
    Podcast Summary

    • Discovering alternative website building solutions and the importance of communityExploring platforms like Prismic and Sanity for website building and the value of meeting new people through various channels, including parenting communities, can lead to rewarding experiences.

      While building websites, you might not always need a framework. Scott and Wes discussed the possibility of using platforms like Prismic and Sanity, which offer out-of-the-box solutions for creating websites using APIs. They also talked about the importance of socializing and meeting new people, whether it's through parenting or other community events. Wes shared his recent experiences of meeting new parents at his child's school and how it's been a rewarding experience. They also shared their personal experiences and hobbides, like going to the cottage and operating the popcorn machine at school events. Scott also shared how he's manipulated his children into calling him "dad man" to increase his bonding time with them. Overall, the episode emphasized the importance of community and the various ways we can build connections with others, whether it's through work or personal life.

    • Using URL search parameters for application stateURL search parameters are a built-in feature for storing and sharing data in URLs, eliminating the need for additional libraries or frameworks, and can be easily manipulated using the URLSearchParams API.

      Instead of relying on complex frameworks or libraries, it's beneficial to utilize the built-in features and standards of web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. These primitives can be simpler and less intimidating than they seem, and using them directly can make the development process easier. One specific example of this is using URL search parameters to store and share application state. A search parameter is a variable and value pair that can be added to a URL after a question mark. This information can be used to store and share data, such as filters for a website. By using URL search params, developers can avoid the need for additional libraries or frameworks, making the development process more straightforward. URLSearchParams is a powerful API that comes built-in to web browsers, allowing developers to easily manipulate search parameters. This API provides methods for appending, checking, and modifying search parameters, making it a useful tool for managing application state and sharing data between users. Overall, by building with the basics that are already available, developers can simplify their projects, gain a deeper understanding of the underlying technologies, and create more efficient and effective web applications.

    • Exploring URL search params and history APIURL search params can be manipulated directly from the browser, while the history API lets you change the URL without reloading the page, improving user experience and efficiency.

      URL search params and the history API are powerful features built into web browsers that can be used for various purposes without the need for external libraries. URL search params can be sorted and manipulated directly from the browser, making it a handy tool for developers. On the other hand, the history API, which was introduced with HTML5, allows developers to change the URL without reloading the page, providing a smoother user experience. This API is widely used by popular front-end frameworks like React Router, but it can also be utilized directly. These features offer significant advantages over older methods, such as hash bangs, which required additional client-side logic and had limitations on server-side access. By understanding and utilizing these browser features, developers can enhance their web applications and work more efficiently.

    • Handling data formatting and collection with intl and Form Data APIsThe intl API formats numbers, currencies, and lists for various locales, while the Form Data API collects and sends key-value pairs from HTML forms. Both are essential for web development, enhancing efficiency and effectiveness.

      The Internationalization API (intl API) and the Form Data API are essential browser APIs for handling various data formatting and collection tasks in web development. The intl API is a game-changer when it comes to formatting numbers, currencies, and lists for various locales. It can automatically detect the locale and format the data accordingly, making it an invaluable tool for developers working with multiple languages. Additionally, it's not just limited to multilingual projects; it's also useful for formatting lists and numbers in a specific way, regardless of the language. The Form Data API, on the other hand, is a transport for form data, allowing developers to collect and send key-value pairs from HTML forms. It's a crucial component when dealing with form submissions and handling data in web applications. With the rise of new UI frameworks and JavaScript full-stack frameworks, understanding form data and how to work with it becomes increasingly important. These APIs are essential building blocks for web development, allowing developers to create more dynamic and user-friendly applications without relying on external libraries or frameworks. By learning and mastering these browser APIs, developers can enhance their skillset and create more efficient and effective web applications.

    • TypeScript limitations and the importance of DOM API and PrismicTypeScript has limitations, but the DOM API and Prismic are essential tools for web development. The DOM API enables direct manipulation of HTML elements, while Prismic offers a user-friendly interface for creating data types and reusable website sections.

      While TypeScript offers many advanced features, there are still limitations and frustrations, such as the lack of a built-in way to create a FormData object of a specific type. Developers are currently using casting or type guards as workarounds, but these methods are not ideal. The DOM API, on the other hand, is a powerful tool for working with elements on a webpage, and its usage is essential when working with web components. Despite the availability of frameworks, the DOM API remains an indispensable part of web development, enabling us to traverse, manipulate, and create HTML elements directly in JavaScript. Prismic, a headless CMS, is another valuable resource for developers, providing a user-friendly interface for creating data types and reusable website sections, making it an excellent alternative to traditional website builders.

    • Manipulating HTML elements and storing data with DOM APIs and browser storageDOM APIs allow for quick manipulation and creation of HTML elements, while browser storage technologies like local and session storage enable persistent data storage across page refreshes.

      The Document Object Model (DOM) APIs and browser storage technologies offer powerful tools for developers working with client-side JavaScript. The DOM APIs enable quick manipulation and creation of HTML elements, making it easier to build dynamic web applications without the need for external libraries or frameworks. Custom events can also be created and fired, allowing for decoupled and flexible code. Local storage is a simple yet effective way to store data client-side, persisting across page refreshes, while session storage is useful for temporary data. Both local storage and session storage have their uses, with local storage being ideal for storing any data that makes sense within a single browser instance, while IndexedDB provides a more complex key-value store for larger data sets. Overall, these tools offer significant benefits for developers working with client-side JavaScript, enabling dynamic and interactive web experiences.

    • Using advanced animation capabilities directly from the browser with tools like the web animations APIThe web animations API offers advanced animation capabilities directly from the browser, but may have a steeper learning curve compared to popular animation libraries. Tools like LogRocket can help address performance challenges and improve user experience.

      While local storage and IndexedDB are useful for maintaining state without an external database, there are other tools like the web animations API that can offer more advanced animation capabilities directly from the browser. The web animations API may have a steeper learning curve compared to popular animation libraries, but it can be a great option for those working in a browser context without the need for additional installations. Additionally, tools like LogRocket can help address the challenges of dealing with spiky website performance by providing session replay and other features to improve the user experience and identify issues impacting conversion rates.

    • Exploring Browser APIs with Logrocket and MDNLogrocket offers insights into potential issues on websites and is easy to use with a free trial. MDN documents provide comprehensive resources for learning about and using browser APIs effectively. However, not all APIs are equally useful or well-supported, requiring custom interfaces for inconsistent device support.

      Logrocket is a valuable tool for gaining insights into potential issues on your website by providing visibility into spiky areas. It's easy to use and offers a free trial. Additionally, browser APIs are a powerful resource for web development, with a vast array of options available. The MDN docs are a great place to explore these APIs and learn how to use them effectively. However, not all APIs are equally useful or well-supported across different platforms. For instance, the Web Share API, which enables sharing functionality, has inconsistent desktop support. In such cases, it may be necessary to check the device type and serve custom interfaces accordingly. Overall, understanding and utilizing browser APIs can help streamline web development and enhance user experience.

    • Discussion on Apple's social media sharing and web componentsApple's social media sharing through APIs can be limiting compared to native sharing on Android. Web components like Shadow DOM have benefits but are not as widely adopted due to user-friendliness concerns.

      Apple's implementation of sharing content to social media platforms through their built-in APIs can be frustrating and less feature-rich compared to using the native sharing functionality on Android devices. This was a common complaint during the discussion. Additionally, the use of Shadow DOM and web components in web development was brought up as a topic of interest. While these technologies have their benefits, such as custom components and scoped styles, they are not as widely adopted as some may expect. The reasons for this are debated, with some suggesting that the underlying primitives may not be as user-friendly as they could be, and others preferring the added functionality of popular frameworks. Overall, the conversation touched on various aspects of web development, from the frustrations of using certain APIs to the potential benefits of newer technologies.

    • Using platform standards for easier web developmentPlatform standards like web components, CSS variables, CSS Grid, and Flexbox offer flexibility, ease of use, and wide adoption, making them valuable tools for web development.

      Using platform standards can lead to greater flexibility and ease of use in web development. The discussion touched upon the potential future of using one component for various frameworks, as seen with tools like Vime and React's support for web components. Svelte was highlighted for its advantage of working directly with the DOM, making it easier to use web components and custom events. Another significant point was the power of CSS variables, which offer real-time propagation and make theming and dark mode implementations a breeze. The speakers agreed that CSS variables have greatly improved the CSS experience and are a valuable addition to the platform. Lastly, the discussion emphasized the effectiveness of using CSS Grid and Flexbox directly, as opposed to relying on additional frameworks or libraries, due to their ease of use and wide adoption.

    • Exploring Advanced CSS and HTML FeaturesCSS calc and media queries expand web development capabilities, while HTML offers features like lazy loading, preload attribute, and accordion-style interfaces for enhanced user experience

      The world of web development is constantly evolving, with new technologies and features being introduced regularly. Two such examples discussed are CSS calc and media queries, which represent next-level capabilities beyond just using the platform. In HTML, developers can utilize features like lazy loading for images and iframes, which is supported in almost all modern browsers except for IE 11. Another sponsor, Sanity, was highlighted as a structured content platform that allows users to manage and store all data and media for digital experiences. Additionally, HTML offers features like the preload attribute for audio and video elements and details and summary for accordion-style interfaces, which can enhance user experience without requiring a framework. Overall, it's an exciting time for web development with constant innovation and improvements.

    • HTML elements for enhanced user experienceUse HTML elements like 'details' and 'summary' for hiding unwanted info, 'progress' for creating progress meters, and 'dialogue' for modal interfaces to save time and improve user experience

      HTML provides useful features like the "details" and "summary" tags, the "progress" element, and the "dialogue" (modal) element that can enhance the user experience and make coding more efficient. For instance, the "details" and "summary" tags can be used to hide long stack traces or other unwanted information on GitHub, while the "progress" element can create progress meters. The "dialogue" element, a newer addition, can be used to create modal interfaces without having to write custom code. These features may be underutilized, but they can save time and effort in web development. Remember, next time you're faced with a long stack trace or need a progress meter or modal interface, consider using these HTML elements.

    • Organize cables with flexible PET tubingAffordable, flexible PET tubing keeps multiple cables neatly organized and reduces clutter

      PET tubing, which is a type of plastic nylon, is an affordable and effective solution for organizing and managing cables, especially when multiple cables need to be directed in one place. This tubing comes in various sizes and colors, and can be easily purchased in large rolls from online retailers like AliExpress. To use it, simply feed the cables into the tubing and secure the ends with ties or heat shrink tubing. The tubing is flexible enough to allow cables to exit early if necessary, and is a cost-effective way to reduce clutter and keep cables organized. Additionally, for those who enjoy DIY projects, there are also tools available to help with cable management, such as wall-mounted kindling splitters.

    • Exploring affordable and functional home solutionsDiscovering affordable tools like a $25 wall-mounted kindling splitter can bring joy and functionality to daily life. Stay tuned for the best SvelteKit course from Level Up Tutorials.

      The speaker shared his excitement about a wall-mounted kindling splitter he purchased for only $25. He was impressed with its design, which he believed was inspired by Nordic design, and its functionality. He also mentioned that Lee Valley, a high-end hobbyist store, sells a more expensive version of the same product. The speaker then plugged Level Up Tutorials and upcoming courses, including one on SvelteKit, which he promised would be the best SvelteKit course available. He also clarified that Lee Valley does not have any stores in the United States. Overall, the speaker's enthusiasm for the kindling splitter and his upcoming courses highlighted the value and importance of finding practical and affordable solutions for everyday needs and continuous learning.

    Recent Episodes from Syntax - Tasty Web Development Treats

    801: 6 New JavaScript Proposals

    801: 6 New JavaScript Proposals

    Scott and Wes serve up six exciting new JavaScript proposals, including Promise.try and Math.sumPrecise. They break down what each proposal means for developers and how these new features could change the way we write JavaScript.

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    800: Why the jQuery Creator Uses React and Typescript - John Resig

    800: Why the jQuery Creator Uses React and Typescript - John Resig

    In episode 800 of Syntax, Scott and Wes sit down with John Resig, the creator of jQuery, to discuss the current state of React and TypeScript. They dive into the evolution of frontend frameworks, the challenges of server-side rendering, and the tech stack at Khan Academy.

    Show Notes

    • 00:00 Welcome to Syntax!
    • 00:59 Brought to you by Sentry.io.
    • 01:32 What is jQuery?
    • 05:31 Did you anticipate the success jQuery had?
    • 07:16 allow-discrete, @starting-style.
    • 07:54 Building the community around jQuery.
    • 11:16 jQuery plugins.
    • 13:00 Did you ever make money from jQuery?
    • 16:13 What is your role at Khan Academy.
    • 17:58 What is the tech stack at Khan Academy?
    • 21:56 Why do you want to change your CSS and JS framework?
    • 24:03 TypeScript vs Flow.
    • 25:25 GraphQL federation.
    • 28:08 What was your frontend framework journey?
    • 30:23 Is there any part of React you wish would improve?
    • 32:37 Reservations using React Router.
    • 33:14 Khan Academy web platform vs native platform.
    • 35:21 What do you use for state management?
    • 38:48 What’s harder than it should be on the web today?
    • 42:46 Opinions on JavaScript Sprinkles.
    • 44:04 What’s with the $ sign in jQuery?
    • 45:29 The challenges of having your name in such a widely used software.
    • 51:06 Challenges with server-side rendering in React.
    • 52:42 Sick Picks & Shameless Plugs.
    • 54:48 What are the performance issues associated with internationalization?
    • 56:57 Back to Sick Picks & Shameless Plugs.

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    799: Hot New and Under-Utilized Browser APIs

    799: Hot New and Under-Utilized Browser APIs

    Scott and Wes serve up the latest and most under-utilized browser APIs that are changing the game for web development. From the @starting-style CSS API to scroll-snap and popovers, they break down how these tools can elevate your projects with minimal effort.

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    798: Self Hosting: Reverse Proxy Servers

    798: Self Hosting: Reverse Proxy Servers

    Scott and Wes serve up an episode on reverse proxy servers. They discuss popular options like CF Tunnels, Caddy, Nginx, Apache, and more, explaining why you might need one for load balancing, SSL certificates, security, and managing multiple servers.

    Show Notes

    • 00:00 Welcome to Syntax!
    • 01:30 Brought to you by Sentry.io.
    • 02:25 What is reverse proxy?
    • 03:16 Some examples of reverse proxies.
    • 05:04 Why do you need a reverse proxy?
    • 15:55 Caddy × websocket support.

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    797: Drizzle: The TypeScript SQL ORM

    797: Drizzle: The TypeScript SQL ORM

    Scott and Wes chat with Alex Blokh and Andrew Sherman, the co-founders of Drizzle ORM, about building a modern ORM from the ground up. They dive into the importance of type safety, creating filters with Drizzle, and the differences between Drizzle and other ORMs like Prisma.

    Show Notes

    Sick Picks

    Andrew - Smart Swim Goggles.

    Shameless Plugs

    Andrew - Savelife, United24.
    Scott - Syntax × Drizzle Swag.

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    796: Do We Need JS Frameworks × Are You Over-Engineering? × Webview vs Native

    796: Do We Need JS Frameworks × Are You Over-Engineering? × Webview vs Native

    Scott and Wes tackle a variety of audience questions, from the nuances of over-engineering to the energy consumption of AI LLMs. They also discuss the pros and cons of monorepos, frameworks, and the ever-important question: Do you really need to learn all the developer tooling?

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    795: Hosting Private Fonts on the Edge With Cloudflare

    795: Hosting Private Fonts on the Edge With Cloudflare

    Scott and Wes dish out the intricacies of hosting private fonts using Cloudflare Pages. They explore the challenges of font security, the benefits of a font server, and the nuances of caching and whitelisting to keep your fonts secure and efficient.

    Show Notes

    Check out the font Syntax uses! MD-IO.

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    794: Prettier JavaScript with Vjeux

    794: Prettier JavaScript with Vjeux

    Scott and Wes sit down with Vjeux from Meta to dive deep into the origins and evolution of Prettier, the widely-used code formatter. They discuss the challenges faced, the decision-making process behind its features, and what the future holds for this indispensable tool in the developer’s toolkit.

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    793: The Local First Landscape

    793: The Local First Landscape

    Scott and Wes dive into the local first landscape, exploring the benefits and possibilities of local first apps. They highlight some of their favorite tools and discuss why local first is gaining traction among developers.

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    792: Perfect Sitemaps for SEO

    792: Perfect Sitemaps for SEO

    Scott and Wes break down the importance of sitemaps for SEO. They dive into the different file formats, essential fields, and common pitfalls to avoid when creating and submitting your sitemap to search engines.

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    Related Episodes

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    Potluck - What is "State"? × Web Sockets × Remote Working × Firefox × Machines Taking Our Jobs × More!

    It’s another Syntax potluck! In this episode, Scott and Wes answer your questions about remote work, AI agendas, motivation, fitness, the future of coding, and much more!

    Sentry - Sponsor

    If you want to know what’s happening with your errors, track them with Sentry. Sentry is open-source error tracking that helps developers monitor and fix crashes in real time. Cut your time on error resolution from five hours to five minutes. It works with any language and integrates with dozens of other services. Syntax listeners can get two months for free by visiting Sentry and using the coupon code “tastytreat”.

    FreshBooks - Sponsor

    Get a 30 day free trial of Freshbooks at freshbooks.com/syntax and put SYNTAX in the “How did you hear about us?” section.

    Show Notes

    2:03 - Q: I hear you both talk about “state” a lot in your podcasts. And while I understand a little about it, I never understand it in the context you both use it. Can you enlighten us?

    6:52 - Q: I have an idea for a project that is suited for web sockets, push text/images/documents to a bunch of users in real time. I just learned about Firebase’s real-time database, and it looks like it would be pretty easy to implement my idea. What are your thoughts, pros/cons, of these two technologies?

    10:42 - Q: How’s your fitness going?

    12:15 - Q: Let’s say both of you gents were junior developers that had basic knowledge and skills in HTML, CSS and JavaScript but you had all the experience and knowledge of how to best master those skills and where the industry was heading. What would be the outline and focus of your road-map knowing what you do now?

    17:22 - Q: Is it worth it to find a remote dev job at an early stage of your career? Considering the stuff I learn from my seniors and other devs on the team, I wonder if I will lose the opportunity to learn stuff from my team members?

    19:49 - Q: How do I keep myself motivated in coding?

    22:47 - Q: What’s y’all’s opinion on using some obscure (at least in my opinion) features of a language, such as Javascript bitwise operators, in a production app that dozens of other engineers maintain, and will continue to maintain long after you leave the company? It seems hard to read and immediately understand, which possibly makes it harder to debug/refactor in the future. Is it the responsibility of future devs to learn if they don’t know, or should you find a different way to code the solution in the first place?

    26:00 - Q: Wes, I keep hearing you talk about working from your Dropbox. Do you sync up everything? Even things like your node module folders?

    29:26 - Q: Have you talked about Firefox Developer Edition? It looks like it should be very useful, but I can’t quite make the transition.

    32:58 - Q: Hey guys, what your opinion of CSS naming convention methodologies such as BEM?

    35:04 - Q: I would like to refer to the question from ep 140 about fronted development possibly dying. I don’t feel satisfied with the answer, so maybe I could state the question differently: With the machine learning being developed rapidly in recent years, will the web change, causing reduction of front-end jobs? Maybe we will just be training smart algorithms and developing them instead? What do you think?

    40:32 - Q: How do you deal with anxiety and fear during interviews that might hinder your ability to give the best impression of yourself or solve coding challenges?


    ××× SIIIIICK ××× PIIIICKS ×××

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    Advice for New Devs

    Advice for New Devs

    In this episode of Syntax, Scott and Wes talk about advice for new devs, our advice and opinions for how new devs can level up.

    Sanity - Sponsor

    Sanity.io is a real-time headless CMS with a fully customizable Content Studio built in React. Get a Sanity powered site up and running in minutes at sanity.io/create. Get an awesome supercharged free developer plan on sanity.io/syntax.

    Sentry - Sponsor

    If you want to know what’s happening with your code, track errors and monitor performance with Sentry. Sentry’s Application Monitoring platform helps developers see performance issues, fix errors faster, and optimize their code health. Cut your time on error resolution from hours to minutes. It works with any language and integrates with dozens of other services. Syntax listeners new to Sentry can get two months for free by visiting Sentry.io and using the coupon code TASTYTREAT during sign up.

    Cloudinary - Sponsor

    Cloudinary is the best way to manage images and videos in the cloud. Edit and transform for any use case, from performance to personalization, using Cloudinary’s APIs, SDKs, widgets, and integrations.

    Show Notes

    01:59 - Get comfortable with your code not working

    • All of our code is broken much of the time.

    02:40 - Compound learning and momentum is your biggest tool

    • There is no formation without repetition.
    • It sucks to hear, but honestly, if you get a little bit better every single day, you will be WAY ahead in years to come. Keep at it, keep chipping away, take the lows and the highs.

    04:05 - Learn to read error messages

    • Is this error coming from my code?
    • Is this coming from the library? If so, maybe the library wasn’t expecting that.
    • Is this coming from the browser? An extension? Is it even related?
    • Stack trace is a treasure map

    09:42 - Take the time to learn the concepts that scare you

    • They are often easier than they seem (though not every time).

    10:40 - We all struggle

    • This stuff is hard — give yourself a break.

    12:56 - Taking a walk is good for solving bugs

    • It’s hard to walk away from broken code, but it really helps.

    14:33 - Get comfortable with the command line

    • You’ll need it

    18:09 - The ability to replicate a design pixel perfect is a valuable skill

    • You will be shocked at how many devs can’t or don’t do this. If you want to avoid spending extra time on something, don’t make the designers tell you to go back and fix simple spacing, color, and detail things.

    21:26 - You are on a team

    • Don’t get stuck in the "us vs them" mentality of internal company teams (e.g. devs vs designers). You are all working together to make something.

    24:10 - You are not an expert

    • Even if you think you are an expert, you should always be seeking out alternate viewpoints and ideas. You are a student forever in this game.

    26:14 - Scaffold with comments

    • It helps keep you organized once you get into the mess

    28:30 - From Twitter

    29:30 - Ben Newton

    32:46 - Eric McCormick

    33:31 - Jason Liggi

    35:34 - Andrew Nickerson

    37:15 - Michael Powers

    39:33 - Jason Liggi

    40:14 - Swashata

    49:59 - Max Stoiber

    43:34 - Pat Clarke

    44:21 - Musa Barighzaai

    45:20 - David Moore


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    Hasty Treat - Web Dev Resource Sick Picks

    Hasty Treat - Web Dev Resource Sick Picks

    In this Hasty Treat, Scott and Wes talk about all of their favorite web dev resources — a full episode of sick picks!

    LogRocket - Sponsor

    LogRocket lets you replay what users do on your site, helping you reproduce bugs and fix issues faster. It’s an exception tracker, a session re-player and a performance monitor. Get 14 days free at LogRocket.

    Show Notes

    2:03 - Twitter Accounts

    5:00 - Web Dev Resources

    7:37 - Design Resources

    11:36 - Desktop Tools

    14:59 - YouTube


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    Quick Update: Jake Likes React

    Quick Update: Jake Likes React

    Dude, check it out! In this totally rad podcast sesh, you got Seth Whiting, this mega experienced coder with like a decade of tech wizardry, and then there's Jake Pacheco, this chill barber turned code surfer riding the learning waves for 13 weeks. They're diving deep into React, man. Jake's stoked on how React vibes with him, especially after he got the lowdown on JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. He's all about Code Academy's React course, diggin' the hands-on code action over those vid tutorials. He's cruising through concepts like conditional rendering and mapping, and it's all starting to fit in the big picture, ya know?

    The hosts are all about teamwork in the coding lineup. They're sharing tales of hooking up with Chelsea, this other coder shredding through JavaScript. They're high-fiving over helping each other carve through coding challenges. And they're laying it down that grasping the core logic of coding concepts is key to riding the gnarly learning curve. They're throwing in some tips for checking out documentation, suggesting newbie-friendly stops like W3Schools.

    And hey, they're not just riding the wave, they're shaping it too! Seth and Jake are spilling the beans on crafting clean, efficient code. They're droppin' knowledge on the art of efficient code reviews, bro. They're tossing around the idea of "modular code," think of it like building legit components that work together like a killer squad. They're all about nailing that efficient vibe while being cool with different coding styles.

    Wrapping it up, these dudes are pumped about their coding journey, ready to catch more React barrels and ride the coding currents. They're vibing on the energy of their listeners and even throwin' the idea of future collabs into the mix. Seth's leaving you with some stoked words, saying as your coding mojo grows, those initial bumps turn into a seriously tubular coding ride. Keep it cruisin', bro!

    Special thanks to Diarrhea Planet for our intro and outro music and @SkratchTopo for our artwork.

    How Long Is This Going To Take??

    How Long Is This Going To Take??

    Get ready to hang ten with Seth Whiting and Jake Pacheco in this enlightening podcast episode. They'll take you on a gnarly journey through the coding and web development world. From Jake's transition from barber to coder, to the simplicity of HTML and the creative power of CSS, they cover it all. They even dive into Jake's wild Vegas trip, the importance of health, and Seth's daughter's rad birthday party.

    In the next segment, they explore website design, career opportunities, and Seth's transition from freelancing to a full-time gig. They highlight the blend of artistry and coding in web design, the competitive market, and the challenges of estimating project timelines. They also share insights into the pride of being a coder in their location, the non-monetary benefits of learning to code, and the value of non-technical skills like networking and communication.

    The episode wraps up with an in-depth discussion on coding interviews, algorithms, and problem-solving skills. They debate the relevance of algorithmic questions in real-world scenarios and the importance of interview simulations mirroring actual job tasks. They touch on recruiters reaching out, using Google as a reference, and the time it takes to reach high-paying positions in programming. Tune in and ride the wave of coding knowledge with Seth and Jake!

    Special thanks to Diarrhea Planet for our intro and outro music and @SkratchTopo for our artwork.