
    Use This Phrase To Power Your Habits

    en-gbJuly 20, 2024
    What is the concept of the 'phrase change'?
    How can reframing thoughts impact decision making?
    What are the details for the 'Everyday Positivity' event?
    What does the annual everyday positivity survey offer?
    How does the speaker encourage listeners to overcome challenges?

    Podcast Summary

    • Phrase changeReframing thoughts using 'phrase change' can help establish new habits and make healthier decisions by focusing on positive feelings instead of restrictions

      Instead of focusing on what we can't or shouldn't do, we can reframe our thoughts to consider how we will feel better by making different choices. This positive reframe, known as the "phrase change," can help us establish new habits and make healthier decisions, particularly when it comes to eating. For instance, instead of telling ourselves we can't have that slice of bread or piece of chocolate, we can remind ourselves that we'll feel better if we choose something different. This simple shift in mindset can make a significant difference in our ability to stick to good habits and make positive changes in our lives. So, the next time you're faced with a temptation or a difficult decision, try reframing your thoughts using the phrase change and see how it makes you feel.

    • Everyday Positivity EventMark your calendars for the upcoming 'Everyday Positivity' event next Sunday at 6pm UK time, 1pm US Eastern time, and 10am Pacific American time. Join the community for personal growth and well-being, with more details to come throughout the week and a prize draw entry upon completion of the annual everyday positivity survey.

      The speaker is encouraging listeners to mark their calendars for an upcoming event called "Everyday Positivity," which will take place next Sunday at 6pm UK time, 1pm US Eastern time, and 10am Pacific American time. The speaker promises to provide more details throughout the week and reminds listeners about the annual everyday positivity survey, which includes a prize draw entry upon completion. The speaker expresses excitement about the event and offers words of encouragement, reminding listeners that they have the ability to overcome challenges with the phrase "You have 100% got this." Overall, the speaker is creating a sense of community and positivity, inviting listeners to engage in activities that promote personal growth and well-being.

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