
    Trumps Interview Has Liberals Howling # 1001 (Ep 1001)

    enJune 13, 2019
    What did Trump say about contacting the FBI?
    How does Trump view campaign decisions regarding opponents' information?
    What incidents highlight foreign interference in US politics?
    What implications arise from Trump's comments on foreign opposition research?
    How has criticism of Trump been inconsistent according to the text?

    Podcast Summary

    • Trump's Views on Handling Opponent Info Sparks DebateTrump suggested not involving FBI with opponent info, instead leaving it to campaign teams, sparking debate on necessity of law enforcement involvement and importance of precise communication

      During a recent interview, former President Donald Trump's comments about handling information on opponents have caused controversy but are consistent with his past statements. Trump stated that he wouldn't necessarily call the FBI if presented with information about an opponent, suggesting instead that he might listen first. This stance has sparked debate, with some arguing that involving law enforcement is necessary. However, Trump's perspective is that such decisions should be left to campaign teams. This discussion also touched on the importance of precision and accuracy in communication. Additionally, a commercial break featured Filterby, a company that offers custom air filter solutions for relief during longer allergy seasons.

    • Trump's View on Receiving Political Opposition Research from Foreign GovernmentsTrump stated he'd listen to political opposition research from foreign governments but contact FBI if suspicious, distinguishing it from national security info. Critics raised concerns, but inconsistent application of standards emerged when a congressman's actions were examined.

      During a podcast interview, Donald Trump expressed that if a foreign government presented him with political opposition research, he would listen to it, but if there was something wrong, he would contact the FBI. He made a clear distinction between this and national security information. Additionally, Trump noted that it's common for foreign officials to contact congressmen and women with information. The interview sparked controversy, with some criticizing Trump for potentially inviting foreign collusion. However, an example of a congressman, Adam Schiff, was brought up, who was caught on tape engaging with a foreigner in a supposed attempt to gather information on Trump. This raises questions about the consistency and hypocrisy of the criticism towards Trump.

    • Political figures interacting with foreign operatives without FBI involvementInconsistent application of rules regarding foreign interference in US elections and need for clear guidelines and consistent enforcement

      There have been numerous instances of political figures in the US, including Democrats, receiving information from foreign operatives without involving the FBI. Examples include Adam Schiff's interactions with foreign operatives and Senator Mark Warner's dealings with a Russian lawyer and Christopher Steele. These incidents raise questions about inconsistent application of rules regarding foreign interference in elections and the definition of treason or criminal activity in such cases. The Politico piece on Ukrainian officials passing information to the DNC and Hillary Clinton's team to sabotage the Trump campaign further highlights this issue. The debate around these incidents underscores the need for clear guidelines and consistent enforcement regarding foreign interference in US politics.

    • Double standard in reporting on political figuresIntense scrutiny for GOP, lackadaisical approach for Dems in reporting potential wrongdoings

      There seems to be a significant double standard when it comes to reporting on potential wrongdoings involving political figures from different parties. While there is intense scrutiny and calls for investigations when it comes to Republicans, there appears to be a lack of interest or concern when similar situations involving Democrats arise. Dinesh D'Souza made this point during a discussion, quoting "behind every double standard is a single standard," which was interpreted as the standard being to attack and filet Republicans at any cost. Buck Sexton also highlighted this double standard in a tweet, pointing to an NBC News article about foreign governments spending money at Trump Organization properties. The article noted that the Trump Organization had donated the proceeds from these foreign governments to the U.S. Treasury, yet it was portrayed as a major scandal. This double standard was further emphasized by the lack of similar scrutiny when it comes to Democrats like Schiff, Warner, and Clinton, who have also reportedly had contacts with foreign governments.

    • Selective reporting on foreign influence in American politicsMedia's inconsistent coverage of potential conflicts of interest for Clinton and Trump teams highlights the need for balanced journalism.

      There seems to be a selective application of ethical standards when it comes to reporting on potential influence of foreign governments on American politics. The discussion highlighted the significant amount of money received by the Clinton family from a Russian bank during Hillary Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State, which raised concerns about potential conflicts of interest. However, this issue has received less media attention compared to allegations of foreign influence on the Trump team. Furthermore, the media's focus on the Trump Tower meeting overlooked the connections of the Russians involved to the Clinton team. These inconsistencies in reporting underscore the importance of maintaining a balanced and unbiased approach to journalism.

    • Media and Democrats' double standard in investigating foreign interferenceMedia and Democrats criticized Trump for Russian ties, but ignored Clinton campaign's purchase of Russian dossier. Equal application of rules needed.

      There seems to be a significant double standard when it comes to investigating alleged interactions between political figures and foreign governments. Molly Hemingway, a talented political commentator and writer, frequently points out this inconsistency. For instance, she has criticized the media and Democrats for investigating President Trump over his alleged dealings with Russia, while ignoring similar actions by the Clintons. In an interview, Hemingway questioned why the media hasn't investigated the Clinton campaign's purchase of a dossier sourced from Russian government officials. Hemingway's perspective is that if accepting information from foreign governments is a problem, then the rules of the road should apply equally to all politicians. However, she notes that the media doesn't seem interested in asking tough questions about the Clintons' actions. Another figure who shares this view is Andrew McCarthy, a former federal prosecutor. Together, Hemingway and McCarthy highlight the inconsistency in how the media and political establishment handle allegations of foreign interference in American politics.

    • FBI's failure to verify information before using it is the real scandalThe FBI's use of unverified information from shady sources is a concern, but the real issue is their failure to follow proper verification procedures before using it.

      The real scandal isn't about where information comes from, even if it's from shady sources. Instead, it's about the failure of the FBI to verify that information according to their own procedures before using it. This was a key point made during a hearing on Capitol Hill, where it was discussed that the FBI had received information from former operatives who hadn't even read the infamous steel dossier. Andy McCarthy, a National Review writer, emphasized that it's not uncommon to get information from unsavory characters. However, the obligation is to verify it before using it in any way that could infringe on someone's rights. McCarthy shared personal experiences of obtaining information from terrorists, murderers, and swindlers, emphasizing the importance of proper verification procedures.

    • Reporting information from foreign governments to the FBIThe FBI's role is to verify the accuracy of information from foreign governments, regardless of political affiliations. Media should report accurately and hold themselves accountable.

      There is no consistent standard when it comes to reporting information from foreign governments to the FBI, especially when it involves political opponents. According to the speaker, it's important to distinguish between national security issues and political information. They criticized the New York Times for trying to dissuade the Trump administration from calling the FBI regarding allegations of criminal conduct from a foreign government. The speaker emphasized that the FBI's role is to verify the information's accuracy. Trump's inconsistency with this matter is not the issue, but rather the media's double standard in reporting such information. The speaker also defended Trump's character and criticized Obama for being a "BSer." Ultimately, the speaker argues that everyone should hold the media accountable for their responsibility in reporting accurate information.

    • Importance of fact-checking and editorial independenceVerify information before acting, maintain editorial independence, and make informed decisions.

      While it's important to take potential threats seriously, not every piece of information requires an immediate FBI investigation. During a discussion on their show, the hosts discussed receiving information from a foreign government and the importance of verifying it before acting. They emphasized the importance of maintaining editorial independence and making their own decisions about what to cover. The hosts also took a brief detour to promote a product, Dynatrap's indoor fly light, as a solution to summer insects. In the second half of the discussion, they mocked Bernie Sanders for his recent comments on socialism, taxes, and inequality during an interview on CNN. The hosts dismissed Sanders' views as absurd and nonsensical. Overall, the key takeaway is the importance of fact-checking and making informed decisions, whether it's in journalism or in politics.

    • Misunderstanding between proponents and opponents of comprehensive social programsProponents believe people would pay more taxes for social programs, but many Americans may not feel the same. Costs in successful countries are often lower than perceived, but taxes are higher to offset that cost. Clear communication is needed to bridge the gap and build trust.

      There's a misunderstanding between those advocating for comprehensive social programs like free college and healthcare, and those who question the feasibility of these initiatives due to the perceived need for higher taxes. The interview highlights that while proponents of these programs believe that people would be willing to pay more taxes, many Americans may not feel the same way. The cost of these programs in countries with successful implementations is often lower than perceived, and the taxes are higher to offset that cost. However, there seems to be a communication gap, as Bernie Sanders, for instance, stated that people would be delighted to pay more taxes, but later in the same interview, he mentioned that college and healthcare costs are zero. This inconsistency can lead to confusion and skepticism among those who question the practicality of these initiatives.

    • Misconceptions about income inequalityIncome inequality might be overstated due to underreported income and failure to account for transfer payments. Consumption provides a more accurate measure, revealing a smaller income inequality gap.

      Income inequality, as commonly perceived, may not be as severe as often portrayed. The speaker emphasizes that income is frequently underreported, particularly at the lower end of the income scale, and people often fail to factor in transfer payments such as Medicaid, Medicare, disability insurance, social security, TANF, food stamps, and welfare payments. A more precise measure of standard of living is consumption, which can provide a more accurate picture of people's actual living conditions. According to research, the income inequality disparity drops significantly from 29% to only 7% when measured by consumption. Therefore, it's essential to consider these factors when evaluating income inequality.

    • Focusing on income as a measure of wealth and inequality is misleadingThe national debt and spending are major issues, and it's crucial to address the spending problem rather than relying on the flawed theory that debt and deficits don't matter.

      Income is an imprecise measure of someone's standard of living. Many older individuals have substantial assets but little to no income, yet they are not living in poverty. The focus on income as a measure of wealth and inequality is misleading. The national debt and spending are major issues that need to be addressed, and the deficit has reached a catastrophic level, surpassing $738 billion through May. It's crucial to tackle the spending problem and not rely on the flawed theory that debt and deficits don't matter. The articles on these topics, available at Bongino.com, are worth reading for a better understanding of the situation.

    • Federal Government Ran a $738 Billion Deficit Despite Record Tax RevenuesRecord tax revenues didn't decrease deficit, spending needs to be addressed to prevent a crisis

      Despite collecting the second highest federal tax revenues in history at $2.2 trillion in the first eight months of fiscal 2019, the federal government still ran a deficit of $738 billion. Contrary to expectations, the tax cuts did not significantly decrease tax revenue for the government. Instead, it highlights a spending problem that needs to be addressed to prevent a potential financial or economic crisis. The speaker, Paul, emphasizes the importance of cutting spending rather than raising taxes. He encourages listeners to engage with the content and provides various platforms to do so. Overall, the message is that understanding the financial situation is crucial and taking action to address the spending issue is necessary.

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