despite the early morning surrender requirement, the arraignment itself might not occur until later in the day. The process includes a mugshot and fingerprinting session. There is speculation about potential schedule adjustments, but the exact details remain uncertain.

    • Donald Trump's Arraignment: No Handcuffs or Perp WalkDonald Trump's arraignment will be less dramatic than a typical process, with no handcuffs or perp walk. The judge has discretion over media access and there may be discussions about a gag order.

      The arraignment of Donald Trump is not like a typical court process where the defendant is handcuffed and taken into custody. Instead, he will be fingerprinted and have his photo taken, both of which are now done digitally. There is no moment where Trump will be formally charged and read his rights in front of the public. The Secret Service will ensure that Trump is not handcuffed or subjected to a perp walk. The judge has the discretion to allow or deny media access during the arraignment. There has been speculation about a potential gag order to prevent Trump from making public statements about the case, which could potentially harm his defense. Trump's lawyers may want some restrictions, but a full gag order could be a risk as Trump may not be able to comply, potentially leading to further legal consequences.

    • Trump's Unique Challenges in Defending Himself Amid Legal CaseDespite ethical rules for lawyers and their clients not applying to Trump, he must defend himself without criticizing the process or intimidating jurors or witnesses, raising constitutional questions.

      Former President Donald Trump faces unique challenges in speaking about his ongoing legal case due to his public figure status and the intense media scrutiny surrounding him. While there are ethical rules for lawyers and their clients regarding out-of-court statements about cases, these rules do not apply to Trump. The judge presiding over his case, Alvin Bragg, has the power to issue a gag order, but it's unclear if or when this will happen. Trump's situation is unprecedented, as every media outlet is covering the case extensively and largely against him. Despite these challenges, Trump must defend himself without criticizing the prosecutors or the process, which raises constitutional questions. The judge has acknowledged Trump's need to defend himself but will closely monitor his statements for potential intimidation or influence on jurors or witnesses.

    • Possible additional charges, gag orders, and jail time for TrumpThe New York grand jury investigation into Trump could lead to more charges, gag orders, and even jail time for the former president, while his legal team could face consequences for inflammatory statements. The case could last until the presidential election and have significant political implications.

      The New York grand jury investigation into Donald Trump could result in additional charges beyond the current indictment, and the judge has the power to impose a gag order and potentially send Trump to jail for violations. Trump's legal team could face consequences if he makes inflammatory statements, and there are already potential crimes related to witness intimidation and obstruction. The case could potentially drag on until the presidential election, and a conviction could have significant political implications. Additionally, unrelated claims from individuals like Jennifer Weiselberg and Michael Avenatti continue to surface, adding complexity to the situation.

    • Legality of Trump's Indictment: Statute of Limitations and Intent to DefraudThe Manhattan DA's case against Donald Trump hinges on arguments over the statute of limitations and intent to defraud. While some believe the case may be dismissed, others argue the DA has a strong case, and the outcome remains uncertain.

      The legality of Donald Trump's indictment in the Manhattan District Attorney's case hinges on several arguments, including the statute of limitations and the intent to defraud. While some believe the case could be dismissed based on the statute of limitations and the lack of money or property being defrauded, others argue that the Manhattan DA's office has a strong case and that the statute was not a barrier to the indictment. Additionally, some speculate that the timing of the indictment may have been influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic and the suspension of the statute of limitations during that time. Overall, the outcome of the case remains uncertain, with both sides presenting compelling arguments.

    • Potential weaker case for Trump's indictment, outcome uncertainThe indictment of Trump on business records and campaign finance could be weaker than expected, with the outcome depending on the DA's discretion and Trump's legal strategy. Historically, most cases in that courthouse settle instead of going to trial.

      The indictment of Donald Trump on 32 counts of falsification of business records related to campaign finance could potentially be weaker than anticipated if it only involves business records and campaign finance. The outcome of the case could depend on the DA's discretion, and the strategy for Trump's legal team could be to either seek a trial immediately or delay it until after the 2024 election. Historically, most cases in that courthouse do not go to trial and are settled instead. However, Trump's typical legal approach is to delay and obfuscate. The strategy for Trump's legal team, represented by Tacopina, is uncertain, and it's unclear if Bragg would accept a misdemeanor or fine. Additionally, Bragg's popularity was not high prior to the Trump indictment, and Trump may not be able to get a fair trial in New York due to strong public opinion against him.

    • Trump's New York Trial Likely to Stay in NYDespite media criticism and ongoing legal battles, Trump's New York trial is unlikely to change location and could take up to a year. If convicted, he can still run for president.

      Despite the ongoing legal proceedings against Donald Trump, it is unlikely that he will be granted a change of venue for his trial, as the high-profile nature of the case makes it necessary for it to take place in New York State. Additionally, the media's treatment of Joe Tacopina, one of Trump's lawyers, has been criticized as unfair and prejudiced, with late-night hosts making derogatory comments about his background and office location. If Trump is convicted in this case, he will not be disqualified from running for president or serving as president, as the Constitution does not specify this as a requirement. The upcoming trials regarding the Mar-a-Lago documents and the alleged interference in the Georgia election are seen as more significant threats to Trump, as they carry the possibility of prison time. The average length of a trial is one year, and the judge in this case, while leaning prosecutorial, is considered fair. Regarding the ongoing controversy over Alvin Bragg's decision to prosecute Trump, some argue that this case may not be the strongest one against him, but it is still an important part of the legal process.

    • US Secret Service agents subpoenaed in Trump's classified documents probeInvestigation into Trump's handling of classified documents intensifies with subpoenas for US Secret Service agents, suspected movement of boxes after subpoena, and allegations of obstruction.

      The investigation led by Special Counsel Jack Smith into the handling of classified documents at former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate is intensifying, with multiple US Secret Service agents connected to Trump reportedly being subpoenaed to testify before a DC grand jury. The Washington Post has reported that investigators suspect that boxes, including classified material, were moved from a Mar-a-Lago storage area after the subpoena was served, and that Trump personally examined some of those boxes. Additionally, there is evidence that Trump directed others to mislead government officials regarding the return of the documents. The obstruction case against Trump appears to be the most serious, as it could result in up to 20 years in prison if proven. Trump's refusal to comply with the subpoena and the alleged efforts to hide the documents are the focus of the investigation, and the involvement of the Secret Service agents adds a new layer to the probe.

    • Limits of Attorney-Client Privilege in Facilitating CrimesDespite the focus on lawyers in cases of attorney-client privilege being used to facilitate crimes, both the lawyer and the principal could face obstruction charges in complex cases like Trump's handling of classified documents.

      The use of attorney-client privilege has its limits, particularly when it comes to facilitating crimes. The ongoing investigation into former President Trump's handling of classified documents has raised questions about the application of these limits. While there is a history of scrutinizing the actions of lawyers involved in such cases, the focus has often been on the lawyers rather than the principals they represent. However, in the case of Trump, there are indications that both he and his lawyer could face obstruction charges. The complexities surrounding presidential declassification powers add another layer to the case, making it unclear if this will be a "slam dunk" for the prosecution. Ultimately, the principle that no one is above the law must be upheld, regardless of the political implications.

    • DOJ policy shielded Trump from indictment during presidencyFormer President Trump avoided prosecution for hush money scheme due to DOJ policy, but case against him remains uncertain due to witness credibility issues

      Former President Donald Trump benefited from an internal Department of Justice (DOJ) policy that prevented his indictment while he was in office for his involvement in the hush money scheme with Michael Cohen. This policy, which was not under the control of then-Attorney General Bill Barr, allowed Trump to avoid prosecution during his presidency. However, the credibility of key witnesses in the case, such as Michael Cohen and Michael Avenatti, has been called into question, making it difficult to build a strong case against Trump based solely on their testimony. Despite growing support for Trump in the Republican party following his indictment, the legitimacy and strength of the case against him remain uncertain.

    • Political figures and unequal treatment under the lawThe inconsistent application of justice towards political figures, including selective leaking and lack of transparency, fuels public skepticism and raises concerns about equal treatment under the law.

      The indictment of Donald Trump is not seen as a precedent-setting event by some, as they believe his actions and the unique position he holds make this a singular case. However, the inconsistent application of justice in past cases involving political figures, such as Hillary Clinton, raises concerns about equal treatment under the law. The public's perception of these matters is crucial, and the lack of transparency and apparent selective leaking in investigations can fuel skepticism. The argument that Trump's actions are unprecedented does not hold water when compared to past political figures' transgressions. The handling of sensitive documents by politicians, including former Vice President Joe Biden, adds to the complexity of the issue and further muddies the waters regarding equal application of justice.

    • Double standard in handling of classified materials investigationsPublic perceives unequal treatment of Trump and Biden in ongoing investigations, raising concerns about fairness and transparency in the legal system

      The Mar-a-Lago documents controversy and the handling of classified materials by former President Trump and current President Biden are subjects of ongoing investigations. However, many people perceive a double standard in the way these cases are being handled, given the different treatment of the two presidents. Some argue that Trump's defiance of a subpoena and alleged lies about returning documents led to the current situation, while Biden's failure to disclose the existence of classified documents in his possession for years has gone unaddressed. The public's frustration stems from a perceived lack of transparency and fairness in the application of legal procedures. Additionally, some worry about the potential for politically motivated prosecutions if local prosecutors can indict presidents based on their political affiliations. This situation underscores the importance of maintaining trust in the legal system and ensuring that it is applied equitably to all individuals, regardless of their political status.

    • The politicization of the justice system and the potential dangers of selective application of the lawThe ongoing legal proceedings against former President Trump have sparked a debate about accountability and the potential dangers of politicized justice, highlighting the deeply divided nature of American politics.

      The ongoing legal proceedings against former President Trump have sparked a larger conversation about the politicization of the justice system and the potential dangers of asymmetrical responses to political adversaries. Some argue that the indictment in New York sets a dangerous precedent and raises questions about the selective application of the law. Others maintain that no one is above the law and that accountability is necessary, regardless of political affiliation. The debate highlights the deeply divided nature of American politics and the need for a nuanced discussion about the role of the justice system in our democracy.

    • Political Divisions Over Trump InvestigationsRepublicans strongly oppose ongoing investigations into Trump's business dealings, fueling anger and mistrust, while Democrats argue for accountability and impartiality. Perceptions of bias and double standards persist, potentially leading to further conflict and chaos.

      The ongoing investigation into Donald Trump's business dealings and potential wrongdoings has deep political divisions in the country, with a significant number of Republicans strongly opposing it. The perception of a Democratic-led prosecution targeting a major political opponent, in this case, the likely Republican nominee, has fueled anger and mistrust. This situation recalls the first impeachment trial, where Democrats argued Trump was trying to undermine a viable political candidate. The legal profession's handling of similar situations in the past has left many questioning their integrity and impartiality. The ongoing investigation and the perceived double standards have led some to suggest that Democrats are trying to create a one-party system and change the voting system. As tensions rise, there is a concern that local and state prosecutors may take matters into their own hands, potentially leading to further conflict and chaos. The handling of the Biden family's business dealings and potential wrongdoings, which have raised serious concerns, adds to the complexity of the situation. The lack of action or investigation into these matters by the legal profession further fuels the perception of bias and double standards.

    • Political investigations and selective prosecutionInvestigations into political figures could lead to a 'red state justice' and 'blue state justice' system, impacting the Biden White House, primary elections, and public trust in democratic institutions.

      The ongoing investigations into various political figures, including Hunter Biden, have raised questions about the potential for selective prosecution based on political affiliations. The discussion highlighted the possibility of state prosecutors taking action against individuals like Hunter Biden for alleged crimes, while federal investigations continue. This situation could lead to a "red state justice" and "blue state justice" system, with potential consequences for the Biden White House and the primary election process. The credibility of political figures and institutions is also at stake, as some see the current situation as an attempt to interfere with the normal primary process and build sympathy for certain candidates. The American public's reaction to these events is uncertain, but there is a growing sentiment that this is deeply wrong and uncharted territory. Independents, who often decide elections, are currently split on their views, and the outcome could significantly impact the 2024 presidential race. The strategy of fighting dirty versus taking the high road is a topic of debate within the Republican party. Ultimately, the situation underscores the importance of upholding the rule of law and maintaining public trust in the democratic process.

    • Political positioning for GOP candidates amid Trump indictmentGOP candidates must balance showing sympathy towards Trump and conservatives with maintaining campaign themes. They can use Trump's indictment to their advantage if he maintains focus, but may criticize Democrats' conduct if Trump behaves poorly. Baseless attacks on other Republicans add complexity.

      The indictment of Donald Trump and the subsequent political dynamics have put Republican candidates in a tricky position. While they need to show sympathy towards Trump and conservatives, they also cannot endorse him gratuitously due to their campaign themes. The situation depends largely on how Trump handles it. If he maintains focus and addresses the charges, candidates can use it to their advantage by highlighting the attacks on conservatives. However, if Trump continues to scream and yell, empathy may wane, and candidates can criticize the Democrats' conduct while maintaining their own integrity. The situation also involves baseless attacks on other Republican figures, which highlights the lengths to which opponents will go. Ultimately, the outcome will depend on Trump's actions and the candidates' ability to navigate the situation effectively.

    • Legal Proceedings Against Trump: Opinions and Coverage PlansThe Megyn Kelly show discussed ongoing legal proceedings against Trump, with guests expressing various opinions and emphasizing due process. Coverage plans were announced for Trump's expected arrest the next day.

      During the discussion on the Megyn Kelly show, they touched upon the ongoing legal proceedings against former President Donald Trump. They expressed their opinions on the matter, with some advocating for taking firm action against perceived injustices, while others emphasized the importance of due process. The tone of the conversation was lively and opinionated, with guests sharing their differing perspectives. The show also announced their coverage plans for the next day, as Trump was set to be officially arrested in New York. Throughout the conversation, the hosts emphasized their commitment to delivering news with "no BS, no agenda, and no fear."

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    Shapiro- https://www.dailywire.com/show/the-ben-shapiro-show

    Palmeri- https://puck.news/tara-palmeri
    Talcott- https://www.semafor.com/newsletters/principals

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    J.D. Vance on Democrats' Anti-Family Policies, Media Attacks, and Whether Biden Can Remain in Office | Ep. 849

    J.D. Vance on Democrats' Anti-Family Policies, Media Attacks, and Whether Biden Can Remain in Office | Ep. 849

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    More from Vance: https://x.com/JDVance

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    James Woods on Biden's Farewell and Political Bias in Hollywood, and Jim VandeHei on the Trump Era Media and More | Ep. 848

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    Woods- https://x.com/RealJamesWoods

    VandeHei- https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/739608/just-the-good-stuff-by-jim-vandehei/


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    More from Kimball and Emerson: https://emersoncollegepolling.com/

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    Done with Debt: https://www.donewithdebt.com/

    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Bevan, Walworth, & Cannon- https://www.realclearpolitics.com/

    Gabbard- https://www.tulsigabbard.com/

    Knowles- https://www.dailywire.com/

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Dem Elite Anoint Kamala, and Secret Service Director Finally Resigns, with Sen. Josh Hawley, Charlie Spiering, and Mike Baker | Ep. 845

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    Hawley- https://x.com/HawleyMO

    Spiering- https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/Amateur-Hour/Charlie-Spiering/9781668046074

    Baker- https://www.youtube.com/@presidentsdailybrief

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    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJuly 23, 2024

    Biden Still Hiding After Dropping Out, and Elites Coronate Kamala, with Charles C.W. Cooke, and Jim Geraghty, and Dave Rubin | Ep. 844

    Biden Still Hiding After Dropping Out, and Elites Coronate Kamala, with Charles C.W. Cooke, and Jim Geraghty, and Dave Rubin | Ep. 844

    Megyn Kelly begins the show by discussing the monumental news that Joe Biden has stepped down as nominee through a statement posted to his X account, why there are questions about the validity of his signature, the alarming way he looked when he was last seen on Wednesday, and more. Then Charles C.W. Cooke and Jim Geraghty of National Review join to discuss why it's strange that Biden hasn’t been seen or heard from for days, the true nature of his health condition, whether Biden really can remain president now that he's no longer running as the nominee, if Kamala Harris has an actual shot of winning the presidency if she's the Democratic nominee, her cringe and awkward moments that attempt to cover up her nervousness, young people online trying to make her awkwardness seem cool, her political failures during this administration, how top Dems will try to sell Harris to America and whether it will work, whether she might be installed as president in the next few weeks too, and more. Then Dave Rubin, host of The Rubin Report, joins to discuss the failures of the Secret Service that led to the assassination attempt on Trump, the lack of accountability surrounding the incident, the Secret Service director Kim Cheatle being grilled by both sides of the aisle in a Congressional hearing, her refusal to give any actual answers, Nancy Pelosi’s endorsement of Kamala Harris, top Dems pushing Harris as the nominee while Biden remains hidden, and more.


    Cooke- https://twitter.com/charlescwcooke

    Geraghty- https://www.amazon.com/Dueling-Six-Demons-Dangerous-Clique/dp/1733734651

    Rubin- https://www.youtube.com/user/RubinReport


    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJuly 22, 2024

    BREAKING: Biden DROPS OUT of Presidential Race, with Emily Jashinsky, Rich Lowry, and Mark Halperin | Ep. 843

    BREAKING: Biden DROPS OUT of Presidential Race, with Emily Jashinsky, Rich Lowry, and Mark Halperin | Ep. 843

    Megyn Kelly delivers a breaking news bonus episode on the massive development with President Joe Biden dropping out of the presidential race in a statement posted to X on Sunday afternoon. She's joined by Mark Halperin, founder of the Wide World of News Substack, to discuss his correct reporting that Biden would drop out this weekend despite indications he was going to try to stick around, how key former Speaker Nancy Pelosi was to the process, and more. Then Emily Jashinsky and Rich Lowry join to discuss how the Democratic elite and establishment media colluding to lie for months and years about the true state of Biden's cognitive decline, the dishonest spin that led to this moment, what might happen next in the 2024 election, the insane reaction to "hero" Biden after he agreed to step aside, VP Kamala Harris' most embarrassing moments of the past few years, the immediate push to make Harris the definitive candidate, how Republicans will work to tie Harris to the Biden presidency, her major flaws as a candidate, whether Biden should resign as president now that he won't be the 2024 nominee, the open questions about how he can't do the job, the danger to keeping him as the president, and more.

    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJuly 21, 2024

    J.D. Vance on Trump, Addiction, and Family | November 2020 Re-Release

    J.D. Vance on Trump, Addiction, and Family | November 2020 Re-Release

    Today we're re-releasing an episode from our archives, when J.D. Vance was a guest on the show in November 2020. In the years since the interview, Vance has gone on to become U.S. senator from Ohio, and this week, named former President Trump's VP nominee. In this episode, Vance and Megyn discuss Trump and the 2020 election, his family and their portrayal in the movie adaptation of "Hillbilly Elegy," addiction in America, the blindspots of the Democratic party, failure of the elites, and much more.

    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJuly 21, 2024

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    -if you are injured in an accident or due to someone else’s negligence, we strongly recommend looking up the great Michael Bryant at Bradshaw & Bryant:  mnpersonalinjury.com 

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    No Major Violence In Miami As Trump Pleaded Not Guilty

    No Major Violence In Miami As Trump Pleaded Not Guilty
    The former president was greeted warmly by hundreds of supporters as he arrived at the courthouse to be processed and fingerprinted. He was not made to pay bond following his plea and his personal travel has not been restricted.

    This episode: voting correspondent Miles Parks, justice reporter Deepa Shivaram, and senior political editor and correspondent Ron Elving.

    The podcast is produced by Elena Moore and Casey Morell. Our editor is Eric McDaniel. Our executive producer is Muthoni Muturi.

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    The Biden-Harris Inauguration & "The Dream of Justice." Accountability for Trump's Crimes & Abuses

    The Biden-Harris Inauguration & "The Dream of Justice." Accountability for Trump's Crimes & Abuses
    During his inaugural address, Joe Biden said, "The dream of justice will be deferred no longer." Given the crimes and abuses of the Trump administration, Biden's words must become a battle cry. As difficult as it will be, the crimes of the past four years must be investigated and, when the evidence supports it, charged and prosecuted. There can be no justice without accountability, which is why President Biden's words regarding "justice" were as welcome as they were important.  Team Justice is on the job. Join us . . . Please consider becoming a #TeamJustice patron at: https://www.patreon.com/glennkirschner My podcast, "Justice Matters with Glenn Kirschner" can be downloaded where you get your podcasts. Follow me on: Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/glennkirschner2  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/glennkirschner2 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/glennkirschner2 Support the show (http://www.patreon.com/glennkirschner) Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Senate Report Reveals More Trump Election Crimes; What Congress Should Do About Witness in Contempt

    Senate Report Reveals More Trump Election Crimes; What Congress Should Do About Witness in Contempt
    The Senate Judiciary Committee must released a report titled, "Subverting Justice: How the Former President and His Allies Pressured DOJ to Overturn the 2020 Election." Among other crimes, the Senate details how Trump pressured acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen to overturn the election results. The conduct described in the report makes clear that Trump committed the crime of Coercion of Political Activity, 18 US Code section 610. This video reviews s the elements of that crime and how Trump's conduct violated the federal law prohibiting such coercion. In a related story, October 7 was a deadline for Steve Bannon, Mark Meadows, Kash Patel and Dan Scavino to provide documents that had been subpoenaed by the House Elect Committee investigating the January 6 attack on the US Capitol. This video also reviews the various options Congress has to enforce its subpoenas when witnesses fail to comply. For our Team Justice and Justice Matters merchandise shop, please visit: https://shop.spreadshirt.com/glennkirschner/ Please consider becoming a #TeamJustice patron at: https://www.patreon.com/glennkirschner My podcast, "Justice Matters with Glenn Kirschner" can be downloaded where you get your podcasts. To subscribe to the podcast: https://link.chtbl.com/JusticeMatters Follow me on: Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/glennkirschner2 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/glennkirschner2 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/glennkirschner2 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.