
    Trying Not to Die - Safety Third #1

    enJune 28, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • The Power of a Strong Support System in Making Better DecisionsHaving access to a trusted team with advanced analytics and expert insights can help individuals make more informed decisions and stay on top of complex situations.

      Making informed decisions, especially high-stakes ones, can be challenging when working alone. However, having a trusted team like Aon, with advanced analytics and expert insights, can provide the necessary support and context to make better decisions. This was the theme of our Safety Third podcast episode, where we discussed various topics, including the supposed "cuteness" of koalas and their survival strategies. While koalas may seem cute, they are mechanically inefficient animals with few defenses and limited nutritional intake. In contrast, having access to a team like Aon can help individuals make more informed decisions and stay on top of complex situations. Additionally, Allen Pan shared an update on his recent successful video, which went against his initial fears and expectations. This episode highlights the importance of having a strong support system and the power of expert insights in making better decisions.

    • Intellectual property theft harms creators and buyersRespect intellectual property, give credit and compensation, and be cautious when supporting crowdfunding campaigns to maintain trust and integrity.

      Intellectual property theft is a serious issue that can lead to harm not only to the original creator but also to unsuspecting buyers. In this case, someone stole an inventor's identity and used it to lead an Indiegogo campaign for a product based on the inventor's design, without giving credit or compensation. The theft not only resulted in the inventor's loss of recognition but also led to the buyers being scammed as the product didn't live up to expectations. It's essential to respect others' intellectual property and give proper credit where it's due to maintain trust and integrity in the creative community. Additionally, it's important to be cautious when supporting crowdfunding campaigns and ensure that the project lead is who they claim to be.

    • Embarrassment and fear of judgment can lead to hiding the truthBeing open about one's circumstances, even if embarrassing, can prevent dangerous actions and ensure safety. Hiding health issues can impair judgment and lead to risky behavior.

      People sometimes hide their true circumstances or experiences due to embarrassment or fear of judgment. In the discussed scenario, an individual, while creating a video, became ill after consuming Arby's food and felt too embarrassed to share their health issues with their friends. They continued filming despite feeling unwell, leading to dangerous actions like making explosions. The individual's condition worsened, but they didn't reveal their sickness to their friends. It was only later, when they felt better, that they shared their experience. This incident highlights the importance of open communication and the potential consequences of hiding the truth. It also shows how one's judgment can be impaired due to health issues, which may not be immediately apparent.

    • Ignoring Health Issues Can Lead to Serious ConsequencesPrioritize health and seek medical help when needed to avoid unnecessary suffering or even death.

      Sometimes people, including strong and independent individuals, may ignore their health issues due to anxiety or a belief that they can handle everything on their own. This can lead to serious consequences, as was the case with the speaker in this discussion who put off seeking medical attention for an infection that ultimately required an amputation. The speaker also shared an anecdote about his anxiety in his early twenties, which he coped with by ignoring his health concerns. This behavior can be dangerous and may lead to unnecessary suffering or even death. It's important to prioritize health and seek medical help when needed, rather than trying to tough it out on your own. Additionally, the speaker mentioned the idea of sharing amusing and insulting emails on their podcast as a potential source of entertainment. However, they expressed concern about this potentially incentivizing more emails and suggested creating a separate email address for this purpose.

    • Discussing safety in seemingly harmless activitiesAlways prioritize safety, even during seemingly harmless activities or when creating content for entertainment. Wear safety gear and take proper precautions to protect yourself and others.

      Safety should always be a priority, even when engaging in seemingly harmless activities or creating content for entertainment. During a conversation, the speaker shared an experience of handling lava and downplayed the potential risks. However, an email from a safety-conscious individual highlighted concerns about the potential dangers of not taking proper precautions, such as wearing safety glasses when using tools or handling hot materials. The email emphasized the importance of safety practices, especially when creating content for a public audience. The speaker also shared a personal anecdote about receiving a large supply of safety glasses as a gift. The email from the aerospace engineer further emphasized the importance of safety in the context of the speaker's cotton candy video, pointing out potential hazards and the lack of apparent safety measures in the video. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of taking safety seriously, whether for personal protection or to set a good example for others.

    • Identifying and mitigating risksAssess risks, implement safety measures, and communicate clearly to minimize potential harm in any project or process.

      Assessing risks and implementing safety measures are crucial in any process or project, no matter how seemingly harmless or well-planned. Rocket Club uses a risk assessment matrix to identify potential failures and their potential damage. Similarly, YouTube creators anticipate mishaps and prepare accordingly. However, safety is relative, and it's impossible to eliminate all risks entirely. Instead, we can take calculated risks and implement safety precautions to mitigate potential harm. For instance, at BattleBots, safety protocols are in place, but the inherent danger of robots fighting cannot be completely eliminated. Ultimately, it's about understanding the risks involved and making informed decisions to minimize potential harm. Additionally, clear communication and instructions are essential when working in a team to ensure everyone is on the same page regarding safety procedures.

    • Experimenting with dangerous materials: subjective risks and communicationClear communication is crucial when dealing with potentially dangerous experiments to prevent misunderstandings and potential harm.

      Calculated risks and safety concerns can be subjective and open to interpretation. Chris's team experimented with pouring lava into a cotton candy machine, acknowledging the potential risks but believing the outcome would not be catastrophic. They were concerned about the perception of their actions and how it might be perceived by others, leading to the concern being expressed in an email. Chris believes that people have a general understanding of what is safe to try at home and that the way information is presented can influence perception. He also shares that he has never had anyone attempt to replicate his dangerous experiments and get hurt. However, the potential danger of his actions was highlighted when someone expressed concern about a video he made about creating manganese heptoxide, fearing a child might accidentally get sulfuric acid in their eyes. This incident underscores the importance of clear communication and considering the potential consequences of actions, even if they are perceived as calculated risks.

    • Balancing Entertainment, Education, and Safety in Content CreationCreators must provide warnings and discourage dangerous activities, but cannot prevent individuals from taking risks. Warnings may not deter everyone, and creators must balance entertainment, education, and safety in their content.

      Creators have a responsibility to provide warnings and discourage dangerous activities, but ultimately cannot prevent individuals from taking risks. The speaker shared his experience with law enforcement regarding a video he made about exploding sodium bullets, emphasizing the importance of considering legal implications and the limitations of one's ability to control others' actions. He also discussed the idea that warnings may not deter everyone and that some individuals may disregard them. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexities of balancing entertainment, education, and safety in content creation.

    • Naturally Occurring Toxic Gas: Hydrogen SulfideHydrogen sulfide is a naturally occurring toxic gas with a strong odor used as a warning sign. Prolonged exposure can lead to loss of smell and dangerous accidents. Always handle and store it safely to minimize risks.

      Hydrogen sulfide, a naturally occurring gas with a distinctive rotten egg smell, is toxic and potentially deadly, even in small concentrations. It is commonly found in natural gas and oil fields. The gas is used in stink bombs due to its strong odor, which serves as a warning sign before it becomes dangerous. However, prolonged exposure can lead to a loss of the sense of smell, making it harder to detect. Despite its potential dangers, hydrogen sulfide is not banned in all areas, but those who work with it should take proper safety precautions. The gas has been known to cause accidents, such as explosions in oil fields, and attempting to transport it illegally can lead to legal consequences. It is essential to handle and store hydrogen sulfide with care and follow safety guidelines to minimize risks.

    • Encountering suspicious individuals at workStay vigilant and prioritize security, even in seemingly ordinary situations. Be prepared for unexpected encounters and have a plan in place to handle potential threats.

      Even in seemingly ordinary situations, it's important to be aware of potential threats and take appropriate actions to ensure safety. The speaker encountered two men asking for Michael Reeves at their workplace, which raised suspicions due to Michael's role in computer work. The men were likely investigators, as they were working with Homeland Security on a case involving Michael's online interactions with hackers. The situation became awkward when the local police department, who were called as a precaution, seemed uninterested and lacked protocol for handling such incidents. The incident serves as a reminder that it's crucial to prioritize security and be prepared for unexpected situations, even if they ultimately turn out to be less serious than initially feared.

    • Understanding Different PerspectivesPatience, clear communication, and respect for different perspectives are crucial in bridging gaps and building understanding between individuals with differing experiences and perspectives.

      Communication and understanding can be challenging when people have different perspectives and experiences. In the discussed situation, a group of content creators tried to explain to a skeptical individual how people watch and enjoy their online videos. Despite being shown evidence and statistics, the individual refused to believe it, dismissing the creators as "idiots." This situation reminded the creators of a similar experience with an older relative who struggled to understand the concept of people enjoying content for enjoyment alone, rather than for practical purposes like learning. The creators felt frustrated and dismissed, but ultimately recognized that the individual's perspective was shaped by his own experiences and lack of familiarity with digital content creation. The experience highlighted the importance of patience, clear communication, and respect for different perspectives in building understanding and bridging gaps.

    • Handling and disposing of nitric acidProperly dilute nitric acid before disposal to avoid hazards, wear protective gear, ensure ventilation, and follow safety protocols to prevent damage or explosive conditions.

      Handling and disposing of chemicals, especially strong acids like nitric acid, requires careful dilution and disposal methods. The speakers in this conversation described their experience with disposing of nitric acid by diluting it with large amounts of water and disposing it down the drain. However, they emphasized the importance of proper dilution to avoid potential hazards, such as creating explosive conditions or damaging pipes. They also mentioned wearing protective gear and ensuring adequate ventilation while handling the acid. The conversation also touched upon the potential consequences of improper disposal, including the possibility of upsetting a landlord or rental agreement. Overall, the speakers' experience serves as a reminder of the importance of following safety protocols when handling and disposing of hazardous chemicals.

    • Renting: Be Cautious with Household AppliancesBe cautious when using household appliances while renting to prevent potential damage and financial consequences. Consider alternative drying methods and communicate effectively with landlords if an issue arises.

      Renting comes with responsibilities and potential financial consequences, even for seemingly harmless actions. In the discussed situation, the individuals accidentally caused an exploding pair of underwear in the oven while trying to dry them. Although no significant damage was done to the rental property, they were still concerned about the potential consequences, such as a deduction from their security deposit. The incident highlights the importance of being cautious and aware of the potential risks involved in using household appliances, especially when renting. Additionally, it's essential to consider alternative methods for drying items and to communicate effectively with landlords or caretakers if an issue arises. Overall, the experience serves as a reminder to approach renting with care and respect for the property to avoid any unnecessary financial burdens.

    • Discussing dangerous experiences and run-ins with the law in the first episodeThe Safety 3rd podcast, featuring Nile Redd, The Backyard Scientist, Allen Pan, and William Osman, aims to provide entertaining and informative content about dangerous experiences and run-ins with the law, airing weekly for at least a year.

      The Safety 3rd podcast, which features Nile Redd, The Backyard Scientist, Allen Pan, William Osman, and potential future guests like Mark Rober and Peter Sripel, had a successful first episode where they discussed dangerous experiences and run-ins with the law. The podcast will air once a week, and the team aims to continue producing it for at least the next year. Despite potential limitations, they are excited about the possibilities of having up to five hosts. Overall, the group aims to provide entertaining and informative content, and listeners can look forward to new episodes every week.

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    Available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Pandora Radio & iHeart Radio


    Kim’s Links - https://wnydigitalequity.org/, https://www.eventbrite.com/e/buffalo-business-intelligence-bi-work-group-tickets-157501492203?aff=ebdssbdestsearch

    Follow her on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kimberlyherrington/

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