
    We Are Now Living in a World Where “AND” Will Always Beat “OR” | GVTV Classic

    enMay 29, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Embracing the New Creative LandscapeTraditional marketing channels are no longer sufficient, embrace the power of the internet and social media to build and consume brands, adapt to disruptive platforms, and recognize the death of the old advertising model.

      In today's business landscape, it's no longer necessary to choose between focusing on traditional marketing channels and embracing digital platforms. Social media and the internet are now key areas where brands are built and consumed, often surpassing the reach of traditional TV advertising. The rise of decentralized platforms like Bitcoin, sports cards, Wall Street, Discord, and Clubhouse highlights the disruption of traditional distribution channels and the need for a new creative approach. The days of relying on outdated media playbooks are over. It's time for organizations to adapt, understand the power of the internet, and embrace the changing creative landscape. The example of GameStop's transformation from near bankruptcy to a $300 a share company demonstrates the potential impact of this shift. In essence, the old advertising model, represented by Don Draper, is dead, and it's crucial for businesses to recognize and adapt to this new reality.

    • Embracing the 'and' game: Premium and affordable, funny and seriousBrands should communicate effectively by embracing multiple facets, being culturally relevant, empathetic, and fast, while leveraging influencers and adapting to consumer-centric approaches.

      In today's marketing landscape, brands need to be multifaceted and relevant to as many people as possible. This means avoiding the mindset of "or" choices, and instead embracing the "and" game. Brands like Stella can be both premium and affordable, funny and serious. Attention is key, and businesses should communicate effectively to reach their audience. This requires cultural relevance, empathy, and speed. It's time for companies to move past outdated processes and embrace new ways of thinking. Influencers, not just famous people, can offer significant value. Quality and quantity are both important, but the definition of quality is subjective. Don't let fear of judgment hold you back from posting content that could change your life. Overall, the marketing industry needs to adapt to the changing times and prioritize consumer-centric approaches.

    • Finding balance between quality and quantityQuality matters for positive impact, quantity matters for reaching more people, find balance to make a difference.

      Both quality and quantity have their importance in life and in business. While quality is subjective and cannot be measured in black and white, it is essential for leaving a positive impact on humanity. On the other hand, quantity, though often seen as less important, can lead to reaching more people and making a difference in their lives. The speaker emphasizes that it's not a question of quantity over quality, but rather finding a balance between the two. He shares his personal experience of repeating his message until it reaches the right person, highlighting the importance of persistence and consistency. Additionally, he encourages reflecting on one's "humanity footprint," or the impact we make on the world daily, to ensure we're making a positive difference. In essence, both quality and quantity matter, and finding a balance between the two is the key to success.

    • Exploring multiple income streams vs focusing on oneExploring multiple income streams can lead to valuable experiences and the discovery of what truly fulfills you, but requires careful planning and balancing personal life commitments.

      It's possible to pursue multiple income streams and balance personal life commitments, even if it means long hours and sacrifices. Some people may prefer a stable 9-5 job with a high salary, while others are driven by the desire to explore different entrepreneurial ventures. The speaker, who has experience doing both, encourages trying out different paths and making informed decisions based on personal ambition and hunger for success. Taking calculated risks in your thirties can lead to valuable experiences and the discovery of what truly fulfills you. Ultimately, the choice between multiple income streams or a single focus depends on individual circumstances and priorities.

    • Embrace new opportunities, no matter your ageDon't let self-doubt or age hold you back from exploring new passions or careers. Keep moving forward and be open to change.

      It's never too late to take risks and pursue new opportunities, regardless of your age or current circumstances. The speaker shares his own experiences of feeling stuck and judging himself in his twenties, but encourages others not to waste time on self-criticism. Instead, they should focus on moving forward and not looking back. He also emphasizes that people don't have to make permanent choices between creativity and business, but can explore both sides and switch between them as they see fit. The speaker's perspective is that life is long, and there is always time to try new things and make adjustments. So, make a choice now, go all in, and see where it takes you. If it turns out to be a good fit, great. If not, you can always pivot and try something else. Ultimately, the key is to keep moving forward and not get bogged down by self-doubt or external judgments.

    • Expressing gratitude for podcast reviewsLeaving reviews for podcasts matters, as it provides valuable feedback and helps spread awareness. Speakers often appreciate and acknowledge these efforts, creating a positive engagement loop.

      Engagement and appreciation go a long way. The speaker expressed his gratitude towards listeners who leave reviews for the podcast, acknowledging the time and effort they put into sharing their positive experiences. These reviews not only provide valuable feedback but also help spread awareness about the podcast to new listeners. The speaker even promised to shout out some of his favorite reviews in future episodes. This simple act of recognition can make a significant impact and keep the listeners engaged and motivated. Therefore, whether it's leaving a review for a podcast or expressing appreciation to someone in your life, remember that every little gesture counts and can make a difference.

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    Episode #9

    I remember when I was getting started in the self-employed, business owner world, two of the main motivators for me were:

    1. To earn money with less time invested from my side.
    2. To have more spare and free time. 

    Yes obviously those to things are very closely related but having more money and having more time were the two main things. Actually, now I am thinking of it, it was not necessarily to have MORE money back then. 

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    However, when I started working for myself none of those wishes were granted and I found myself in a place where most business owners live. 

    I was probably lucky somewhat to get out of it, but now let me tell you in this episode how I did it. 

    Press *play* right now and listen in. 


    By the way, I'm holding a free web class online that you should come and join too if you like this podcast. 

    It's more of the same, but better and more in depth. 

    Click here to register - And find out when the next web class is scheduled for. 

    Talk soon, 


    P.S. And one more thing while you're here...

    If you are enjoying this podcast. Please:

    1. Subscribe now and get the new episodes automatically when I load them up. 


    2. Connect with me and say hello at:

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mrcraigmarty 

    Website:    https://craigmarty.com 

    1 Prediction That Came True

    1 Prediction That Came True

    Episode 13 (The lucky one). 

    Welcome again to the CraigMarty.com podcast.  

    This is a quick episode for business owners who love to stay up to date and read or watch information on new tech and new gadgets and things like that. 

    My point here is that it’s usually a black hole for your time and effectiveness. 

    If you’re a mechanic and you need to know what the new specifications for the new motor Ford are releasing this year, that’s different. That’s not what I’m talking about on this episode.

    Press *PLAY* now and tune in. 


    Question for you: Have you ever spent $50 - $100 or maybe even more on Facebook Ads, but never got a real customer from it?  Yes?

    Maybe you got a couple of likes...but likes don't pay you money. 

    When Facebook Ads become available, I started trying to get some leads and sales on there too...but I didn't get it work for a loooong time. 

    Fast forward to 2021 and I've written a book on it. See the book and the details of what comes with it HERE >

    Talk soon, 

    Craig Marty





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    Cosa vendere online. La risposta DEFINITIVA
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    “Non conosco l'online marketing” Parti da QUI 👉 http://www.onlinemarketingpermentecatti.com/

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