
    Underestimated: The Wisdom of Teenage Girls w/ Chelsey Goodan

    enMarch 05, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Prioritizing Your Own Pleasure and NeedsPutting others first can harm your well-being. Embrace self-pleasure, prioritize your needs, and learn from teenage girls' experiences to enhance your sex life and break down stigmas.

      Putting others' needs before your own, especially in the context of relationships and sex, can be detrimental to your own well-being. It's important to prioritize your own pleasure and needs, just as teenage girls deserve to do the same without judgment. Another key takeaway is the power and iconic status of the magic wand vibrator. It's not just a sex toy, but a symbol of unapologetic pleasure and power. And for those looking to enhance their summer sex life, products like Promescent's delay spray and warming arousal gel can help ensure longer-lasting and more pleasurable experiences for both men and women. Lastly, the importance of listening to and learning from teenage girls was emphasized. Their experiences and feelings about sex, social media, and body image can provide valuable insights for people of all ages. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of prioritizing pleasure, breaking down stigmas, and embracing the wisdom and power within us all.

    • Communicating with Teen Girls: Creating a Safe SpaceListen to teen girls, affirm their thoughts, ask non-judgmental questions, avoid offering advice, and create a safe emotional space to build self-confidence and trust.

      Effective communication with teenage girls requires creating a safe and judgment-free space for them to express their thoughts and feelings. Chelsea Gooden, an academic tutor and author, emphasizes the importance of listening to them first and affirming their thoughts with specifics when they do share. Phrasing questions in a non-judgmental and genuinely curious tone is also crucial. By doing so, teenage girls feel heard, valued, and respected, which helps them build self-confidence and trust. It's essential to avoid offering advice or trying to fix their problems without first understanding their perspectives. Additionally, teenage girls often feel judged for their emotions, leading them to shut down and put up walls. Creating a space where they feel emotionally safe and accepted can help them open up and connect with adults and peers. Overall, the key is to approach interactions with teenage girls with empathy, honesty, and respect.

    • Teenagers crave authenticity and learn from mistakesEncourage teenagers to make decisions, learn from mistakes, and prioritize their needs to build self-trust and resilience, while addressing societal pressure and harmful expectations.

      Teenagers crave authenticity and trust their instincts more than we give them credit for. Instead of trying to shield them from the world, allowing them to make decisions and learn from their mistakes can help build their self-trust and resilience. However, societal pressure to be perfect and pleasers, particularly for girls, can lead to anxiety and fear. To help them thrive, it's essential to create a safe space for mistakes, reframe failures as opportunities for growth, and encourage them to prioritize their own needs over others'. It's also crucial to address and challenge the cultural narratives that perpetuate these harmful expectations. Ultimately, the lessons we learn during our teenage years, such as perfectionism and people-pleasing, can carry into adulthood. Therefore, it's essential to equip teenagers with the tools to navigate these challenges and foster healthy self-esteem and self-worth.

    • Struggles of Teenage Girls: Prioritizing Own Needs and Exploring SexualityTeenage girls face societal pressure to be selfless, struggle to prioritize their own needs, and encounter challenges in exploring their sexuality due to fear of judgment and societal expectations.

      Teenage girls often prioritize others' needs over their own and struggle with putting themselves first due to societal pressure to be selfless and avoid being perceived as selfish or having a big ego. This is tied to the long-standing issue of female martyrdom, which manifests in various ways, including in motherhood and the workplace. Additionally, girls face significant challenges in exploring their sexuality due to societal expectations and fear of judgment. They are often blamed for boys' inclinations and face double standards, with boys being encouraged to seek pleasure while girls are discouraged from doing so. The lack of safe, loving, and non-judgmental spaces for girls to explore their sexuality contributes to their confusion and fear. Overall, girls need support in learning to prioritize their own needs and explore their identities in a healthy and safe manner.

    • Shifting focus from protection to understanding and educationEncourage open discussions about consent, healthy manhood, and body image. Educate boys about respect and consent to create a safer environment for all young people.

      Instead of shaming girls for their clothing choices or trying to control their outfits in the name of protection, it's essential to approach conversations with curiosity and respect. By asking questions and seeking to understand their daughters' motivations, parents can foster healthy and open discussions about consent, healthy manhood, and body image. The girls wish for similar conversations about healthy sexuality and respect for boys. Sadly, slut shaming remains a significant issue, and it's crucial to explain to boys what it means and how their comments can harm girls. Instead of feeling shame, girls should be encouraged to explore their sexuality and feel sexually empowered. To do this, we need to educate boys about healthy manhood, respect, and consent. Additionally, only 11 states teach consent in their sex education curriculum, which further complicates the issue. By shifting our focus from protection to understanding and education, we can create a safer and more respectful environment for all young people.

    • Educating Boys and Men on Healthy Masculinity and ConsentTo address sexual assault and toxic masculinity, it's essential to educate boys and men on healthy masculinity and consent, rather than shaming or restricting girls.

      Addressing the issue of sexual assault and toxic masculinity requires a multi-faceted approach. Instead of focusing solely on protecting girls by shaming them or restricting their freedoms, it's essential to educate and engage boys and men in understanding healthy masculinity and consent. The next generation, Gen Z, shows promising signs of progress, with boys becoming more open to sensitivity and feminist ideologies. However, it's crucial to address the root cause of the problem by teaching boys not to perpetrate harmful behaviors. Additionally, parents and communities play a significant role in supporting girls and creating a safe environment where they feel empowered rather than fearful. Education and open communication are key to creating lasting change.

    • Limiting societal constructs impact boys' emotions and girls' body understandingEmpower boys with emotion expression and feelings vocabulary, and teach girls about body anatomy and pleasure for improved connection and confidence.

      Societal constructs limit boys' expression of emotions and girls' understanding of their bodies, leading to disconnection and shame. For boys, giving them permission to express emotions and developing a feelings vocabulary can be empowering and transformative. For girls, learning about their anatomy and understanding the importance of pleasure can help them feel more connected and confident. Perfectionism and people-pleasing often hinder sexuality for both genders, as there's a focus on fulfilling others' needs rather than focusing on one's own pleasure. Parents often struggle to discuss these topics due to their own discomfort and shame, but addressing their own issues first can help them approach these conversations with open hearts and non-judgmental energy.

    • Shame's Impact on Sex Lives and Healing through Speaking OutShame can prevent us from speaking out about painful sex experiences, but sharing in a trusted environment can lead to healing and empowerment. The Me Too movement showed the power of collective voice in overcoming shame and seeking help.

      Shame plays a significant role in affecting our sex lives. Many people, especially women, keep quiet about their painful experiences due to feelings of shame and fear of being judged. The act of speaking out and sharing these experiences in a trusted environment can lead to healing and dissipation of shame. The Me Too movement served as a powerful example of this, as it allowed many women to realize they were not alone in their experiences and led to a wave of healing. Chelsea's personal journey of dealing with painful sex for decades and her determination to find answers despite being dismissed by doctors is a relatable example of women's struggle to reclaim their power and right to pleasure. The story highlights the importance of persistence and seeking help to overcome shame and painful experiences.

    • From sandwiches to treats, hero bread is a healthier optionHero bread is a versatile, health-conscious choice for various dishes, adding fiber while keeping sugar in check.

      Hero bread is a versatile and health-conscious option for various dishes, from sandwiches to tacos, and even indulgent treats. Its light texture and great taste don't compromise health goals, as it adds fiber while keeping sugar in check. Moreover, the friendships among teenage girls are undergoing a positive transformation, with a shift towards girl-power and support, rather than competition and toxicity. Gen Z girls are more likely to uplift each other, fostering a culture of inclusivity and compassion. They also show a greater understanding and empathy towards mental health and psychology, making their relationships more resilient and nurturing.

    • Unhealed wounds from teenage yearsWomen can heal by supporting each other, acknowledging harmful patterns, and using tools to process emotions.

      Women, regardless of age, continue to carry unhealed wounds from their inner teenage selves. This realization, as shared by the speaker, has been a powerful and healing experience during the writing process of her book. She emphasizes the importance of women supporting each other in the healing process, instead of perpetuating negative narratives. A practical tip she offers is to increase awareness around apologizing excessively, which can be harmful and stem from feelings of shame and imperfection. By acknowledging and addressing these patterns, women can begin to connect with their authentic selves and break free from limiting behaviors. The use of tools like the feelings wheel can also help individuals identify and process emotions, allowing for a deeper connection to one's truth.

    • Allowing girls space to feel and process emotionsEncourage girls to express emotions, resist rushing solutions, and promote comprehensive sex education for healthy emotional and sexual growth.

      It's essential to allow girls the space to feel and process their emotions instead of rushing in to solve their problems. Suppressing feelings can lead to a buildup of emotional baggage and hinder personal growth. The lack of proper sex education and conversations around sexuality contributes to confusion and discomfort for young girls. To promote healing and understanding, a collective effort towards self-reflection and education is necessary. Girls struggle with understanding their own desires and sexuality, and there's a need for more comprehensive, pleasure-focused education. The performative male gaze continues to impact girls, even as they grow older. Overall, the conversation around girls' emotional and sexual well-being requires compassion, curiosity, and a willingness to slow down and listen.

    • Exploring gender identities and sexuality beyond societal definitionsGirls envision a world where women lead with care, empathy, equality, and generosity, challenging societal norms and empowering girls to step into their authentic power.

      Girls today are exploring their gender identities and sexuality in unprecedented ways, leading to a liberating expansion beyond societal definitions and expectations. However, this exploration faces pushback from some parents and societal judgments, which can disempower young girls. The girls interviewed in the book envision a world where women lead with care, empathy, equality, and generosity, offering a heart-centered alternative to traditional masculine leadership styles. Ultimately, the book underscores the need to affirm and support girls in their exploration of identity and empower them to step into their authentic power. We must challenge societal norms and judgments to create a more inclusive and loving world for young girls. The insights from the girls in the book reveal their depth and wisdom, challenging us to reconsider the assumptions we have about their capabilities.

    • Embrace self-discovery for confidence during sexFocus on understanding your body and desires, let go of societal expectations, and communicate with partners for a more fulfilling sex life.

      Women struggling with anxiety and self-consciousness during sex can find confidence and enjoyment by focusing on self-discovery and authenticity. Dr. Emily emphasizes the importance of understanding one's body and what brings pleasure, as well as learning to communicate these desires to partners. She encourages women to let go of societal expectations and comparisons, and instead embrace their unique qualities and desires. By focusing on what truly makes us happy and authentic to ourselves, we can reduce anxiety and shame, leading to a more fulfilling and enjoyable sex life.

    • Talking about bodies and appearance affects young girls' confidenceFocus on girls' interests and talents instead of looks to foster self-confidence and positive body image. Avoid dieting and negative self-talk to set a good example.

      The way we talk about bodies and appearance, particularly to young girls, can have a significant impact on their confidence and self-worth. While compliments may be well-intentioned, focusing on a girl's appearance can contribute to unhealthy body image issues. Instead, encouraging girls to explore their interests and talents, rather than their looks, can help foster self-confidence and positive body image. The average age for a girl to start dieting is just eight years old, and their confidence drops significantly during adolescence compared to boys. It's crucial for adults, especially women, to be mindful of the messages they send about their own bodies and appearance around young girls. By focusing on our own self-care and avoiding negative self-talk, we can help break the cycle of body image issues for future generations. You can find more insights and resources from Chelsea Gooden, author of "The Girls' Guide to Sex and Sexuality," on her Instagram and through her book.

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    “It’s coming from an approach of really trusting what’s really right for us, and hence the work that I’m standing in is allowing women to find their own unique voice, and the more that we stand in that as individuals then we become this collective awakened force of the feminine.”

    Mandy Adams is a menstruality educator.

    What the hell is that, you ask.

    Well, I seriously believe that if every woman and man understood this information that Mandy teaches and shares, the world would be in a much better state.

    There is so much that our cultures do not understand about health, specifically the cycle of the woman’s menstruality. And if information was taught and known almost automatically, such as taught in school, we would understand so much more about ourselves, our children, our lovers, our partners, our mothers, our sisters, our daughters, as well as our dynamic with boys and men in our lives.

    I’m telling you. Listen to this.

    And pay attention. Don’t do anything else but dedicate 100% of your attention on this episode.

    Here are the books and authors recommended by Mandy Adams:
    Vagina, by Naomi Wolf

    Jane Hardwick Collins

    Uma Dinsmore-Tuli

    Alexandra Pope


    To contact Mandy, go to her Mandy Adams https://mandyadams.co.uk/


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