
    “Trump’s imaginary enemy.”

    enApril 23, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Executive Order Limits Immigration for 60 Days, Primarily Affects Employment-Based VisasTrump's executive order suspends most immigration for 60 days, but excludes those already in the US, families of citizens, and migrant workers. It primarily impacts employment-based visas, potentially hurting the US economy.

      President Trump signed an executive order suspending immigration into the United States for 60 days, but the order is more limited than his tweet suggested. It does not affect immigrants already in the country, families of US citizens, or migrant workers. The order primarily affects employment-based visas for people outside the country, many of whom wouldn't be able to come to the US right now due to coronavirus restrictions. The order is being criticized for not being based on coronavirus concerns and for potentially harming the US economy by limiting immigration. Trump's approval rating continues to be low, with some polls showing him down by several points to Joe Biden in key battleground states. The hosts also discussed the importance of safe and accessible voting options for the upcoming election and encouraged listeners to share their stories.

    • Politically motivated suspension of immigration during pandemicTrump capitalizes on economic uncertainty and voter sentiment against immigrants, exploiting fears and scapegoating during tough economic times

      The Trump administration's decision to suspend immigration during the pandemic is a politically motivated move, capitalizing on economic uncertainty and voter sentiment against immigrants. With 200,000 applicants for visas last year and many industries heavily reliant on immigrant labor, the administration made exceptions for certain sectors. Critics argue that Trump's stance is not based on economic genius but rather on exploiting voter fears and scapegoating immigrants during tough economic times. Despite evidence that immigration did not significantly impact his 2016 win, Trump's ability to use immigration as a divisive issue is amplified in the current economic climate. The debate will likely continue to be a significant part of the 2020 campaign, with Trump framing his economic plan as prioritizing American jobs over immigration.

    • Trump's use of immigration as a political toolDemocrats need to focus on economic issues and call out Trump's lies and attempts to divide Americans.

      President Trump's use of immigration as a political tool to distract from economic issues and divide Americans has been a common tactic, but it has become less effective as his actions have been called out and exposed as ineffective and misleading. Trump's attempts to blame immigration for economic problems and use immigration as a scapegoat have been met with criticism and pushback from Democrats and the public. The real issue, as highlighted by the speaker, is the lack of a meaningful economic plan from the Republican party and the focus on protecting the interests of the wealthy rather than helping working people and those who are out of work. To counter Trump's tactics, Democrats need to stay focused on the issues that matter to their base, such as economic inequality, healthcare, and fighting for working people, and call out Trump's lies and attempts to divide Americans for what they are.

    • Political fight over economic reliefMcConnell opposes stimulus bills due to negotiation tactics and fear of being labeled as big spenders, despite adding trillions to debt through tax cuts.

      The political fight over economic relief during the crisis revolves around Mitch McConnell and the Republicans' refusal to support additional stimulus bills despite the large number of unemployed people and the need for funding for small businesses, hospitals, and testing. McConnell's opposition to the relief bills is driven by his negotiating tactics and his fear of being labeled as big spenders, even in the midst of a pandemic. Despite his concerns about the debt, McConnell added trillions to the national debt through tax cuts that mostly benefited the rich. McConnell's stance on state and local government aid, which has been supported by both parties, is to allow them to declare bankruptcy instead. His position is a tactic to negotiate and trade concessions with Democrats.

    • Negotiations over COVID-19 relief focus on aid to state and local governmentsDemocrats push for essential worker aid while Republicans resist, raising questions about priorities as they've previously supported corporate tax cuts. Democrats should take maximalist approach, passing big, bold, progressive bill.

      The ongoing negotiations between Democrats and Republicans over COVID-19 relief packages have centered around aid to state and local governments. While Democrats argue for providing funds to prevent layoffs of essential workers like teachers, firefighters, and healthcare workers, Republicans have resisted, citing budget constraints and concerns over pension funding. The Republicans' stance raises questions about their priorities, as they have previously supported massive tax cuts for corporations. Democrats should take a maximalist approach in negotiations, passing a comprehensive phase 4 bill and forcing Republicans to react. This bill should be big, bold, and progressive, optimized for political messaging, rather than an all-encompassing policy. Democrats should also pass the bill out of the House before negotiations to have something to run on.

    • During a crisis, bold action is necessaryBiden prioritizes unity and bold action to address the nation's challenges despite potential political backlash

      During times of crisis, such as a pandemic, the political calculus for voters and leaders can shift. While there may be internal resistance within the Democratic Party to passing large stimulus bills due to fear of backlash from voters, it is argued that the current moment calls for bold action to address the pressing needs of the population. Joe Biden, as an institutionalist and a pragmatic leader, is expected to work collaboratively with Democratic leadership in Congress to pass such bills, even if it means passing up short-term political gains. The priority for Biden is to bring everyone along and ensure a unified approach to addressing the nation's challenges.

    • Channeling populist anger while communicating economic plansBiden should adopt bolder economic policies, critique Trump's CARES Act implementation, and emphasize populist proposals to address American anger and frustration.

      Joe Biden, an institutionalist leader, should channel the populist anger of the American people during this economic crisis while also effectively communicating his plans for fiscal relief. Biden, who has a history of fighting for working-class people, can do both by adopting bolder economic policies and critiquing the implementation of the CARES Act under the Trump administration. The economic circumstances have given democratic populism more potency, and Biden can effectively use this by focusing on the implementation of the bills and holding Trump accountable for the big corporations benefiting from the relief funds. Biden's website already includes several populist economic proposals, such as student loan forgiveness, increasing Social Security checks, and emergency paid sick leave. By emphasizing these policies and criticizing the Trump administration's implementation, Biden can effectively address the anger and frustration of the American people.

    • The 2020 Election: Trump's Financial Advantage and Biden's Fundraising StrugglesTrump's unprecedented financial advantage, Biden's struggle with pandemic-impacted fundraising, and the potential impact on Biden's chances in the 2020 election.

      The 2020 presidential election will likely be shaped by Trump's massive financial advantage, Biden's reliance on traditional fundraising methods, and the economic crisis caused by the pandemic. Trump's money advantage is unprecedented, and the Republican super PACs will add to this. Biden, who has primarily relied on high-dollar fundraisers, is now struggling to raise funds due to the pandemic. The financial disparity is a cause of concern for those worried about Biden's chances against Trump. Another point discussed was Biden's potential cabinet picks and the idea of unity through appointments, which was compared to a Tom Friedman column. While some suggest Biden should announce a unity cabinet now, others argue he should wait until after the election. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of money in politics and the challenges Biden faces in fundraising during a crisis.

    • Announcing cabinet picks during a presidential transitionJoe Biden could benefit from announcing progressive, competent, and diverse cabinet members to reassure constituencies about his commitment to helping the middle class and the poor.

      During a presidential transition, announcing cabinet picks can help quell speculation, show competence, and represent the next generation. The speaker suggests that Joe Biden could benefit from announcing progressive, competent, and diverse cabinet members, like Katie Porter for Treasury Secretary. This could help reassure constituencies about Biden's commitment to helping the middle class and the poor. Additionally, the speaker mentions that they've been struggling to focus on high-quality television during the pandemic and have been watching "Too Hot to Handle" for something lighter.

    • Discovering new shows during quarantineDan and Emily found joy in watching various reality shows and TV series on streaming platforms, including 'Too Hot to Handle,' 'Top Chef,' and 'Last Dance,' among others.

      During the quarantine, Dan and Emily have been discovering and enjoying various reality shows and TV series on streaming platforms, including "Too Hot to Handle," "Top Chef," and "Last Dance." They also mentioned watching "Below Deck," "Miss America," and "Little Fires Everywhere" on Hulu. Dan shared his excitement about the NBA-themed show "I Gotta Dance" and the NBA draft redraft series by their old friends. Dan also expressed his relief about not having to deal with the stress of watching the Sixers during the pandemic. A lighter moment came up when they discussed the Mark Warner Tuna Sandwich debacle, which went viral on the internet, and Dan found himself amused by the over-the-top preparation of the sandwich.

    • Finding joy in routines and food during uncertain timesEstablishing a routine and enjoying simple pleasures like food can bring a sense of normalcy and improve mental well-being during challenging times.

      Even in challenging times, establishing a routine can help bring a sense of normalcy and calm. This was discussed during a conversation about Mark Warner's infamous tuna melt video, where Kamala Harris taught him the correct way to make the dish during an Instagram live. The speakers also shared their personal experiences with tuna and the importance of enjoying food, even if it's not a favorite. Additionally, they emphasized the value of having a routine, especially during the current uncertain times, and how it can help improve mental well-being. The speakers also joked about the unexpected attention Mark Warner received from the viral video and the potential for more tuna-related content in politics. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of finding joy in everyday activities and the power of routine in maintaining a sense of normalcy.

    • Managing News Consumption During Pandemic: A Challenge for Journalists and Consumers AlikeFind balance, limit news exposure, seek non-COVID content, maintain routine for better mental health during pandemic

      Managing news consumption during the pandemic is a challenge for many, including journalists. The constant barrage of negative news can lead to anxiety and even dark thoughts. To cope, it's important to find a balance and limit exposure to news, especially during late nights or early mornings. Additionally, seeking out non-COVID content and maintaining a routine can help improve mental health. As for the future, there may be no Season 3 of "The Wilderness," as the goal is to move beyond the wilderness after November. Jason Goldman, former chief digital officer for the Obama White House and a founding member of Twitter, shares similar experiences of sheltering in place with a young child, which keeps him busy and entertained. Stay tuned for more insights and stories on Crooked Media's "6 Feet Apart" podcast.

    • Biden's Digital Strategy vs Trump's Digital AdvantageTo compete with Trump's 'digital advantage', Biden campaign should center candidate in strategy, use all platforms to amplify same message, and integrate digital into larger communications plan.

      While the Biden campaign currently spends more on digital ads than Trump, there's still a significant gap in terms of reach and strategy. Trump's "digital advantage" comes from his personal use of platforms like Twitter and Facebook, where he functions as his campaign's chief communications officer. To negate this advantage, the Biden campaign should adopt a more holistic approach where the candidate is at the center of the strategy and all platforms are used to amplify the same message. The primary election results, where less digitally-focused candidates like Biden still won, can be seen as evidence that traditional communications methods can still be effective. However, the strategies that worked in the primary may not translate to the general election. Ultimately, the key is for the Biden campaign to recognize the importance of digital platforms and integrate them into a larger, cohesive communications strategy.

    • Effective digital engagement during a pandemicPrioritize local news, maintain a strong internal team, ensure messaging aligns with campaign values, and understand the importance of messaging coherence.

      Effective digital engagement during a pandemic requires a different approach compared to traditional campaign methods. Prioritizing local news outlets and maintaining a strong internal digital team are effective strategies. Regarding the Biden campaign's potential collaboration with Hawkfish, while their digital strategies can be innovative, it's crucial for the messaging to align with the candidate's values and campaign mission. The Biden campaign's existing digital team has proven success, and expanding it for the general election seems like a better approach than outsourcing completely. The use of pugilistic language in the quote from an unnamed advisor shows an understanding of the importance of messaging coherence, which is essential in both traditional and digital campaigning.

    • Success in the digital landscape goes beyond outrage and negativityPositivity, hope, and engagement can resonate online, demonstrated by successful campaigns and individuals

      The current digital landscape favors outrage and negativity, making it challenging for candidates or individuals promoting positive messages to gain traction. However, this isn't the only way to succeed online. Previous successful campaigns, such as Barack Obama's, have shown that hope, decency, and engagement can also resonate with audiences. Furthermore, individuals like Steph Curry, Lin Manuel Miranda, and Jose Andres have demonstrated the power of using platforms to inspire and engage their followers positively. Joe Biden, who is known for his empathetic and vulnerable approach, is well-positioned to capitalize on this need for connection during the current crisis. The guidance for his campaign would be to increase the number of digital engagements that showcase these qualities, as consistency and frequency are essential in the digital space.

    • The impact of disinformation in politics, particularly during electionsRight-wing media amplifies disinformation, impacting public opinion and election outcomes. Google's recent step towards ad transparency is positive, but more action is needed to combat disinformation and safeguard elections.

      The issue of disinformation in politics, particularly during elections, is a significant concern and is likely to be as problematic, if not more so, in the current election cycle. The spread of false information online, both from foreign and domestic sources, can have a profound impact on public opinion and election outcomes. Right-wing media plays a major role in amplifying disinformation, making it more pervasive and harder to combat. While some progress has been made by social media platforms in addressing political ads and taking down disinformation related to the pandemic, more needs to be done to combat homegrown disinformation and the role of right-wing media in amplifying it. The authors of "Network Propaganda" found that conservative media was a significant driver of disinformation during the 2016 election, and this trend has continued during the pandemic. Google's recent announcement of transparency for all ads placed on its platform is a positive step, but more action is needed to combat disinformation and protect the integrity of elections.

    • Exploring new ways to connect online during the pandemicPoliticians are using Instagram for live Q&A sessions and other forms of engagement, telephone town halls are gaining popularity, and there's a high demand for communal experiences that allow people to feel engaged and connected while at home.

      As in-person campaigning becomes increasingly limited due to the pandemic, politicians and their teams are exploring new ways to connect with constituents online. Platforms like Instagram, where people like AOC have found success, are being used for live Q&A sessions and other forms of engagement. Telephone town halls are also gaining popularity, particularly with demographics less interested in social media. The demand for communal experiences that allow people to feel engaged and connected while at home is high, and while there may not be a need for a "special magic tool," more experimentation and frequent use of existing tools is encouraged.

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    Yvette Carnell is founder of BreakingBrown.com.
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