
    VeeCon 2023, Mascots in Marketing, Making My Parents Proud | VeeFriends Art Class & Epic Event with Swan Sit

    enDecember 19, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • The Power of Characters and Storytelling in Building RelationshipsCharacters and storytelling are vital in forming connections and growing businesses by creating feelings of attachment and engagement.

      Characters and storytelling are crucial in creating connections and building relationships, both in real life and in business. Gary Vaynerchuk, the host of the Gary Vee Audio Experience, emphasized this point during a recent episode, reflecting on his experiences with V Friends, his NFT community. He noted how the relationships formed among members have been profound, with many starting their journey with him and his content. Vaynerchuk shared how he's always been drawn to the power of characters in advertising, mentioning his attempts to create meaningful characters like Gary the Gardener and Mr. Peanut. These characters have had significant impacts on businesses, such as Kraft's growth and eventual exit through the sale of Planters. In essence, characters are essential in making people feel connected and helping businesses thrive.

    • From collecting to creating unique NFTsGary Vaynerchuk's passion for collecting evolved into creating one-of-a-kind NFTs, VeeFriends, through his neutral perspective and joy in sharing art with others, potentially providing valuable insights through a filmed meeting with a toy creator.

      Gary Vaynerchuk's passion for collecting unique items started at a young age and has evolved into the creation of VeeFriends, a one-of-a-kind NFT project with a universe of different characters. This unique approach sets VeeFriends apart from other top NFT projects. Gary's confidence in his work comes from his neutral perspective and lack of attachment to external validation. He finds joy in creating and sharing his art with others, regardless of their opinions. An intriguing detail is the existence of a filmed meeting with a toy creator from Asia, which could potentially provide valuable insights for VeeFriends' development. Overall, Gary's journey from collecting nostalgic items to creating and sharing VeeFriends demonstrates his unwavering commitment to his passions and his ability to adapt and innovate.

    • From idea to profound creationReflect on passions and fully commit to ideas for profound creations. The journey of creation is often organic and may not follow a linear path.

      Creativity often develops over time and may not require a single moment of genius. The speaker shared their personal experience of developing the idea for "Workplace Warriors" and how it evolved into the NFT project "NFT World." They emphasized that sometimes, ideas we've been pondering for a while can become profound creations when we fully commit to them. The speaker encouraged the audience to reflect on their passions and what truly matters to them when creating something new, rather than trying to force clever ideas. They also highlighted that the journey of creation is often organic and may not follow a linear path.

    • Staying true to oneself and finding value in what you doFind personal growth and success by staying authentic, not putting too much pressure on yourself, and taking opportunities seriously when they align with your values.

      Being authentic to yourself and finding value in what you do are key to personal growth and success. The speaker emphasizes the importance of not putting too much pressure on oneself to achieve a specific goal, but also not being complacent. The use of values and character development in art was discussed as a way to lead with what one cares about deeply. The speaker shared a personal story of discovering web 3 technology and realizing the potential to create something meaningful based on his values. Communication and providing value were identified as strengths and passions of the speaker. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of staying true to oneself, finding value in what one does, and taking opportunities seriously when they align with personal values.

    • Creating Meaningful Characters: Tapping into Essential Attributes and InspirationTo create engaging characters, tap into empathy, kindness, patience, accountability, and competitiveness. Draw inspiration from Jim Henson's work and use intuition. Simplify, be self-aware, and delve deeper into character meaning for emotional connections.

      Creating meaningful and impactful characters involves tapping into essential attributes such as empathy, kindness, patience, accountability, and competitiveness. Gary Vaynerchuk draws inspiration from Jim Henson's work with Sesame Street and emphasizes the importance of intuition in the creative process. He suggests that simplicity and self-awareness are crucial when starting a project, and the key to producing something truly engaging is to delve deeper into the meaning behind the character. The biological appeal of large eyes in characters is an example of how to make an emotional connection with the audience. Ultimately, the goal is to create characters that resonate with people and inspire them to care about the traits being represented.

    • Creating art from a place of meaning and authenticityAuthentic art resonates deeply with people regardless of marketing efforts, personal experiences and emotions influence connections, and creating from the heart is most important.

      Creating art from a place of meaning and authenticity, even if it's simple, can resonate deeply with people and be valuable, regardless of the marketing or sales efforts behind it. Art, like beauty, is subjective and personal experiences and emotions can greatly influence the connection people have with it. Family, in particular, can provide unique insights and appreciation for an artist's work. Gary Vaynerchuk shared stories of his own family's reactions to his characters and how they gravitated to different ones based on their personal connections. Ultimately, the most important thing is to create from the heart and let the work flow freely.

    • Speaker's Values and Past Experiences Shape His Approach to Life and EventsThe speaker's protective and emotional nature, shaped by past experiences, drives him to spread positivity and ensure successful events, like Bcon, where he can bring together a supportive community.

      The speaker values positivity, growth, and the importance of past experiences, particularly those shared with close friends. He discussed how his upbringing shaped him to be protective and emotional, leading him to fight when he saw others being bullied. Now, he channels these emotions into spreading positivity and ensuring the success of events like Bcon, where he can bring together a community that has brought him so much joy and growth. The speaker also expressed excitement for the upcoming Bcon event, anticipating improvements and a broader focus on entrepreneurship and leadership. Despite some challenges, he believes the event will be even more successful than the last one due to the lessons learned and the strong community support.

    • Improvements to Make the Event More EnjoyableThe upcoming event promises enhancements in food, logistics, content, and attendee relationships, with a focus on inclusivity for Spanish speakers.

      The upcoming event is expected to be significantly improved in various aspects, making it more enjoyable and engaging for attendees. The speaker emphasized that elements such as food and beverage, logistics, and content will be of higher quality. Additionally, relationships among attendees are expected to be stronger than before. Regarding accessibility, the goal is to make the event more inclusive to as many people as possible, including those who speak Spanish. The speaker acknowledged the challenges of expanding to new languages and infrastructure building but expressed excitement about the opportunity to focus on new initiatives. Attendees were encouraged to connect with Andy to provide their information and stay updated on the event's progress. Overall, the speaker conveyed a sense of optimism and excitement for the upcoming event.

    • Exploring new ways to execute Marvel's brandThe Marvel team is making progress on their project, exploring collaborations and apparel lines to reach diverse demographics, and committed to doing it the right way despite time constraints.

      The team is making significant progress on their project and are ready to tackle more agenda items, particularly in the area of technology. They are committed to being thoughtful and strategic in their approach, and understand that building something on the level of Marvel takes time. They are also exploring different ways to execute their brand, including apparel and collaborations with streetwear and sneaker companies, to reach various demographics. The team has been working tirelessly for real and cannot get to everything, but they are determined to do it the right way. They are currently in the early stages of their project, which is only 18 months in, and are excited about the potential for future developments.

    • Honoring Parents' Sacrifices and Making a Lasting ImpactRecognizing the importance of honoring parents' sacrifices and making a positive impact on others can fuel personal growth and successful business collaborations.

      Creating meaningful connections, whether it be through business collaborations or personal relationships, can be a powerful motivator. For the individual in this conversation, the ability to make his parents proud and honor their sacrifices drives him to succeed in both his personal and professional life. This sense of responsibility and accountability has led him to build successful companies and form meaningful partnerships, such as with Toys R Us and Macy's. Additionally, he recognizes that not everyone has the same opportunities or experiences, and he is grateful for the chance to make a difference and leave a lasting impact. This mindset not only fuels his personal growth but also inspires him to make a positive impact on others.

    • Gary's commitment to making V Friends a successGary's deep sense of responsibility to deliver for his supporters drives him to work hard and make a positive impact on those around him.

      The speaker, Gary Vaynerchuk, is deeply committed to making his intellectual property, V Friends, a remarkable success. He feels a strong sense of responsibility to deliver for those who have believed in him and to prove them right in their debates with friends and family. He is driven by a desire to make his parents proud, to deliver on his health for his team, and to succeed for the sake of those around him, including Dustin, Mike Vacanti, DRock, Andy, and the audience. He is passionate about helping others and can't wait to see what they come up with. Overall, his natural state is one of dedication, hard work, and a deep desire to make a positive impact on those around him. He expresses his gratitude for the audience's support and looks forward to helping them draw and achieve their goals.

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