
    Trump’s Bold Move (Ep 1050)

    enAugust 22, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Challenging liberal perspectives and debunking mythsThe Bongino show tackles various topics, from political controversies to personal wellness, with a focus on debunking liberal myths and offering alternative viewpoints.

      The Bongino show, hosted by Dan Bongino, exposes what the host perceives as lies and myths perpetuated by liberals in America. Topics range from alleged Russian collusion, accusations of racism against Trump, and a supposedly fabricated recession, to the FBI's actions and the importance of clear skin for confidence. A significant portion of the show is dedicated to promoting Proactive, an acne treatment brand, which the hosts personally endorse. Overall, the show aims to challenge listeners' perspectives and provide alternative viewpoints on current events.

    • Political discourse and false narrativesEvaluate info critically, reject support from hate groups, and base decisions on facts, not falsehoods.

      The political discourse has become highly charged and divisive, with false narratives and lies being spread by some politicians and the media. The recent focus on President Trump being a racist is a prime example, with some individuals, such as David Duke, making false and damaging statements, which have been refuted but not widely reported. It's important to critically evaluate information and not be swayed by emotional appeals or false narratives. Additionally, it's crucial for politicians to clearly and unequivocally reject support from hate groups and individuals who spread hateful rhetoric. Ultimately, it's up to each of us to seek out accurate information and make informed decisions based on facts, not falsehoods.

    • Media Perceived Double Standard in Reporting LiesSpeaker expresses disappointment in media for unequal treatment of Biden and Trump's lies, calls for FBI transparency during investigation period.

      There is a perceived double standard in journalism when it comes to reporting on lies told by public figures, with some arguing that former President Donald Trump and current President Joe Biden are not held to the same standard. The speaker expresses disappointment in the media for not holding Biden accountable for his lies and for focusing on Trump's past. Additionally, there is a discussion about the FBI's handling of the release of emails and texts related to the investigation of Trump during the transition period between his presidency and Biden's. The speaker believes that the FBI is hiding something during this time period and is calling for transparency.

    • Former intelligence officials relied on biased information from a UK spy during the 2016 electionIntelligence officials used likely false info from a spy with political motivations against Trump, paid by the Clinton campaign, raising concerns for bias in intel gathering and potential collusion.

      During the December to May 2016 time period, former intelligence officials, including John Brennan, relied on information from Christopher Steele, a former UK spy with known political motivations against Donald Trump, despite knowing that the information was likely false. Steele was being paid by the Clinton campaign to gather this information. This raises serious concerns about the role of political biases in intelligence gathering and the potential for improper collusion between intelligence agencies and political campaigns. The fact that Brennan denied using the dossier in intelligence community assessments, despite its clear influence, further highlights the need for transparency and accountability in intelligence operations. The cabal of former and active intelligence people, who all know each other, may have played a role in facilitating this collusion.

    • FBI's Claims About Steele Dossier's Origin May Be InaccurateA network of former intelligence community members, including Steele and Simpson, may have collaborated on the creation and dissemination of the Steele dossier, with possible involvement from the CIA.

      The Steele dossier, which served as the basis for the FISA warrant to spy on the Trump campaign, may not have originated solely from Christopher Steele as the FBI claimed. Instead, it appears that a network of former intelligence community members, including Steele, Glenn Simpson, and others, may have collaborated on the creation and dissemination of the dossier. Lisa Page, an FBI lawyer involved in the case, had previously claimed she would be shocked if the CIA was involved, but it's possible that there was a two-way flow of information between Steele and the CIA. The FBI needed to produce probable cause to spy on the Trump team, and the lack of evidence meant they had to keep going back to Steele for new information to renew the FISA warrant.

    • Intelligence cabal's complex information laundering schemeAn ex-FBI agent was used as a middleman in an intelligence community's scheme to leak information to the media, maintaining deniability while influencing public narrative, with key texts and emails disappearing during investigation

      There was a complex information laundering scheme involving an ex-FBI agent named Steve and a group of intelligence people. These individuals were passing information through Steve, who would then leak it to the media. The FBI, lacking probable cause, would then rehire him during the time period when key texts and emails related to the investigation had conveniently disappeared. This scheme allowed the intelligence community to maintain deniability while still influencing the public narrative. The disappearance of these texts and emails is a significant issue, as they likely contained important information that could challenge the credibility of the information being leaked through Steve. This scheme, which involved a "cabal" of intelligence people, is a serious matter that warrants further investigation. In the meantime, it's crucial to be proficient with firearms, as you never know when you may need to defend yourself. ITarget Pro can help you improve your firearm skills, ensuring that you're prepared for any situation.

    • Revolutionizing Dry Fire Training with iTarget ProITarget Pro system enhances dry fire training with smartphone technology and laser rounds, allowing users to track shots on actual targets and improve accuracy safely.

      The iTarget Pro system revolutionizes dry fire training by combining smartphone technology with industry-leading laser rounds. This innovative solution enables users to track their shots on an actual target, improving accuracy and safety without the need for any special equipment or modifications to their existing firearms. The system is ideal for both beginners and experienced shooters, making it a great gift option. Additionally, the FBI's handling of damaging information during the December to May timeframe, as revealed in emails and texts, highlights the importance of understanding the origins of information and the potential for misinformation in today's political climate. Furthermore, concerns about a recession, fueled by the media and an inverted yield curve, may be overblown, as other economic indicators remain strong.

    • Yield curve inversion not always a recession indicatorA yield curve inversion doesn't necessarily mean a recession is coming, as it can be caused by supply and demand imbalances and global economic factors.

      The yield curve inverting, where long-term interest rates are lower than short-term ones, is not necessarily an indicator of an incoming recession. Instead, it can be caused by a rush to buy long-term government bonds due to uncertainty about future investment opportunities or negative yields in other parts of the world, as well as the U.S. Treasury flooding the market with short-term assets to fund large deficits. This supply and demand imbalance drives down long-term yields and keeps short-term yields stable or rising. So, while a yield curve inversion may suggest economic instability, it doesn't always mean a recession is imminent.

    • The yield curve's shift reflects global investment climateThe yield curve's inverse relationship indicates a flooded market and lack of investment opportunities worldwide, while Trump's consideration of changing birthright citizenship in the US sparks debate among scholars and potential legal battles.

      The yield curve, once an indicator of business sentiment, now reflects the flooding of the market and the lack of investment opportunities worldwide. Prices and yields for bonds move in opposite directions, meaning if many people want to buy a bond, the issuer pays less in interest. The ongoing news includes Trump's consideration of changing birthright citizenship in the US. Contrary to liberal claims, the 14th Amendment does not explicitly state that all persons born in the US are citizens. Instead, it suggests political jurisdiction, meaning citizenship is determined by the political allegiance of parents, regardless of where they are born. This interpretation is supported by historical texts and debated among constitutional scholars. However, a potential change would likely result in a significant court fight. Overall, it's essential to clarify misconceptions and understand the facts behind complex issues.

    • The complexity of political and territorial jurisdiction and the debate over birthright citizenshipTrump's challenge to birthright citizenship is not new, and the media's portrayal of it as settled is misleading. Quality and reliability are crucial when it comes to life-saving equipment, and Bravo Company's commitment to excellence sets it apart. Even in serious times, there can be moments of levity and amusement.

      Political jurisdiction and territorial jurisdiction are complex issues, and the question of whether a child born to non-citizen parents in the United States automatically becomes a citizen is still an open question. Trump's questioning of birthright citizenship is not new or unprecedented, and the media's portrayal of it as a settled issue is misleading. Another key takeaway is the importance of quality and reliability when it comes to life-saving equipment, such as the rifles and pistols manufactured by Bravo Company. These are not just sports weapons, but tools designed to perform in critical situations. The company's commitment to excellence and its partnerships with top instructors demonstrate its dedication to providing the best possible products to its customers. Lastly, the comic relief segment about Bill de Blasio's virtual speech at a union gathering showed how even in the midst of serious issues, there can be moments of levity and amusement. Despite the challenges of technology and travel, the mayor was determined to spread his message, but the technical difficulties that arose during his virtual appearance provided a humorous moment for viewers.

    • Mayoral Candidate's Voice Manipulated During Campaign EventDigitally manipulating a candidate's voice during a campaign event can damage their reputation and credibility, making it difficult for them to convey toughness or authority.

      During a campaign event, Bill de Blasio, a mayoral candidate turned presidential hopeful, faced embarrassment when his audio feed was digitally manipulated, making his voice sound high-pitched and unnatural. This mishap occurred during a speech where he was trying to sound tough and assertive. The audience, consisting of tough and skilled laborers, found the situation amusing and may have lost faith in his campaign. Paul, a commentator, pointed out the absurdity of the situation, stating that the manipulated voice made it impossible for de Blasio to come across as tough or authoritative. The incident was widely mocked and may have significantly damaged his campaign.

    • Host values listener stories and encourages resilienceThe host emphasizes the importance of personal stories, reaching out, and resilience for those dealing with addiction, while criticizing liberal policies and advocating for private sector management.

      The host values and appreciates messages from listeners, especially those dealing with substance abuse issues. He emphasizes the importance of reaching out and the power of personal stories. The host also criticizes liberal policies and their alleged failures in managing the economy. He encourages resilience and encouragement for those battling addiction, emphasizing that everyone has their struggles and that they are always welcome on the show. The host believes that government intervention in the economy is an absurd idea and that private sector management is generally more effective.

    • Government's Role in Certain Industries OverstatedDespite common belief, the internet wasn't created by DARPA, but rather through academic collaboration. Fracking wasn't invented by the government, and student loan takeover costs taxpayers over $300 billion due to high defaults and political factors.

      The government's involvement in certain industries, such as the internet and fracking, is often overstated. Contrary to popular belief, the internet was not invented by DARPA, but rather developed through collaboration between colleges and universities. Similarly, the government did not invent fracking, but rather funded some research that was later used by the industry. Furthermore, the government's takeover of the student loan industry has not resulted in the financial gains that were predicted. Instead, the portfolio is estimated to cost taxpayers over $300 billion due to high default rates and political considerations. These examples illustrate that the government may not be as effective or efficient in managing these industries as the private sector.

    • Understanding the complexities of free collegeStay informed on free college to make effective arguments, Dan Bongino encourages listeners to subscribe for further discussion, and remember undecided listeners during debates

      The idea of free college being a financially viable solution is a complex issue with significant costs already being incurred, and potential price increases once it becomes fully implemented. Dan Bongino emphasized that during debates with liberals, it's essential to remember that you're not convincing them, but rather the undecided third party listener. He encourages listeners to stay informed on these topics and subscribe to his YouTube channel and podcasts for further discussion. While the topic may be complicated, having a solid understanding of the issue can help make effective arguments. As always, Dan invites listeners to follow him on Twitter @dbongino for ongoing commentary.

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    What does Intuview do?

    • Langauge, especially in the age of social media, changes very rapidly
    • We need to collect the information and allow the information to tell you what is prominent and what is not. Bringing together things that mean the same, so it's meaning mining

    What has Intuview worked on?

    • What do people want in Saudi Arabia? Women cannot drive - husbands who cannot afford chauffeurs for their wives have to drive them around themselves. Intuview's research showed that what will make, especially Saudi Arabia's youth, happy, is to allow women to drive cars
    • Four or five months before the Arab Spring Intuview predicted that Tunisia, Lybia and Egypt (and Syria for other reasons) are liable to fall. The reason was that if you have an old autocratic leader that has been surrounded by the same people for 20 years who are yes men and have never made decisions all their life, as the leader gets older and is unable to control, then you can have the evolution of a crisis and nobody can control it. In the case of Egypt, the army men come from areas where they are posted, and they wouldn't open fire on the people they know and grew up with, so the only political force in the country that can take over would be the Muslim Brotherhood.

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