
    Vivek's 9/11 Spin, Trump's Arrest Theater, and Prigozhin Dies in Plane Crash, with The Fifth Column Hosts | Ep. 613

    enAugust 23, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • GOP debate controversy over 9/11 commentsPoliticians should be truthful and consistent in their public statements to maintain trust and credibility

      During the GOP debate, Vivek Ramaswami found himself in a controversy over his past comments regarding 9/11. Ramaswami had previously suggested that he hadn't seen evidence that the government told the whole truth about 9/11, but later claimed he was referring to Saudi involvement. However, it was later discovered that he had made similar comments in an earlier interview, and he hadn't mentioned any Saudi involvement there. This inconsistency raised questions about his honesty and commitment to facts. The incident serves as a reminder that politicians should be truthful and consistent in their public statements.

    • Controversy over Vivek Ramaswamy's 9/11 commentsRamaswamy's comments about federal agents on 9/11 planes caused controversy, leading to debate about government transparency and comparison of 9/11 and January 6th events.

      The comments made by Vivek Ramaswamy regarding the involvement of federal agents on the planes that hit the Twin Towers on 9/11 sparked immediate controversy and backlash. Ramaswamy later clarified that he was not questioning the number of agents on the planes themselves, but rather the transparency regarding federal agents involved in the 9/11 investigation and the January 6th Capitol attack. However, his initial comments were perceived as conspiracy theories and baseless accusations. The Atlantic released an audio recording of the interview, which confirmed Ramaswamy's statements, leading to further debate about the role of government transparency and the comparison of the 9/11 and January 6th events. Ultimately, it is important to acknowledge the sensitivity of these topics and the potential consequences of careless or misleading comments.

    • Avoid using 9/11 for political gainPoliticians should avoid using 9/11 as a tool for political narratives or brand building due to its emotional significance and potential for misinformation.

      Using the tragic event of 9/11 to build a political narrative or brand is a misstep that politicians on both sides of the aisle should avoid. The comparison of federal agents being involved in the 9/11 attacks to current events is bizarre and lacks historical context. This tactic was previously used by some on the left against the Bush administration, but now, it's being employed by some on the right. Vivek Ramaswamy's recent comments regarding the 9/11 attacks and the Saudi government have raised questions about his intentions and the validity of his claims. The fact that he denied making such statements to The Atlantic, only for audio evidence to surface, further damages his credibility. It's essential for politicians to be truthful and transparent, especially when dealing with sensitive topics that carry significant emotional weight.

    • Controversial statements by Vivek RamaswamyVivek Ramaswamy made statements linking past establishment lies to COVID-19 origins, which may confuse and tarnish the entire Republican party.

      During a recent interview, Vivek Ramaswamy made controversial statements, accusing the establishment of lying to the public about various issues including Pat Tillman, weapons of mass destruction, police officers present during the Capitol riot, the Nashville shooter manifesto, and the origin of COVID-19. Ramaswamy's comments were aimed at appealing to people's sense of righteous outrage over the establishment's past mistakes and misinformation. However, linking 9/11 trutherism with the lies about COVID is a dangerous and cynical move that can be confusing to Americans and may tarnish the entire Republican party. Despite liking Ramaswamy as a person, it is crucial to clarify and own any inelegant or unintended implications made during public statements.

    • Vivek Ramaswamy's Controversial Comments and the Appetite for Conspiracy in PoliticsPoliticians, including Vivek Ramaswamy, should operate in a respectable and transparent manner to maintain credibility. Conspiratorial thinking is growing in popularity on both sides of the political spectrum, posing a concern for truth and transparency in politics.

      The discussion revolves around the actions and motivations of Vivek Ramaswamy, a political figure who made controversial comments about a matter involving the Biden administration and the Saudis. Some believe his comments were ill-informed and possibly part of a larger strategy, while others think he was caught off guard and reacted without proper knowledge. Regardless, there's a consensus that there's a growing appetite for conspiratorial thinking in politics, on both the left and the right. It's important for those in positions of power to operate in a respectable and transparent manner. Vivek, if he wants to be taken seriously, should own up to any mistakes and avoid the temptation to blame the media. The right's recent embrace of conspiratorial thinking, as seen in the popularity of figures like RFK, is a concern. It's crucial for political figures to understand the importance of truth and transparency in politics, especially in an era where populism demands a certain level of suspicion.

    • Political figures using controversial statements for short-term gainAvoid making misleading or false statements for personal gain as it can lead to loss of credibility and a toxic political climate.

      The use of controversial or provocative statements for short-term political gain, regardless of whether it comes from the left or the right, can have long-term consequences. The discussion highlighted the example of a political figure who has a history of making misleading or false statements, and how these actions can lead to a loss of credibility and an "us versus them" mentality among supporters and detractors alike. It's important for individuals and politicians to stay grounded in facts and principles, rather than resorting to sensationalism or deceit for personal gain. The use of inflammatory language or attacks on the media can be an effective applause line in certain political circles, but it can also contribute to a toxic political climate and undermine the trust and respect necessary for productive dialogue and collaboration.

    • Candidates vs Media: Public Feuds during Presidential PrimariesSome presidential candidates engage in public feuds with the media to appeal to their voter base, claiming media coverage is biased or taken out of context. However, these criticisms are not always factual, and candidates should focus on their message and substance rather than using the media as a scapegoat.

      During the presidential primary process in America, some candidates deliberately engage in public feuds with the media as a way to appeal to their voter base. This behavior is driven by a perceived disdain from the media and the elite class towards middle America. Candidates like Vivek Ramaswami and RFK Junior use this tactic to position themselves as anti-establishment figures who are not afraid to stand up to the media. They often claim that media coverage is biased or taken out of context, and their supporters view these confrontations as a sign of strength and authenticity. This dynamic is particularly prevalent in the Republican primary, where candidates who criticize the media receive applause and support from their audience. However, it's essential to recognize that these media criticisms are not always based on fact, and the media's role is to provide accurate and unbiased reporting. Candidates should focus on their message and substance rather than using the media as a scapegoat. Ultimately, it's crucial for both candidates and the media to engage in respectful and constructive dialogue to serve the public's interest.

    • Discussion about Vivek Ramaswamy's workout videosParticipants debated if Vivek Ramaswamy's workout videos were appropriate or not, highlighting the double standard of public expression and the value of youthful energy in politics.

      During a discussion about political candidates and their public appearances, it was noted that Vivek Ramaswamy, a candidate, has been posting videos of himself working out and rapping without his shirt on. Some participants in the discussion expressed concerns about this behavior, likening it to bullying and a poor use of energy. Others defended Ramaswamy, arguing that he is telegraphing his youth and vitality to appeal to younger voters. Ultimately, the conversation touched on the double standard of allowing only certain individuals to express themselves in certain ways in public and the importance of having energetic, young leaders in politics.

    • A new contender, Vivek Ramaswamy, is challenging the Republican primary race's traditional narrativeIndian American Vivek Ramaswamy is surging in the Republican primary polls, challenging the party's white candidate dominance, but past surges don't guarantee success, and Trump's absence from the debate stage raises questions about focus and wisdom.

      The Republican primary race is heating up, with new contenders like Vivek Ramaswamy surging in the polls. Ramaswamy, a young and intelligent Indian American, is challenging the traditional narrative that the party is dominated by white candidates. However, surges in the polls don't always translate to success, as seen with past candidates like Rick Santorum and Herman Cain. Meanwhile, Donald Trump's absence from the debate stage is generating buzz, with Fox News reportedly planning to beam in Trump's pre-recorded comments during the event. This strategy aims to boost ratings but raises questions about the party's focus on Trump and whether his absence from the debate is a wise decision. Ultimately, the race remains unpredictable, with voters looking for alternatives and a diverse range of candidates vying for their support.

    • Trump's absence from debate could boost other candidatesTrump's absence from the Republican primary debate might increase exposure for other contenders like Ron DeSantis, allowing them to distinguish themselves and potentially gain momentum, as Trump's strong support makes effective criticism challenging.

      The absence of Donald Trump in the Republican primary debate on Tuesday night could lead to increased airtime and exposure for other candidates, particularly Ron DeSantis. The discussion highlighted how Trump's strong support within the Republican party makes it difficult for opponents to criticize him effectively. The debate stage could provide an opportunity for other candidates to distinguish themselves and potentially gain momentum. Additionally, the decision for Trump to skip the debate was reportedly due to his dissatisfaction with Fox News, adding an extra layer of intrigue to the event.

    • Ron DeSantis' Resilience and Confidence Amidst CriticismRon DeSantis, a potential GOP presidential candidate, showcases resilience and confidence despite past criticism. With a strong background and impressive debate skills, he aims to improve facial expressions and reactions in upcoming debates.

      Ron DeSantis, a potential Republican presidential candidate, has shown resilience and confidence in the face of criticism, as seen in his handling of allegations of racism during his 2018 campaign against Andrew Gillum. DeSantis has a strong background, having served in the military and attended Harvard and Yale, and is considered quite good on the stump despite comparisons to Donald Trump. However, there are areas of improvement for DeSantis in terms of facial expressions and reactions during debates, as noted by one producer. Overall, DeSantis has the most to lose in the upcoming debates and is expected to come out swinging.

    • Republican Debate: DeSantis vs Vivek and Christie's ImpactDeSantis and Vivek compete for the lead, Christie aims to exploit weaknesses, Middle of the pack candidates struggle to gain support

      The race for the Republican presidential nomination is largely between Ron DeSantis and Vivek Ramaswamy, with Chris Christie predicted to win the debate but not seeing much impact on his poll numbers. The middle of the pack candidates, including Mike Pence, Nikki Haley, Tim Scott, and Chris Christie, have consistently polled around 15% as a group, but Republican voters are unlikely to support them. DeSantis has the most to gain from this debate as he has lost support since peaking at 29%, and he needs to differentiate himself from Vivek and appeal to both DeSantis supporters and Trump voters. Vivek's upward trajectory is also a threat, and DeSantis will likely face attacks from both Vivek and Chris Christie. Chris Christie is known for identifying and exploiting his opponents' weaknesses, and DeSantis may be vulnerable on his handling of the January 6th events. The debate is expected to focus on the center of the stage, with DeSantis as the biggest target.

    • Christie's debate performance may be well-received despite past controversiesChristie's entertaining style and ability to connect with voters could boost his campaign, while other candidates struggle for media attention and appeal to the base.

      Despite Chris Christie's reluctance to return to the campaign trail after a snowstorm, his performance in the debate is expected to be well-received by the media, who have previously criticized him. Christie's ability to match the entertaining style of a Trump-like figure makes him a strong contender for the Republican nomination, despite his past controversies. Meanwhile, other candidates like Nikki Haley and Tim Scott face an uphill battle due to their lack of media attention and the difficulty of appealing to the base. The debate's dynamics, reminiscent of past debates with memorable exchanges, could provide opportunities for candidates to stand out and gain momentum. Humor, particularly, could be an effective tool for candidates to connect with voters and differentiate themselves from their opponents.

    • Anticipation of Trump's arrest overshadows Republican debateDespite Trump's unexpected mic grab, the debate was overshadowed by the anticipation of his arrest and its potential impact on media coverage and the primary race. The unusual political climate requires maintaining a sense of humor.

      The debate between Republican presidential candidates was overshadowed by the anticipation of Donald Trump's arrest the following day. The speaker expressed amusement at Trump's unexpected mic grab during the debate and praised his ability to deliver barbed lines. They also discussed the potential impact of Trump's arrest on the media coverage of the debate and the Republican primary race. The speaker also noted the unusual nature of the political climate and the importance of maintaining a sense of humor in the face of it. Additionally, there was a mention of Trump passing out bingo cards to supporters during the debate, but it was unclear if this was included in the AM update.

    • Trump's team uses performance art tactics, proposes extreme policiesDespite potential consequences, Trump's team's antics and extreme policies receive minimal attention, including proposed tariffs and military intervention in immigration matters.

      Former President Donald Trump's interactions with reporters and his policy proposals continue to be a source of intrigue and controversy. Trump's team has been engaging in performance art-like tactics, such as handing out debate bingo cards and pudding snacks during meetings with reporters. Trump has also proposed clinically insane policy proposals, including a 10% tariff on everything and a naval blockade of Latin America. These proposals have received minimal attention despite their potential for significant consequences. Additionally, Trump's immigration policies, such as using the military to interfere with Chinese shipments to Mexican drug cartels, could lead to an actual war. The economic implications of Trump's proposed tariffs have been widely criticized by economists, as they could lead to higher costs for consumers and businesses. Overall, Trump's actions and proposals continue to dominate political discourse and raise questions about their feasibility and impact.

    • Power struggles in Russia and US cartelsRussia's Putin deals harshly with opposition, while US cartels' harmful substances pose a significant challenge

      The cartels supplying harmful substances, like Fentanyl, in the US are a significant issue, and declaring them as enemy combatants might seem like a tough solution but could lead to unintended consequences. Additionally, there have been reports of power struggles within Russia, including the death of Yevgeny Prigozhin, who had rebelled against Vladimir Putin. Prigozhin, known as Putin's chef turned military leader, had a significant following and posed a threat to Putin's rule. The circumstances surrounding his death are suspicious, and Putin has a history of dealing harshly with those who betray him. Russia, under Putin's rule, is a dictatorship where opposition is met with imprisonment or exile. The killing of Boris Nemtsov, Alexei Navalny's imprisonment, and the poisoning of other anti-Putin figures are just a few examples of Putin's ruthless tactics.

    • Understanding Putin's Russia: Complex Geopolitics and Historical ContextPutin's inconsistent support and aggressive tactics demonstrate his ruthless nature and long-standing goal to restore Russia's former glory. He's not a reliable negotiating partner, and his influence continues to expand in the near abroad.

      Dealing with Russia under Vladimir Putin involves understanding the complex geopolitical landscape and the historical context that shapes Russian actions. The Wagner Group's actions in Ukraine serve as a reminder of Putin's ruthless nature and his desire to restore Russia's former glory. Putin's inconsistent support and aggressive tactics demonstrate that he is not a reliable negotiating partner, and his consistent efforts to expand Russia's influence in its near abroad show a long-standing goal. Additionally, the influence of figures like Donald Trump, who may see Putin's toughness as an asset, adds another layer of complexity to the situation. Ultimately, it's important to approach foreign policy with a clear-eyed understanding of the players involved and the motivations driving their actions.

    • Russia's Expansionist Desires Under PutinRussia, under Putin, seeks to expand influence and power, not tied to NATO, requires thoughtful decision-making, potential for conflict, clear-headed understanding of players and stakes

      Russia, under the leadership of Vladimir Putin, is an expansionist and imperial power that seeks to expand its influence and power, not just in its former empire but also beyond it. Putin's actions have little to do with NATO and more to do with his desire to assert Russian dominance. The situation is volatile and there are no easy solutions. The United States has spent decades intervening in various parts of the world, and the outcomes are not always clear. The current situation with Russia requires thoughtful and sober decision-making, rather than simplistic criticisms or easy solutions. The lack of serious foreign policy experience among potential leaders is a concern. Recent events, such as the shooting down of a Russian jet, underscore the potential for conflict. It's important to approach this complex issue with a clear-headed understanding of the players and the stakes involved.

    • Concerns over aviation safety in US and RussiaRecent incidents and manipulation by leaders downplay attention to aviation safety, emphasizing the importance of staying vigilant and focusing on accountability

      Despite the overall safety record of domestic air travel in the United States and Russia, recent incidents such as near misses between planes and staffing issues have raised concerns. Meanwhile, the shooting down of a passenger plane in Ukraine with civilian passengers on board, which happened over two years ago, received less public attention than it should have due to the frequency of similar tragic events. The speaker emphasized that these incidents are often manipulated by those responsible, like Russian President Vladimir Putin, who uses such actions to further his agenda while trying to appear friendly and approachable. The speaker also noted that the public's reaction to these events is influenced by their frequency, making it challenging to garner significant attention for each individual incident. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of focusing on safety and accountability in all areas, including aviation, and the need to remain vigilant against manipulation and propaganda.

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    Cooke- https://podcast.charlescwcooke.com/

    Dougherty- https://www.nationalreview.com/author/michael-brendan-dougherty/

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    Klavan https://thenewjerusalem.substack.com/


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    Kirk- https://45books.com/

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    Bannon- https://warroom.org/

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    More from The Fifth Column: https://wethefifth.substack.com/


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    Callahan- https://www.amazon.com/Ask-Not-Kennedys-Women-Destroyed/dp/0316276170/


    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 26, 2024

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    First Person: "I'm a Detransitioner Who Had a Baby...Here are the Massive Health Challenges I Faced" | Ep. 821

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    Bolar- https://www.iwf.org/identity-crisis

    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 26, 2024

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    CNN Host Cuts Trump Spokesperson's Mic, and Bombshell New Bryan Kohberger Reporting, with Howard Blum and Erick Erickson | Ep. 820

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Howard Blum, author of "When the Night Comes Falling," to discuss new details about Idaho murders suspect Bryan Kohberger's conversations with his father on their cross-country road trip after the massacre, how his father may have suspected his son's involvement, new details about his behavior at Washington State University, whether Bryan Kohberger was casing the Idaho murder victims' house or having an internal conflict about it, Blum's reporting about who the target of the attack really was, the possibility Kohberger had seen the victim before, what the surviving roommate of the Idaho college murders Dylan Mortensen saw and texted with her other roommate at the time, theories on why she didn't call the police right away, Kohberger's older sister's suspicions of him, and more. Then Erick Erickson, author of "You Shall Be as Gods," joins to discuss how Biden and Trump are preparing for the important first debate on Thursday, whether Trump will be able to keep his composure, Trump's success in previous debate, the importance of creating a moment the audience will remember, CNN host Kasie Hunt cutting the mic of a Trump spokesperson who mildly criticized her colleagues, why debate moderators are subject to criticism, the left's instincts to silence those they disagree with, the lack of spirituality and faith in America and around the world, turning to government over religion, how to reverse the negative trends, and more.


    Blum- https://www.harpercollins.com/products/when-the-night-comes-falling-howard-blum?variant=41292317949986

    Erickson- https://erickerickson.com/

    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 25, 2024

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    The world is shifting and many things have changed. Some business strategies that worked as early as 2019, 2020, or 2021, don’t work anymore. In this episode you’ll learn two, up to date strategies that you can start using today that will quickly increase your income.

    Visit eCircleAcademy.com and book a success call with Nicky to take your practice to the next level.

    EP469: TL Nuggets #109 - Intellectual Capital

    EP469: TL Nuggets #109 - Intellectual Capital

    In last weeks Thought Leader Nugget we talked about cash and other liquid assets. Today we’re learning about the second form of capital: intellectual capital. 

    You’ll find out how:

    • You can become known as a thought leader.

    • How you can dramatically increase your value in the eyes of your clients.

    • How you can create a win-win-win for you, your clients and all of humanity.

    • How to identify and then put your intellectual capital on paper.

    Visit eCircleAcademy.com and book a success call with Nicky to take your practice to the next level.


    Head of Remote, Digital Nomadism - The Future of Life And Work

    Head of Remote, Digital Nomadism - The Future of Life And Work
    Sponsored by Nola Simon Advisory: Learn More From This Bonus Podcast Episode

    Mitko Karshovski hosts a top podcast called This Remote Life and he approached me to be on the podcast because we talk about many of the same things.  He is a digital nomad who has also worked as a head of remote so his lived experience of remote is different than mine.  Join us for an interesting conversation about travel, immigration, podcasting and the future of work.

    020: Social Trust Factor: Ignite Business Results with Authority and Trust

    020: Social Trust Factor: Ignite Business Results with Authority and Trust

    Many marketing and business leaders spend months developing an integrated online platform, brand architectures, message platforms, social media strategies and plans, logos, and more. They launch their business or new product with huge dreams to seriously rock the online world.

    However, after a few months goes by, they realize their platform is delivering little if any results. Their audience is not engaging, clicking, or buying. Instead of an engaging platform it look like a deserted island.

    So what is the problem? It could very well be they have a problem establishing trust. Does their audience trust them? If no, why not?

    Do you lack the trust factor? Establishing trust and authority are critical to achieve business results online.

    In this episode of the Social Zoom Factor podcast  Pam Moore, CEO and Founder, Marketing Nutz, full service social media, digital marketing, branding agency discusses why it is critical to turn up the volume on your social trust factor. I share 10 tips to help you establish trust, nurture relationships and grow your business the right way.


    Episode Highlights

    10 Tips establish trust and social business credibility

    How to establish authority

    Importance of authoring content

    Importance of social proof

    Connecting with your audience via content and conversation

    How to build an integrated online platform that nurtures relationships and invites conversation