
    Uncovering Hidden Constraints in Your Business | Ep 520

    enApril 04, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Identifying and addressing the right business constraint for exponential growthFocusing on improving the right constraint in your business can lead to exponential growth instead of incremental improvements.

      Identifying and addressing the right constraints in your business can lead to exponential growth. According to Alex Schmozzi, founder of acquisition.com, entrepreneurs often focus on things they enjoy rather than the areas that need improvement, leading to a misidentification of the true constraint. This misconception can prevent businesses from scaling up. The theory of constraints suggests that a business will grow up to its constraint, and to achieve significant growth, entrepreneurs should focus their efforts on removing or improving the constraint that yields the most outsized returns. This can mean the difference between incremental growth and exponential growth. For instance, if a sales process has three steps with different conversion rates, improving the step with the lowest conversion rate can have a much greater impact on overall growth than improving the others. By recognizing and addressing the true constraint, entrepreneurs can maximize their efforts and resources to drive substantial growth in their businesses.

    • Identifying and addressing real constraintsFocusing on the root causes, not just symptoms, leads to faster progress in business and life

      Focusing on the right things, rather than doing things faster, is the key to moving faster in business and life. This was evident in the examples of three different businesses discussed in the podcast. The first, an appointment setting business, was focused on getting more customers but overlooked the fact that their current customers had low quality and short tenure. The second, an HVAC marketing agency, struggled with owners not responding to leads quickly enough, leading to high churn rates. The third, a large influencer business, aimed to make more money but could have benefited from focusing on creating high-quality content instead. The common thread was identifying and addressing the real constraints, rather than just the symptoms, in order to maximize results.

    • Consider alternative ways to grow beyond salesExplore niching down, partnerships, and expanding scope for significant growth and financial rewards

      Focusing on increasing sales to maintain business size can lead to a never-ending cycle of growth, leaving business owners feeling like they're constantly rolling a boulder up a hill. Instead, considering niching down, partnering with other businesses, or expanding the scope of your current business can lead to significant growth and more substantial financial rewards. The real constraint isn't always the number of sales, but rather the structure and scope of the business itself. By thinking about opportunities with a higher leverage perspective, you can get more credit for the effort you put in and potentially reap rewards from the work you did in the past. Wealthier individuals don't necessarily work harder, but they get more value from their efforts and the businesses they build.

    • Scaling an agency: From lead generation to business acquisitionAgencies can generate leads and fill pipelines, but continuous client acquisition may not yield full economic benefits. Consider acquiring an industry-specific business for greater rewards, but carefully evaluate opportunities for long-term success.

      In the world of marketing agencies, having the ability to generate a large volume of leads and fill up multiple pipelines can indicate marketing skills on par with larger, multimillion-dollar businesses. However, it's important to note that while these agencies may charge significant fees, they often don't reap the full economic benefits of their clients' success. Instead, they must continuously acquire new clients due to the unpredictability of business growth. At some point, an agency owner may consider taking a more active role in the business they serve, potentially by acquiring an industry-specific business and merging it with their agency. This approach can lead to greater economic rewards, but requires careful consideration and potentially a shift in focus. Ultimately, the path to scaling a business depends on the foundation it's built upon, and entrepreneurs should carefully consider their opportunities to ensure they're setting themselves up for long-term success.

    • Focusing on a larger slice of a bigger pie is more beneficialSmall businesses and agencies can increase wealth by focusing on partnerships with larger companies, rather than trying to have 100% of a smaller pie. Different types of agencies excel at different things, and understanding these differences can lead to successful partnerships.

      It's more beneficial for smaller agencies or businesses to focus on getting a larger slice of a bigger pie, rather than obsessing over having 100% of a smaller pie. This concept was discussed in relation to potential partnerships with larger companies and the value of different types of agencies. The speaker emphasized that the average IPO founder owns only 12.5% of the company they founded, and that making money for more people ultimately leads to greater overall wealth. He also noted that transactional acquisition agencies, which excel at lead generation and sales, are more likely to benefit from such partnerships. Conversely, creative shops, which focus on branding, tend to work better as standalone companies due to higher LTV on branding customers. Additionally, the speaker mentioned an example of an influencer with a large following, who was trying to take their 97 out of 100 media company to a 99 out of 100, but had no product to sell. Instead, the influencer could have focused on increasing their revenue through partnerships or other means, rather than trying to achieve a perfect 100%.

    • Don't miss out on value by focusing solely on adsNegotiate equity deals or co-create with partners for greater financial gain, brand association, and creative integration.

      Creators focusing solely on sponsorships and ad revenue for monetization are missing out on a larger opportunity. By not developing other departments such as sales, product, and customer success, they are leaving significant value on the table. Instead, creators should aim to own a larger share of the businesses partnering with them, whether through equity or co-creation. This not only increases their financial gain but also strengthens their brand association and allows for more creative integration of products into their content. For creators looking to scale their business, negotiating equity deals with consistent advertisers or expanding into co-creation can lead to greater long-term success than relying solely on ad revenue.

    • Monetizing Skills and Audience: Create, Collaborate, or BuildMonetize skills and audience by creating viral content, collaborating with brands, or building a business from scratch. Effective advertising and operational skills are crucial for success.

      As a content creator, there are several ways to monetize your skills and audience. One approach is to identify popular products and create your own version, potentially bringing in key executives to help build the business. Another option is to focus solely on content creation and brand yourself as a creative shop that produces viral videos for ad campaigns, allowing brands to invest heavily in advertising and expanding reach beyond your existing audience. The third path is to do it all yourself, building the business from the ground up, but requiring more operational skills and resources. Regardless of the chosen path, the ability to create viral content and effectively advertise it can lead to significant financial rewards.

    • Identifying the right problem to solve and understanding the time horizonProperly identifying the limiting factor and addressing it can lead to significant business growth. Focusing on the constraint maximizes resources and efforts for the greatest impact.

      Identifying the right problem to solve and understanding the time horizon are crucial elements for business growth. It's important to recognize that the approach to solving a problem and the resources required will vary depending on the scale of the solution. For instance, attempting to build a 100-story building in the same timeframe as a 10-story building is unrealistic. Similarly, in business, focusing on a problem that aligns with your skills, resources, and experience can lead to greater success. At Acquisition.com, they prioritize recruiting talent to solve problems they are confident in handling. Properly identifying the limiting factor in a business and addressing it can lead to significant growth. By focusing on the constraint, businesses can maximize their resources and efforts for the greatest impact.

    • Doing the right things efficiently leads to wealth accumulationSuccessful entrepreneurs efficiently do the right things, seek industry experts, and have a well-rounded team to build deep expertise and accumulate wealth.

      Wealth accumulation is not just about working faster, but rather doing more of the right things and less of the wrong things. Successful entrepreneurs, such as those in the HVAC industry, often do the same work more efficiently and are rewarded disproportionately for it. Having a long-term perspective and building deep expertise in complementary skill sets can lead to significant rewards. It's important to seek out industry experts with a proven track record and metrics to demonstrate their expertise. According to research from Y Combinator, the optimal number of founders for a company is three, each with distinct responsibilities in operating the business, delivering the product, and marketing and acquisition. While splitting the pie into thirds on the first day is the most dilutive experience, these three roles can lead to a well-rounded and successful business.

    • The importance of collaboration and learning from othersCollaboration and learning from others can help individuals make informed decisions about their career or project development plans, saving time and resources while maximizing progress towards long-term success.

      Building a successful project or achieving significant growth in your career requires a combination of various skills. However, the decision of which skills to focus on and when to focus on them depends on individual circumstances and resources. The African proverb "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together," emphasizes the importance of collaboration and learning from others to reach your goals. While it's possible to develop all the necessary skills independently, it may take longer and require more resources. Therefore, considering the time and resources required to acquire each skill and the potential benefits of collaboration and partnerships can help individuals make informed decisions about their career or project development plans. Ultimately, the goal is to find the right balance between self-reliance and teamwork to maximize progress and reach long-term success.

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    (13:25) How this helps with Content

    (17:39) Biggest Meta-Lesson

    (20:03)Document Everything Publicly

    (26:24) Bonus Q&A

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    (42:07) - Kill For Sport (#14)

    (44:47) - Track Data (#15)

    (49:23) - Never Blame Circumstances (#16)

    Follow Alex Hormozi’s Socials:

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    (13:45) How this can make organizations stronger

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    (30:42) - The hail mary strategy

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    (38:09) - Concluding thoughts

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    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.


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    (20:50) - Turning mistakes into opportunities

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