
    Want to be happier? Evidence-based tricks to get you there

    en-usJune 29, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Focus on gratitude to improve well-beingWriting down daily gratitudes improves happiness in weeks, focusing on negatives doesn't help, approach challenges with curiosity and careful observation to boost well-being

      Practicing gratitude can significantly improve our well-being. According to a study conducted by Robert Emmons at UC Davis, writing down things we're grateful for every day can lead to improved happiness in just a few weeks. Conversely, focusing on burdens or negative aspects of life doesn't necessarily hurt well-being but doesn't help it either. So, the next time you're feeling down, try taking a page from the science of happiness and focus on the things that make you grateful. Susan Holt also emphasized the importance of approaching life's challenges with curiosity and careful observation, treating them like science experiments to help reduce pressure and anxiety. Overall, practicing gratitude and maintaining a positive mindset are simple yet effective ways to boost our well-being.

    • Expressing gratitude enhances relationshipsWriting and delivering a gratitude letter brings joy to both giver and receiver, improving relationships and boosting well-being for up to a month.

      Expressing gratitude to those we care about can significantly enhance interpersonal relationships more than we might expect. Studies have shown that a simple act like writing and delivering a gratitude letter to someone can bring immense joy to both the giver and receiver. Contrary to popular belief, the recipients are often surprised and feel happier than anticipated, and the awkwardness felt by the giver is usually overestimated. This practice, known as a gratitude visit, can lead to one of the best moments in a person's life, and the benefits can last for over a month for the giver. By acknowledging and expressing our gratitude, we not only improve the lives of those around us but also boost our own well-being. Despite the potential discomfort, the rewards are well worth the effort.

    • Expressing negative emotions can be beneficial for mental healthAcknowledging and expressing negative emotions through journaling or conversations can lead to finding solutions or insights, but simply complaining without resolution can be detrimental. Digital technologies, like video chats, can facilitate meaningful social connections and support during times when meeting in person isn't an option.

      Expressing negative emotions through journaling or conversations, whether in person or over video chat, can be beneficial for mental health as long as it leads to finding solutions or insights. While it's important to acknowledge and express frustrations, simply complaining without moving towards resolution can be detrimental. Additionally, digital technologies, such as video chats, can facilitate meaningful social connections and support, even when meeting in person isn't an option. This was discussed in relation to maintaining social relationships and practicing gratitude, which can be done effectively through various digital platforms.

    • The Impact of Complaining and Positive ThinkingWhile complaining and positive thinking have their benefits, it's important to find a balance and practice mindfully to avoid negative consequences. Gratitude fosters positive emotions and interactions, while excessive positive thinking can lead to complacency and hinder progress.

      Complaining and positive thinking, while different, can both be detrimental if not practiced mindfully. Complaining can be an opportunity cost, taking away from valuable social moments and positive interactions. Gratitude, on the other hand, is an emotion of thankfulness and has numerous positive benefits. Positive thinking, when taken to an extreme, can lead to a sense of complacency and hinder progress towards achieving desired goals. It's important to find a balance between acknowledging the negative and focusing on the positive, and being mindful of the impact of both on our thoughts and actions. Additionally, research suggests that focusing too much on positive thinking can actually hinder progress towards achieving positive outcomes. Instead, it's important to contrast our desires with reality and use positive thinking as a tool to motivate us towards improvement.

    • Effective mental strategies for achieving goalsWhile positive thinking can be beneficial, focusing too much on positive fantasies can hinder progress. A more effective approach is WOOP, which involves setting a wish, visualizing the positive outcome, identifying obstacles, and creating a plan to overcome them.

      While positive thinking can be beneficial, it's not the only effective mental strategy for achieving goals. In fact, focusing too much on positive fantasies can hinder progress, as research shows that people who positively fantasize about weight loss or recovery from surgery end up with the least progress. A more effective approach is WOOP (Wish, Outcome, Obstacles, Plan), which involves setting a wish, visualizing the positive outcome, identifying obstacles, and creating a plan to overcome them. The key difference is that WOOP encourages us to acknowledge and address potential obstacles, rather than ignoring them or focusing solely on positive outcomes. This practical and realistic approach can help us make real progress towards our goals.

    • Understanding personal obstacles is crucial for progressSelf-awareness and introspection are essential for overcoming personal barriers and making meaningful progress towards personal goals

      While practicing mindfulness or working towards personal goals for just a few minutes each day can be beneficial, truly making progress requires self-awareness and understanding of one's personal obstacles. Gabrielle Bernstein, a motivational speaker and author, emphasizes this point in her conversation with Lori Santos on The Happiness Lab podcast. For instance, learning a new language might seem like a straightforward goal, but deep-rooted personal issues can hinder progress. Confronting these obstacles can lead to greater self-discovery and ultimately, more positive outcomes in life. So, while the process may seem simple, the journey to overcoming personal barriers is complex and requires introspection.

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    Glossary of Terms


    Predictive Processing: A cognitive science theory that suggests the brain continuously makes predictions about the environment based on past experiences.

    Synthetic Philosophy: An interdisciplinary approach that integrates insights from various fields to develop comprehensive frameworks for understanding complex phenomena.

    Contemplative Science: A field of study that investigates the effects of meditation and contemplative practices on the mind and well-being.


    John Vervaeke:

    Website: https://johnvervaeke.com/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@johnvervaeke 

    Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/johnvervaeke  

    X: https://twitter.com/vervaeke_john  

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VervaekeJohn/


    Rick Repetti:

    Website: https://www.rickrepetti.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rickrepetti/ 

    X: https://twitter.com/rickrepetti 

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/philosophicalpractitioner/


    Mark Miller:

    The Contemplative Science Podcast: https://www.thecontemplativescientists.com/

    Website: https://www.markdmiller.live/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaYjSup-Hp3V9P6MGt2zPuA

    X: https://twitter.com/predictivelife

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    The Vervaeke Foundation - https://vervaekefoundation.org/


    Awaken to Meaning - https://awakentomeaning.com/


    Books, Articles, and Publications


    • Routledge Handbook on the Philosophy of Meditation - Rick Repetti 





    “Meditation is philosophy. It's not about relaxing, and it's certainly not about just creating weird psychedelic states so that we can blow our minds and talk about it. Meditation is a way of knowing ourselves, knowing our situation, and then flourishing through that special knowing.” - Mark Miller [00:16:42]


    "Don't under appreciate the value of love for your training. If you're listening to this, and you're contemplative, and you're tuning in now to help your practice, don't overlook it. It's valuable at the beginning, in the middle, in the end - like even a small amount of loving kindness and kindness practice now is going to make all the difference." - Mark Miller [00:56:00]




    [00:00:00] Introduction 

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    [00:55:00] - Concluding Thoughts


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    David Meltzer is the Co-Founder of Sports 1 Marketing and formerly served as CEO of the renowned Leigh (“Lee”) Steinberg Sports & Entertainment agency, which was the inspiration for the movie Jerry Maguire.


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    My Top Takeaways From this Episode:


    • Shifting from a scarcity to an abundance mindset.

    • David shared lessons he learned from building a $100M net worth and then losing everything and having to file bankruptcy.

    • David discusses mindset needed to rebuild wealth and happiness after experiencing a financial loss. 

    • One should not define themselves by their bank account, instead enjoy the persistent pursuit of potential according to personal values. 

    • David share’s his five daily practices: taking inventory of values, asking and attracting, being a student of the calendar, doing things now, and practicing eliminating fear. 


    • Meditating consistently and persistently can help one pursue their potential.

    • The importance of asking for help, even if this might seem intimidating.

    • Pain should be seen as an indicator rather than a stop sign, pushing one towards something better.

    • Take a personal inventory of your values each day

    • David is on a mission to positively affect 1 billion people with happiness.

    • I asked David what he would do if he lost everything again.

    • Connect with him on all platforms by searching "David Meltzer," going to www.dmeltzer.com or emailing him at david@dmeltzer.com

    Connect with Dr. Justin Moseley:

        •    Website :https://drjustinmoseley.com/

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    Dr. Justin Moseley’s Free Rewired Guidebook- 24 Questions to help your rewire your subconscious mind to attract success and happiness into your life:



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