
    Podcast Summary

    • Marketing Around High-End Wagyu BurgersWhile Wagyu beef may undergo special treatments, the price difference raises questions about the authenticity and value of the high-end burger experience.

      The marketing around high-end products like Wagyu burgers raises questions about the value and authenticity of the experience they offer. During this podcast episode, Greg Foote and Pete discussed the claims made about Wagyu beef and the price disparity between high-end Wagyu burgers and regular ground beef. While Wagyu beef is known for the special treatment given to the cows, including massages and classical music, it's unclear how much of that translates to the final product consumers buy. The price difference between Wagyu burgers and regular ground beef leaves consumers questioning if the added expense is worth it, especially when they can find similar taste and quality in more affordable options. The discussion also highlighted the importance of understanding what we're paying for in the products we consume and the marketing tactics used to sway consumer decisions.

    • Understanding the Unique Qualities of Wagyu BeefWagyu beef, a Japanese breed, is renowned for its high fat content and lower melting point, providing a luxurious, melt-in-your-mouth feel. Affordable alternatives exist from suppliers like Warrendale Wagyu using Japanese genetics, and it's crucial to ensure authenticity through suppliers' use of genuine Wagyu genetics.

      Wagyu beef, a specialized Japanese breed, is known for its unique texture and taste due to its high intramuscular fat content and lower melting point. This results in a luxurious, melt-in-your-mouth feel that commands high prices. However, there are suppliers like Warrendale Wagyu in the UK that raise Wagyu cattle using Japanese genetics, offering a more affordable alternative to the expensive Japanese imports. These burgers, like those from Aldi, may be labeled as British beef but can still provide the Wagyu experience. It's essential to look for suppliers that use authentic Wagyu genetics to ensure the quality and authenticity of the product. The smaller club of meat scientists, like Martin Anderson, plays a crucial role in understanding the science behind the meat we consume and the unique characteristics that set Wagyu apart.

    • British Wagyu: Creating Affordable Wagyu with Dairy CowsBritish Wagyu is produced by impregnating dairy cows with Wagyu semen, resulting in a more affordable product with some Wagyu genetics. While practices like massage, music, and beer may not be common, they do feed the animals brewers grains, contributing to some Wagyu taste and quality.

      Producing British 50% Wagyu beef involves impregnating dairy cows with Wagyu semen to create offspring with Wagyu genetics. While this results in a more affordable product compared to Japanese full-blood Wagyu, the marbling and taste experience may not be as high. The stories of Wagyu cows being massaged, played music, and given beer are rooted in their historical use as oxen and the belief in the correlation between good animal welfare practices and better meat quality. While these practices may not be common in British Wagyu farming, they do feed the animals brewers grains, which comes from the beer-making process. The perception of Wagyu beef as high-quality is influenced not only by its taste and marbling but also by its origin, traceability, and the story behind it.

    • Experience of Wagyu beef: Indulgent and memorableWagyu beef is known for its smooth texture and quick melt-in-your-mouth property, with varying degrees of richness and fattiness. Cooking techniques, like medium rare, enhance its unique qualities.

      The quality of Wagyu beef, whether it's in the form of a steak or a burger, is characterized by its smooth texture and quick melt-in-your-mouth property. However, the degree of richness and fattiness can vary, with the highest grades being much smoother but also much richer. It's important to note that processing Wagyu beef into burgers or other forms may result in a slightly different eating experience, as some of the lesser cuts and trimmings are used, but the breed content remains the same. During the discussion, the speaker also mentioned the importance of proper cooking techniques, such as cooking the steak medium rare, to fully enjoy the unique qualities of Wagyu beef. Overall, the experience of tasting Wagyu beef, whether in a steak or a burger, is a indulgent and memorable one.

    • Tasting Wagyu burgers blindly at a burger placeDespite Wagyu beef's reputation and high cost, its use in burgers may not result in a distinguishable taste difference for the average consumer.

      While Wagyu beef is renowned for its marbling and premium price as a steak, its transformation into a burger may not retain the same distinctive Wagyu flavor and texture. Aldi's Wagyu burgers were put to the test in a blind taste test at Slap and Pickle, a burger place in Manchester. Chef Simon, with 25 years of experience, shared his opinion that Wagyu beef, with its focus on texture, loses its impact when minced and processed into a burger. In the taste test, both tasters picked the burger labeled with a "W" as the Wagyu burger, but they were incorrect. The burger with the "W" was actually the regular beef burger. This demonstrates that the taste difference between Wagyu and regular beef burgers may not be noticeable to the average consumer. Therefore, while Wagyu beef commands a premium price as a steak, its use in burgers may not justify the added cost.

    • Aldi Wagyu Burgers Preferred but Hard to IdentifyDespite some people's ability to guess, Aldi Wagyu burgers were preferred over regular burgers in a taste test. However, the unique texture of Wagyu meat is best appreciated in its natural form, not as a burger.

      During a taste test, a majority of people preferred the Aldi Wagyu burgers over the regular burgers. While some believed they could identify the Wagyu burger based on appearance, the results showed that only 15 out of 17 people correctly guessed which was which. Meat scientist Martin acknowledged that Wagyu beef is worth trying if affordable and trustworthy, but emphasized that there are also other delicious beef options. Chef Simon argued against turning Wagyu into a burger, as it compromises the unique texture of the meat. The discussion also touched on the history of Wagyu beef, which gained prominence as a response to cheap imports of US beef into Japan. Overall, the consensus was that Wagyu is best enjoyed in its natural form.

    • British Wagyu Burgers: A More Affordable Alternative to Purebred WagyuBritish Wagyu burgers, sired by Japanese bulls and crossed with UK Holstein cows, offer a unique taste and texture at a lower cost due to their economic model and traceability.

      British Wagyu burgers, which are not purebred but sired by Japanese bulls and crossed with Holstein cows from the UK, offer a more affordable alternative to 100% Wagyu or Kobe beef. These burgers were preferred by taste testers due to their unique texture and taste, which can be attributed to their Japanese ancestry. The economic model behind selling the whole animal to companies like Audi, who can utilize various cuts and sell them in different ways, including making burgers, also contributes to their affordability. Despite being a crossbreed, British Wagyu is traceable and of good quality, making it a viable option for those who want to enjoy the taste of Wagyu beef without the high price tag. The public's preference for these burgers can be explained by their different taste and texture compared to regular burgers, making for an exciting culinary experience.

    • The importance of cooking techniques in meat scienceCooking is crucial in meat science as it significantly impacts meat quality and dining experience. Even high-quality meat can be ruined by poor cooking methods.

      That the way meat is cooked plays a significant role in determining its quality and the overall dining experience. Even the finest meat can be ruined through poor cooking processes. Martin, a meat scientist, emphasized this point and shared that cooking is the most important aspect of meat science. So, whether you're hosting a summer barbecue or enjoying a dinner at a restaurant, remember that the cooking technique used can make or break the taste and quality of the meat. Additionally, the upcoming episode of "Life Changing" will explore the environmental impact and cost-effectiveness of heat pumps. Stay tuned for that! Lastly, for those looking for Mother's Day gifts, Whole Foods Market offers unbeatable savings on premium gifts, flowers, and desserts. Happy shopping! As a side note, I, Greg Foot, may not be a great chef, but I'll continue to investigate and share interesting facts and trends with you. If you have any product, fad, or trend you'd like me to look into, please don't hesitate to contact me at sliced.bread@bbc.co.uk or on Twitter or Instagram (@gregfoot). The "Life Changing" series features remarkable individuals who have lived through extraordinary life-changing moments. Tune in to hear their inspiring stories!

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    Have you seen a product that claims to make you happier, healthier or greener? Want to know if it is SB or BS? Then please do send it over on email to sliced.bread@bbc.co.uk or drop us a message or voicenote on Whatsapp to 07543 306807

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    And if you've seen something promising to make you happier, healthier or greener and want to know if it is SB or BS please do send it over on email to sliced.bread@bbc.co.uk or drop us a message or voicenote on Whatsapp to 07543 306807


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    Have you seen something promising to make you happier, healthier or greener? Want to know if it's SB or BS? Please let us know - you can email sliced.bread@bbc.co.uk or drop us a message or voicenote on Whatsapp to 07543 306807.


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    As ever, if YOU have seen something promising to make you happier, healthier or greener and want to know if it is SB or BS please do send it over on email to sliced.bread@bbc.co.uk or drop us a message or voicenote on Whatsapp to 07543 306807

    PRESENTER: Greg Foot PRODUCER: Simon Hoban

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    This episode was produced by Viant Siddique.

    Toast examines the brands that reached dizzy heights only to end up…toast.

    It is a BBC Audio North production for Radio 4 and BBC Sounds.

    You can email the programme at toast@bbc.co.uk

    Feel free to suggest topics which could be covered in future episodes.

    Sliced Bread returns for a new batch of investigations in May. In the new series, Greg Foot will investigate more of the latest so-called wonder products to find out whether they really are the best thing since sliced bread. In the meantime, Toast is available in the Sliced Bread feed on BBC Sounds.

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    Professor Leigh Sparks - Professor of Retail Studies at the University of Stirling.

    Alongside them, analysing the stamps' fortunes is the entrepreneur, Sam White.

    Toast is a BBC Audio North production for Radio 4 and BBC Sounds.

    This episode was produced by Jon Douglas.

    You can email the programme at toast@bbc.co.uk

    Feel free to suggest topics which could be covered in future episodes.

    Sliced Bread returns for a new batch of investigations in May.

    In the new series, Greg Foot will investigate more of the latest so-called wonder products to find out whether they really are the best thing since sliced bread.

    In the meantime, Toast is available in the Sliced Bread feed on BBC Sounds.

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    MY NEW COFFEE IS NOW FOR SALE: http://www.bankrollcoffee.com/

    The Equipment used: https://tinyurl.com/y78py5g2

    Audio Equipment Used In Podcast:

    Shure SM7B mics, cloud lifters, rodecaster pro audio interface

    Thank you Arjun Krishna and ChatGPT for the timestamps:

    (00:00) - Intro: Introducing Trevor Wallace, a Comedian and YouTuber

    (00:04:55) - Trevor's Early Days in Stand-Up Comedy and the Impact of Vine

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    (00:25:01) - The Importance of Building a Catalog of Work

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    (00:38:56) - The Role of Authenticity in Comedy and Personal Branding

    (00:47:20) - Advice for Aspiring Comedians and Creators

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    *Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

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    “People often get caught up in jumping to something without really knowing why it matters to them or what's important to them.”

    Kirsty Maynor is a change expert and the author of the recently released book, "Untangled: A Practical and Inspirational Guide to Change You Choose and Change You Don't". She’s an expert in helping individuals navigate and master both chosen and thrust-upon changes in life. Despite working in change management for 25 years, Kirsty faced a challenge in 2008 when she unexpectedly lost her job. This experience led her to reassess her approach to change and discover the true essence of making lasting life changes.

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    Experimenting and adapting an entrepreneurial mindset when navigating change means you’re trying different approaches, learning from failures, and being adaptable. Drawing parallels between personal change and entrepreneurial endeavors. Untangling the inherent messiness of life involves recognizing and embracing imperfections. The goal is not to achieve perfect order but to pull threads apart, allowing you to weave your chosen aspects into a meaningful future.

    It’s significant to have clarity in navigating change, stating that, having a clear understanding of your core values and intentions is crucial. You have to recognize the messiness, experiment, and fail fast to be resilient and adaptable.

    Check out Kirsty’s book Untangled. You can find at untangledbook.com or on Amazon.

    To get tips, tools, resources and a bit of flavor of the change with Kirsty Maynor, visit her website: KirstyMaynor.com.

    Raymond Aaron has shared his vision and wisdom on radio and television programs for over 40 years. He is the author of over 100 books, including Branding Small Business For Dummies, Double Your Income Doing What You Love, Canadian best-seller Chicken Soup for the Canadian Soul, and he co-authored the New York Times best-seller Chicken Soup for the Parent’s Soul. Raymond’s latest, co-authored book is The AI Millionaire’s Path: Discover How ChatGPT‐Written Books Become Bestsellers and How They Can Make You a Millionaire Author!.



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