
    User Feedback UI - Toasts, Flash, Validation

    enJuly 24, 2023
    What are toast messages used for in applications?
    How can poor UI for user feedback affect users?
    What design elements are important for effective toast messages?
    Why is clear error messaging crucial for user experience?
    How do industry leaders like Apple influence error messaging standards?

    • Effective User Feedback MessagesClear and unobtrusive user feedback messages enhance user experience and build confidence in application interactions.

      User feedback messages, such as toast messages and flash messages, provide valuable enhancements and suggestions to users without disrupting their focus on the application. Unlike modal or popover types of alerts, these messages are unobtrusive and often appear as subtle notifications. A poor UI for user feedback can lead to confusion and uncertainty, as seen in the example of the WordPress Contact Form 7 plugin. Effective use of these messages can help ensure that users are aware of the application's actions and feel confident that their interactions are being processed correctly. Additionally, the speakers shared personal experiences of the importance of clear user feedback, drawing comparisons to the reliability of the postal service and the potential embarrassment of unclear feedback in financial transactions.

    • Effective communication in app developmentUse appropriate colors and message types for clear communication in apps. Toast messages are commonly used for displaying success or error messages.

      Effective communication with users is crucial in app development. The use of appropriate colors and message types can greatly enhance the user experience. The speaker shared a personal anecdote about accidentally depositing a check into an ATM machine through a crack, leading to embarrassment. Nowadays, checks can be deposited via apps, making the process more convenient and less error-prone. When it comes to app messaging, there are different types such as success, error, and neutral messages. The speaker mentioned using green for success, red for error, and blue for neutral or informational messages. However, they also noted that having too many different message types might not be necessary. Communicating these messages to users can be done through Toast messages, which are commonly used in modern app development due to the prevalence of AJAX fetch requests. When an app sends a request to the server, it receives a response with a success or error message, which can then be displayed to the user as a Toast message. The speaker also mentioned using a dispatch system to display the message, such as "toast.show()". They also mentioned using a sweet new syntax for this on their website. Overall, clear and effective communication with users is essential for a positive user experience.

    • Flash messages for effective user communicationFlash messages instantly alert users of success or error messages, enhancing user experience through effective communication, available in both server-side and client-side methods.

      Effective communication with users is crucial in web development, whether it's through client-side or server-side methods. Flash messages, a server-side technique, allow developers to instantly alert users of success or error messages after form submissions or other actions. The term "toast message" comes from their pop-up nature, similar to an old-school toaster. Modern web development often relies on client-side JavaScript for dynamic user interfaces, making toast messages a popular choice for displaying messages without disrupting the page layout. Regardless of the method used, it's essential to keep users informed of the outcome of their actions to ensure a positive user experience.

    • Designing effective toast messagesUse clear color, iconography, and messaging in toast messages for positive user experience. Color indicates success or error, iconography provides context, and clear messaging avoids confusion.

      Effective use of toast messages in apps requires careful consideration of color, iconography, and clear messaging to ensure user experience is not negatively impacted. Color should indicate success or error at a glance, ideally with a check mark or green for good and red for bad. Iconography should be associated with the action and provide additional context, such as a mail icon for email send or a clock with a red X for retrying an action. A clear message within the toast is essential to avoid confusion and provide the user with helpful error messages or success notifications. Additionally, developers should ensure that any errors are not displayed to users in a way that could be alarming or confusing, and instead, should be logged and addressed behind the scenes. Emojis can also be used in place of icons for added visual appeal. Overall, the goal is to create toast messages that are informative, unobtrusive, and user-friendly.

    • Designing Clear and Effective Error MessagesProvide informative error codes, context, and clear instructions to improve user experience when an error occurs. Consider user perspective and anticipate their needs to save time and reduce frustration.

      Providing clear and meaningful error messages is crucial for a good user experience. When an error occurs, users want to understand what went wrong and how to resolve it. Developers can improve error messages by including informative error codes, providing context, and making messages closable or auto-dismissing after a reasonable amount of time. Additionally, it's essential to consider the user's perspective and anticipate their needs, such as providing clear instructions on what to expect after an action is taken. For instance, a user buying a product should receive a confirmation email, and the message should automatically disappear once the action is complete. Overall, thoughtfully designed error messages can save time, reduce frustration, and enhance the overall user experience. The tech industry giants, such as Apple, set a high standard for clear error messaging, and developers can learn from their practices.

    • Managing User Expectations with Toast MessagesEffectively communicate with users about toast messages, inform them of what to expect, handle multiple messages, consider ideal positioning, and allow for user dismissal.

      Effective communication and clear expectations are crucial when it comes to user experience, particularly with regard to toast messages in web applications. The user may feel anxious or uncertain if they receive an email or toast message after making a purchase and not immediately receiving confirmation. Therefore, it's essential to inform them of what they should expect, such as a confirmation email arriving within minutes and their order being shipped in 1-2 days. Another key point is handling multiple toast messages. Users may encounter a situation where they receive numerous messages stacked on top of each other, making it difficult to dismiss them all. To mitigate this, developers should account for the possibility of multiple messages and allow for their stacking or grouping. Modern animation libraries typically handle this automatically. Lastly, the ideal position for a toast message depends on the specific web application and user preferences. While some users may prefer the bottom right corner, others, like the speaker, might prefer the top center. It's essential to consider the user's monitor size and the potential for missed notifications due to their positioning. Additionally, users might expect to be able to dismiss toast messages by swiping them away, similar to notifications in the Apple ecosystem.

    • Toast messages in web apps: Implementation and librariesToast messages can be implemented from scratch or using libraries. Libraries offer more functionality and save time. Toast messages involve creating an array of messages, firing off events, and listening for changes. More complex notification systems involve email notifications and grouping messages across devices.

      Implementing toast messages in web applications is a common user expectation and can be achieved using various libraries. While building a toast message system from scratch can be a good learning exercise, using a library can save time and provide more functionality. Toast messages involve creating an array of messages, firing off events, and listening for changes. More complex notification systems, like those offered by Magic Bell, involve email notifications and grouping messages across devices. Validation, another form of user feedback, is typically associated with forms and involves handling form submissions differently on web and native platforms. While toast messages and validation are related to user feedback, the complexity of implementing a full notification system is significantly greater.

    • Clear form validation for user-friendly online formsEffective form validation with clear indicators at form and input levels saves users time and frustration.

      Effective form validation is crucial for a seamless user experience. On native apps, users typically don't expect a save button for user preferences and simply type and swipe away. However, when submitting a form online, validation is essential to ensure success or to alert users of errors. The design of validation messages is key, with clear indicators at both the form and individual input levels. A good practice is to color invalid inputs red and display error messages directly above or below them. Additionally, field sets, which group multiple inputs, can also have invalid CSS properties applied to them for easier identification of problem areas. Overall, prioritizing clear and immediate form validation can save users time and frustration.

    • Provide clear and specific error messages to usersClearly highlight invalid inputs, provide instructions on input formats, and anticipate external system requirements to make forms user-friendly and frustration-free

      When designing forms, it's crucial to provide clear and specific error messages to users. This not only saves time but also reduces frustration. Instead of leaving users guessing which input is invalid, highlight the entire field set with an error or scroll the user directly to the problem area. Providing clear instructions on input formats, such as date or postal code, can also save time and prevent confusion. Remember, the goal is to make the form experience as seamless and user-friendly as possible. Additionally, be aware of the rigidity of external systems, such as shipping companies, and try to anticipate and accommodate their requirements to make the overall process smoother for the user.

    • Using Correct HTML Input Types for Efficient Form ValidationUsing the correct HTML input types can make form validation more efficient and user-friendly. HTML5 provides various input types, and using them properly can ensure required fields are validated and make the device's keyboard smarter. JavaScript API can provide more detailed error messages on form submit.

      Using the correct HTML input types can make your form validation process more efficient and user-friendly. HTML has continued to add more input types in recent versions, and using them properly can make your device's keyboard smarter and help validate forms at an HTML level. This means you'll have to do less work and can ensure required fields are validated. However, the error messages generated by HTML validation can be unattractive. Fortunately, there is a JavaScript API to validate a form on submit, which can provide more detailed error messages. For example, it can identify issues like a field being too short or too long. You can find resources on how to use this API, such as Shruti Kapoor's blog post on FreeCodeCamp, which covers HTML5 and JavaScript validation in detail. Additionally, Shruti's post demonstrates how to add event listeners, set custom validity, and check validity, providing a more hands-on learning experience. By utilizing these techniques, you can create a more streamlined and effective form validation process.

    • Effective communication in app designClear and concise messaging is essential for effective user communication in app design. Use different types of notifications wisely to keep users informed and engaged.

      Effective communication with users is crucial in designing an application. The use of different types of notifications, such as good, bad, or informative messages, can significantly impact the user experience. While good and bad messages are clear in their intent, informative messages can sometimes be ambiguous. It's essential to ensure that users understand the meaning behind each notification to avoid confusion and maintain a positive user experience. Therefore, clear and concise messaging is key when designing notifications for your application. Remember, keeping users informed and engaged will lead to a more satisfying interaction with your app. Thanks for tuning in, and for more insights, check out the full archive of our shows on syntax.fm. Don't forget to subscribe and leave a review if you enjoyed this episode.

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    • Learn how to find joy and play in the work you do.
    • We talk in-depth about the impact and emotional experiences in the Othership space.

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    Listen to the podcast! wearepodcast.com

    If this is the first episode you’ve listened to all the way to the end or if you are a regular, thank you … I love that you are here. Check out our back catalogue on wearepodcast.com, subscribe to the show and give me a review and rating, it really helps us get found more.

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    Stay tuned for the next episode because I will be talking to Dan Martell. So, make sure to subscribe to the show to get that episode as soon it gets released. Until then, much love.



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