
    Understanding the Baggage I Bring to My Relationship [VIDEO]

    enJune 11, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Discovering happiness in imperfect relationshipsEven in healthy relationships, challenges and imperfections exist, but it's important not to be ashamed of them.

      Even in healthy relationships, there are challenges and imperfections. Alex Cooper and her co-host discussed their own experiences of coming from toxic relationships and finding happiness in their current ones, but emphasized that these relationships are not without issues. They encouraged listeners not to be ashamed of the difficulties they face in their relationships, as everyone experiences challenges. The episode also featured sponsored content from David's Bridal, COSIS, and Shopify. David's Bridal offers perfectly fitting bridal gowns and dresses, COSIS provides nourishing makeup and skincare products, and Shopify is a global commerce platform that helps businesses grow by turning browsers into buyers.

    • Unresolved personal issues can hinder effective communication in relationshipsRecognize unhealthy patterns, prioritize working through personal issues, and learn effective communication skills to create a healthy and respectful dynamic in relationships.

      Unresolved personal issues can surface quickly in relationships and hinder effective communication. For instance, a person might find themselves trying to "win" arguments instead of understanding their partner's perspective. This behavior, which may stem from past experiences, can lead to unhealthy patterns and prevent growth in the relationship. It's essential to recognize these patterns and prioritize working through personal issues to create a healthy and respectful dynamic. Trauma from past relationships can also influence our behavior in new relationships, leading us to repeat unhealthy patterns despite our desire for a better relationship. It takes time and effort to learn how to communicate effectively and fight fair in a relationship, especially when past experiences have shaped our behavior.

    • Unresolved past traumas impact relationshipsUnmet emotional needs from past can manifest as unconscious behaviors in relationships, requiring self-reflection and healthy partnerships to heal

      Unresolved past traumas and survival mechanisms can significantly impact our relationships, causing unconscious behaviors and patterns that hinder emotional connection. The speaker shares her personal experience of growing up in a challenging environment and developing an aversion to instability and a need for self-reliance. She admits that this mentality has carried over into her romantic relationships, leading her to unconsciously interrogate her partners about their job security and financial stability. It wasn't until she met a partner who encouraged a healthy balance in their relationship that she began to acknowledge and address her past traumas and demons. The discussion highlights the importance of self-reflection and the value of healthy relationships in helping us confront and work through our emotional baggage.

    • Fear of rejection and past experiences impact relationshipsRecognize past patterns, be willing to be vulnerable, and create a foundation for healthy relationships

      Our past experiences, especially those involving rejection and fear, can significantly impact our relationships and our ability to form healthy connections. The fear of being rejected or vulnerable can lead us to compensate with high achievement or detach emotionally, making it difficult to fully engage in a relationship. It's important to recognize these patterns and be willing to look inward, allowing ourselves to be vulnerable and communicate openly with our partners. Healthy relationships require effort and compromise, but they can also provide a sense of safety and security that is worth the investment. It's okay if we haven't found that perfect relationship yet, as it may mean we're not truly ready for it. By acknowledging our past experiences and learning to navigate our emotions, we can create a foundation for a healthy, fulfilling relationship.

    • The importance of mutual respect in relationshipsCommunicate daily, compromise, understand emotional needs, and practice self-care to build and maintain healthy relationships

      Building and maintaining healthy relationships, whether romantic or platonic, requires effort and communication from both parties. The speaker shares her experience of focusing too much on her individual needs and not giving enough mutual respect to her partner. She emphasizes the importance of daily communication and compromise, even in small ways, to show respect for each other's time and schedules. The speaker also highlights the importance of understanding and respecting each other's emotional needs and love languages. The conversation also touches upon the importance of self-care through the use of high-quality makeup and skin care products, such as COSUS, which can help individuals look and feel their best.

    • Neglecting communication in relationships due to focus on independenceRecognize the importance of communication and consideration in relationships, even during personal goal-focused times, to strengthen bonds and prevent misunderstandings.

      Focusing on independence can make it difficult to prioritize communication and thoughtfulness in relationships. The speaker shares her personal experience of being so engrossed in her work and personal pursuits that she neglected to check in with her partner, causing him worry and leading to misunderstandings. This pattern can stem from past experiences of feeling alone and insecure, leading individuals to close off emotionally and handle issues on their own. It's essential to recognize that communication and consideration for the other person's feelings are crucial components of a healthy relationship. Even when facing challenges and intense focus on personal goals, taking a moment to connect and check in with your partner can strengthen the bond and alleviate unnecessary stress and misunderstandings.

    • Setting healthy boundaries in relationshipsEffective communication and setting healthy boundaries are essential for maintaining a healthy relationship. Implementing rules, like avoiding fights while under the influence of alcohol, can improve communication and prevent unnecessary conflicts.

      Effective communication and setting healthy boundaries are crucial in maintaining a healthy relationship. The speaker, Lauren, shares her experience of implementing a rule with her partner Matt, where they avoid engaging in fights while under the influence of alcohol. This rule has significantly improved their communication and helped them avoid unnecessary conflicts. Lauren also emphasizes that being in a healthy relationship requires consistent effort and a commitment to working through disagreements with love and understanding. The discussion highlights the importance of being mindful of one's actions and emotions, especially during moments of conflict, and the benefits of finding constructive ways to resolve conflicts. Overall, the conversation underscores the significance of open and respectful communication and the importance of setting healthy boundaries in maintaining a strong and loving relationship.

    • Understanding the importance of validating others' emotionsValidating others' emotions and taking accountability for our actions can lead to deeper connections and stronger relationships.

      Effective communication and empathy are key components in building healthy relationships. The speaker shared her personal experience of growing up in a chaotic household, which influenced her initial reaction to others' emotions as irrational and unimportant. However, through therapy and self-reflection, she came to understand the importance of validating others' emotions and taking accountability for her actions. The power of acknowledging someone's feelings, even if one doesn't fully understand them, can open up a vulnerable and productive conversation. The speaker encourages others to approach disagreements with empathy and a willingness to listen and understand, rather than trying to disprove or dismiss someone's emotions. This approach can lead to deeper connections and stronger relationships.

    • Understanding emotional reactions from past traumasRecognizing and addressing past traumas can lead to empowerment and control in relationships, through self-work and acknowledging reactions.

      Recognizing and understanding our emotional reactions, especially those rooted in past traumas, is crucial for building healthy relationships. During a conversation, Lauren shared her experience of feeling invalidated in past relationships, which led to feelings of hurt and a desire to leave. However, when her current partner responded with empathy and a hug, she felt a sense of safety and allowance to feel emotions. Lauren also discussed the importance of recognizing and addressing learned reactions and unconscious states triggered by past experiences. For those who have experienced abusive or mentally ill parents, repairing the individual sense of self may not be a simple process, but understanding and acknowledging reactions and working backwards can lead to empowerment and control. Lauren emphasized the importance of self-work and taking pride in the effort put into personal growth and relationships. While the process may be challenging and ongoing, the sense of empowerment and control gained makes it worthwhile.

    • Personal experiences shape self-perception and emotional wellbeingExploring past experiences and emotions in therapy can reveal underlying issues and promote personal growth and healing.

      Personal experiences, even those seemingly insignificant or non-traumatic, can deeply impact our emotional wellbeing and shape our perception of ourselves. The speaker shares how the loss of a parent to mental illness led them to disconnect emotionally, but seeking therapy and confronting the trauma allowed them to regain awareness and live a healthier life. They emphasize that everyone, regardless of their background or perceived need for therapy, can benefit from exploring their emotions and past experiences in a therapeutic setting. The process of therapy can reveal underlying issues, such as unresolved sibling dynamics or feelings of favoritism, that may not have been recognized otherwise. These hidden emotions can significantly impact self-perception and relationships, making therapy a valuable tool for personal growth and healing.

    • Exploring Different Types of Mental Health ProfessionalsUnderstand insurance coverage, consider word of mouth, and don't hesitate to email for affordable therapy options.

      Therapy is becoming more normalized, but it's a personal and sometimes privileged decision to pursue. If you're considering therapy, it's important to know that there are different types of mental health professionals, each with varying levels of education and cost. You can call your insurance company to understand your coverage for mental health services, or look for organizations that offer resources for those who can't afford it. Word of mouth is a powerful tool in finding a therapist, and don't be afraid to ask for recommendations. Remember, it's okay to reach out via email if calling feels uncomfortable. Finding a therapist can be a process, but the potential benefits are worth the effort.

    • Finding the right therapist takes time and effortThe therapeutic relationship can significantly impact mental health, invest time to find the right therapist.

      Finding the right therapist can be a challenging process, requiring patience and persistence. It's important to remember that if you find someone who has had a positive experience with their therapist, they may be able to recommend a qualified professional in your area. However, it may take calling several therapists before finding the right fit. The search can be time-consuming, but the rewards are worth it. The therapeutic relationship can have a significant impact on your mental health and well-being, making it a worthwhile investment to put in the effort to find the right therapist. Don't be discouraged if it takes some time and effort, keep trying until you find the right fit.

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    FREE download: “5 Compliments to Get Him Addicted to You” http://www.SayThisToHim.com


    Email us! You can get in touch with the show and give your feedback/thoughts at podcast@matthewhussey.com

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