
    Vagina Spas & Sexual Ahhs with Dr. Carolyn Delucia

    enSeptember 28, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Enhance your summer sexual experiencesPromescent's line of sexual enhancement products, including their legendary delay spray for men and warming arousal gel for women, can help optimize pleasure and last longer during the summer season. The Magic Wand, a popular sex toy, is also mentioned as a powerful tool for achieving orgasms.

      Summer is the season of passion and pleasure, and Promescent's line of sexual enhancement products can help enhance the experience. Their legendary delay spray helps men last longer, while their warming arousal gel for women increases pleasure. The Magic Wand, a cult-favorite sex toy, is also mentioned as an iconic and powerful tool for achieving orgasms. Overall, these products aim to help individuals optimize their sexual experiences and enjoy the summer season to the fullest. Use the exclusive discount code "emily" at promescent.com or sexwithemily.com/magicwand to explore these offerings further.

    • Challenges to Women's Sexual Health and Innovative SolutionsWomen face numerous challenges to their sexual health and wellness, but there are noninvasive procedures and advanced technology available to restore pelvic floor health and improve sexual function.

      Women face various challenges to their sexual health and wellness throughout their lives, from vaginal laxity and loss of sensation to urinary incontinence and vaginal atrophy. These issues can significantly impact their everyday lives, leading to insecurities, inhibitions, and limitations in activities. However, there are innovative solutions available, such as noninvasive procedures and cutting-edge technology, that can help restore pelvic floor health and improve overall sexual function. It's essential for women to be aware of these options and to communicate openly with their healthcare providers about their concerns. Don't miss this insightful interview with doctor Carolyn DeLucia, who shares her expertise on female sexual health and wellness, including an amazing chair that can help restore pelvic floor function in just a few sessions. Stay tuned for more information and resources in the show notes on sexwiththeemmy.com.

    • Opening up about women's sexual healthWomen should ask their gynecologists about sex drive, orgasms, and desire, and discuss how birth control affects sexual health for open and honest conversations on sexual health.

      Women's sexual health goes beyond regular check-ups and pap smears. Many women normalize pain, suffering, and lack of pleasure during sex, and they often don't ask the necessary questions due to embarrassment or lack of awareness. Gynecologists also tend to avoid discussing these topics. However, it's crucial to address these issues, as they're not normal, and there are answers and solutions. Some great questions women can ask their gynecologists include inquiring about their sex drive, orgasms, and desire, as well as discussing how birth control might impact their sexual health. It's essential for both women and healthcare professionals to have open and honest conversations about sexual health to ensure women's overall well-being.

    • Women's Sexual Health and Vaginal Rejuvenation: Prioritizing Our Well-beingWomen can improve their sexual health through advanced technologies and treatments, but it's essential to seek out appropriate training for healthcare professionals. Organizations offer certifications in this field, and prioritizing our sexual health and education can help break down stigmas.

      Women's sexual health and vaginal rejuvenation are important aspects of overall wellness that are often overlooked and misunderstood. Doctors and gynecologists may avoid discussing these topics due to discomfort or lack of knowledge, leaving women to seek out information on their own. Solutions exist in the form of advanced technologies and treatments, such as those offered by companies like BTL, which use radio frequency and other tools to rejuvenate vaginal tissue and strengthen pelvic muscles. However, these treatments are often categorized as cosmetic procedures and not recognized by general OBGYNs, making it essential for women to seek out appropriate training and certification for healthcare professionals in this field. Organizations like the American Aesthetic Association, Cellular Medicine Association, and International Society of Regenerative Medicine offer training in these areas. By prioritizing our sexual health and educating ourselves and healthcare providers, we can break down the stigma surrounding these topics and improve our overall well-being. Remember, it's important to ask questions and seek out the information you need to live your best life. Use the code Emily for a 10% discount on Hero Low Carb's delicious offerings.

    • Celebrating the diversity of women's bodiesUnderstanding and embracing the unique beauty of all women's bodies, regardless of size or shape, is crucial.

      Women's bodies come in various shapes and sizes, just like snowflakes, and there's nothing wrong with that. It's important to remember that we're all unique and beautiful. The conversation touched upon the topic of vaginal rejuvenation and the issue of labiaplasty. Many women come in seeking this procedure due to societal norms or misconceptions, often influenced by pornography or cultural expectations. However, it's crucial to understand that all vaginas are normal and beautiful. The artist's Great Wall of Vaginas in London is a testament to this fact, showcasing the vast diversity among women. The conversation also highlighted the importance of addressing women's sexual health concerns and how they have evolved over the years, particularly with the rise of pornography and easy access to explicit content. Ultimately, it's essential to embrace our bodies, age, and uniqueness, and seek professional advice when necessary.

    • Every Body is Unique: Labia Lengths and Pubic Hair Styles Don't Determine Sexual SatisfactionConfidence, self-awareness, and hormonal balance are crucial for a fulfilling sexual experience, not physical attributes like labia length or pubic hair style.

      Women's bodies come in various shapes and sizes, including different labia lengths and pubic hair styles, and none of these physical attributes determine sexual prowess or satisfaction. Confidence and self-awareness are the keys to a fulfilling sexual experience. Another important factor is hormonal balance, specifically testosterone levels, which can impact libido. It's essential to prioritize understanding and addressing individual hormonal needs rather than societal pressures and expectations. Our bodies are complex systems with interconnected hormones, and endocrinology is a complex field in medicine that continues to unravel the mysteries of our hormonal health.

    • Understanding the Causes of Low Libido in WomenHormonal imbalances or psychological factors can cause low libido in women. Testosterone levels can be checked to rule out hormonal issues. If psychological factors are present, women can explore their feelings and consider treatments like the O Shot or Emsella.

      As women age, a lack of libido can be caused by various factors, including hormonal imbalances and psychological issues. Hormonal imbalances, specifically a deficiency in testosterone, can be ruled out through testing. If testosterone levels are normal, then psychological factors may be at play. Women may not feel good about themselves or may not be satisfied with their partners. Simple questions, such as how they feel when they're alone or when they masturbate, can help identify the root cause. Medications like birth control pills and antidepressants can also impact libido, sometimes taking it away completely. However, treatments like the O Shot and the Emsella offer solutions for women experiencing a loss of sexual function. The O Shot uses platelet-rich plasma to restore normal function, while the Emsella is a simple device that uses electromagnetic energy to strengthen pelvic floor muscles and improve sexual health.

    • Non-invasive chair for urinary incontinence and erectile dysfunctionThe Emsella chair uses magnetic energy to stimulate pelvic floor muscles, improving urinary control, increasing lubrication, and enhancing orgasms for women, and treating erectile dysfunction for men, all while fully clothed and conveniently watching Netflix.

      The Emsella chair is a non-invasive device approved by the FDA for the treatment of urinary incontinence in women. It works by stimulating pelvic floor muscles, which can be strengthened through the chair's magnetic energy field. The benefits go beyond just urinary control, as women may experience increased lubrication and more intense orgasms due to the strengthened muscles. The chair's convenience, allowing users to sit fully clothed and even watch Netflix, makes it an appealing alternative to traditional kegel exercises. Additionally, the Emsella chair is also approved for the treatment of male erectile dysfunction in Canada and Europe. This device offers a simple, effective solution for both urinary incontinence and erectile dysfunction, with potential added benefits for enhancing intimacy and sexual pleasure.

    • Improving pelvic muscle tone and function with innovative devicesInnovative devices like the Emsella chair, Apex, and Intensity can significantly enhance pelvic muscle strength and function, promoting better sexual health and sensation. These devices bridge the gap between professional treatments and daily self-care, empowering individuals to take charge of their own well-being during postpartum recovery.

      The Emsella chair and devices like the Apex and Intensity can significantly improve pelvic muscle tone and function for both men and women, leading to better sexual health and sensation. These innovations can help bridge the gap between professional treatments and daily self-care, making a difference in people's lives, especially during postpartum recovery. Communication and education are essential in addressing the misconceptions surrounding postpartum recovery and the importance of continued care. The Apex and Intensity devices offer a convenient and effective solution for maintaining pelvic floor strength between professional treatments, allowing individuals to take control of their own well-being.

    • Innovative Women's Health Treatments at The V SpotThe V Spot offers The O Shot for sexual enhancement and urinary incontinence, Imsella for pelvic muscle strengthening, and laser treatments for vaginal skin. All treatments can be done in-clinic and at home.

      The V Spot Medical Group offers various innovative treatments for women's sexual health and incontinence issues. The O Shot, using platelet-rich plasma, enhances sensation and treats urinary incontinence. The Imsella device strengthens pelvic muscles through electromagnetic stimulation. Both treatments can be done in-clinic and at home. The lack of resources and open discussions about women's sexual health inspires the V Spot to expand and provide more accessible locations. Other procedures include laser treatments for the vaginal skin. The V Spot is dedicated to empowering women to take control of their sexuality and bodies.

    • Non-invasive treatments for vaginal laxity and related issuesNon-invasive procedures like erbium and carbon dioxide lasers, radio frequency, and electromagnetic energy improve vaginal tone, lubrication, and sensation, resulting in increased friction and long-lasting effects.

      There are various non-invasive treatments available for women who experience vaginal laxity and related issues after childbirth or aging. These treatments include erbium and carbon dioxide lasers, radio frequency, and electromagnetic energy. These procedures improve lubrication, collagen and elastin production, and vaginal tone, resulting in increased friction and sensation. Radio frequency, in particular, treats a deeper layer and creates long-lasting results. However, the immediate feeling of tightness is transient, and the long-term effect lasts as long as the body ages new tissue. Despite their effectiveness, these procedures are often overlooked due to being categorized as cosmetic, and many women and healthcare providers may not be aware of them.

    • Discovering the world of vaginal rejuvenation through laser treatmentsFormer OBGYN, Dr. Carolyn DeLucia, advocates for normalizing vaginal rejuvenation procedures using lasers for improving urinary incontinence and enhancing sexual health. More clinical trials and evidence are needed to assure safety and effectiveness.

      Dr. Carolyn DeLucia, a former obstetrician and gynecologist, discovered the world of vaginal rejuvenation through laser hair reduction and later learned about using lasers to improve urinary incontinence. However, many OBGYNs are skeptical due to their limited experience with lasers, which are often associated with burns from treating genital warts. To make these treatments mainstream, there is a need for more clinical trials and evidence to assure safety and effectiveness. Dr. DeLucia believes that these procedures are essential for maintaining female sexual health and should be considered part of overall sexual health care. She encourages individuals to explore their options and seek better sex and pleasure through these advanced treatments. Overall, the conversation highlights the potential benefits and the ongoing journey to normalize these procedures within the medical community.

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    38. The sweet, sticky and spicy secrets of aphrodisiacs unveiled. Can food really improve your sex life?


    It has been a whole year already (11/10/23). It seems absolutely fitting to have a spicy and playful solo episode to celebrate! Thank you so much for being here honey. 

    This week, ooooft get ready to blush a little my dear friend. I am not afraid to be cheeky in this one. 

    Sexual health is a major pillar to our over all well-being, and let's be honest, one of the most enjoyable. When our sex life is out of sorts, this can significantly impact on our self-confidence, hormones, mood regulation, self-esteem and the ripple effect continues. 

    So let's get real about whether or not there is a magic solution to ground breaking sex through the use of food based "Aphroodisiacs". 

    I'm a curious gal, the combition of nutrition science, sensualitlity and sex absolutley peaks my interest, therefore i assume it does yours. 

    Here's what I cover in the epsiode; 

    What is an Aphrodisiac? 

    Are they scientifically backed to increase arousal and sexual desire? 

    If so, how can we include them in our diet or sexy time rituals?

    What do we need to be careful of?

    Which key factors 'come' into play when thinking about food and sex? 


    The rest i will leave for your ears to tune into as I whisper sweet nothings to you. 



    Reach out to me on instgram @oneforthehoneyau or email hello@oneforthehoney.com.au

    For extra juicy information find me www.oneforthehoney.com.au/

    Download, subscribe and review! All the fun things to land 'One For The Honey' in more delightful ears. 

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    31. My 3 Year Sex Strike: The Sweet Droplets of Wisdom and Lessons Learned.


    I hope you are ready for maybe a little too much information! 


    This week I share one of my biggest secrests and honestly probably one of the most defining moments (3 years) of my live. 

    That's right, you read it correctly, no sex for 3 years. Trust me when I say, this was no easy feat. However, the power,  self-awareness and self-validation that I gained in this time was paramount in my personal growth journey. 


    Here are some of the key points of the eppie: 

    1. Why did i stop having sex?
    2. Did I still have a sex drive?
    3. What was the biggest challenege? 
    4. Does sexual chemistry cloud our judement of a good partner? 
    5. That cheeky oxytocin playing games with my feelings 
    6. Can pleasure be found outside of sex? 
    7. What was my biggest lesson? 

    Have you ever been on a sex strike? Or unintentionally gone pro-long periods of time without it? 

    What did you learn/experience? 


    Sign up tp email list here for all the details.


    Reach out to me on instgram @oneforthehoneyau or email hello@oneforthehoney.com.au

    For extra juicy information find me www.oneforthehoney.com.au/

    Download, subscribe and review! All the fun things to land 'One For The Honey' in more delightful ears. 



    Under The Midlife Hood

    Under The Midlife Hood

    EP 56: Um…Do you ever feel like your midlife “check engine” light is on? Your VJ, all its parts & your libido are in need of a tune up? Do you experience pain or discomfort during sex? Do you dread it? Are you an empty nester with more free time for pleasure (lol), but perimenopause or menopause is making it difficult? Your spouse thinks maybe you should take up pole dancing and you just want to crawl into bed with your ugly pj’s on? Do you feel you can’t reach the same satisfaction you did before midlife? Don’t give up! 

    Join me, Dr. Sarah Milken, in an open and honest conversation called, “Under The Midlife Hood.” My guest, Dr. Jill Krapf, is a Board-Certified OB/GYN who specializes in female sexual pain, including vulvodynia, overactive pelvic floor muscle dysfunction and vulvar lichen sclerosus. We discuss understanding vaginal pain and learning that it does not have to become our new normal. Jill teaches us not to settle for less when it comes to comfort and pleasure in midlife sexual and vaginal health. Jill also explains the importance of knowing our bodies, doing our research on vaginal products and finding a specialist if your needs are not met by your regular gynecologist. There are vulvar specialists just like her, if you can’t make it to Washington D.C.  Midlife is a time where we should focus on our health & happiness…and that includes in the bedroom! Use it or lose it baby!

    Some Highlights: 

    • How to decrease pain & increase pleasure
    • Pain & discomfort are not your new normal
    • The importance of knowing your body inside & out
    • Picking products carefully
    • Do not “just deal with it” in midlife
    • Help is out there, try a specialist!

    Looking forward to connecting with you! Here are some ways to connect with me!

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC SHOW NOTES: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/episodes/56

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/theflexibleneurotic/ 

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC WEBSITE: https://www.theflexibleneurotic.com/ 

    THE FLEXIBLE NEUROTIC EMAIL: sarah@theflexibleneurotic.com