
    About this Episode

    In this episode, I had the pleasure of interviewing Tobe Brockner from Katuva.com about how virtual assistants can help businesses save time and increase productivity.

    As a business owner, I know that time is my most valuable asset. But what if I could delegate some of my tasks to someone else? That's where virtual assistants come in. Tobe shared his experience in hiring and training virtual assistants from the Philippines to help businesses save time and increase productivity.

    During our conversation, Tobe explained that virtual assistants can do almost anything, from admin tasks like screening emails and managing calendars to marketing tasks like creating social media posts and videos. By hiring a virtual assistant, businesses can focus on high-value tasks while saving time and money.

    But how do you find the right virtual assistant for your business? Katuva.com offers a six-week onboarding process called Empower Plus, which includes a kickoff call to understand your needs, a DISC assessment to match you with a compatible VA, and over-the-shoulder calls to review progress and ensure a solid working relationship has been established.

    Tobe also shared his team's strategy of sending small gifts to clients who refer them to others. Investing time and effort in building systems in the beginning can save a lot of time and increase consistency in the long run. Building a client experience system can also help retain clients and attract new ones.

    The pricing for hiring a virtual assistant through Kava.com is also reasonable, with part-time VAs costing $695 a month and full-time VAs costing $1350 a month, which works out to be less than $8 an hour.

    In conclusion, virtual assistants can help businesses thrive by allowing owners to focus on high-value tasks while delegating other tasks to remote workers. Katuva.com offers a comprehensive onboarding process and reasonable pricing, making it a great option for businesses looking to hire a virtual assistant. So, if you're looking to save time and increase productivity, consider hiring a virtual assistant today!

    Recent Episodes from The Veterinary Marketing Podcast

    VMP 270: 5 Ways To Get More Veterinary Clients Without Spending A Dime

    VMP 270: 5 Ways To Get More Veterinary Clients Without Spending A Dime

    In our latest chat, we're tackling the ins and outs of digital marketing and how it can totally transform your vet practice. We're talking about drawing in new clients, keeping them engaged, and making sure they stick around. I'm here to guide you through this journey, so let's jump right in!

    First off, I want to give a massive shoutout to our sponsors, WhiteSpark and CallRail. These folks are changing the game in digital marketing, and I'll be spilling the beans on how their services can seriously up your practice's game. Now, let's get to the good stuff. We're zeroing in on client-centered marketing because, let's face it, your clients are the heart of your practice. It's not just about listing what you can do; it's about understanding and addressing what your clients and their furry friends need. From the moment they call your practice to the messages they read on your website, it's all about making them feel heard and cared for.

    And it doesn't stop there. We're diving into how to create meaningful interactions, educate your clients right from the start, and even how to get them to sing your praises to others. Plus, we can't ignore the power of online reviews. I'll share some killer strategies on how to manage feedback to boost your online rep. This episode is jam-packed with actionable tips that can make your practice the go-to spot for pet care.

    So, if you're ready to make some waves in your digital marketing efforts and create a practice that truly resonates with pet owners, you won't want to miss this. Stick around for more episodes where we'll keep unraveling the world of veterinary digital marketing. Until next time, let's keep pushing the boundaries and making those meaningful connections with our clients. Catch you on the flip side!

    VMP 269: Enhancing Your Vet Practice's Digital Marketing: Top 3 Strategies for Improved Outcomes

    VMP 269: Enhancing Your Vet Practice's Digital Marketing: Top 3 Strategies for Improved Outcomes

    I'm thrilled to chat with you about some of the digital marketing strategies we've been unpacking on the show. It's no secret that vet practices are hitting some bumps in the digital road, with ad costs going up and client attention spans shrinking. But I've got your back! In a recent episode, we dove into this headfirst, and I'm here to break it down for you with some actionable advice.

    Let's kick things off with your value proposition—this is your secret sauce, folks. It's what makes your practice the go-to spot for pet care. We need to zero in on what makes you unique and how you can meet your clients' needs like nobody else. Think about your ideal client and shape your offers to hit the mark just right. Remember, we're not trying to please everyone; we're after the right ones who will appreciate the value you bring.

    Now, let's talk content—because it's king, queen, and the entire royal court in digital marketing. Your content has to pop and make people stop scrolling. It's not just about pretty pictures or catchy headlines; it's about telling stories that connect and educate, all while showcasing what your practice stands for. And don't forget tracking! You've got to know where your clients are coming from. Tools like CallRail can be game-changers, helping you pinpoint what's working and where to focus your marketing magic.

    Throughout the podcast, we've leaned on the smarts of folks like Seth Godin and Darren Shaw, and shared real-life stories, like the one about "Buy My Dad's Vet Clinic." These examples aren't just stories; they're proof that these strategies work. So, as you tune into the next episodes, remember that mastering digital marketing is totally doable. With a solid value proposition, killer content, and smart tracking, you'll be setting your practice up for success. Can't wait to share more with you—let's keep the conversation going!

    VMP 268: Navigating Paid Media For Your Veterinary Practice: Insights from Vayner Media’s Jon Morgenstern

    VMP 268: Navigating Paid Media For Your Veterinary Practice: Insights from Vayner Media’s Jon Morgenstern

    In this episode, I just had an amazing chat with Jon Morgenstern, the paid advertising guru from VaynerMedia, and let me tell you, it was a goldmine of insights. Jon, who's worked with the legendary Gary Vaynerchuk, shared some incredible strategies that are just too good to keep to myself. So, a huge shoutout to our sponsors, White Spark and CallRail, for making this episode possible. Their tools are game-changers for local SEO and tracking conversions, and they help us bring these valuable conversations to you.

    In our conversation, Jon, or "JMO" as he's known, dished out some serious wisdom on the balance between high-level strategy and hands-on practice. He's a master at blending Gary Vee's "clouds and dirt" philosophy into something that businesses of any size can really use. And let me tell you, when Jon talks about embracing AI and the importance of creative diversification in advertising, you're going to want to take notes. He's got this passion for ad interfaces and staying on top of trends that's just infectious. Plus, he shared a killer case study about a vet practice that blew up on TikTok, proving that organic reach can be just as powerful as paid ads.

    We also got into the nitty-gritty of native purchasing on social platforms, and Jon's insights into TikTok's unique approach were eye-opening. It's clear that e-commerce is being shaken up in a big way, and there's so much potential for local businesses, especially in the vet industry, to make a splash on social media. Jon's advice on leveraging these platforms and partnering with local communities was spot-on. Wrapping up, his enthusiasm for TikTok's ability to connect people and businesses across the globe was truly inspiring.

    So, there you have it, folks. My chat with Jon Morgenstern was a deep dive into the future of digital marketing, and the key takeaways are crystal clear. Blend organic with paid, keep up with tech like AI, and tailor your content for each social platform. Stick around for more episodes where we'll keep uncovering the latest in marketing innovation. Trust me, you won't want to miss what's coming up next!

    VMP 267: How To Dominate Local SEO With Darren Shaw from Whitespark.ca

    VMP 267: How To Dominate Local SEO With Darren Shaw from Whitespark.ca

    In one of my latest episodes, I had an awesome chat with Darren Shaw, the big brain behind Whitespark, and let me tell you, it was a treasure trove of local SEO gold. We dove deep into the nitty-gritty of Google business listings and how they can make or break your visibility in your local community. If you're running a vet practice, you're going to want to hear this because Darren's insights could seriously put you on the map – literally.

    So, Darren's been in the local SEO game for over a decade, and Whitespark started out just like any other web development company in Edmonton. But now? They're the go-to for boosting your search rankings. And get this – your Google business profile is like your secret weapon. It's shocking how many businesses don't realize the power of keeping it fresh with updates, photos, and engaging content. It's not just about looking good; it's about drawing in those leads and calls that keep your practice thriving.

    But here's the kicker – local SEO isn't a one-and-done deal. It's a long game, and it's all about building a solid online presence that keeps you top of mind and top of search results. And with Google always shaking things up, Darren and I got into what's next for SEO and how to stay ahead. Plus, he dropped a killer pro tip: sprinkle some relevant keywords into your Google business profile name, and watch your local rankings climb. It's these kinds of strategies that can open up a world of growth for your business.

    Thanks for tuning in to this deep dive into local SEO with me. If you're ready to up your online game and get those leads rolling in, these strategies are your starting line. And remember, SEO is always on the move, so keep learning, keep tweaking, and keep climbing those rankings. Catch you next time!

    VMP 266: Strategy Guide To Stop Veterinary Marketing Struggle Forever

    VMP 266: Strategy Guide To Stop Veterinary Marketing Struggle Forever

    In this episode, I'm super pumped to share with you the nitty-gritty of marketing for veterinary practices. We're going to dive into a killer strategy that will revolutionize how you attract new clients and ensure your existing ones remain loyal.

    We start at the bottom of the marketing funnel, which is where the real magic happens. This is the domain of your current clients, and it's crucial to keep them engaged and perfect the conversion process. We'll discuss crafting offers that tug at the heartstrings while also appealing to your clients' rational side. It's not just about the services you provide; it's about creating a sense of community and trust that pet owners are looking for.

    When communicating with your clients, it's essential to combine that emotional bond with concrete, logical reasons why your practice is the best choice. Differentiate yourself with unique offers and value propositions that make it clear why pet owners should choose you over the competition. We'll also explore ways to maintain a strong connection with clients through excellent web content, compelling copywriting, and impactful videos. Personalized emails and texts can show your clients that you care, even when they're not visiting your clinic.

    This episode will also cover how to give new clients a VIP welcome with an indoctrination sequence focused on delivering continuous value. Good reviews, referrals, and a well-managed Google Business Profile can significantly enhance your visibility.

    I've laid out everything for you, from making an impact at the top of the funnel with social media to ensuring you're the one they find when searching for vet services with smart SEO tactics. A big thank you to our sponsors for making this episode possible!

    As we conclude, I hope you're feeling equipped to elevate your veterinary marketing. It's all about nurturing those relationships and truly understanding your clients' needs. Stay tuned to the Veterinary Marketing Podcast for more insights and strategies, and let's continue to do incredible things for pets and their owners. Catch you in the next episode!

    VMP 265: The Veterinary Practice's Guide To Google Ads

    VMP 265: The Veterinary Practice's Guide To Google Ads

    Today, I'm thrilled to dive deep into the world of Google Ads and how they can revolutionize your veterinary practice.

    Google Ads is more than just your typical search ads. It's a powerful platform with nine different types of ads that can help you achieve various goals. Whether you're looking to attract new clients, target specific demographics, or engage with your current clients, Google Ads has got you covered.

    One of the standout features of Google Ads is its ability to target based on demographics and behavior. By combining these two factors, you can create a highly effective targeting strategy. Google has a treasure trove of user data that can inform your targeting options and help you reach the right audience.

    When it comes to choosing the right campaign for your veterinary practice, I recommend search campaigns. These campaigns allow for tailored messaging and targeting based on user behavior. They're particularly effective for generating new clients and can be customized for different types of searches, such as informational, branded, and transactional searches.

    But that's not all! There are other campaign types worth exploring, such as video campaigns on YouTube, app campaigns for in-app networks, and even hotel campaigns for practices with pet hotels. Each campaign type has its own unique benefits and can help you achieve specific marketing objectives.

    As we look towards the future, it's important to stay updated on upcoming changes in digital marketing, especially with Google's search generative experience (SGE). These changes will require our attention and adaptation to stay ahead of the game.

    If you need assistance or want to discuss further, don't hesitate to reach out. I'm here to help and find joy in assisting you. Visit our website at vendormarketingpodcast.com and send me a message. And if you think someone else could benefit from this podcast, please share it with them. Your support means the world to me.

    So let's unleash the power of Google Ads together and explore the endless possibilities it holds for your veterinary practice. I can't wait to see what we can achieve. Have a fantastic day!

    VMP 264.5: Will Your Practice Survive Google SGE?

    VMP 264.5: Will Your Practice Survive Google SGE?

    Today, I want to dive into the exciting world of digital marketing and share some insights that will help you stay ahead of the game. Trust me, you don't want to miss out on this!

    So, let's talk about the impending shift in marketing. We're on the verge of a major revolution in the digital marketing landscape, and it's crucial that we adapt to these changes. One of the big disruptors in the industry is Google's AI, known as Search Generative Experience (SGE). This AI is going to completely transform the way people use search engines, making them more conversational and interactive. And that means the old ways of marketing might not cut it anymore.

    Now, here's the thing - data and audience are going to be the keys to success in this new era of digital marketing. You need to master data reporting and understand where your clients are coming from. Platforms like Google rely on data to find more of your target audience, so it's essential to get a handle on it. But it's not just about data, my friend. Building an audience through content creation on social channels is equally important. It's a way to connect with your audience on a more personal level and not solely rely on Google.

    The changes brought by SGE and other advancements are just around the corner. In fact, I predict we'll start feeling their impact this year. So, it's time to take action and set up accurate conversion tracking. This will help you understand your audience better and make smarter marketing decisions. And hey, if you're feeling overwhelmed, don't worry. I'm here to help you navigate through these changes. If you need assistance or know someone who could benefit from this information, feel free to share this episode.

    In conclusion, the future of digital marketing is bright and full of opportunities. But to seize those opportunities, we need to adapt and evolve. Let's embrace the future together and make the most of what's to come.

    VMP 264: Crucial Veterinary Marketing Strategies For 2024

    VMP 264: Crucial Veterinary Marketing Strategies For 2024

    In a recent episode, I discussed the five most crucial marketing activities for veterinary practices to ensure success in 2024. We all know that the upcoming year may bring some challenges, like price sensitivity and a decrease in clients and appointments. But fear not, because with effective marketing strategies, we can turn these challenges into opportunities for growth.

    First up, let's talk about the power of tracking and data analysis. I highly recommend using call tracking software like CallRail to determine where your clients are coming from and gather qualitative and conversion data. This information is crucial in understanding which marketing channels are effective and how to improve conversion rates.

    Another important aspect is focusing on what you want. It's essential to define your target audience and attract the right clients. By doing so, you can achieve better results in your marketing efforts. And speaking of clients, understanding their value is key. I advise practices to track revenue per client and break it down by source for effective marketing measurement.

    Now, let's dive into conversion tracking. While tracking website data is important, without conversion tracking, it may not directly impact your bottom line. I recommend using CallRail for call tracking, implementing source tracking for booked appointments, and utilizing Google Analytics for website data.

    Moving on, I want to stress the importance of marketing to your own email lists. Many practices currently underutilize this strategy, but it's a significant opportunity for growth. Regular communication and providing value to your clients can go a long way in building a loyal customer base.

    To build a community within your email list, I suggest incorporating text messaging and online chat widgets. Programs like Twilio can help you integrate text messaging into your marketing efforts and facilitate better communication with your audience.

    Inbound marketing and offers also play a crucial role in your marketing success. Having systems in place to generate leads and increase website traffic is essential. Paid advertising can be a flexible and effective way to boost traffic during slower periods. And don't forget about the power of offers in conveying value to your audience.

    Maximizing existing resources is another key strategy. Creating a positive customer experience and implementing internal marketing strategies can help you stand out from the competition. Setting up a referral program and implementing rewards and retention programs can keep clients loyal and prevent them from seeking services elsewhere.

    In conclusion, by implementing these strategies, veterinary practices can navigate challenges and thrive in the industry. I encourage you to share these insights with others who may benefit. Here's to a successful end of the year and an even better year ahead!

    VMP 263.5: 10X Your Marketing With This Free Veterinary Marketing Assistant

    VMP 263.5: 10X Your Marketing With This Free Veterinary Marketing Assistant

    I am beyond excited to introduce you to something that is going to completely transform the way veterinary practices approach their marketing strategies. Get ready to meet the Vet Marketing Guru, a game-changing tool that is specifically designed to provide veterinary practices with the tactics, tools, and ideas they need to take their marketing efforts to the next level.

    Now, let me tell you why the Vet Marketing Guru is not your average tool. It's actually a Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) that has been meticulously trained on all of our podcast episodes. This means that it can generate outputs based on the content we've produced over the years. You may have heard of ChatGPT, which is a fantastic tool, but it requires specific prompts to get consistent outputs. That's why I created the Vet Marketing Guru, a GPT specifically tailored for veterinary practices. This tool is constantly being upgraded, trained, and improved to ensure it remains relevant and effective.

    To access the Vet Marketing Guru, all you have to do is visit veterinarymarketingpodcast.com/gpt. Currently, it's available for ChatGPT premium members at a cost of $20 a month. Trust me, it's worth every penny. Not only does it save you time and effort, but it also provides you with incredible outputs. The Vet Marketing Guru comes with pre-built prompts and can generate ideas for content calendars, marketing messaging, ad copy, email copy, and so much more. It's like having a marketing expert right at your fingertips, ready to give you innovative and effective strategies whenever you need them.

    I really want to hear your thoughts on the Vet Marketing Guru, so please give it a try and provide your feedback. Many people have already been using it and have had amazing experiences. Your feedback is incredibly valuable in helping us improve and refine the tool to better serve your needs.

    In a nutshell, the Vet Marketing Guru is an invaluable resource for veterinary practices looking to enhance their marketing strategies. It's not just a tool; it's a partner that works with you to improve your marketing efforts and help your practice thrive. So, go ahead and give the Vet Marketing Guru a try. I can't wait to hear about the incredible impact it has on your marketing strategies.

    VMP 263: Stacee Santi Shares How To Market Your Practice With The 7 Love Languages Of Client Loyalty

    VMP 263: Stacee Santi Shares How To Market Your Practice With The 7 Love Languages Of Client Loyalty

    I am thrilled to bring you this episode featuring a special guest, Dr. Stacee Santi. With her 20 years of experience as a veterinarian and her expertise in marketing, Dr. Santi is the founder of Vet to Pet and has developed the concept of the seven love languages of client loyalty. Trust me, this is a topic that holds immense value for veterinary hospitals.

    During our conversation, Dr. Santi shared insights on how understanding and catering to clients' individual love languages can help build strong relationships and provide value. We discussed the importance of delivering value in various areas, not just through loyalty programs. Dr. Santi also introduced the concept of taking the path of least resistance when designing systems for veterinary practices, highlighting the need to reduce friction and make processes more efficient.

    We delved into the seven love languages in veterinary medicine, including convenience, communication, accessibility, trust, education, and more. Dr. Santi emphasized the significance of empathizing with clients and tailoring marketing messaging and website content to their preferred communication styles. And to top it off, she introduced her new course, which aims to improve veterinary teams' communication skills and understanding of client needs.

    In a nutshell, implementing the seven love languages of client loyalty can revolutionize the way veterinary practices operate, leading to stronger client relationships, improved loyalty, and a more successful practice. So, join me in this episode as we dive deep into this fascinating topic with Dr. Stacee Santi.