
    About this Episode

    In today’s episode, we’ll discover how Stanley Cups used the marketing superpowers of behavioral science, community marketing, and consumer-centric social media to elevate to a $750 million company.

    Our special guest, Nick Hutchison, author of Rise of the Reader: Strategies For Mastering Your Reading Habits and Applying What You Learn, shares how to master reading habits and apply book knowledge to supercharge your marketing and business. 

    Also, find out how a couple of books on internal communication and non-profit fundraising could hold the keys to winning the marketing battles in 2024.

    Tune in, buckle up, grab a drink in your favorite cup, and let’s start this year off with a BANG, POW, and KA-BOOM!

    Show notes - https://marketingsuperpowerpodcast.com/episode/turning-book-pages-into-marketing-powers

    Recent Episodes from The Marketing Superpower Hour with Scott Murray

    The Certified Marketer Quest

    The Certified Marketer Quest

    In an extraordinary alliance between the American Marketing Association and The Content Marketing Institute, a new Professional Certified Marketer (PCM) course and certification has been forged.

    Join us as marketing master Robert Rose tells us what the PCM quest holds for those who wish to become a certified master of the marketing universe.

    From mastering the arts of content strategy and brand storytelling to navigating persona development and ROI, the PCM course empowers marketers to achieve their marketing goals in modern times.

    We also explore how the strategies of the non-profit realm can inspire for-profit businesses to generate humanized connections with audiences.

    Whether you're a seasoned marketer or embarking on your journey, this episode can be your compass for new content marketing knowledge and achievements!

    Show notes - https://marketingsuperpowerpodcast.com/episode/the-certified-marketer-quest


    Cracking the Codes of Content Voices

    Cracking the Codes of Content Voices

    Step into the mind-bending world of audience connection in today’s episode!

    I’ll share insights into the minds of today’s content consumers and listen to the voices in their heads.

    What does your content really say to them? What are the risks if they expect content to sound like it’s AI-generated or like a commercial?  

    Whether it's web copy, email messaging, social media or beyond, there are hidden keys to decoding the signals your content sends.

    How can you humanize your content to avoid these perilous risks? We'll get help from Ethan Beute, Ed Forteau, Dale Bertrand, Liz Willits and more, and I’ll share a simple formula for crafting humanized content that resonates with audiences.

    Plus, AMI gets an upgrade, and I draw inspiration from Annie, The Truman Show, and The IT Crowd to help reveal how communication can make or break your connection with the audience.

    If the voice in your head says, “That sounds fascinating!” – join us and find out more!

    Escaping Marketing Mind Control

    Escaping Marketing Mind Control

    Today, we use marketing superpowers to confront the crisis plaguing the marketer's mind - the insidious control of outdated ideas. While some ideas might worry marketers about the competition, they could miss ways to turn rivals into allies and supercharge content marketing results. 

    That struggle intensifies during economic turbulence. Should marketers alter their language or lower prices?  Revenue coach, author and modern marketing expert Kristin Zhivago shares some answers.

    Finally, beware of the deceptive allure of 'free' offerings! We’ll reveal the right and wrong times to deploy this strategy.

    Join us as we dismantle the shackles of self-defeating marketing mindsets and learn new ways to view competitors and connect with audiences.

    Show notes - https://marketingsuperpowerpodcast.com/episode/escaping-marketing-mind-control

    Turning Book Pages Into Marketing Powers

    Turning Book Pages Into Marketing Powers

    In today’s episode, we’ll discover how Stanley Cups used the marketing superpowers of behavioral science, community marketing, and consumer-centric social media to elevate to a $750 million company.

    Our special guest, Nick Hutchison, author of Rise of the Reader: Strategies For Mastering Your Reading Habits and Applying What You Learn, shares how to master reading habits and apply book knowledge to supercharge your marketing and business. 

    Also, find out how a couple of books on internal communication and non-profit fundraising could hold the keys to winning the marketing battles in 2024.

    Tune in, buckle up, grab a drink in your favorite cup, and let’s start this year off with a BANG, POW, and KA-BOOM!

    Show notes - https://marketingsuperpowerpodcast.com/episode/turning-book-pages-into-marketing-powers

    Rise of the AI Content and Human Communication Alliance

    Rise of the AI Content and Human Communication Alliance

    The stage is set for a cosmic clash as AI emerges in the content marketing realm. The question is – is AI the hero or the sidekick in 2024?

    We’ll get 16 expert predictions to help us uncover the answers.

    Business growth and leadership coach Jevon Wooden guides us through impactful ways to create a company culture that transcends mere leadership strategies. He’ll share how to infuse humanized communication into the DNA of your organization, fostering a culture that resonates with employees, consumers and customers.

    Power up your 2024 content marketing and strategic leadership arsenal with the wisdom of Jevon Wooden and the visionary predictions of 2024, plus get Brian Piper's data-focused marketing advice, a marketing challenge for Santa, a Sir-Mix-A-Lot reference, and more in this 2024 podcast finale.

    Show notes with links - https://marketingsuperpowerpodcast.com/episode/rise-of-the-ai-content-and-human-communication-alliance

    The Death of Super SEO and the Dawn of Differentiation

    The Death of Super SEO and the Dawn of Differentiation

    In the legendary saga of comic book history, the release of "The Death of Superman" shook the very foundations of the superhero realm. Media and fans alike couldn't help but be drawn to the demise of one of the mightiest and most iconic heroes ever known.

    Yet, as with any epic tale, there were whispers among the crowd—some skeptics dismissed it as a mere publicity stunt. After all, in the world of comics, death is often just a temporary inconvenience for our beloved heroes.

    Enter the parallel narrative of AI-generated content, a modern-day enigma that, too, faces skepticism. Creators and brands unleash this technological marvel, but doubts linger in the air. Are humans overindulging in the powers of AI, risking a creative imbalance?

    YouTube and Amazon Kindle, however, have decided to combat this challenge in ways that impact AI content creators. What is their grand plan, and what could it foretell about the destiny of AI-generated content?

    Once upon a time, SEO stood tall as an iconic superhero, wielding its keyword powers to elevate brands and drive traffic through the digital world. Yet, in a surprising turn of events, Ryan Brock of DemandJump conducted a memorial service for this SEO legend at Content Marketing World. Find out what happened to the legendary marketing strategy.

    If the echoes are true, and old SEO lies in eternal rest, how can humble small businesses craft a content strategy without its mighty sidekick? How do they capture attention and stand out? We’ll look to marketing mastermind Mark Schaefer to acquire some answers.

    This week, we unravel the mysteries, confront the challenges, and envision a future where new strategies emerge, much like a hero rising from the ashes in the dawn of a new marketing universe.

    Show notes - https://marketingsuperpowerpodcast.com/episode/the-death-of-super-seo-and-the-dawn-of-differentiation

    Words That Strike and Stick

    Words That Strike and Stick

    Today's episode is packed with copywriting, branding, product marketing, and email marketing superpowers!

    Get ready for a copywriting and messaging adventure where bad content experiences are the villains, and our words are the secret agents out to save the day! In this episode, we uncover why consumers feel the need to protect themselves against attacks from selfish content. 

    It's a world of creating high-stakes communication, de-coding the consumer's brain and accessing predictive analysis.

    You might call today’s guest Wordfinger, The Man with the Golden Pitch or maybe The Guy Who Branded Me, but James I. Bond is here to debrief us on how he helps clients craft words that stick with your audience. It involves a secret code rooted in behavioral science and right-brain tactics.

    Finally, we'll dive into the covert world of product descriptions as sleek, sophisticated agents secretly seduce customers into a buying frenzy.

    Some may prefer martinis shaken, but this adventure into copywriting, consumers and marketing will leave you stirred with excitement!

    Show notes - https://marketingsuperpowerpodcast.com/episode/words-that-strike-and-stick

    Shell Shocking Social Media From the Sewers

    Shell Shocking Social Media From the Sewers

    Greetings, night people and sewer ninjas! In today’s episode lair, we attempt to create a Halloween-themed episode loaded with tips and treats for marketers.

    Ann Gynn from the Content Marketing Institute leads the way with writing tricks that offer audiences better stories.

    And from the depths of the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District, we welcome the hero without a half-shell - John Gonzalez. He emerged from the shadows to share his social media success stories. 

    In a world where video content can seem scary, I share some fear-crushing advice with the help of video marketing hero Atiba de Souza!

    But that's not all! AMI conjures up some unique Halloween flare, and we hear bone-chilling marketing horror stories that will leave you spellbound.

    So, don your ninja masks, summon your marketing prowess, and join us for an episode that promises to be a shell of a good time!

    Show notes - https://marketingsuperpowerpodcast.com/episode/shell-shocking-social-media-from-the-sewers

    The Influencer Power of Blogs, Podcasts and Bears

    The Influencer Power of Blogs, Podcasts and Bears

    Blogs, podcasts, emails and bears – in one podcast – oh my! 

    Today’s podcast is all about the powers of influence, engagement and response.

    First, we’ll learn how people (including marketers) respond when you use AI, humor and emails for evil.

    Okay, evil’s a strong word. How about using it for bad instead of good?

    Moving on…

    In our last episode, there were claims about the AI empire coming to destroy blogs, but Andy Crestodina is proving that bloggers have struck back! We’ll examine his new blogger survey and talk to him about blog SEO, strategy and trends.

    Finally, we’ll learn about podcasters, their influential superpowers, and why you need more than a microphone and a brand to wield that power.

    You’ll get all these plus insights from Remington Begg, Karen Nicholas, Laura Bernhard, Wes Kao, Carlijn Postma, Alex Sanfilippo and Trent Anderson. Finally, you'll meet A.M.I., the new podcast co-host.

    You get of this in one superpowered hour!

    Marketer powers – activate!

    Show notes - https://marketingsuperpowerpodcast.com/episode/the-influencer-power-of-blogs-podcasts-and-bears