
    Ultimate Come Back - with Bob Menery

    enSeptember 01, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • From Homeless to Voice-Over Artist: Bob Menry's Inspiring JourneyDespite facing adversity and homelessness, Bob Menry discovered his unique talent and turned it into a successful career in voice-over work.

      No matter how down you may feel or how difficult your circumstances may seem, it's possible to turn your life around. My guest today, Bob Menry, shares an inspiring story of hitting rock bottom and then building a successful career. Bob moved to California to pursue a dream of acting and comedy but ended up caddying instead. He eventually became homeless. But instead of giving up, Bob found a unique talent – his voice – and turned it into an opportunity. He shares how he used this talent to start a career in voice-over work and eventually find success. This story serves as a reminder that even when we face challenges and setbacks, we have the power to adapt, discover new talents, and create opportunities for ourselves. So, if you're feeling stuck or uncertain about your future, take inspiration from Bob's story and keep pushing forward.

    • The danger of comfort zonesComfort zones can limit potential and lead to missed opportunities. Don't let familiarity hinder growth and take action when things seem out of control.

      Comfort zones can be dangerous, even if they seem familiar and provide some level of security. The speaker's story illustrates how he became complacent as a caddy, developed a drug problem, and eventually hit rock bottom. However, there were also significant moments during that time where he could have turned things around, but he didn't. The dream of his life not turning out exactly as he imagined it is a common experience. The lesson here is to not let comfort zones limit your potential and to take action when you sense that things are getting out of control. The speaker's story serves as a reminder that even when we feel stuck, there is always a way forward, no matter how difficult it may seem.

    • The power of determination and resilienceDespite setbacks and adversity, keep pushing forward towards your dreams, take breaks when needed, and lean on loved ones for support.

      No matter how difficult the journey may seem, it's important to keep pushing forward towards your dreams, even when faced with adversity. The speaker in this conversation shares his experience of hitting rock bottom, living in his car for two and a half months, but eventually turning his situation around and becoming influential in his industry. He emphasizes the importance of not being afraid to take a breather and reset when needed, and using the support of family and loved ones as a source of strength. The speaker's story serves as a reminder that setbacks are a natural part of the journey, but with determination and resilience, one can overcome obstacles and achieve great things.

    • A man's drug-induced hallucination leads to false accusations and police involvementDrug use can cause hallucinations and erratic behavior, potentially leading to false accusations and dangerous situations

      A man's use of crystal meth led him to experience a terrifying hallucination that he believed involved a prostitution ring. He was so frightened that he drove to a CVS store, set off the alarms, and claimed that people were following him. The police and emergency responders arrived, but found no evidence of anyone else being present. The man's erratic behavior led the authorities to believe he was a drug addict. Despite his insistence that there was a danger, he was eventually discharged from the hospital and left on his own. This harrowing experience serves as a reminder of the potential dangers and unpredictable effects of drug use.

    • Rediscovering hope in the face of adversityEven in the darkest moments, there's always a chance to turn things around and find hope for a better future

      No matter how far you may fall in life, there's always a chance to turn things around. The speaker, Bob, shared his harrowing experience of being pursued and ultimately escaping to the airport. Despite being in a state of exhaustion and desperation, he managed to board his flight and eventually recover. This story serves as a powerful reminder that even when faced with seemingly insurmountable challenges, there's always a glimmer of hope for a better future. It's never too late to seek help, make positive changes, and get back on track. The speaker's resilience and determination in the face of adversity is truly inspiring.

    • Unexpected opportunities from ordinary momentsBe open to new experiences, one moment could lead to unexpected opportunities and potential impact on your life

      Sometimes, a seemingly ordinary moment can lead to unexpected opportunities. Bob, a 28-year-old man, returned home to find his parents thrilled to have him back. During his stay, he applied for a job at a liquor store out of necessity but was hesitant. However, a chance encounter at a friend's music video shoot led to Bob using his distinctive voice to entertain a stranger, who recorded it and shared it online. The video went viral, and Bob's unique talent was discovered, leading him to unexpected opportunities. This story illustrates the importance of being open to new experiences and the potential impact of one moment in time.

    • Preparation meets opportunity leads to successBe prepared, stay authentic, and seize opportunities when they arise to increase chances of success

      Success often comes when preparation meets opportunity. Brandon's story illustrates this concept perfectly. Despite hitting rock bottom and feeling worthless, he never lost faith in his talent and continued to perform and practice. When the opportunity presented itself, he was ready and seized it, leading to a viral moment and subsequent success. It's important to remember that everyone's path to success is unique, and there's often an element of luck involved. However, it's the prepared individuals who are able to capitalize on opportunities when they arise. Additionally, Brandon's content, while not for everyone, has resonated with a large audience and serves as a reminder that authenticity and humor can go a long way in building a following.

    • Leveraging an addictive personality for social media successRespond to every message, build genuine connections, and focus on what you're good at to discover your unique niche and succeed in social media

      Having an addictive and obsessive personality can be a powerful asset when channeled into productive pursuits. Bob Mentory shares his experience of discovering his passion for social media and growing his following by engaging with every follower, documenting real moments, and leveraging relationships with other fan pages. He emphasizes the importance of responding to every message and building genuine connections, which helped him gain a loyal following. By focusing on what he's good at and finding the right audience, Bob was able to discover his unique niche and succeed in social media.

    • Staying authentic and building strong relationshipsSuccess comes from staying true to oneself, forming genuine connections, learning from mistakes, and creating unique content.

      Playing the underdog role and staying authentic are key to success, as exemplified by Bob's experience with his father's advice and his partnership with Buffalo Wild Wings. Another important lesson is the need to let go of control and build infrastructure to scale up, which Bob recognized as a mistake he made and is now working to improve. Bob's journey shows that staying true to oneself, building strong relationships, and learning from mistakes are essential elements of a successful career. Additionally, Bob's experience of being discovered through his content and his unique voice highlights the importance of creating and sharing authentic content to attract opportunities.

    • Balancing Art and Science for SuccessSuccessful individuals need a balance of artistic and scientific talents, surround themselves with complementary team members, and adapt to stay relevant.

      Successful individuals, whether in entertainment or business, need a balance of artistic and scientific talents. Artists bring creativity and ideas, while scientists provide logic and analysis. However, it's essential to surround oneself with individuals who complement one's strengths rather than replicas. This can be challenging as trust and partnership selection involve risk. Additionally, individuals must be adaptable and open to pivoting their approach to stay relevant. For instance, in the sports industry, there's a massive opportunity to revolutionize the way we consume sports content by combining entertainment and data analysis. Ultimately, understanding one's strengths and weaknesses and surrounding oneself with a diverse team can lead to significant success.

    • Embracing creativity and pivoting in businessStay open to new ideas, persist despite initial failures, and remain true to your unique perspective.

      Creativity and pivoting are essential in business, even when initial attempts don't succeed. The speaker, Bob Mentory, shared his experience of attempting to create a unique color commentary show for Joe Buck using NFL product and a gambling angle, but the idea didn't gain traction. However, he eventually pivoted and came up with the idea of having a live odds commentator during the broadcast. This shows the importance of being open to new ideas and persisting despite initial failures. Additionally, the speaker's unconventional social media posting style, which he compares to the Truman Show, resonates with his audience due to its authenticity and entertainment value. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of staying adaptable and true to one's unique perspective in both business and content creation.

    • Authenticity and relevance in content creationSpeaker praised for addressing bullying, encouraged to tackle socially relevant topics, concerns about partying lifestyle, importance of balance between work and play.

      Creating a consistent storyline and addressing relevant issues can significantly increase engagement for content creators. The speaker, who values authenticity and kindness, was praised for his efforts against bullying and was encouraged to tackle more socially relevant topics. However, there were concerns about his partying lifestyle and its potential impact on his brand and personal well-being. The speaker acknowledged the importance of striking a balance between work and play, and assured that he is mindful of his actions. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of authenticity, relevance, and balance in content creation.

    • Balancing Personal Brand and RealitySelf-awareness, balance, and strategic delegation are crucial for maintaining a successful brand as one ages. Identify potential derailers, mitigate them, and delegate party aspects to ensure continued growth.

      Maintaining a successful brand requires self-awareness and balance. The speaker shares his personal struggle with balancing his brand image as a party-loving entrepreneur with the reality of aging and potential negative consequences. He emphasizes the importance of identifying potential derailers to success, such as personal behavior, and finding ways to mitigate them. The speaker suggests layering talent underneath to handle the party aspects of the brand as one ages, allowing for continued growth and success. Using the example of David Portnoy and Barstool, the speaker illustrates how stepping back and delegating can lead to long-term success. In essence, self-awareness, balance, and strategic delegation are key to maintaining a successful brand.

    • Start each day with a positive attitude and never stop learningDespite setbacks, getting up early, staying focused, and learning from others can help turn your life around

      No matter how low you may feel in life, getting up early, being open to learning from others, and having a clear goal can help turn things around. The speaker, Bob, is a great example of this. He was at a low point in his life, feeling down after a failed marriage and business, but he refused to give up. He started each day at five in the morning, talked to everyone he met, and worked to find the right people to help him achieve his goals. By staying focused and determined, he was able to turn his life around and find success. The speaker encourages everyone to do the same, to look people in the eye and express their passion, and to never stop learning and growing. Even when things seem impossible, with hard work and dedication, the sky's the limit.

    • The Power of Social Media EngagementBeing active and responsive on Instagram increases chances of winning contests or getting noticed by influencers. Run a two-minute drill daily for chances to win prizes and turn on post notifications to stay updated.

      Engaging consistently on social media platforms like Instagram can lead to opportunities and rewards. Bob and the speaker emphasized the importance of being active and responsive in the comments section, as it increases chances of winning contests or getting noticed by influencers. The speaker also shared his own strategy of running a two-minute drill on Instagram every day, encouraging followers to comment within the first two minutes for a chance to win prizes. Additionally, turning on post notifications can help users stay updated and engaged with their favorite influencers or contests. Overall, the conversation emphasized the power of social media engagement and the potential benefits it can bring.

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    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Sooztheartist
    Shop her art: https://sooztheartist.secure-decoration.com/shop

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