
    Podcast Summary

    • Power struggle between Russian oligarch and Putin escalates with Wagner Group standoffRussian oligarch Evgeny Prigozhin's private militia, the Wagner Group, marched towards Moscow in a power struggle with President Vladimir Putin, but ultimately stood down after receiving an offer of exile and amnesty from Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko. Putin then publicly denied funding the Wagner Group, revealing its existence.

      The ongoing power struggle between Russian oligarch Evgeny Prigozhin and Russian President Vladimir Putin came to a head in a military standoff involving Prigozhin's private militia, the Wagner Group. Prigozhin, feeling squeezed out of Putin's inner circle, marched his militia towards Moscow, but ultimately stood down after receiving an offer of exile and amnesty from Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko. Putin then came out of hiding to denounce the mutiny and announced that the Russian state had been funding the Wagner Group. This revelation is significant because until recently, the existence of the Wagner Group was largely denied. The power struggle between Prigozhin and Putin appears to have been over control, with Putin supporting a plan to strip Prigozhin of his power and give it to Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu. The situation highlights the complex power dynamics within the Russian government and the potential for internal conflict. Other topics discussed on the podcast include the latest news on Ukraine's counter offensive, a new audio tape of Trump leaking classified information, India's attacks on journalists, the sinking of a boat off the coast of Greece, and updates from Israeli prime minister Bibi Netanyahu's corruption trial and presidential candidate Francis Suarez.

    • Russian President Vladimir Putin's Control Over Military and Private ForcesPutin faces challenges maintaining control over military and private forces, particularly the Wagner Group in Ukraine, which could impact his prestige and Russia's international standing.

      Russian President Vladimir Putin is trying to maintain control over his military and private military forces amidst recent chaos and rebellion, particularly regarding the Wagner Group in Ukraine. Putin's narrative is that he is in charge and the situation is under control, but there are concerns about the future of Rogozin, the integration of Wagner into the military, and potential damage to Putin's prestige both domestically and internationally. The incident highlights the complexity of Putin's power structure and the potential for unrest within it. Additionally, the comparison between Putin and Pergochen, a Belarusian official, raises questions about Putin's relatability and public image. Overall, this situation underscores the ongoing instability and uncertainty in Russian politics.

    • Putin's delicate dance with Prigozhin and the warDespite Putin's isolation and inconsistent messaging, Prigozhin's popularity challenges his propaganda machine, adding uncertainty to Russia's ongoing war situation.

      The situation in Russia regarding the ongoing war and the role of individuals like Wagner Group's Yevgeny Prigozhin is a delicate dance for President Putin. Prigozhin, a former convict, is gaining popularity despite his past criticisms of Putin and the war, creating a challenge for Putin's propaganda machine. Meanwhile, Putin remains isolated, surrounded by a small circle of advisors, as the war continues to take a toll on the Russian people. The shifting narratives and the inconsistencies in Putin's messaging add to the uncertainty, and the situation is further complicated by the involvement of foreign powers like the US. The toxic masculinity displayed in phone calls between Prigozhin and Lukashenko adds another layer of complexity to the situation. Ultimately, Putin's ability to sustain the war and maintain control over his narrative is questionable, and the future remains uncertain.

    • The Wagner Group's Role in Global Conflicts and Its Absorption into the Russian MilitaryThe Wagner Group, a Russian mercenary force, has been involved in conflicts in Ukraine and Syria. Recent events suggest the group's members may be absorbed into the Russian military, impacting their future roles and countries where they've operated.

      The Wagner Group, a Russian mercenary force, has been a significant player in various global conflicts, including in Ukraine and Syria. However, recent events suggest that the group may be absorbing its members into the Russian military, raising questions about their future roles and the implications for countries where they have a presence. Additionally, the coverage of these events by Fox News and other media outlets has been criticized for focusing on distractions like Hunter Biden instead of the more pressing geopolitical issues. The Ukrainian counteroffensive against Russian forces has been underway for two weeks and has faced challenges, despite initial hopes for a quicker advance. The future of the Wagner Group and its influence on global conflicts remains uncertain.

    • Ukraine's struggle against Russian defenses in ZaporizhzhiaDespite early losses, Ukraine's counteroffensive against Russian positions in Zaporizhzhia continues, but progress may not come until later in the year due to Russian fortifications and air superiority. Former President Trump's handling of classified information raises questions, as he may not have had the authority to declassify future war plans.

      The ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia in the Zaporizhzhia region is proving to be a difficult battle for Ukraine, despite their efforts to push back against Russian defensive positions. The Russians have had ample time to prepare and fortify their lines, and their air superiority makes attacking a significant challenge. Additionally, Ukraine has reportedly lost a significant portion of their Bradley fighting vehicles. However, the Ukrainian counteroffensive is still in its early stages, and military analysts suggest that the real breakthroughs may not come until later in the year. Meanwhile, regarding former President Trump's handling of classified information, recent audio recordings have raised questions about his understanding of the declassification process. In the recordings, Trump appears to be discussing sensitive information and suggesting that he could have declassified it as president. However, experts note that the president does not have the authority to declassify future war plans, and that Trump's statements in the recording may not hold up as a defense in any potential legal proceedings. Overall, both situations highlight the complexities and challenges of geopolitical conflicts and the importance of accurate information and understanding of protocols.

    • Trump's Actions Bring US to Brink of War with IranTrump's obsession with Iran and hiring of war-hungry advisors led to dangerous situation, revealing his lack of understanding of military documents and war plans.

      Former President Trump's actions leading up to his administration's end brought the US to the brink of war with Iran, and his recent revelation of a war plan was not only unnecessary but also revealed his lack of understanding of the role of intelligence documents and war plans in the military. Furthermore, Trump's hiring of advisors who were pushing for a war with Iran and his own obsession with Iran led to this dangerous situation. Additionally, during a recent state dinner with Indian Prime Minister Modi at the White House, Modi was questioned about his government's record on human rights and freedom of speech. Modi's response was to deny any wrongdoing and reiterate India's commitment to democracy. However, his actions following the question showed a lack of transparency and a disregard for accountability. Overall, these events highlight the importance of understanding the implications of actions and words, especially for those in positions of power.

    • Indian government's response to criticism on religious freedom and free speechThe Indian government's thin-skinned reaction to criticism and attempts to silence journalists undermines their stance on religious freedom and free speech, confirming bias and intolerance.

      The Indian government and its allies have responded to criticism about religious freedom and free speech with harassment and attacks on journalists, including White House reporter Sabrina Sakshian. These attacks have included questioning her credibility and even threatening violence. This response not only undermines the Indian government's stance on these issues but also confirms the bias and intolerance that critics have highlighted. The Indian government's thin-skinned reaction and attempts to silence criticism make it difficult for them to be taken seriously as a world-class power. It's important for countries to have thicker skin and engage in constructive dialogue rather than resorting to harassment and intimidation. The ongoing persecution of journalists and the Muslim minority in India is a significant concern and needs to be addressed.

    • US-China Tensions: Biden Calls Xi a 'Dictator'Biden's labeling of Xi as a 'dictator' could complicate diplomatic efforts, but it's part of a long history of public criticisms between the two leaders.

      The relationship between the US and China continues to be complex and tense, with recent comments made by President Biden at a fundraiser adding fuel to the fire. Biden's labeling of Chinese President Xi Jinping as a "dictator" was met with angry responses from China, who saw it as a political provocation. The incident could create challenges for ongoing diplomatic efforts, but it's important to remember that both leaders have a history of criticizing each other publicly. The Chinese government, like the US, controls its media narrative, and can choose to amplify or downplay such comments. While Biden's remark may not significantly alter the power dynamic between the two countries, it underscores the ongoing tensions and the challenges of effective communication.

    • Mediterranean Tragedy: The Human Cost of Refugee CrisisThe Mediterranean refugee crisis continues to claim lives and fuel political instability. Urgent action is needed to investigate tragedies, reduce risks, and prioritize human rights and safety.

      The global refugee crisis and the failure to manage it effectively can lead to tragic human consequences and contribute to political instability. The recent capsizing of a fishing trawler carrying up to 750 migrants and refugees in the Mediterranean, resulting in the deaths of over 600 people, is a stark reminder of this. The Greek response to the crisis, including reports of pushing migrant boats back into the water, has been met with public backlash and the rise of far-right political parties. President Obama's comments on the situation highlight the disproportionate attention given to high-profile crises compared to the ongoing refugee crisis. It's crucial that there's a thorough investigation into the capsizing and that steps are taken to reduce the risks and human suffering associated with refugee flows. The European Union and other countries also have a role to play in addressing this issue and finding solutions that prioritize human rights and safety.

    • Holding Powerful Individuals Accountable for Ethical LapsesTwo powerful figures, Stephen Miller and Benjamin Netanyahu, have been accused of disregarding human life and ethical behavior. Miller reportedly suggested using a drone to attack unarmed migrants, while Netanyahu is accused of accepting bribes in exchange for favors.

      There are individuals in positions of power who have shown a disregard for human life and ethical behavior. The discussion revolved around two such individuals: Stephen Miller, a former Trump administration adviser, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Miller, known for his hardline immigration policies, reportedly suggested using a predator drone to attack a ship of unarmed migrants, an allegation he denies. Netanyahu, facing corruption charges, is accused of accepting expensive gifts from a Hollywood mogul in exchange for favors. The use of code words for the gifts is a reminder of the brazen nature of these actions, despite the attempt to hide them. These incidents underscore the importance of holding those in power accountable for their actions and ensuring that they act in a humane and ethical manner.

    • Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and Netanyahu's Legal TroublesNetanyahu's legal issues may lead to increased Israeli aggression towards Palestinians or the judicial system, while the PA's absence and Israeli annexation of the West Bank heighten the risk of violence. Political leaders must be well-informed on global issues to effectively navigate international relations.

      The political landscape in Israel and the ongoing conflict with the Palestinians continues to be a source of tension and potential escalation. Netanyahu's legal troubles and desire to stay out of jail could lead to increased aggression towards the Palestinians or towards the judicial system. Meanwhile, the absence of Palestinian Authority leadership and the Israeli government's de facto annexation of the West Bank increases the likelihood of violence. Elsewhere, Miami Mayor Francis Suarez, a crypto booster, struggled to demonstrate his foreign policy knowledge during an interview, specifically regarding the Uighurs, a mostly Muslim ethnic minority group in China who have been subjected to mass detentions and human rights abuses, which the US government has labeled as genocide. It is crucial for political leaders to be informed and knowledgeable on global issues to effectively navigate the complexities of international relations.

    • Uighur issue in China's foreign policyCandidates' lack of knowledge about complex geopolitical issues can undermine their legitimacy and potentially harm international relations.

      During a radio interview, the host brought up the issue of the Uighurs and criticized a presidential candidate for not addressing it enough due to the candidate's anti-communist stance. However, the exchange was confusing and lacked substance. The candidate's lack of knowledge about the Uighurs, a group severely affected by human rights abuses in communist China, raised questions about the legitimacy of his campaign. Despite the host's interest in foreign policy, his defense of the candidate's actions, including supporting China's treatment of the Uighurs, was criticized. The incident highlights the importance of understanding complex geopolitical issues and the potential consequences of ignoring them.

    • Institutional Investors Buying into US Sports TeamsThe NBA and NHL are welcoming institutional investors, including sovereign wealth funds, to buy stakes in teams due to the scarcity of wealthy individuals able to purchase them, maintaining the rising team values.

      Sports teams in the US have become extremely valuable assets, leading to a shrinking pool of individual buyers. To keep valuations rising, leagues have opened their doors to institutional investors, including sovereign wealth funds. The recent news of Qatar's sovereign wealth fund buying a stake in the parent company of the Washington Wizards, Capitals, and Mystics marks the first such investment in an NBA team. Despite potential controversy regarding Qatar's laws and human rights record, it is unlikely the NBA or NHL will object, given their history of addressing social issues and their need for more buyers to maintain team values. The NBA, in particular, has shown a forward-leaning approach to social justice issues, such as allowing players to speak their minds and pulling the All-Star Game from Charlotte in response to North Carolina's bathroom bill. The shift towards institutional investors is a response to the scarcity of wealthy individuals able to purchase teams, making these investments increasingly attractive.

    • NBA's Limited Expansion of Institutional Money to Sovereign Wealth FundsThe NBA allows limited investments from sovereign wealth funds, without board seats or governance control, to buy into teams as part of institutional money, but such investments are not a free-for-all, and human rights concerns are addressed through media scrutiny.

      The NBA's expansion of institutional money to include sovereign wealth funds, such as QIA's investment in the Washington Wizards, is not a free-for-all for any foreign government to buy into an NBA team. The NBA has made it clear that these investments are limited, and investors do not have board seats or governance control. While there have been concerns regarding human rights issues with certain sovereign wealth funds, the NBA believes the media will highlight these issues when deals like this occur. QIA's investment is the closest proximity we've seen between a sovereign wealth fund and a major team in the NBA or NHL, but sovereign wealth funds have already been investing in US sports through private equity funds, other businesses, and publicly traded teams.

    • Sovereign Wealth Funds Transforming US SportsSovereign wealth funds from countries like Saudi Arabia and Qatar are investing in US sports, bringing immense financial resources and potentially shaping the industry's future. Ethical concerns persist, but the trend is likely to continue, with more deals on the horizon.

      We're witnessing a significant shift in the sports world with the influx of massive sovereign wealth funds from countries like Saudi Arabia and Qatar. These funds, managed by entities like the Public Investment Fund (PIF) and the Qatar Investment Authority (QIA), have immense financial resources, dwarfing the net worth of even the wealthiest Americans. This trend is likely to continue, with potentially many more deals in the pipeline. The ethical implications of these investments, including concerns over sports washing, have been raised, but some argue that this is just the new reality for US sports. The NFL, the last major league to resist such investments, may eventually follow suit due to the financial pressure. The value of top sports teams, like the Dallas Cowboys, far exceeds the reach of most individual investors, making it increasingly likely that sovereign wealth funds will continue to reshape the sports landscape.

    • NFL's unique economic realities due to infrequent team sales and family ownershipsThe NFL's resistance to change in ownership rules is driven by the financial gains for owners during sales and asset inflation, while minority stakes and high estate taxes make ownership transfers challenging.

      The NFL's infrequent team sales and the significant wealth tied up in these long-held family ownerships create unique economic realities for the league compared to others like the NBA. The NFL's resistance to change in ownership rules can be attributed to the fact that NFL team owners stand to gain financially from these sales or asset inflation. Additionally, the passive nature of minority stakes and the high taxes on estate transfers make it challenging for team ownership to change hands. Despite the NFL's perceived stability, these economic factors create complexities that may eventually force the league to confront similar issues faced by other sports leagues.

    • Investing in US sports teams: A strategic move for sovereign wealthSovereign wealth investments in US sports teams offer financial returns, soft power benefits, and opportunities for networking and business growth.

      The investment of sovereign wealth in US sports teams, specifically in the case of Monumental Sports & Entertainment in Washington D.C., is not a mere financial move but a strategic one with potential for significant influence and soft power benefits. The involvement of countries like Qatar in these investments is not a coincidence, as owning high-profile assets in the nation's capital provides opportunities for networking and building relationships with powerful figures in government and beyond. Ted Leonsis, the owner of Monumental, has proven to be a progressive and forward-thinking sports team owner, and his diverse business ventures have created a synergistic empire that includes teams, media networks, and real estate. The investment in sports teams can serve multiple purposes, including entertainment, content creation, and business opportunities. The potential for sports washing, such as the Saudi bid for the 2030 World Cup, raises ethical concerns, but it is a complex issue with various motivations and implications.

    • Saudi Arabia's PIF targets major global sports entities for investmentSaudi Arabia's PIF is investing in global sports entities like FIFA, golf, and Olympics, shifting focus to the games once controversies subside

      Saudi Arabia's Public Investment Fund (PIF) is making strategic moves to invest in and potentially control major global sports entities, including golf and the Olympics, following the success of hosting the 2022 World Cup in Qatar. FIFA, as the most profitable sports organization, is a prime target. This trend aligns with the increasing business benefits of investing in and hosting large-scale sports events. Despite controversies surrounding human rights records and worker treatment, the focus shifts to the games themselves once they begin. Evan Novie Williams of Sportico discussed these developments on Pod Save the World, also touching on Trump's recent incriminating content and Lukashenko's press conference. This investment pattern is expected to continue with future Olympics and World Cups.

    Recent Episodes from Pod Save the World

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    UK Election Preview with David Lammy

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    Democracy or Else is OUT NOW! Buy wherever you get your books: http://crooked.com/books

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    Why Is Putin Going To North Korea?

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    Finally, don’t miss Ben and Tommy discussing how they got into careers in politics – something Tommy, Jon Favreau and Jon Lovett suggest others do in their new book, Democracy or Else. Pre-order Democracy or Else, out June 25th: crooked.com/books

    Pod Save the World
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    Far Right Surges in European Elections

    Tommy and Ben discuss the success of far-right parties in the European Parliamentary elections and debate whether French President Emmanuel Macron’s call for snap elections in France is bold or disastrous. Then they talk about British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s shocking decision to skip a ceremony commemorating the 80th anniversary of D-Day, the latest developments out of Israel and Gaza, including ceasefire negotiations, Benny Gantz leaving Netanyahu’s war cabinet, and the ethics of an Israeli hostage rescue in Gaza that resulted in hundreds of civilian casualties. They also walk through the horrific state of affairs in the civil war in Sudan, a foreign election interference scandal rocking Canada, a Chinese waterfall getting a little help from the government, and why Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville is still very, very dumb. Then Ben interviews Dr. Rosa Balfour, the Director of Carnegie Europe, about the broader implications of the European Parliamentary election results on issues like climate change.


    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

    Pod Save the World
    enJune 12, 2024

    World Reacts to Trump’s Guilty Verdict

    World Reacts to Trump’s Guilty Verdict

    Tommy and Ben discuss Biden’s ceasefire proposal and debate whether going public with the plan will pressure Hamas and Israel to accept it, they also try to understand why Democrats agreed to invite Israeli PM Bibi Netanyahu to address a joint session of Congress. Then they discuss global reactions to Trump’s guilty verdict, the debate over allowing Ukraine to use American provided weapons against targets on Russian soil, British PM Rishi Sunak’s decision to call early elections on July 4th, shocking election results for Prime Minister Modi in India, an end of a political era for Nelson Mandela’s ANC party in South Africa, and a tit for tat between North and South Korea involving balloons full of trash and K-Pop songs. Then, Tommy covers the historic election of Mexico’s first female president, Claudia Sheinbaum, with Dan Restrepo, a founding partner at Dinamica Americas and President Obama’s former principal advisor on issues related to Latin America.


    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

    Pod Save the World
    enJune 05, 2024

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    Norwegian Prime Minister Explains Decision to Recognize a Palestinian State

    Ben speaks to Jonas Gahr Store, the Prime Minister of Norway, who explains why he decided to formally recognize a Palestinian state alongside the leaders of Spain and Ireland. Then, Ben is joined by Fareed Zakaria to talk about the long term prospects for peace on multiple fronts like Israel and Palestine, Russia and Ukraine, and China and Taiwan. They also discuss Zakaria’s new book, “Age of Revolutions: Progress and Backlash from 1600 to the Present”. Finally, Ben interviews Ravi Gupta about the new podcast from Crooked Media, “Killing Justice”. 


    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

    Pod Save the World
    enMay 29, 2024

    Introducing "Killing Justice"

    Introducing "Killing Justice"

    When a judge in India dies of a heart attack, his passing barely makes the news. But when his niece approaches a journalist two years later, she shares a different story: that the circumstances around Judge Brijgopal Loya’s death have made his family doubt the official story. From Crooked Media and The Branch - Killing Justice investigates how one man’s death has become a lodestone for increasingly polarized politics in India.  Following the reporting and legal fallout that arise from this tip, Host Ravi Gupta examines the conflicting evidence and grapples with the broader implications a single night in the city of Nagpur has on the world’s largest democracy.

    You can hear the first 2 episodes of Killing Justice right now on Apple or Spotify. New episodes every Monday. For ad-free episodes, join the ‘Friends of the Pod’ community at crooked.com/friends.

    Hamas and Netanyahu Accused of War Crimes

    Hamas and Netanyahu Accused of War Crimes

    Ben and guest host Alyona Minkovski discuss the ICC’s application for arrest warrants against both Hamas and Netanyahu for war crimes, the mass exodus of civilians from Rafah, a US-Saudi pact supposedly being days away from being agreed to, and public rebukes against Netanyahu from members of his own war cabinet. They also talk about the Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi’s death in a helicopter crash, Zelensky putting hopes into Xi Jinping to pressure Putin on negotiations, an assassination attempt against the Slovakian Prime Minister, the latest in the trial of Julian Assange, a failed coup involving Americans in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Anthony Blinken “Rockin’ in the Free World”. Then, Ben speaks with Tamara Chergoleishvili, who is running for office in Georgia in this October’s elections in the European Georgia party. 


    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

    Pod Save the World
    enMay 22, 2024

    Biden Punishes China

    Biden Punishes China

    Ben is joined by guest hosts Daniel Kurtz-Phelan, Editor of Foreign Affairs magazine and Rana Ayyub, global opinion columnist for the Washington Post. Ben and Dan discuss a regrouped Hamas in northern Gaza, Secretary Blinken calling out the Israelis for not having a long term plan, Biden’s new tariffs on Chinese goods, the struggle to define America’s relationship with China, Russia’s new offensive in Kharkiv, and protests in Georgia over a foreign agent law. Then Ben and Rana talk about the Indian election, what a third Modi term would mean for India’s democracy, and attacks on Muslims and journalists in the country.

    Pod Save the World
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    Israel Begins Rafah Offensive (feat. Ali Velshi)

    Israel Begins Rafah Offensive (feat. Ali Velshi)

    Ben and guest host Ali Velshi discuss the latest developments on ceasefire negotiations between Israel and Hamas, the beginning of a military offensive in Rafah, the shutdown of Al Jazeera in Israel, and plans to ban TikTok in the United States. They also discuss Chinese President Xi Jinping’s first visit to Europe in 5 years, Putin’s inauguration and an alleged assignation plot against President Zelensky, and Canadian police bringing charges in the assassination of a Sikh separatist on their soil. Then, Ben speaks with Ali about his new book, “Small Acts of Courage: A Legacy of Endurance and the Fight for Democracy”, and interviews Slovenian activist Nika Kovač about the “My Voice, My Choice” campaign to fight for abortion rights in Europe.

    Tucker Carlson Interviews "Putin's Brain"

    Tucker Carlson Interviews "Putin's Brain"

    Ben and Tommy discuss reports that a temporary ceasefire and hostage release deal between Israel and Hamas may be imminent, that Saudi Arabia has decided to normalize relations with Israel, and that the ICC may issue an arrest warrant for Israeli PM Bibi Netanyahu. They also hear from campus protestors in New York, discuss leaked intelligence reports about whether Putin ordered opposition leader Alexei Navalny’s death, Tucker Carlson’s interview with a far-right ultranationalist close with Putin, Secretary of State Tony Blinken’s trip to China, why an Iranian rapper got a death sentence, major leadership changes in Scotland, and a dramatic reading care of Scotland. Then Tommy speaks to John McDermott, Chief Africa Correspondent for the Economist about South Africa’s upcoming election, waning western influence in the western Sahel, and the 30th anniversary of the Rwandan genocide.


    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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